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Xin chào, Xa Lộ English cảm ơn vì bạn đã hứng thú với bộ tài liệu “Từ Vựng Theo Chủ

Đề của XLE”.

À, hiện tại Xa Lộ English đang có các khóa học IELTS Online lẫn Offline đễ hỗ trợ

mọi người đạt được số điểm mong muốn. Các khóa học ở Xa Lộ English luôn áp


- Giáo án cá nhân hóa – “Phác đồ dinh dưỡng” cho người học, học tiếng Anh là

một chuyến hành trình mang tính cá nhân rất cao. Điểm mạnh và điểm yếu của

mỗi người sẽ khác nhau, nên để tối ưu hóa sự phát triển tiếng Anh, cũng như số

điểm IELTS của người học, Xa Lộ English thiết kế khóa học dựa theo những đặc

điểm của học viên. “Phác đồ dinh dưỡng”, với từ “phác đồ” là một thuật ngữ

trong y học, là một kế hoạch chữa trị lâu dài, “dinh dưỡng” ở đây là những điểm

bạn cần khắc phục trong 4 kĩ năng (Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking) cũng

như là Từ vựng, Ngữ pháp để bạn có thể nâng cấp điểm của mình nhanh nhất.

- Giáo trình IELTS Buffet, với một kho tài liệu khổng lồ để hoàn toàn thích nghi

với nhu cầu và sự phát triển của người học trong quá trình học.

Ngoài ra, bạn không chỉ được học về kiến thức tiếng Anh mà XLE còn giúp bạn cải thiện

tư duy cùng với kiến thức ở rất nhiều các chủ đề và lĩnh vực khác nhau để nâng cấp bạn

không chỉ về phương diện ngôn ngữ. Hiện tại, Xa Lộ English đã có rất nhiều học viên

đạt số điểm vượt hơn cả kì vọng khi đi thi thật. Không chỉ vậy, chúng mình sẽ hỗ

trợ bạn một phần của lệ phí thi thật khi bạn thi trong vòng 1 tháng sau khi kết

thúc khóa học. Cảm ơn bạn rất nhiều và chúc bạn thật thành công trên con đường học

tiếng Anh và chinh phục IELTS của mình nhé <3

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Trung tâm luyện thi IELTS Xa Lộ (Xa Lộ English) Hotline: 086 929 2410

CS1 10/92 Kỳ Đồng, P.9, Quận 3
# Word Word Type Meaning CEFR Level
a reward that you can earn in some video games
1 achievement noun C Level
by completing a challenge or level
a type of computer game in which you play a
2 adventure game noun C Level
part in an adventure
a place where you can play games on machines
3 arcade noun C Level
which you use coins to operate
a game for two people played on a board
4 backgammon noun marked with long thin triangles. Players throw C Level
dice and move pieces around the board
a game for two people played with long sticks
and three balls on a long table covered with
5 billiards noun green cloth. Players try to hit the balls against C Level
each other and into pockets at the edge of the
a card game in which players try to collect cards
6 blackjack noun C Level
with a total value of 21 and no more
a card game for two pairs of players who have to
bridge noun C Level
predict how many cards they will win
a piece of wood or plastic used as a toy for
7 building block noun C Level
children to build things with
to stay in one place in order to keep attacking
8 camp verb C Level
enemies and gain an advantage
a game in which one player acts out the syllables
9 charade noun of a word or title and the other players try to C Level
guess what it is
to act in a dishonest way in order to gain an
10 cheat verb advantage, especially in a game, a competition, B Level
an exam, etc.
a position in which a player’s king (in chess) can
11 check noun C Level
be directly attacked by the other player’s pieces
a game for two players using 24 round pieces on
12 checkers noun C Level
a board marked with black and white squares
a small electronic device for playing video
13 console noun C Level
a small disc used for playing or scoring in some
14 counter noun C Level
board games
a card game in which players score points by
15 cribbage verb C Level
collecting different combinations of cards
playing a computer game across different
16 cross-play noun B Level
consoles or platforms at the same time
a game in which you have to fit words across and
17 crossword noun downwards into spaces with numbers in a square B Level
a short scene in a video game that the player
18 cutscene noun cannot control, and that usually develops the C Level
a small pointed object, sometimes with feathers
19 dart noun to help it fly, that is shot as a weapon or thrown in C Level
the game of darts
20 dartboard noun a round board used in the game of darts C Level
the person who gives out the cards in a card
21 dealer noun B Level
one of the four suits (= sets) in a pack of cards.
22 diamond noun B Level
The cards are marked with red diamond shapes.
a small cube of wood, plastic, etc., with a different
23 dice noun number of spots on each of its sides, used in C Level
games of chance
a game for two players using 24 round pieces on
24 draught noun C Level
a board marked with black and white squares

Trung tâm luyện thi IELTS Xa Lộ (Xa Lộ English) Hotline: 086 929 2410

CS1 10/92 Kỳ Đồng, P.9, Quận 3
# Word Word Type Meaning CEFR Level
a hidden message or feature in a video game,
film, comic book, etc. that is not necessary or
25 Easter egg noun C Level
related to the main content, but adds to the
points that you earn in a computer game for
26 experience points noun C Level
completing tasks, collecting items, etc.
an indoor game for two people or teams, played
by moving rows of small models of football
27 foosball noun C Level
players in order to move a ball on a board that
has marks like a football field
first-person shoorter game: a type of video game
28 FPS noun in which the player views the action through the C Level
eyes of a character and has to attack enemies
(in video games) if a player or their character is
29 frag verb C Level
fragged, that character is killed
a light plastic object, like a plate in shape, that is
30 Frisbee noun C Level
thrown from one player to another in a game
an electronic device that is used to control video
31 game controller noun C Level
games via a computer or games console
an electronic device, usually held with two hands,
32 gamepad noun that is used to control video games via a B Level
computer or similar device
the features of a computer game, such as its
33 gameplay noun story or the way it is played, rather than the C Level
images or sounds it uses
34 games console noun a small electronic device for playing video games B Level
a type of puppet that you put over your hand and
35 glove puppet noun B Level
move using your fingers
the practice of playing an online game for long
periods of time, often as a job for a gold farming
36 gold farming noun company, in order to progress through the game C Level
and then sell game currency, valuable items or
characters to other players for real money
a game in which you have to guess the answers
37 guessing game noun C Level
to questions
38 hand noun a player in a card game C Level
a type of puppet that you put over your hand and
39 hand puppet noun C Level
move using your fingers
a game in which one player chooses a word and
the other players try to guess it, letter by letter.
Each time they guess wrongly, the first person
40 hangman noun B Level
draws one part of a person being hanged. The
other players have to guess the word before the
drawing is complete.
a large plastic ring that you move in a circle
41 hula hoop noun around the middle part of your body by moving B Level
your hips
a picture printed on cardboard or wood, that has
42 jigsaw noun been cut up into a lot of small pieces of different C Level
shapes that you have to fit together again
a device used with some computer games, with
43 joypad noun buttons that you use to move images on the B Level
a structure made of metal bars joined together
44 jungle gym noun B Level
for children to climb and play on
a piece used in the game of chess that is like a
45 knight noun C Level
horse’s head in shape
a public building where people can go to do
46 leisure centre noun C Level
sports and other activities in their free time

Trung tâm luyện thi IELTS Xa Lộ (Xa Lộ English) Hotline: 086 929 2410

CS1 10/92 Kỳ Đồng, P.9, Quận 3
# Word Word Type Meaning CEFR Level
to win points and get new skills, weapons, etc. for
47 level up verb C Level
your character
a game of chance similar to bingo but with the
48 lotto noun numbers drawn from a container by the players C Level
instead of being called out
a Chinese game played with small pieces of
49 mahjong noun C Level
wood with symbols on them
50 marble noun a game played with marbles C Level
a board game in which players have to pretend
51 monopoly noun to buy and sell land and houses, using pieces of C Level
paper that look like money
a children’s game in which players run round a
row of chairs while music is playing. Each time the
52 musical chairs noun music stops, players try to sit down on one of the C Level
chairs, but there are always more players than
non-player character: a video game character
53 NPC noun C Level
that is not controlled by a player of the game
a person that you are playing or fighting against
54 opponent noun C Level
in a game, competition, argument, etc.
55 out verb no longer take part in the game C Level
a game in which one runner drops pieces of
56 paperchase noun B Level
paper for the other runners to follow
a chess piece of the smallest size and least value.
57 pawn noun Each player has eight pawns at the start of a C Level
a brightly decorated figure, filled with toys and
sweets, which children try to hit with a stick with
58 piñata noun C Level
their eyes covered in order to break it open, as a
party game
a game played on a pinball machine, in which
59 pinball noun the player sends a small metal ball up a sloping C Level
board and scores points as it bounces off objects
a game played like tennis with bats and a small
60 ping-pong noun B Level
plastic ball on a table with a net across it
a computer game in which the player controls a
61 platform game noun character who jumps and climbs between C Level
platforms at different positions on the screen
a child's toy, typically an animal, made of and
62 plush toy noun B Level
filled with soft material
a card game for two or more people, in which the
63 poker noun C Level
players bet on the values of the cards they hold
a game for two people played with 16 balls on a
table, often in pubs and bars. Players use long
64 pool noun C Level
sticks to try to hit the balls into pockets at the
edge of the table.
a model of a person or an animal that can be
made to move, for example by pulling strings
65 puppet noun C Level
attached to parts of its body or by putting your
hand inside it
a game, etc. that you have to think about
66 puzzle noun C Level
carefully in order to answer it or do it
to completely defeat somebody, especially in a
67 pwn verb C Level
video game;
the fact of completely defeating somebody,
68 pwnage noun C Level
especially in a video game
(of a video game, music recording, etc.) suitable
69 replayable adjective C Level
for or worth playing more than once

Trung tâm luyện thi IELTS Xa Lộ (Xa Lộ English) Hotline: 086 929 2410

CS1 10/92 Kỳ Đồng, P.9, Quận 3
# Word Word Type Meaning CEFR Level
if a character that has been killed in a video
70 respawn verb game respawns or is respawned, that character C Level
appears again in the game
a question that is difficult to understand, and that
71 riddle noun has a surprising answer, that you ask somebody C Level
as a game
a game, often an online or computer game, in
which players pretend to be imaginary
72 role-playing game noun C Level
characters who take part in adventures,
especially in situations from fantasy literature
a gambling game in which a ball is dropped onto
a moving wheel that has holes with numbers on
73 roulette noun C Level
it. Players bet on which hole the ball will be in
when the wheel stops.
a round platform for children to play on in a park,
74 roundabout noun etc. that is pushed round while the children are C Level
sitting on it
a simple card game in which players try to collect
75 rummy noun C Level
particular combinations of cards
an area in the ground or a shallow container,
76 sandbox noun C Level
filled with sand for children to play in
77 shuffle noun the act of mixing cards before a card game C Level
a computer or video game that simulates (=
artificially creates the feeling of experiencing) an
78 simulation noun C Level
activity such as flying an aircraft or playing a
to create particular conditions that exist in real
79 simulate verb life using computers, models, etc., usually for B Level
study or training purposes
a children’s game in which players should only do
80 Simon says noun what a person says if he/she says ‘Simon says…’ B Level
at the beginning of the instruction
a game in which players roll a ball at nine skittles
81 skittle noun and try to knock over as many of them as C Level
a structure with a steep slope that children use
82 slide noun C Level
for sliding down
a game for one person in which you remove
83 solitaire noun pieces from their places on a special board after C Level
moving other pieces over them.
(in chess) a situation in which a player cannot
84 stalemate noun successfully move any of their pieces and the C Level
game ends without a winner
a toy in the shape of an animal, made of cloth
85 stuffed animal noun C Level
and filled with a soft substance
any of the four sets that form a pack of cards:
86 suit noun C Level
spade, club, diamond, heart
a seat for swinging on, hung from above on ropes
87 swing noun C Level
or chains
a children’s game in which one child runs after
88 tag noun C Level
the others and tries to touch one of them
a piece of equipment for children to play on
89 teeter-totter noun consisting of a long flat piece of wood that is C Level
supported in the middle
a game in which players try to knock over tenpins
90 tenpin bowling noun by rolling a heavy ball at them, played indoors, C Level
especially in a bowling alley
a game in which players bet money on which is
91 three-card trick noun C Level
the queen out of three cards lying face down

Trung tâm luyện thi IELTS Xa Lộ (Xa Lộ English) Hotline: 086 929 2410

CS1 10/92 Kỳ Đồng, P.9, Quận 3
# Word Word Type Meaning CEFR Level
a simple game in which two players take turns to
92 tic-tac-toe noun C Level
write Os or Xs in a set of nine squares
93 tie verb to have the same number of points C Level
a situation in a game or competition when two or
94 tie noun C Level
more players have the same score
a game in which you buy tickets with numbers on
95 tombola noun them. If the number on your ticket is the same as B Level
the number on one of the prizes, you win the prize.
a piece of equipment that is used in gymnastics
96 trampoline noun B Level
for doing jumps in the air
a game in which players try to find a hidden prize
97 treasure hunt noun by answering a series of questions that have C Level
been left in different places
a card that belongs to the suit (= one of the four
sets in a pack of cards) that has been chosen for
98 trump noun C Level
a particular game to have a higher value than
the other three suits
a card game for two pairs of players in which
99 whist noun C Level
each pair tries to win the most cards
a game or activity in which imaginary battles are
100 war game noun fought, for example by moving models of soldiers, C Level
ships, etc. around on a table, or on a computer

Trung tâm luyện thi IELTS Xa Lộ (Xa Lộ English) Hotline: 086 929 2410

CS1 10/92 Kỳ Đồng, P.9, Quận 3

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