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General Assembly Committee

Saudi Arabia (Cris Sporl)


The General Assembly,

Fully aware of the crisis taking place in Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia has decided to give
Humanitarian aid in hopes of helping people in the country,

Fully believing that all Afghanistan citizens have access to food, Afghanistan has faced
extreme levels of hunger for over a year due to their crises Humanitarian Affairs, due to this they
will need humanitarian and protection assistance,

Recognizing a massive amount of children, majority girls are out-of-school in

Afghanistan, also they have insufficient transportation to achieving their education,

Observing the majority of the Afghan population do not have access to drinking water,
and half of the population don't have access to basic sanitation facilities,

Recalling the reason for these humanitarian losses was caused by the millions of dollars
in lost income, and a poor economy,

1) Encourages to continue donations of food, King Salman Humanitarian Aid and

Relief Center has sent more than 65 tonnes of aid, including 1,647 food baskets.

2) Supports all funds given to Afghanistan, having awareness and the responsibility
for achieving security and prosperity.

3) Endorses relief programs for Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia has donated aid worth
more than $266 million.

4) Recommends that all children should have a chance for education, Saudi Arabia is
funding a Islamic education center in Kabul.
5) Urges humanitarian assistance, supporting WASH in bringing aid to water,
sanitation, and hygiene problems:

a) Implementing a plan to regulate water usage among competing sectors,

and create sufficient drinking water supplies for the population;

b) Distribution of hygiene kits and other WASH items;

c) Temporary as well as long-term solutions to safe drinking water;

d) Continuing to strengthen basic WASH facilities in priority schools;

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