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CLASS IX set I Maximum marks 80
Time 3 hrs

1 . Read the passage given below and answer any eight of the questions
that follow: (1X10 =10)

The most characteristic feature of spiders is their ability to produce

silken threads. Spiders normally have six finger-like silk glands, called
spinnerets located beneath their abdomen. To spin a web, the spider
squeezes the silk out of its body through two small holes. The liquid silk
is thicker than water and dries into a fine thread as soon as it comes in
contact with air. Spider silk is much stronger than steel and resists
breakage because of its elasticity. It can stretch up to 140 per cent of its
original length. The diameter of these silken threads is about 10,000 of
an inch. Spiders use this silk to make webs to trap their prey. The egg
sacs of some spiders are also made of silk which pretreats the unborn
progeny. Sometimes the spider can also use its silk as a safety feature.
A certain species of spider phidippus apacheanecs' trails a safety line of
fine silk as it jumps. It uses the silk line to recover if it misses its target.
The silk of Naphils Spider is the strongest natural fibre known.

The spinning of webs is a remarkable example of instinctive behaviour.

A spider does not have to learn how to make a web, although spinning
itself can be adopted to unique circumstances. For example, 'orb webs
are circular in shape and take an hour to build. Funnel spiders spin a
net-like entrance to their homes, which helps to trap food. Similarly,
trap door spiders dig their homes and spin a trap door out of their silk
for trapping insects As integral components of our biosphere, spiders
have an intrinsic existence value. They are efficient predators that play
an important role in controlling the pests of cotton. They are also a
source of food for other creatures, such as birds and wasps. Thus, the
presence of spiders is an ecological indicator signalling the health of
natural ecosystem

Choose the correct alternatives

: (1) Spinnerets in a spider are located
(A) near abdomen B Beneath their abdomen (C) in their abdomen (D)
above their abdomen
II A spider has small holes from which it squeezes the silk out of its
(A ) SIX
C) one B) Two (d) five
3) The liquid silk, that comes out of his body, dries into thread when it
comes in contact with
A) wind (C) air
D) rain B water
(4) The silk of 'Naphils Spider is the natural fibre known. (B) healthiest
(C) non-risky D) safest
(5) What important role do spiders play as a predator?
(A) their silk is used to make webs to trap prey
(B) their silk pretreats the unborn progeny (C) play an important role in
controlling pests of cotton
D) spiders spin a net-like entrance to their homes

(6) Why are spiders important for birds and wasps 7

(A) they are the source of food for them (B) spiders spin a net-like
entrance to their homes (C) the spiders can use its silk as a safety
feature (D) None of the above
(7) Choose words from paragraph which means, 'essential (A) unique
(B) integral (C) progeny
(8) Funnel spiders spin entrance to their homes.
(C) net-like B trap door C net like square
(9) The web of…. Is visible in morning dew.
(A) Garden spider
(B) Fisher spider C) Grass spider (D) Common House spider
(10 ) The webs of common house spiders
(A) grass
(B) fields
(D) indicator are found in (C) gardens(D) sheds

II. Read the passage given below and answer any six of the questions
that follow: 1 X 10=10
Drawing one of the strongest links yet between global warming and
human conflict, researchers said on 2nd March, 2015 that an extreme
drought in Syria between 2006 and 2009 was most likely due to climate
change, and that it was a factor in the violent uprising that began there
in 2011. The drought was the worst in the country in modern times,
and the scientists laid the blame for it on a century-long trend toward
warmer and drier conditions in the Eastern Mediterranean rather than
on natural climate variability.

The researchers said this trend matched computer simulations of how

the region responds to increase in greenhouse gas emissions, and
appeared to be due to two factors weakening of winds that bring
moisture-laden air from the Mediterranean and hotter temperatures
that cause more evaporation
Colin P Kelley, the lead author of study, who researched while at
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory and le now at the University of
California, said there was no apparent natural cause for the warming
and drying trend, which developed over the last 100 years, when
humans effect on climate has been the greatest
Some social scientists, policy makers and others have previously
suggested that the drought played a role in the Syrian unrest, and the
researchers addressed this as well, saying the drought had a catalytic
They cited studies that showed that the extreme dryness, combined
with other factors, including misguided agricultural and water use
policies of the Syrian government caused crop failures that led to
the migration of as many as 1.5 million people from rural to urban
areas. This added to social stresses
that eventually resulted in the uprising against Bashar al-Assad in
March 2011,

What began as civil war has since escalated into a multifaceted conflict,
with at least 200.000 deaths The researchers said that there were many
factors that contributed to the chaos. The US military has described
climate change as a threat multiplier that may lead to greater

Choose the correct alternatives: (

1) An extreme drought was expected in Syria in
(A) 2006 (B) 2011 (C) between 2006 and 2011 between 2006 and 2009
II. The drought was the… in the country in modern times. (a) last B d
latest C last D Worst
(iii ) The reason for its appearance was
(A) weakening of winds that bring moisture-laden air from
Mediterranean sea
(B) hotter temperature that caused more evaporation
(C) both (A) & (8) (D) None of these
Iv …… led to the failure of crops in Syria during that time.
A) extreme dryness (B) misguided water use policies
(C) misguided agricultural policies
D) All of the above
(V ) The antonym of 'strengthening' in para 3 is
(B) weakening (A) simulation (D) hotter (C) increase

(vi ) The US military has described climate change as a

A) cause for instability (C) multiplier (D) All of the above (B) cause for
VII ) Crop failures led to the migration of….. People from rural to urban
(A) 2 million
C) 5 million
(D) 15 million in the uprising against
(B).1.5 million
Viii Migration added to the social stresses which eventually resulted in
the uprisings against.
(A) Syrian government (B) Bashar al-Assad
C Colin P. Kelly (D) US military
IX Make sentence with word` retreat ‘
X fill the words getting clue (analogy)
Appearance Face complex…..

Grammar 10

III. Answer all the questions selecting the most appropriate option for
(1) Which of these modal verbs expresses strong obligation?
A) Should (B) Need to does not show
(Must (D) May
II. Define modal verb and tell how many are they in number?
(iii ) Which preposition does not show movement.
A) towards (B) against
(C) along D until
(iv ) Which one shows the correct structure for future perfect
continuous Future
(A) S+ will /shall have being +(V1+ing) + since/for+ object (B) S+
will/shall have+ being +(V1+ing)+ be object (C) Swill/shall have been
(V1+ing) + since/for+ object D. S+ will/shall have being +(V3+ing)+
since/for+ object
(V ) I suppose you know it (Choose the correct voice change)
A) It is been supposed by me that it is known to you. (B)-It is being
supposed by me that it is known to you. C) it is supposed by me
that it is known to you.
B) D it is supposed by me that it was known to you.
VI Few applicants…… backed out.
A have B) has C) were d) are
VII choose the correct form of sentence
A if it will rain, we shall not go out
B if it rain, we shall not go
C if it rains, we shall not go out
D if it rained , we shall not go
Viii write the meaning of the words given in the brackets
IX Your idea is to( elude) the police by killing me
X A small shrine half (protrudes) from the stone platform

PART III 5 X 2 =10

C . You recently stayed in a hotel in a metro city. The weather was very
hot and the cooling system in the room was inadequate. Write a letter
to the manager of the hotel. In your letter. Give details of what went
wrong. Explain what you had to do to overcome the problem at the
time. Say what action you would like the manager to take.

D. Richa is the head girl of Mother Teresa School, Kochi. Her Principal
has asked her to put up a notice, asking House Captains to submit
names of volunteers for, 'save water campaign' for which a march is
to be held on 20 August, 2011. Write a notice in not more than 50

Section C (Literature) VIII. 40

Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow
E 1 Maybe' he said nonchalantly. He walked away whistling, the
dusty old book tucked beneath his Margie went into the schoolroom.
It was right next to her bedroom, and the mechanical teacher was on
and waiting for her. It was always on at the same time every day
except Saturday and Sunday because her mother said little girls
learned better if they learned at regular hours. The screen was lit up,
and it said: 'Today's arithmetic lesson is on the addition of proper
fractions. Please insert yesterday's homework in the proper slot." On
the basis of your reading of the paragraph answer the following
questions. 5 Marks
(1) Maybe, he said nonchalantly Who does he refer to?
(ii ) Where was Margie's school situated?
III What was the routine of Margie's mechanical teacher?
Iv What topic was Margie going to learn that day?
(V) Find a word from the passage which has the meaning same as
showing not any interest'

VI Answer ANY FIVE of the following questions on about 40-50 words. 3

X4 =12 Marks
1. Why was Kezia scared of her father?
2. Why did the narrator have to light the kerosene lamp on reaching
his room?
3. How was Maria different from other children?
4. What does the author mean when he says "At Pashupatinath there is
an atmosphere of febrile confusion"?
5. Why had Prashant gone to Ersama? What happened there?
6. Why was Sue nervous to draw back the window curtain?
VII Answer the following questions in about 60-70 words. 6X 2 =12
1. Who was really responsible for Lushkoff's transformation and
2 . Bring out Gerrard's intelligence, presence of mind and sense of
humour. How did these traits help him outwit the intruder?
3. How did Lucy's death affect the poet? What does it reveal about
his attitude towards her?

Viii How did hard work of Maria Sharapova bring success at the
international level and influence you? 1X 5=5

IX Write the meaning of the following words: 1X6=6 Nauseating,

propelled, protrude, stardom, heart-wrenching

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