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Xin chào, Xa Lộ English cảm ơn vì bạn đã hứng thú với bộ tài liệu “Từ Vựng Theo Chủ

Đề của XLE”.

À, hiện tại Xa Lộ English đang có các khóa học IELTS Online lẫn Offline đễ hỗ trợ

mọi người đạt được số điểm mong muốn. Các khóa học ở Xa Lộ English luôn áp


- Giáo án cá nhân hóa – “Phác đồ dinh dưỡng” cho người học, học tiếng Anh là

một chuyến hành trình mang tính cá nhân rất cao. Điểm mạnh và điểm yếu của

mỗi người sẽ khác nhau, nên để tối ưu hóa sự phát triển tiếng Anh, cũng như số

điểm IELTS của người học, Xa Lộ English thiết kế khóa học dựa theo những đặc

điểm của học viên. “Phác đồ dinh dưỡng”, với từ “phác đồ” là một thuật ngữ

trong y học, là một kế hoạch chữa trị lâu dài, “dinh dưỡng” ở đây là những điểm

bạn cần khắc phục trong 4 kĩ năng (Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking) cũng

như là Từ vựng, Ngữ pháp để bạn có thể nâng cấp điểm của mình nhanh nhất.

- Giáo trình IELTS Buffet, với một kho tài liệu khổng lồ để hoàn toàn thích nghi

với nhu cầu và sự phát triển của người học trong quá trình học.

Ngoài ra, bạn không chỉ được học về kiến thức tiếng Anh mà XLE còn giúp bạn cải thiện

tư duy cùng với kiến thức ở rất nhiều các chủ đề và lĩnh vực khác nhau để nâng cấp bạn

không chỉ về phương diện ngôn ngữ. Hiện tại, Xa Lộ English đã có rất nhiều học viên

đạt số điểm vượt hơn cả kì vọng khi đi thi thật. Không chỉ vậy, chúng mình sẽ hỗ

trợ bạn một phần của lệ phí thi thật khi bạn thi trong vòng 1 tháng sau khi kết

thúc khóa học. Cảm ơn bạn rất nhiều và chúc bạn thật thành công trên con đường học

tiếng Anh và chinh phục IELTS của mình nhé <3

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Trung tâm luyện thi IELTS Xa Lộ (Xa Lộ English) Hotline: 086 929 2410

CS1 10/92 Kỳ Đồng, P.9, Quận 3
# Word Word Type Meaning CEFR Level
a condition that affects people's behaviour.
1 ADHD noun People with ADHD can seem restless, may have C Level
trouble concentrating and may act on impulse
a medical condition in which somebody partly or
2 amnesia noun C Level
completely loses their memory
the scientific study of the body and how its parts
3 anatomy noun C Level
are arranged
the condition of not feeling pain, esp. by use of
4 anesthesia noun C Level
special drugs
to give anaesthetic (= a substance that makes
5 anesthetize verb C Level
you unable to feel pain) to a person or animal
a doctor who gives anaesthetic to people in
6 anesthetist noun C Level
7 antidepressant noun a drug used to treat the illness depression C Level
8 anxious adjective worried and nervous B Level
the state of feeling nervous or worried that
9 anxiety noun B Level
something bad is going to happen
a medical condition, especially in children, that
attention deficit makes it difficult for them to pay attention to
10 noun C Level
disorder what they are doing, to stay still for long and to
learn things
a way of relaxing and dealing with stress using
11 autogenic training noun C Level
positive thoughts and mental exercises
a way of helping somebody to lose a bad habit,
12 aversion therapy noun by making the habit seem to be associated with C Level
an effect that is not pleasant
a depressed feeling that some women get after
13 baby blues noun B Level
the birth of a baby
postnatal a depressed feeling that some women get after
14 noun C Level
depression the birth of a baby
mental problems caused by being in a war for a
15 battle fatigue noun C Level
long period of time
16 bipolar adjective suffering from or connected with bipolar disorder C Level
17 manic-depressive adjective suffering from or connected with bipolar disorder C Level
a mental illness causing somebody to change
18 bipolar disorder noun suddenly from being extremely depressed to C Level
being extremely happy
a period of mental illness in which somebody
19 mental breakdown noun becomes very depressed, anxious and tired, and C Level
cannot deal with normal life
20 complex noun a mental state that is not normal C Level
21 depressed adjective very sad and without hope B Level
a medical condition in which a person feels very
22 depression noun sad and anxious and often has physical B Level
symptoms such as being unable to sleep, etc
to remove harmful substances or poisons from
23 detoxify verb something; to become free from harmful C Level
social media the process of removing harmful substances or
24 noun C Level
detoxification poisons from internet
25 disorder noun an illness of the mind or body C Level
26 disordered adjective not normal, in a way that is unhealthy C Level
a mental condition in which somebody is
27 egomania noun interested in themselves or concerned about C Level
themselves in a way that is not normal
a problem or fault in a part of the body or a
28 dysfunction noun C Level

Trung tâm luyện thi IELTS Xa Lộ (Xa Lộ English) Hotline: 086 929 2410

CS1 10/92 Kỳ Đồng, P.9, Quận 3
# Word Word Type Meaning CEFR Level
29 dysfunctional adjective not behaving or working normally C Level
behaviour that is intended to make people notice
30 exhibitionism noun C Level
or admire you
31 hyper- adjective having too much of a quality C Level
a state in which a person, especially a child, is too
32 hyperactivity noun active and only able to keep quiet and still for B Level
short periods
not good, or not as good as someone or
33 inferior adjective C Level
something else
a feeling that you are not as good, as important
34 inferiority complex noun C Level
or as intelligent as other people
based on experiments or experience rather than
35 empirical adjective C Level
ideas or theories
a mental illness in which the patient is depressed
36 melancholia noun C Level
and worried by unnecessary fears
37 melancholy adjective sad C Level
sadness that lasts for a long period of time, often
38 melancholy noun C Level
without any obvious reason
connected with or happening in the mind;
39 mental adjective C Level
involving the process of thinking
40 mental adjective crazy B Level
41 mental health noun the state of health of somebody's mind B Level
concentrating on the present moment, especially
42 mindful adjective C Level
as a technique to help you relax
a mental state achieved by concentrating on the
present moment, while calmly accepting the
43 mindfulness noun C Level
feelings and thoughts that come to you, used as
a technique to help you relax
obsessive compulsive disorder: a mental disorder
in which somebody feels they have to repeat
44 OCD noun C Level
certain actions or activities to get rid of fears or
unpleasant thoughts
suffering from a mental illness in which you
45 paranoid adjective wrongly believe that other people are trying to C Level
harm you or that you are very important
a mental illness in which a person wrongly
believes that other people are trying to harm
46 paranoia noun C Level
them, that they are somebody very important,
a belief that you are someone really significant
47 paranoid delusion noun C Level
and the world must revolves you
a serious mental condition in which somebody’s
behaviour makes it difficult for them to have
48 personality disorder noun C Level
normal relationships with other people or a
normal role in society
to treat someone unfairly or cruelly over a long
period of time because of their race, religion, or
49 persecute verb C Level
political beliefs, or to annoy someone by refusing
to leave them alone
a type of mental illness in which somebody
50 noun believes that other people are trying to harm C Level
post-traumatic stress disorder: a medical
condition in which a person suffers mental and
51 PTSD noun C Level
emotional problems resulting from an experience
that shocked them very much
52 psychiatrist noun a doctor who studies and treats mental illnesses C Level

Trung tâm luyện thi IELTS Xa Lộ (Xa Lộ English) Hotline: 086 929 2410

CS1 10/92 Kỳ Đồng, P.9, Quận 3
# Word Word Type Meaning CEFR Level
53 psychiatry noun the study and treatment of mental illness C Level
a person suffering from a serious mental illness
54 psychopath noun that causes them to behave in a violent way C Level
towards other people
55 psychopathology noun the study of mental diseases B Level
to return someone to a good, healthy, or normal
56 rehabilitate verb life or condition after they have been in prison, C Level
been very ill, etc.
the process of returning to a healthy or good way
of life, or the process of helping someone to do
57 rehabilitation noun C Level
this after they have been in prison, been very ill,
a mental illness in which a person becomes
unable to link thought, emotion and behaviour,
58 schizophrenia noun C Level
leading to withdrawal from reality and personal
the practice of deliberately injuring yourself, for
59 self-harm noun example by cutting yourself, as a result of having C Level
serious emotional or mental problems
a specialist who treats a particular type of illness
60 therapist noun or problem, or who uses a particular type of B Level
61 therapy noun the treatment of a physical problem or an illness B Level
a drug used to reduce anxiety (= worry and
62 tranquillizer noun C Level
a mental condition caused by severe shock,
63 trauma noun especially when the harmful effects last for a long C Level
to shock and upset someone severely and for a
64 traumatize verb C Level
long time
to have someone's attention completely so that
65 mesmerize verb C Level
they cannot think of anything else
a mental state like sleep, in which a person's
66 hypnosis noun thoughts can be easily influenced by someone B Level
to keep your attention so strongly that you feel
67 hypnotize verb C Level
unable to move or look away
a person who has a very strong interest in a
68 maniac noun C Level
particular activity
a person who behaves in an uncontrolled way,
69 maniac noun B Level
not worrying about risks or danger
having too much interest in and admiration for
70 narcissistic adjective C Level
someone who has too much admiration for
71 narcissist noun C Level
himself or herself
A superior person believes that or acts as if they
72 superior noun C Level
are better than other people
If you have a superiority complex, you believe that
73 superiority complex noun you are better, cleverer, or more important than C Level
other people
to make someone believe something that is not
74 delude verb C Level
something a person believes and wants to be
75 delusion noun C Level
true, when it is actually not true
to seem to see, hear, feel, or smell something that
76 hallucinate verb does not exist, usually because you are ill or have C Level
taken a drug

Trung tâm luyện thi IELTS Xa Lộ (Xa Lộ English) Hotline: 086 929 2410

CS1 10/92 Kỳ Đồng, P.9, Quận 3
# Word Word Type Meaning CEFR Level
an experience in which you see, hear, feel, or
77 hallucination noun smell something that does not exist, usually C Level
because you are ill or have taken a drug
a drug made from poppy plants and used in
78 opium noun C Level
medicine to control pain or help people sleep
79 asylum noun a hospital for people with mental illnesses C Level
to spoil or destroy the beauty or quality of
80 degrade verb C Level
the process in which the beauty or quality of
81 degradation noun C Level
something is destroyed or spoiled
82 compulsory adjective that must be done; necessary by law or a rule B Level
a fault or problem in something or someone that
83 defect noun spoils that thing or person or causes it, him, or her C Level
not to work correctly
a good moral quality in a person, or the general
84 virtue noun C Level
quality of being morally good
85 virtuous adjective having good moral qualities and behaviour C Level
dismissive of the
86 adjective morally degraded C Level
extreme unhappiness caused by physical or
87 anguish noun C Level
mental suffering
88 intransigent adjective refusing to change your opinions or behaviour C Level
impossible to persuade, or unwilling to change an
89 adamant adjective C Level
opinion or decision
drug causing effects on the mind, such as
feelings of deep understanding or unusually
90 psychedelics noun C Level
strong experiences of colour , sound, taste, and
91 obnoxious adjective very unpleasant or rude C Level
92 obnoxiousness noun the quality of being very unpleasant or rude C Level
connected with thinking or conscious mental
93 cognitive adjective B Level
94 cognition noun the use of conscious mental processes C Level
cognitive an approach to psychology that emphasizes
95 noun C Level
psychology internal mental processes
developmental the branch of psychology that studies the social
96 noun C Level
psychology and mental development of children
any of several branches of psychology that seek
industrial to apply psychological principles to practical
97 noun B Level
psychology problems of education or industry or marketing
an anxiety disorder characterized by irrational
98 phobia noun C Level
99 phobic adjective having a strong dislike of something C Level
an experimental procedure in which neither the
subjects of the experiment nor the persons
100 double-blind study noun B Level
administering the experiment know the critical
aspects of the experiment
101 self-esteem noun a feeling of pride in yourself C Level
the thought processes involved in solving a
102 problem solving noun
any of several branches of psychology that seek
to apply psychological principles to practical
103 applied psychology noun C Level
problems of education or industry or marketing

Trung tâm luyện thi IELTS Xa Lộ (Xa Lộ English) Hotline: 086 929 2410

CS1 10/92 Kỳ Đồng, P.9, Quận 3
# Word Word Type Meaning CEFR Level
to notice that a particular thing or person exists or
104 conscious adjective B Level
is present
105 consciousness noun someone’s mind and thoughts B Level
in the state of not being awake and not aware of
106 unconscious adjective things around you, especially as the result of a B Level
head injury
107 internal adjective existing or happening inside your mind C Level
worries that have been shadowing the minds for
108 inner turbulance noun C Level
a long time
the part of your mind that contains thoughts and
109 subconscious noun feelings that you do not think about, or do not C Level
realize you have
a well-balanced person is sensible and is
110 well-balanced adjective B Level
mentally strong and healthy
someone who is mixed up has a lot of emotional
111 mixed up adjective C Level
a way of thinking or behaving that protects you
112 defence noun B Level
from being tricked or hurt
to protect someone or something against attack
113 defend verb B Level
or criticism
defence a reaction in your mind that makes you forget
114 noun C Level
mechanism things that are unpleasant to think about
if someone or something obsesses you, they are
so important to you that you are always thinking
115 obsess verb C Level
about them, in a way that seems extreme to other
an emotional state in which someone or
something is so important to you that you are
116 obsession noun C Level
always thinking about them, in a way that seems
extreme to other people
117 scar noun a sign of damage to a person's mental state C Level
a mental condition in which the qualities of a
118 mental condition noun state are relatively constant even though the B Level
state itself may be dynamic
119 problem solving noun the process of finding solutions to problems B Level
120 strain noun nervousness resulting from mental stress C Level
121 tension noun a state of mental or emotional strain or suspense C Level
the characteristics by which a thing or person is
122 identity noun B Level
(of characteristics or diseases) passed from the
123 hereditary adjective C Level
genes of a parent to a child
showing no interest or energy and unwilling to
124 apathetic adjective C Level
take action, especially over something important
used to describe someone who shows, especially
125 sympathetic adjective by what they say, that they understand and care C Level
about someone else's suffering
126 excruciating adjective painful C Level
affected by or relating to the condition of autism,
127 autistic adjective which affects the development of social and C Level
communication skills and can affect behaviour
a brain condition that affects the development of
social and communication skills in ways that can
128 autism noun be severe or slight, and that can make someone's C Level
behaviour and interests different from people
without the condition

Trung tâm luyện thi IELTS Xa Lộ (Xa Lộ English) Hotline: 086 929 2410

CS1 10/92 Kỳ Đồng, P.9, Quận 3

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