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Julius Carl M.



Engineering Management

Reading Exercises

1. How important is communicating as a function of engineering management?

Communicating is a vital function of the engineer manager. Organizations cannot function properly
without effective communication. If the required outputs must be realized, communication must be
managed. When it comes to demonstrating good communication skills, managers and others in
leadership positions face a high bar. Nearly every part of a manager's job involves communication.

2. What is communication? How may it be done?

Communication is a process of sharing information through symbols, including words and message.
Communication may happen between superior and subordinate, between peers, between a manager
and a client or customer, between an employee and a government representative etc. It may be done
face-to-face, or through printed materials, or through an electronics device like the telephone, etc.

3. For what purposes may communication be used in the organization?

In management, communication must be made for a purpose. Also, may be used to serve any of the
following functions:

(1) Informative functions - that the info's provided through communication may be used for decision
making at various work levels in the organization.

(2) Motivation Function - used as a means to motivate employees to commit themselves to the

(3) Control Function - for plan reports and policies.

(4) Emotion Function-provides a means to decrease the interal pressure

affecting individual.

4. What are the steps in the communication process?

▪ Develop an Idea
▪ Encode
▪ Transmit
▪ Receive
▪ Decode
▪ Accept
▪ Use
▪ Provide Feedback

5. What is a communication channel? How may each of the channel types be described?
In an organization, information flows forward, backwards and sideways. This flow of information is
called communication. Communication channels refer to the way this information flows within the

Face-to-Face or Personal Communication

Face-to-face or personal communication is one of the richest channels of communication that can be
used within an organization. Physical presence, the tone of the speaker's voice and facial expressions
help recipients of a message interpret that message as the speaker intends.

Broadcast Media Communications

TV, radio and loud speakers all fall within the broadcast media communication channel. These types of
media should be used when addressing a mass audience.

Mobile Communications Channels

A mobile communication channel should be used when a private or more complex message needs to be
relayed to an individual or small group.

Electronic Communications Channels

Electronic communication channels encompass email, Internet, intranet and social media platforms. This
channel can be used for one-on-one, group or mass communication.

Written Methods of Communication

Written communication should be used when a message that does not require interaction needs to be
communicated to an employee or group. Policies, letters, memos, manuals, notices and announcements
are all messages that work well for this channel.

6. What is meant by "noise"?

In communication studies and information theory, noise is defined as anything that interferes with the
communication process between a speaker and an audience. It's also referred to as interference.

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