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1.A. in paragraph no. 3 Priestly shared with Lavoisier his discovery of a “perfect air”. Which of the scientific traits
did Priestly exhibit in this paragraph? Choose one trait only. How is the trait used in science?

A. open-mindedness

>According to the case study, when Lavoisier heard Priestly’s discovery, he approached it differently and spent a
lot of time observing and experimenting with it, which led to an explanation for burning. This trait is used in science
because it thrives on novel concepts and pertains to how people approach issues from various perspectives.

2. State the problem that Lavoisier decided to investigate.

>Lavoisier decide to investigate the said discovery because he asked himself why the red powder gave off a gas in
the first place. He also asked himself what really happens when a substance burns and if it gives off something or
does it combine with the air.

3.-4. State the Hypothesis (to answer the problem in no. 2 above) by completing following sentences.


If something from the air combines with a substance during burning,


then it would mean an increase in the mass after burning.

5. Which paragraph described the experiment that Lavoisier performed to test his hypothesis? Give only the
number of the paragraph.


6. In paragraph number 6 why did air rush into the vessel when Lavoisier broke the glass seal?

>This is because some of the air in the vessel must have been used up during the heating process and left space for
more air to enter.

7. Which paragraph shows Lavoisier’s INTERPRETATION on his OBSERVATIONS. Give only the number of
the paragraph.


8. What conclusion did Lavoisier draw from his investigation?

>Lavoisier concluded that gas, which he called oxygen, combines with combustible materials when they burn. This
process is called the “theory of burning.”

9. What trait did Lavoisier show in paragraph no. 7? Choose one trait only. Why is the trait useful in scientific

D. perseverance

>The case study claims that Lavoisier did not rush the procedure and double-checked the initial findings. This trait
is important in science since you need to persevere in order to reach your goal or conclusion in your experiment
because you will encounter many obstacles or challenges when trying to learn something new or when conducting
an experiment.

10. Paste an image of a fire triangle

11. Explain the implication of the fire triangle.

>The fire triangle, also known as the combustion triangle, has three components, namely: heat, fuel, and oxygen.
These components are needed to ignite and sustain a fire. Heat is required for fire to ignite. The energy heat
produced ensures the sustainability of fire. Fuel could potentially start a fire and make it larger. Oxygen, on the
other hand, accelerates the chemical reaction taking place. A decreased concentration of oxygen slows the
combustion process.
12. Present a chemical equation of combustion.

>Fuel + O2 -> CO2 + H2O

13. Identify the reactants based on the above chemical equation.

>Fuel + O2
14. Identify the products based on the above chemical equation.

>CO2 + H2O
PART. III. Aside from existence of God and value judgement, explain why beauty appreciation is also considered a
limitation of scientific method.

>Science is not capable of evaluating values. Being able to appreciate beauty is regarded as a limitation of the
scientific method because it varies from person to person. There is no standard or foundation for determining
what is and is not attractive. The data must be verifiable according to the scientific process, and the hypothesis
must be repeatable, testable, and falsifiable. Your statistics on beauty appreciation are inconsistent, hence your
hypothesis cannot be tested because what is beautiful to one person may not be attractive to another. You might
wind up modifying all of the data when you repeat the experiment.

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