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Hayden 1

General Assembly Committee

The Russian Federation (by Cassidy Hayden)



The General Assembly,

Deeply concerned for the people in Afghanistan who are facing a humanitarian crisis,
including food insecurity, drought, and economic collapse,

Recognizing the economic collapse of Afghanistan is, in part, due to the fact that
Afghanistan’s economy was previously 75% reliant on international aid, aid that after the United
States withdrew in 2021 was almost entirely cut off due to sanctions (Afghanistan),

Fully aware that the rule of the Taliban is discriminatory against women, including but
not limited to, barring women from receiving an education and only allowing women to work in
government organizations,

Aware of resolution 2626, in which the Security Council extended the UN Mission in
Afghanistan in an effort to improve human rights and gender equality in Afghanistan,

Noting with regret that the Russian Federation abstained from voting on resolution 2626,
despite supporting providing aid to the Afghan people, as Afghanistan did not give the United
Nations consent to hold this special political mission in their country (Adopting),

1. Calls on the international community to work together for the common goal of helping
Afghanistan and its people immediately;

2. Endorses the removal or lessening of sanctions against Afghanistan by the UN and

associated countries over the next three months starting in April of 2023, including:

(a) Resolution 1267, in which sanctions were initially placed against the Islamic
Emirates of Afghanistan in 1999 (S/RES/1267);

(b) Sanctions put in place by the US following the events of September 11, 2001;

(c) Any other sanctions that have been put in place from September 2001 to the
present day;
Hayden 2

3. Emphasizing that while the international community and the UN should work to help
relieve Afghanistan of this crisis we:

(a) Do not recognize the Taliban as Afghanistan’s government;

(b) Condemn the Taliban’s non-inclusive government;

4. Urges the United Nations and all affiliated countries to continue donating to
Afghanistan, an estimated $4.4 billion is needed to help alleviate the humanitarian crisis, this
will include:

(a) Every country with a GDP over $2 billion is to donate 0.001% of their GDP to
Afghanistan humanitarian aid;

(b) Countries that do not comply with this mandatory donation will face economic
sanctions imposed by the United Nations;

(c) This money would go into funds such as the Afghan Fund and similar accredited

5. Considers that the United Nations works with the Taliban, as attempting to solve the
humanitarian crisis without the support of those effectively in charge of the host country has
proven to be incredibly difficult.
Hayden 3

Works Cited

“Adopting Resolution 2626 (2022), Security Council Extends United Nations Mission in

Afghanistan for One Year | UN Press.” United Nations, United Nations, 17 Mar.


“Afghanistan Humanitarian Crisis.” Center for Disaster Philanthropy, 20 Jan. 2023,



“S/RES/1267.” S/RES/1267(1999), 15 Oct. 1999,




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