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J Sci Educ Technol

DOI 10.1007/s10956-012-9409-5

Learning the Cell Structures with Three-Dimensional Models:

Students’ Achievement by Methods, Type of School
and Questions’ Cognitive Level
Reuven Lazarowitz • Raphael Naim

Ó Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012

Abstract The cell topic was taught to 9th-grade students The Biology text books for high school students are all
in three modes of instruction: (a) students ‘‘hands-on,’’ who prearranged along the seven levels of biological organiza-
constructed three-dimensional cell organelles and macro- tion (LBO) (Schwab, BSCS, 1963). The first two LBO
molecules during the learning process; (b) teacher dem- relate to the molecular and cell LBOs, based on the prin-
onstration of the three-dimensional model of the cell ciple of ‘‘structure and function.’’ Therefore, the living cell
structures; and (c) teaching the cell topic with the regular is a part of biological education offered to students at the
learning material in an expository mode (which use one- or middle and junior high school in many countries.
two-dimensional cell structures as are presented in charts, The molecular level includes the structure and function
textbooks and microscopic slides). The sample included of macromolecules such as proteins, fats, sugars and
669, 9th-grade students from 25 classes who were taught nucleic acids (DNA and RNA). The cell level encompasses
by 22 Biology teachers. Students were randomly assigned the structure and function of organelles such as the wall of
to the three modes of instruction, and two tests in content the plant cells, the membrane of the animal and plant cells,
knowledge in Biology were used. Data were treated with human cells, nucleus, chromosome, ribosome, mitochon-
multiple analyses of variance. The results indicate that dria, chloroplasts, microtubules, lysosomes, centrioles and
entry behavior in Biology was equal for all the study Golgi apparatus. This is a short list of the macromolecule
groups and types of schools. The ‘‘hands-on’’ learning and the structures, which belong to the two LBO.
group who build three-dimensional models through the While the common features of macromolecules and
learning process achieved significantly higher on academic organelles are their three-dimensional structures (3-DS),
achievements and on the high and low cognitive questions’ the textbooks’ charts and pictures, the transparencies and
levels than the other two groups. The study indicates the slides used in the teaching process in the classroom and
advantages students may have being actively engaged in microscopic slides in the laboratory work present these
the learning process through the ‘‘hands-on’’ mode of structures in one- or two-dimensional form only.
instruction/learning. It appears, therefore, that students are required in the
learning process to visualize and translate mentally the cell
Keywords Cell  Hands-on  Active learning  molecular and organelles structures from a one- and two-
Demonstration  Three-dimensional models dimensional form to their real three-dimensional shape.
Consequently, it can be assumed that this mental activity
requires spatial perception skill ability, which is related to
formal operational cognitive stage.
For students at the age of junior and middle schools, the
R. Lazarowitz (&)  R. Naim
topic ‘‘the living cell’’ is and will remain an abstract idea
Department of Education in Technology and Science,
I.I.T—Technion, 32000 Haifa, Israel noted by Dreyfus and Jungwirth (1988), who found that
e-mail: 9th-grade students showed an alarming level of noninter-
R. Naim nalization of many of the salient aspects on this topic. They
e-mail: recommended that ‘‘curricular expectations and teaching

J Sci Educ Technol

approaches should be thoroughly reviewed in the light of knowledge achievement (student factual and conceptual
these findings portraying the reality’’ (p. 221). mastery of a subject). However, students who learned with
Since almost half of the students in junior and high the ‘‘hands-on’’ method in the laboratory and class settings
school are in their concrete operational cognitive stage and performed better on procedural knowledge (application of
did not master formal operational skills (Chiapetta 1976; reasoning strategies in order to generate solutions to
Renner and Lawson 1973; Shemesh and Lazarowitz 1988), problems). These results were obtained regardless of stu-
one may assume that the comprehension of these structures dents’ reasoning ability. Glasson (1989) pointed that
by most of the students is limited to what they can perceive ‘‘hands-on activities promote peer interaction where stu-
by their senses and physical contact with the object dents are free to argue, make mistakes and challenge each
learned, because they cannot conceive concepts and pro- other.’’
cesses in their abstract level (Nordland et al. 1974). Students who studied Biology with three-dimensional
In this study, it was hypothesized that if students models improved their achievement compared with the
apply the knowledge, building three-dimensional models of control group students who used only two-dimensional
the cell microstructures through the learning process in the diagrams and microscopic slides and mastered concepts
classroom and laboratory work, they will overcome the and principles in Biology (Mathis 1979; Foote 1981).
difficulties mentioned by Dreyfus and Jungwirth (1988). Students’ achievements who learned in a combination of
Models can be used in different learning setting, class- two- and three-dimensional models were higher than those
rooms, educational television and museums, and their role of students who learned with two-dimensional models only
in science education is noted important by Gilbert and (Porter and Yeany 1983). In contrast, Mench and Rubba
Boulter (1995). (1991) found that 9th-grade students who constructed
In their study, Goodstein and Howe (1978) found that models of DNA and RNA did not differ significantly in
formal operational students performed better on a compu- their achievements compared with students who learned
tational word-problem test of procedural knowledge having the topic from teachers’ lectures. They explained that these
the experience of constructing three-dimensional models of results could be interpreted only by taking into account the
molecules. validity of the achievement tests used in their study and the
According to Schwarz et al. (2009), modeling is a sci- constraints such as the length of the study (four class period
ence core and a main part of the scientific literacy. They of instruction), the number of students (N = 28: 14 in each
discussed in their paper the subject of the role of modeling study groups) and the school settings.
in science education from a wide range of dynamic practice Successes using models as generative tools on under-
in different learning settings and asked the question: standing phenomena by elementary and middle school
students were reported by Schwarz et al. (2009).
‘‘What aspects of modeling practice can be made
When Tunnicliffe and Reiss (2000) asked learners of
meaningful and productive for science learners?
3–12 years old, what they can learn about animals, they
What successes and challenges emerge when students
suggested to examine the mental models they reveal
engage in modeling practices?’’ (see p. 633). They
through their talk when they come face to face with animal
advice that ‘‘it is crucial to involve learners in the
representations, which were provided by (a) robotic models
construction of models, rather than primarily working
in a museum, (b) preserved animal representations and
with models provided by teachers or scientific
(c) preserved animals borrowed from museum and pre-
authorities, while this method is the least typical uses
sented in a school setting. In contrary to the science
of models in schools’’ (see p. 635).
teaching on naming and categorizing organisms as isolated
Consequently, one may ask whether using a strategy in entities, the 3-DS preserved animals in museums, robotic
which students build three-dimensional models along the models in museums, and preserved animals in schools
process of instruction learning in the classroom and labo- provide the learners with opportunities to see anatomical
ratory work, they understand, perceive and learn the features more fully than is the case with dimensional rep-
structures of the cell micro- and macromolecules and resentations, whether moving (as in films) or stationary 9
organelles, and enhance their academic achievements. (as in books), Tunnicliffe and Reiss (2000).
Rotbain et al. (2006) asked whether the use of models in
molecular genetics instruction in high school can contrib-
Literature Review ute to students’ understanding of concepts and processes in
genetics.They found that students who used a bead model
Investigating the influence of ‘‘hands-on’’ and teacher or an illustration model in their learning improved their
demonstration methods, Glasson (1989) found that the knowledge in molecular genetics compared with the con-
two instructional modes resulted in equal declarative trol group who learned in a traditional lecture mode.

J Sci Educ Technol

In their study, Shepardson et al. (2007) asked what the in the control groups. The results of the study may indicate
students’ mental models of the environment are? They the importance of integrating the active mode of learning of
found that students view the environment as a place where ‘‘hands-on’’ and the use of the three-dimensional models in
animals/plants live, is a natural place which supports life, is the instructional strategies used by science teachers.
impacted and modified by human activity, and animals
plants and humans live on it.
In Chemistry, Gabel and Sherwood (1980) found that Research Design
students’ achievements were higher, when they constructed
three-dimensional models during the learning process, The sample included 669 students from 9th-grade (340
compared with students who learned through teachers’ girls and 329 boys) at the age of 14–15, from 25 class-
demonstrations. These results were obtained by both con- rooms: six classes from urban schools, 16 from compre-
crete and formal cognitive operational students. hensive schools located in city neighborhoods, and 3
While animation of three-dimensional representations in classes were from rural schools. The sample included stu-
Chemistry was used with computerized molecular model- dents from the upper stream classes with an average of 70
ing, students developed visualization skills (Barnea and points and above in Mathematics, Sciences and English.
Dori 1999). All students had a common background in Biology, and
Teaching organic chemical molecular structures in high studied in their previous years in 7th and 8th grades, the
school, students who used three-dimensional computer and topics: ‘‘Plants and their Natural Habitat’’ and ‘‘Animals
ball and stick models achieved higher on the retention test and their Environment.’’
of isomeric identification compared with groups who used The classes were randomly assigned to one of the three
two-dimensional textbook representations (Copolo and methods of instruction, and in each group, classes from the
Hounshell 1995). three types of schools were represented.
In their study with undergraduate students, Barab et al.
(2000) found that using 3-DS modeling tools to model the 1. ‘‘Hands-on’’ learning group, HG (N = 326; 162 girls
solar system and its activity, they developed rich under- and 164 boys, 12 classes): Students learned the cell
standing of Astronomical phenomena. topic, constructing three-dimensional models of the
We can sum up that using three-dimensional models in cell organelles through the learning process.
the learning/instruction process, students from the ele- 2. Teacher demonstration group (TD): They learned the
mentary through the middle and high schools’ levels up to cell topic, using two-dimensional ready models made
the undergraduate students all benefited in a wide range of by their teachers (N = 131; 62 girls and 69 boys, 7
cognitive skills and academic achievements. classes).
In this study, students who built the three-dimensional 3. EG: Students learned from cell pictures in books and
structures of the cell along the instruction/learning process microscope slides as presented in one-dimensional
of the topic in the class and the laboratory(active learning) view (N = 212; 116 girls and 96 boys, 6 classes).
will be called ‘‘hands-on’’ group (HG), while one control The learning process in all the three study groups lasted
group who learned with three-dimensional structures but 5 months, 60 periods, 3 periods per week, 2 of them in the
built by the teachers in a demonstration mode will be called classroom and one in the laboratory settings.
‘‘Teacher Demonstration’’ (TD) and the second control
group ‘‘Expository Group’’ (EG) who learned the cell
structures from pictures presented in their textbook or
microscope slides in the laboratory work.
Twenty-two Biology teachers (19 females and 3 males)
The Goal of the Study taught the three study groups. All the teachers had an
average of 5 years of teaching experience and had a BSc or
To create a learning environment where 9th-grade students MSc degree in Biology and a certificate of teaching. There
study the cell topic in an active mode of learning, it is were teachers who taught more than one class.
suggested to construct three-dimensional models of the cell Since Justy and Gilbert (2002) argued ‘‘that teachers
organelles in a sequence of teaching and learning proce- have limited experience with scientific modeling and lack
dures in the classroom and laboratory work. It was our knowledge of students’ ideas about the practice,’’ we
hypothesis that students will overcome the learning diffi- decided that all participating teachers would go through a
culties described by Dreyfus and Jungwirth (1988) and 20 h workshop in which they were: (a) dated in the cell
achieve academically higher compared to their counterparts theory and students’ cognitive stages and (b) exposed to a

J Sci Educ Technol

three-dimensional model of the cell organelles and mic- model started at the beginning of the study and ended
romolecules’ structures. Teachers were trained as how to 5 months later.
construct models of the cell and the organelles, and how to
guide students to construct these models. They discussed Material used Purpose
the problem of integrating the models in the different parts
A carton box (dimensions: The plant cell wall
of the learning unit and asked to accentuate the biological
30 9 15 9 10 cm)
principle of structure and function along the learning pro-
Polyethylene layer Served as the cell membrane. The
cess. At the end of the workshop, teachers and their classes polyethylene layer was stuck to the
were randomly assigned to the three methods of instruction interior side of the box walls
(10 teachers to the ‘‘hands-on’’ group, 6 teachers to the Metal wires, 2 mm in Used to build the cell skeleton
‘‘teachers demonstration group’’ and 6 teachers to the diameter
‘‘expository group’’). 20 green beads Chloroplasts
20 white beads Mitochondria
1 ping pong ball Cell nucleus
Instruments 1 balloon Cell vacuole
Pipe cleaners Endoplasmic reticulum
The learning unit ‘‘Structure and Function of the Cell’’ was Sewing threads (cords) To tie the beads and the pipe cleaners
developed based on the Biological Sciences Curriculum with the metal wires
Study (BSCS 1968). ‘‘Inquiry into life’’ The Yellow Ver-
sion (chapter 1 ‘‘Unity’’)included the following subjects—
The diversity of the plant and animal cells, cell organelles Teachers’ Demonstration, TD
and their ultrastructures—membranes, nucleus and chro-
mosomes, chloroplasts, ribosome, endoplasmic reticulum, The three-dimensional cell model was constructed by the
Golgi apparatus, the cytoskeleton, functions and processes teachers during the laboratory work step by step before
which occur within these structures, like cell mitosis and the specific lesson and used for demonstration only in the
meiosis, and cells behavior in different solutions, osmosis classroom and laboratory. The model was constructed
and plasmolysis. following the instructional guidance developed by the
researchers and from similar material, and similar to the
one built by students in group ‘‘hands-on.’’ Teachers
exposed the model emphasizing what structures were
Teaching Procedures
added before the specific topic was to be taught. The model
that was on the teachers’ desk was compared verbally with
Hands-on Learning
the structures presented in students’ books, pictures, charts
in the classroom and microscopic slides in the laboratory.
Each student built a three-dimensional model of the cell
The model was completed during the study. Through the
according to written instruction and teachers’ guidance.
laboratory periods, the model was passed on students’
The model was built during classroom instruction and
tables, to have an opportunity for a close look in order to
laboratory work and as a part of the home work too, along
identify the cell structures learned.
the sequence of the subjects in the learning unit.
Through the process learning, students identified the EG
cell structures that need to be added to their model
and to learn about them as they advanced on studying Students in this group learned the cell topic using only the
the topic. They compared their model with the learning unit, pictures, charts and microscopic slides. They
structures presented in books, pictures, charts and were exposed to cell structures as they were presented in
microscopic slides. This kind of learning setting textbooks, charts and microscopic slides.
enabled them to compare their models and to interact All students used the same learning unit, charts, and
by exchanging ideas in a manner of questions and microscopic slides and performed similar experiments on
answers, procedure in which the teachers were osmosis and plasmolysis in the laboratory work.
involved too. When the lesson was relating to the
function of a particular cell organelle, students were Two Biology Tests were Administered
asked to pin point the specific structure discussed,
and to compare it with the structure of the cell in their 1. Entry behavior test (EBT) consisted of 30 multiple
books. The construction of the three-dimensional cell choice questions.

J Sci Educ Technol

The test included three parts: (a) general knowledge in cognitive level served as independent variables while stu-
Biology; (b) prerequisite knowledge needed to learn the dents’ mean scores on BT and on questions’ cognitive level
cell topic; and (c) prior knowledge on the cell topic. served as the dependent variables.
The test was administered for assessing students’ entry
behavior prior to the study.
2. Biology test (BT) on the topic ‘‘structure and function Results
of the cell.’’
Students were assessed for their entry behavior on Biology
The test included 30 multiple choice questions and was with the EBT and the results were as follows:
administered as a posttest at the end of learning the topic.
Fifty minutes were needed for each Biology test to be Study Hands-on Teacher Expository
answered. groups: learning demonstration group
The test questions were selected from the BSCS (Bio-
logical Sciences Curriculum Study) (1966–1968). ‘‘Inquiry Students (N) 326 131 212
into life’’/The Yellow Version. Test-booklet for High X = mean 32.98 33.23 34.21
School Biology. Experimental material for use. University
SD (10.11) (10.32) (11.51)
of Colorado, 1966.
Content validity for the test questionnaires was obtained
from 25 high school Biology teachers who taught in The results show no significant differences on students’
junior and high school, but did not participate in the study. entry behavior on their prior knowledge in Biology.
Only those questions, on which teachers reached an inter- Are there differences on academic achievements among
judgment agreement of 85 % on their relevance to prior students who learned the ‘‘Cell’’ topic in three distinct
knowledge and the content taught, were included in the instructional methods?
tests. The BT posttest was administered at the end of the
Reliability for EBT and BT was calculated based on learning unit the ‘‘Cell.’’
students’ assessment (N = 669), and values of .87 and
1. Students’ test mean scores on BT were treated with
.91, respectively, were obtained using Kuder–Richardson
three-way analysis of variance on academic achieve-
formula 20.
ments by methods of instruction and type of school and
The BT questions, which included Biology content,
are presented in Table 1.
were categorized also by their cognitive demands (Bloom
1956). Fifteen questions in each test were found to be at the The BT means scores clearly indicate significant dif-
low cognitive level (knowledge and comprehension) and ferences on academic achievements on the ‘‘cell’’ topic.
15 were at the high cognitive level (application, analysis, Hands-on learning group achieved higher, followed by
synthesis and evaluation). The classification of the ques- teacher demonstration and expository group.
tions on their cognitive level was content validated by a The results show significant differences by instructional
group of 5 high school Biology teachers who reached a methods only. An interactional effect was found only
level of 83 % of inter-judgment agreement on questions’ between instructional methods and type of school. In each
categorization levels (See Appendix for an example of 6 type of the school, the ‘‘hands-on’’ learning group achieved
questions). higher, followed by the teacher demonstration and expos-
itory groups.
Scoring Procedure
2. Students’ mean scores on the BT were treated with
analysis of variance and Scheffe test, by methods of
For each correct answer on tests’ questions, students
instruction and the questions’ cognitive level, and are
received one point. Thus, the range scores were, from 1 to
presented in Table 2.
30 points, maximum. For statistical analysis, the 30 points
were considered as 100 %; therefore, each student was From the results on Table 2, one can see that ‘‘hands-
given a score from one to 100 points according to his/her on’’ group students gained significantly higher, followed by
number of questions answered correct. the teacher demonstration group on the high cognitive level
questions. The expository group gained poorly and did not
Study Variables pass 50 % of the correct answers. However, it should be
mentioned that all the three groups encountered difficulties
Methods of teaching (hands-on learning, teacher demon- with the high cognitive level questions, their mean scores
stration and control group), type of school and questions’ being under 63 %. On the low cognitive level questions,

J Sci Educ Technol

Table 1 Three-way analysis of variance, mean scores, standard the low and high cognitive level questions. No significant
deviations on students BT academic achievement by methods of differences were found between ‘‘hands-on’’ group and
instruction and type of school
teacher demonstration group on high cognitive level
Groups Hands-on Teacher Expository P questions.
learning demonstration learning In the following stage of the study, 35 students from
X (SD) X (SD) X (SD)
each group were randomly chosen to analyze their answers
Total sample on specific 4 high and 4 low cognitive levels of questions
N = 669 71.27 (14.62) 67.61 (13.43) 58.77 (14.49) * on the BT by instructional methods. The questions number,
Type of school their Biology content demands, cognitive level and percent
Urban 71.99 (16.32) 62.12 (11.16) 58.93 (11.57) * of correct answers by instructional methods are presented
Comprehensive 71.40 (14.30) 71.57 (12.85) 55.22 (15.98) * in Table 3.
Rural 74.00 (9.15) 64.77 (12.49) 59.47 (10.19) * From the results displayed in Table 3, it can be seen that
students from the ‘‘hands-on’’ group have the higher per-
Source SS df MS F
centages of correct answers on the high and low cognitive
Model 3.27 0.20 10.29* level questions, followed by teacher demonstration group
Instructional method 2 63.53* (except question 8 on which the teacher demonstration
Type of school 2 0.06 NS group achieved higher), and the expository group with the
Interaction lowest percentage of correct answers on the other 7
Instructional method 9 type of school 4 6.98* questions.

NS = nonsignificant
* P \ 0.01

the mean scores of all the three groups were significantly The results indicate that the ‘‘hands-on’’ group students
higher than on the high cognitive ones. However, the pat- achieved significantly higher than the teacher demonstra-
tern among the groups shows that the ‘‘hands-on’’ group tion and the expository groups. Those achievements are
answered more questions and obtained significantly higher prominent when one considers the fact that the mean scores
mean scores than the other two groups, teacher demon- of the ‘‘hands-on’’ group were the lowest on prior knowl-
stration group being second and followed by the expository edge, although the differences were not significant among
group. the three study groups.
The Scheffe test indicates significant differences These results support the need of providing students in
between the ‘‘hands-on’’ group and the other two groups on the laboratory work with active learning, being involved in

Table 2 One-way analysis of variance, mean scores, standard deviations, Scheffe test on students’ BT achievement, instructional methods and
questions’ cognitive level
Questions’ cognitive level Hands-on learning Teacher demonstration Expository learning
X (SD) X (SD) X (SD)

High level 62.73 (17.00) 59.83 (18.34) 50.41 (18.94)

Low level 75.00 (16.10) 70.66 (13.99) 60.42 (15.75)
One-way analysis of variance
Source SS df MF F P

High level Between groups 1.987 2 0.995 30.40 \0.01

Low Level Between groups 2.745 2 1.373 56.41 \0.01

Scheffe test on Biology test mean scores

High-level questions Low-level questions

Hands-on learning versus teacher demonstration NS P \ 0.05

Hands-on learning versus expository learning P \ 0.01 P \ 0.01
Teacher demonstration versus expository learning P \ 0.01 P \ 0.01

BT Biology test, SD standard deviation

J Sci Educ Technol

Table 3 Students’ correct answers in percentages by questions’ cognitive level demands and instructional methods (N = 35).
Question Question content demand Cognitive Hands-on Teacher Expository
number level learning (%) demonstration (%) learning (%)

8 The relation between structure and cell function High 80.00 83.00 80.00
10 Spatial interpretation of cell structure High 60.00 48.00 37.00
15 Protein synthesis in the cell High 71.50 60.00 54.00
16 Cell organelle and energy production High 91.40 83.00 67.00
17 Name of organelle where cell respiration occurs Low 94.00 80.00 71.50
18 Difference between plant and animal cells Low 77.0 68.50 63.00
29 Cells behavior in solutions Low 57.00 46.00 40.00
30 Name of the structure responsible for support and Low 74.00 62.00 54.00
firmness of the cell

building models of Biology and microstructures on the cell Our study was performed in a Biology topic, with 669
and molecular organizational levels, in order to understand ninth-grade students; the achievement tests included 30
the principle of structure and function, which requires multiple choice questions and the study lasted 5 months.
higher cognitive formal operation skills. The sample included students from various socioeconomic
Due to their three-dimensional structures and physio- backgrounds, and it can be assumed that due to its size it
logical processes that require chemistry knowledge, the cell included learners with a wide range of cognitive opera-
organelles and their function are abstract concepts for tional stages, although this variable was not investigated in
students, which demand spatial perception skills and high this study.
cognitive abilities. It was this ‘‘hands-on’’ active learning, Glasson (1989) study was in Physics. His sample con-
which might help students to visualize the cell structures sisted of 54 ninth-grade students, from a university town;
and assist them to understand and master the knowledge of the achievement test included 6 items presented in a word-
the physiological functions of the cell. problem format and the study lasted 3 weeks. Another
It was of interest also, to analyze the results on the difference found was in the amount of the laboratory work,
academic achievement by the cognitive level demands of 3 laboratory activities in Glasson (1989) study versus 20
the BT questions. On the low cognitive level of questions, laboratory activities in our study.
‘‘hands-on’’ learning group achieved significantly higher We may assume that due to all these variations in the
mean scores, followed by the teacher demonstration and two studies, the results differ and cannot be compared.
expository groups. On the high cognitive level questions, Another question which can be raised relates to the
there were no significant differences between ‘‘hands-on’’ assumption of Ausubel (1963) and cited by Glasson (1989,
and teacher demonstration groups (although the mean p. 127), who claimed that ‘‘the acquisition of domain-
scores of the ‘‘hands-on’’ group were higher by three specific knowledge is dependent on the meaningful verbal
points). Significant differences were found between the transmission of this knowledge’’ who used this assumption
‘‘hands-on’’ and teacher demonstration and the expository in order to support his results on declarative knowledge.
groups. One may ask if this is the case in the presented study, when
How can we explain those differences of achievement all the variations between the two studies are compared.
between the ‘‘hands-on’’ group and teacher demonstration The importance of providing learners with the oppor-
group found only on the low cognitive level of the ques- tunity of experience and manipulating the objects studied
tions? In his study, Glasson (1989) found significant dif- was mentioned by Piaget (1964). The ‘‘hands-on’’ method
ferences between ‘‘hands-on’’ and teacher demonstration provided students with this opportunity and allowed them
groups on achievement, on operative knowledge but not in to interact and to consult among themselves and with the
declarative knowledge. Although we did not categorize our teachers, to correct their mistakes and to be actively
achievement test questions by declarative and operative involved in the learning process, so this was a real students
knowledge levels, one may assume that: centered learning approach.
(l) Low cognitive questions, which require knowledge When students’ answers were analyzed by the specific
and comprehension, can be considered as asking for biological context required on the questions categorized by
declarative knowledge, while (2) high cognitive questions, their cognitive demand (see Table 3), a similar pattern of
which ask for application, analysis, synthesis and evalua- achievement was observed. Students from the ‘‘hands-on’’
tion answers, may reflect operative knowledge. Yet, our group provided more correct answers to specific content on
results are different from Glasson (1989) results. both low and high cognitive level questions than the other

J Sci Educ Technol

two groups. Thus, the outcomes support and add more (b) a plant cell membrane is stronger and more
reliability to the results presented in the previous analyses. flexible than the red blood cell membrane,
Regarding gender, the results showed similar patterns of (c) the outer cell membrane of the plant cell is not
achievement among the groups and no differences related permeable to water,
to gender were found within each group and, therefore, are (d) the osmotic pressure in plant cells is much
not presented. It is our assumption that the ‘‘hands-on’’ lower than the osmotic pressure in red blood cells.
mode of instruction created uncompetitive learning envi-
29. In plant cells when plasmolysis occurs, the cell
ronment in which girls achieved as well as boys. More
protoplast is removed from the cell wall and a space
studies are needed in order to find out if there is an inter-
is created between. This space starts to be filled with:
action between students’ cognitive operational stages and
their prior knowledge in specific content topics and (a) water, since water occurs in a lower concen-
instructional methods, in order to advocate for a particular tration outside the cell,
mode of instruction in which students are actively involved (b) the solution which induced the plasmolysis,
in the learning process contracting models. since its concentration outside the cell is higher,
(c) air, since air always fills any empty space in
Appendix (d) vacuole fluid which leaves the vacuole and
penetrates into this space.
Examples of 6 Questions’ on Cognitive Levels included in
the BT

Low Cognitive Level Questions

17. The respiration process occurs in the cell organelle
Ausubel DP (1963) The psychology of meaningful verbal learning.
(a) ribosome; (b) mitochondrion; (c) nucleus; Grune and Stratton, New York
Barab AS, Hay EK, Barnett M, Keating T (2000) Virtual solar system
(d) golgi system. project: building understanding through model building. J Res
19. Which of the following structures helps living cells Sci Teach 37(7):719–756
Barnea N, Dori JY (1999) High-school chemistry students’ perfor-
control their inner ion concentration at a different mance and gender differences in a computerized molecular
level from their outer environment? modeling learning environment. J Sci Educ Technol 8(4):
(a) cell wall; (b) cell nucleus; (c) cell membrane; Bloom BS (1956) Taxonomy of education objectives, handbook of
(d) cell vacuoles. cognitive domain. David McKay Company, Inc, New York
BSCS (1966–1968) Biological sciences curriculum study. ‘‘ Inquiry
22. Enzymes in general consist of molecules of: into life- The Yellow Version’’. Test-booklet for an inquiry into
life. Experimental material for use. University of Colorado, 1966
(a) fats; (b) carbohydrates; (c) amino acids; BSCS (1968) Biological sciences curriculum study. ‘‘Inquiry into
(d) proteins. life’’ The Yellow Version. (Chapter 1 ‘‘Unity’’). Harcourt, Brace
and World, Inco., New York
Chiapetta LE (1976) A review of Piagetian studies relevant to science
High Cognitive Level Questions instruction at the secondary and college level. Sci Educ 60:
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