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Food awasome


The project is about rolling out tablets to all restaurants in the company to improve operational efficiency and
customer experience.
Roll out tablets to all restaurants within the company.
Reduce food waste by leveraging the tablet technology to improve order accuracy.
Improve kitchen staff performance by reducing order returns.
Improve customer experience by reducing wait times and increasing accuracy.
Find a way to measure the satisfaction of kitchen staff and work towards improving it.
Improved guest experience: With the tablet rollout, guests will be able to order and pay more quickly, which will
lead to a more efficient and satisfying experience.
Increased revenue: The tablet rollout will also provide opportunities for upselling and cross-selling, which can
increase revenue for the restaurant.
Improved operational efficiency: The tablet rollout will streamline the ordering and payment process, which will
improve operational efficiency and reduce errors.
Data collection and analysis: The tablets will provide valuable data about customer ordering patterns, which can
be used to inform menu changes and other business decisions.
Reduced paper usage: With the shift to electronic ordering and payment, the restaurant will reduce its paper
usage, which will be more environmentally friendly and cost-effective.
All restaurants within the company will have tablets installed and operational.
Improved order accuracy resulting in a reduction in food waste and increased customer satisfaction.
Improved kitchen staff performance by reducing order returns, resulting in improved kitchen metrics and
employee satisfaction.
Metrics to measure the satisfaction of kitchen staff, along with a plan to work towards improving it.
Hardware and software costs: The restaurant will need to purchase tablets and software licenses for the new
ordering and payment system, which will require an initial investment.
Training costs: Staff will need to be trained on how to use the new system, which may require additional time
and resources.
Maintenance costs: The tablets will require ongoing maintenance and support, which will be an ongoing cost for
the restaurant.
Potential resistance from staff: Some staff members may resist the changes associated with the new system,
which could lead to decreased morale and productivity.
Implementation time: Implementing the new system will require time and effort from staff and may temporarily
disrupt operations, which could result in lost revenue.
Next Steps

The project also includes a goal to reduce food waste, which may involve some changes to operational
processes, such as adjusting the policy on order returns due to error. However, the decision on the policy
change will be made separately from the tablet rollout project. Additionally, the project may include metrics to
improve the satisfaction of the kitchen staff, but the specific goal and metrics will need to be further defined. The
scope of the project does not include major changes to the company policies or addressing broader issues such
as employee turnover.
Next Steps

Revised company policy on order returns due to error. (To be addressed separately from the project.)
Metrics to measure kitchen staff performance and satisfaction, to be defined by the project team.
Based-on satisfaction of clients, we need improve own business.

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