Eng Class 9 Set 2 Paper

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Annual Exam Demo copy 2nd


STD IX Time 3 hours

SECTION-A ( Reading Skills) (20 marks)

1 . Read the passage given below:

It rare to find someone with good technical and communication skills. You can get far ahead of your
colleagues if you combine the two early in your career. People will judge evaluate, promote or block you
based on your communication skills. Since habits form by repeating both good and bad forms of
communication, learn to observe great communicators and adopt their styles and traits-in written and
verbal forms. The art of listening and learning from each and every interaction, is another secret recipe.
Develop the subconscious habit of listening to yourself as you speak and know when to pause.

(2) Learning what not to say is probable more important than learning what to say. As your career
develops you will realise that the wise speak less. Speak when you have value to add, else refrain. Poorly
constructed emails with grammatical errors are acceptable between friends, but they should be
seriously avoided while communicating formally with your seniors. Avoid any communication in an
emotional state when you might say things you will regret later. One unnecessary word uttered at the
wrong time or place can a ruin relationship career or even your life. Such is the power of words. If such a
thing happens, you should immediately apologise, else at may haunt you for life

. Another problem to overcome is speaking too fast. Since our minds work faster than our speech we
are inclined to speak fast. This does not necessarily mean that the person hearing it will get it any
faster . On the contrary, it is always the reverse. So slow down, and think before you speak "When I get
ready to speak to people." Abraham Lincoln said , "I spend two-thirds of the time thinking what they
want to hear and one-third thinking what I want to say” Adding humour and wit is also essential. But
realise that not all jokes are funny and observe certain boundaries. Never say anything that could
offend. Remember you are not a comedian who must offend as many people as you can to be witty

Based on your understanding of the passage, answer the questions given below. (1×10-10)

1) What does the author prefer more over what to say? (Paragraph 2)

a) To listen to the best orators( b) To learn formal communication

(c) To listen to political leaders D) To prefer what not to say

.2 What idea does the author suggest in order to excel in life? (Paragraph 1)
A ) To get expertise in technical communication( b) to avoid speaking too fast C ) to be amusing while
addressing a formal gathering( D) to integrate good technical and communication skills.

3 Select the option that displays what the writer projects, with reference to the following

Adding humour and wit is also essential (Paragraph 3)

It suggests that :

A) it's important to incorporate some humour while you speak B) it is imperative to reflect wit
when you address the gathering C) the speakers should be subconscious when they are to
address the gathering (D) Both (a) and (b)

4 Complete the following with a phrase from paragraph 2


If such a thing happens ,you should immediately apologise, else it may haunt you for life

Reason __________________

5 ) State 1 factor how you can be way ahead from your friends in your career.

6 Based on your reading of the text, list two ways how to form good habits.

7Why should you be careful when you tend to be humorous?

8) What restriction has been imposed by the author when you are in an emotional state? (Pargragph 2)

a) To make tall claims B) To shed tears (b) To make promises (d) To avoid any communication

9 Supply one point to justify the following:

Speak when you have value to add, else refrain.

10 ) Select the correct option to complete the sentence given below.

The closing statement of the passage sounds damn_______

(a) cautioning (c) upbraiding

(b) reprimanding(d) chiding.

Q 2 Read the passage given below : II. Read the passage given below:

(10 marks)

1. Necessity is indeed the mother of invention. When areas in and around Leh began to experience
water shortages, life did not grind to a halt. Why? Because Chewang Norphel, a retired civil engineer in
the Jammu and Kashmir government came up with the idea of artificial glaciers.

2. Ladakh, a cold desert at an altitude of 3000-3500 m above sea level, has a low average annual rainfall
rate of 50 mm. Glaciers have always been the only source of water. Agriculture is completely dependent
on glacier melt unlike the rest of river/monsoon fed India. But over the years with the increasing effects
of climate change, rainfall and snowfall patterns have been changing, resulting in severe shortage and
drought situations. Given the severe winter conditions, the window for farming is usually limited to one
harvest season.

3. It is located between the natural glacier above and the village below. The one closer to the village and
lowest in altitude melts first, providing water during April/May, the crucial sowing season. Further layers
of ice above melt with increasing temperature thus ensuring continuous supply to the fields. Thus,
farmers have been able to manage two crops instead of one. It costs about 1,50,000 and above to create

4. Fondly called the "glacier man", Mr. Norphel has designed over 15 artificial glaciers in and around Leh
since 1987. In recognition of his pioneering effort, he was conferred the Padma Shri by President Pranab
Mukherjee, in 2015.

5. There are a few basic steps followed in creating the artificial glacier .

River or stream water at a higher altitude is diverted to a shaded area of the hill, facing north, where the
winter sun is blocked by a ridge or a mountain range. At the start of winter/November, the diverted
water is made to flow onto sloping hill face through distribution channels, Stone embankments are built
at regular intervals which impede the flow of water, making shallow pools and freeze, forming a cascade
of ice along the slope, ice formation continues for 3-4 months resulting in a large accumulation of ice
which is referred to as an "artificial glacier Number of tourists who visited Leh

Number of tourists who visited Leh

Month Year

April 2010( 3410) 2011 (3001)

May 2010 (16,518)2011( 26310)

June 2010 (22889)2011 (33908)

July 2010 (22,415)2011 (46843)

August 2010( 5575)2011 (37756)

September 2010 (3041) 2011 (20,833)

Based on your understanding of the passage, answer the questions given below.

(1 x 10 = 10)

Q I For how many months does the ice formation continue?

(A) 2 months (B) 3-4 months (C) 5 months (D) none of these

Ii) Mr Norphel designed 15 artificial glacier in______

(A) Kashmir

(B) Ladakh (D) a village

(C) Leh

Iii) Infer one reason for the following, based on information in the passage.

Necessity is indeed the mother of invention.

Q iv Who was Chewang Norphel?

(A) a retired principal

(B) a retired activist

(C) a retired social worker

(D) a retired civil engineer

(v) In which year did Mr. Norphel get Padma Shri award?

(A) 2007 B) 2015 (C) 2009 D) 2005

(vi) Ladakh is at an altitude of ____ metres above sea level.

(A) 2000-2500

B) 1500-2000 (C) 3000-3500

D) 2500-3000

VII The tabular graph given above depicts that maximum tourists visited Leh in (A) August 2010 B)
August 2011 (C) July 2010 (D) July 2011

viii) The lowest number of tourists who visited Leh was in the month

of. A) April 2010 B) April 2011 (C) Sept. 2010 D) August 2011

(ix) The number of visitors to Leh in July 2011 was ___than those who visited in July 2010.

(A) one third B) double (D) half

(C) more than double

X _______visitors visited Leh in May 2010.

(A)16,815 (B) 16,518 C) 15,618 (D) 16,158

Section-B: Grammar

ATTEMPT ANY TEN of the following questions.

10 marks]

) Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option to complete an online update. Indian students

Nearly two lakh Indian students - - - -the United States as their destination to pursue higher education in
the 2019-20 academic year.

A) chose

(B) will choose (D) had chosen

C) have chosen

Read the conversation between a mother and her son. Complete the sentence by reporting the son ʼs
reply correctly.

Mother : Why don't yet clean up year room? Son : I don't have the time?

The mother asked her son the reason of not cleaning his room to which he replied ________

Iii Select the correct option to fill in the blanks for the given line, from health magazine.

Urban lifestyle is characterized by a fast pace in which individuals cognitive performance.

(A) expected

(B) are expected (D) will expect

(C) have been expected.

(iv). Select the option that identifies the error and supplies the correction for the following line, from

The pleasure of being Option

outdoors is fundamental of human happiness.


(A) The B ) being C outdoors D)



A) A B) been C) outdoors

D for

(v) Complete the given narrative, by filling in the blank with the correct option:
I woke up and knew at once that something….. . wrong

(A) was B) is (c) will be d) has been

vi) Fill in the blank by using the correct option to complete the given portion of the dialogue.

Frog: you ___practice for longer hours as it make your voice grower stronger.

Nightingale: But I can’t as the weather is bad.

(B) must (D) need

C) would D must

(vii) Report the dialogue between a grandson and his grandfather, by completing the sentence:

Grandfather: Where is Sara?

Grandson: Sara is out riding her new bike today.

In response to the question about Sara's whereabouts, grandson informed that_______

viii) Identify the error in the given sentence, from a school magazine report and supply the correction.

Our school organised an exhibition-cum-sale of items prepared under Work Experience by our students
on the 31st of July in the school lawn. Use the given format for your response.

Error correction

(ix) Hari shared some information, with Tanishq, about a holiday at a resort. Report Tanishq's question.

Were you excited about diving in the pool?

(x) Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option, to complete the slogan

I __ look like I'm doing nothing, but in my head, I'm quite busy

(A) can

(B) will

(C) might

(D) would

(xi) Select the correct option to complete the narration of the dialogue between Riya and her friend.

Siya: How pretty is your new dress!

Riya: Thank you.

Riya thanked her friend when she exclaimed_____

xii) Identify the error on a shop's hoarding and supply the correction, for the following sales offer:

Which Fits the Rest

May not be the Best.

Use the given format for your response.

Error. Correction


(Creative Writing Skills)

ANY ONE from A and B given below. (10 Marks)

(A) You are Nitish Nitin, the Head Boy of Arya Public School, Woods Valley Dehradun IV 1. . You recently
learnt that your friend is addicted to smoking after you found a packet of cigarette from his pocket. You
found that the pocket contained statutory warning and even then, the selling of cigarette is on a rise.

Smoking Kills!!!

Write a letter to the Editor of The Doon Times, in not more than 120 words, dwing attention towards the
harm caused by smoking, Suggest some messes spread awareness.


Shocked at the news of the death of a whale in Ahmedabad due to consumption of plastic bags, Protoy
realised that it was a major global environmental problem and many countries have been grappling with
this issue. He decided to write a letter to the editor seeking his immediate attention and address this
problem by making the people aware about its ill-effects. Write the letter, in not more than 120 neds

Attempt ANY ONE from A and B given below

( The majestic animals like tigers are on the verge of extinction for they are widely threatened due to
consumer demand for their skins, hones, and other body parts. Write a paragraph, in about 100-120
words, analysing the date shown below

* Today, fewer than 3,900 live in a mere four per cent of their historic range. *WWF-Canada has
supported tiger conservation projects in Nepal since 2013 through population monitoring

*Global leaders and non-governmental organizations met in 2016 to discuss the future of tigers at the
Global Tiger Summit.

*Nepal has become the first country on track to achieve the ambitious TX2 goal.


Our water systems are facing increasing pressure every day. Growing population require more clean
water. Increasing urbanization and agriculture are encroaching on freshwater habitats, causing loss and
fragmentation. Increased demand for energy and resources means more pollution and obstructed
water flows. A warming climate is resulting in changes to freshwater habitats.
Or Write a paragraph, in about 100-120 words, analysing the given statement ensuring how to
safeguard the future of wildlife and habitat, as well as communities the depend on freshwater


.Q 4 Answer the following short questions.

. Define assonance., Define symbolism, Define anaphora, define metaphor, define simile. 2X5=10

Q 5 Answer the following questions. 3X4 =12

1Explain what type of poem is a 'ballad'. Support your answer with the name of a ballad poem

2 Explain bee-loud glade, evening full of the linnet's wings and lake water lapping with low
3 What reason did Lushk off give to Sergei for his telling lies?
4 . How has Prashant, a teenager, been able to help the people of his village.

Q 6 Answer the following long questions. 1x6

I. . Compare and contrast the atmosphere in and around the Baudhnath shrine with the
Pashupatinath temple

Q 7 . Explain in detail the friendship between Sue and Jhonsy. Explain the masterpiece of Behrman's
masterpiece. 1X 6

Q 8 Read the extracts given below and attempt ANY ONE by answering the questions that follow: 1X6=6

(A) It is the human earth that we defile.

Out hells of fire and dust outrage the innocence

of air that is everywhere our own,

Remember, no men are foreign, and no countries strange

1 . What does the work 'defile' mean?

(a) damage (c) to make dirty

(c) reformed

(b)How do we humiliate the Mother Earth?

(a) By polluting B by fighting

(c) By killing one another. D by hatred

Iii When is the earth defiled?

a) When people fight b when people use abusive language.

(c) In fire D) When people hate one another.

Iv Name the poet

A Coats Kinney b) James Kirkup C) Robert Frost D) Phoebe cary

V Write the antonyms of ‘guilt ‘in the above lines is….

VI what is the message of the poem.

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