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Name: NGUYỄN THỊ THANH HIỀN Roll number: HS176157

Room No: 320 Class: IB1806


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Individual Assignment 01

Topic :Porsche
Question for discussion:

1. Analyze the buyer decision process of a traditional Porsche


2. Contrast the traditional Porsche customer decision process to

the decision process for a Cayenne or a Panamera customer.

3. Which concepts from the chapter explain why Porsche sold so

many lower-priced models in the 1970s and 1980s?

4. Explain how both positive and negative attitudes toward a

brand like Porsche develop. How might Porsche change

consumer attitudes toward the brand?

5. What role does the Porsche brand play in the self-concept of

its buyers?


QN=1 :

The consumer buying decision process usually goes through 5 basic steps: identification of needs ->

information search -> evaluation of alternatives -> purchase decision -> post-purchase behavior.

However, the traditional buying decision process of Porsche customers based on the brand's

exclusivity is connected to the car owner, who bypasses most of the basic purchasing processes. Below

is a table. analyzing the buying decision process of traditional Porsche customers:

- Demand: Unlike consumers who buy a car as a means of transportation, to work, or to pick up their

children, and they decide to buy a car based on features such as price, size, fuel economy and based on

other reality. Porsche owners buy a car to enjoy, not simply to use it because the car reflects the

owner's image. It symbolizes the things that the owner wants to see in themselves and their lives such

as class, financial success, and social status.

- Information search: Porsche customers do not care much about the information about the car, not

moved by information but by feeling. Emotions come from the feeling of driving and from the

satisfaction of being taken care of in the car the process of car ownership is the key to Porsche's

success and is the choice that customers increasingly prefer.

- Evaluation of alternatives: Customers' trust in the brand has influenced their purchasing decisions.

Porsche customers are often car enthusiasts and compare prices , fuel economy, features among their
competitors seem to be absent. For traditional customers, Porsche is the only choice so they are willing

to buy at any price >>> decide to buy

- Behavior after purchase: Porsche luxury makes people around appreciate the status of the car owner

Example: A successful businesswoman who owns a Porsche said “When I driving this car to school to

pick up my daughter, in the end, there were five young people in my car . If I drove any other car, I

wouldn't even be able to find her .My daughter, she doesn't even want to go home."

QN=2 :

The same German luxury sports car, however, the Cayenne and Panamera are different from

traditional Porsche, they are breakthroughs thanks to the combination of traditional values and novelty

in design. The difference in design makes the purchase decision process for Cayenne and Panamera

customers is also different from the traditional Porsche customer purchase decision process. Cayenne

and Panamera customers, go through most of the 5 basic steps of the buying process.

-Demand: Not just owning a car, enjoying it with passion like a traditional Porsche, Cayenne, and

Panamera customers realize their need is to have a bigger car, that can carry more than two people,

both luxurious and optimal speed, more convenient, can rest quickly.

- Information search: Traditional Porsche is not stimulated by information but by feeling, in contrast,

Cayenne and Panamera are interested in parameters, searched through the media.

- Alternatives: “Traditional Porsche buyers are willing to buy at any price without comparing,

procrastinating because for them it is the only choice. However, Cayenne and Panamera customers

weigh in. more carefully about economic ability, compare prices, and functions .... purchasing

decisions need to be considered more

- Behavior after purchase:

+ Traditional Porsche customers are very satisfied after owning a car that shows their personality,

passion, and status, but then this German luxury car company launches a variety of low-priced cars.

Cheaper makes traditional customers feel that they lose their class because they have to share the car

company with people with fewer financial resources than themselves, so they do not support Porsche

with later car manufacturers.

+ Cayenne and Panamera after purchase are also very satisfied with this new car with many useful

features, thanks to which the company successfully captures a better market share.

Porsche sold many models under a low-priced strategy during the 1987–70s and 1980s because:

- Market segment: Before the 70s and 80s Porsche aimed at customers who were car enthusiasts, and

trendy class but Porsche was worried that traditional Porsche buyers might run out, so it decided to

split the market. schools to reach new audiences

-Targeted marketing: Porsche targets users in the popular segment to increase sales more so a series of

models in the segment lower than the super-luxury cars launched to target segmented customers

low segment “For less than $20,000, about $10,000 cheaper than the 911, the forms 924 and 944 are

once again within the range of many affordability people. And thanks to that, Porsche's sales increased

by nearly 50%, to 60,000 to 1 year"

-Purchasing behavior: Identifying the needs of those who have a passion for the Porsche brand but

have limited financial resources, 924 and 944 were born in the middle-class segment, within the

affordability of many people.

QN=4 :

-There is a positive opinion because Porsche has a sporty design, clearly showing the class of luxury

cars as well as the position of the car owner, attentive and enthusiastic customer service "A Porsche is

also like a piece of clothing - something that the person owns "put on" for others to see. Between them

and the Porsche formed a bond personal relationship”

-There exists a negative opinion because users in the upper class do not want to touch, they ask for

their own exclusive and limited edition, but Porsche has launched products in the low-end segment.

Market segment Lower prices can help Porsche gain new customers and achieve more revenue, but it

is like a double-edged sword that can cause Porsche to lose traditional customers. They are critical of

the segment low “they consider the new 924 and 944 models to be cheap and poorly run”

-Porsche was able to change the perception of consumers about its brand: Porsche quickly realized the

error in its ways and halted production of the low-end segment and rebuilt its damaged image it by

refurbishing high-end models with more powerful dynamic technology. In an effort to regain good

relations with loyal customers, the Porsche elite is once again targeting the high-end segment of the

market both in terms of price and performance. They then achieved the expected success of regaining

their position in the supercar market while winning the hearts of Porsche enthusiasts that it once lost.”
By the end of the 1990s, this brand has once again received the enthusiastic support of the people

themselves who used to be in love with the car for decades.”


Porsche is not simply a car brand but it is also a brand that exudes temperament, and charisma, and

shows the success of car buyers.” From the very beginning, Porsche has drawn captured a very narrow

segment of financially successful people ”.Porsche as a measure, representing the owner affirming

their wealth, class, and enhancing their value. They set very high goals for themselves and then work

persistently “They buy Porsche because the car is a reflection of their self-image, it represents what the

owner wants to see in themselves and their life.” Besides, Porsche can also help owners more success

"they develop a personal relationship with their cars".

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