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Friends HD Enthusiastic Parker 1 2

Friends - Santa Claus on prozac... in Disneyland... getting laid

1. Write down the symptoms of Enthusiastic Parker.

2. What will be the diagnosis?

3. What will be the differential diagnosis ?


 Parker had the persistent urge to say something positive.

 This impulsive need of saying positive things every second of the day, was found to
be very annoying by others, so much that two of the decided to stay back and go a
little later to the party, just to avoid him for some moments.
 Also, this compulsive need of voicing out optimistic things, causes distress to others
and is interfering with his social functioning, which is depicted by Ross and Rachael
wanting to stay back and be late to the party, just to avoid Parker for some while.
 He shows flight of ideas, as seen by when he was talking to Rachel, congratulating
her on her pregnancy, and the very next second, he commented on the dog, a
completely different topic.
 His speech was also at a very high rate, showing an impulsive need to say all
thoughts that comes in his mind.
 He is also seen to be very stubborn, not taking ‘No’ as an answer, as seen during
‘oyster eating’ with Phoebe, when he clearly showed how he was not taking ‘no’
from Phoebe, not even stopping to hear her reasoning behind so.
 His emotions were always happy, and never deflating, showing Constricted emotions.
 Even after the whole argument, he knocked back again to tell Phoebe how incredible
the fight was, showing yet again positivity in an unrequited situation. This shows
slight non-responsiveness with the situation.


Provisional Diagnosis:-

F42.1 Predominantly Compulsive Acts

Points in favor: -

 Overt acts, like speaking up every happy and optimistic thought coming to mind.
 It is not enjoyed by other people, as others thought of him always saying something
positive to be annoying.
 It was definitely time-consuming, as holding a proper communication was seen to be
 Phoebe could not get him to stop speaking for more than a second, showing a
persistent need to keep talking and saying positive things.
 Also, this compulsive need of voicing out optimistic things, causes distress to others
and is interfering with his social functioning, which is depicted by Ross and Rachael
wanting to stay back and be late to the party, just to avoid Parker for some while.
Also, due to him always saying positive things, Phoebe broke up with him.


The Differential Diagnosis can be F42.3 Mixed Obsessional Thoughts and acts.

Points in favor: -

 Parker was seen to have this persistent need to say some positive thing, and these
thoughts must have arisen due to recurrent optimistic thoughts. An urge to say
some optimistic thought, must have been there, sufficient for him to voice them out
every time.
 As Parker was unable to stay quiet for more than a second, this shows that the
obsessive thoughts were continuously present in his head, forcing him to speak these
thoughts out loud. He most likely tried to resist them, but the compulsion won over
and made him speak out the thoughts.
 Saying this positive things out loud, seems to decrease any tension or anxiety- if
present- Parker might have had.

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