Sanctions and Assets

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Authors: Russia, China, Türkiye, Kenya, Afghanistan, Iran

The Gradual Removal of Sanctions and Unfreezing of Assets in Afghanistan

1. Demanding that all sanctions placed on Afghanistan and the IEA and frozen assets are
gradually removed over the next 9 years:
a) The $9 billion USD will be released at a rate of one billion dollars a year
b) This money will be moderated by the Security Council
c) This money shall be used to build an economy, feed the starving people of
Afghanistan, and manage the Humanitarian crisis and not at all for any offensive military
forces or weapons of mass destruction.

2. Encouraging the rebuilding of Afghanistan's infrastructure as it relates to agriculture,

education, and government;

3. Emphasizing that the money will continue to be monitored until all sanctions and assets
have been released;

4. In the event that Afghanistan misuses this money including offensive military action,
further mistreatment of women and children, and engaging in acts of terrorism, the UN
a) Refreeze all assets,
b) Assets will be unfrozen after a year after an official explanation of why the funds
were misused in a hearing judged by the Security Council;

5. Under the following conditions, the United Nations would be willing to recognize the
Taliban as Afghanistan’s government;
a) Women allowed to receive a secondary education
b) Women are allowed to work in non-governmental jobs

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