OUTLINE How To Program Your Subconscious Mind For Success

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How to Program Your

Subconscious Mind for Success

Introduction & Fundamentals

My Story, in relation to you

Conscious mind & subconscious mind

Building a relationship with your subconscious

Conscious mind

Your conscious mind is the guard. It protects your subconscious mind from
false impressions.

The conscious mind communicates to the outside world and subconscious

mind through behavior, capabilities and environment.
Subconscious mind

Whatever your conscious mind assumes/believes to be true, your subconscious

will accept and bring to pass.

The subconscious mind is a reservoir of feelings, thoughts, urges, and

memories that outside of our conscious awareness.

It influences our behavior and experience, even though we may be unaware of

these underlying influences.

This includes repressed feelings, hidden memories, habits, thoughts, desires,

and reactions.
Old parts of your subconscious mind might create stories to draw about
aspects in reality to feed upon itself, be aware of this and switch your attention
over to elements related to the goal

You will know in advance with awareness if you are about to go in the area,
and you chose accordingly.
You will learn more in a shorter span/interaction and what you need to know
from them to know what is going to come up

As you raise your awareness, the discernment is more accurate. You will be
able to see nuanced contrast even more so. You'll have a heightened
This works towards the positive or negative, in any environment, situation or

You can recalibrate any meaning that you get form the external to empower you
to your vision.
People, music, movies, and information can program your subconscious mind.
At a certain point you may not have a desire to consume that information
anymore the has disempowering information meaning.


Inner world / outer world

Empowerment / Disempowerment

Empowerment: The process of becoming stronger and more confident,

especially in controlling one's life and claiming one's rights.
Disempowerment: To deprive of power, authority, or influence : make weak,
ineffectual, or unimportant

Locus of Control

Internal Locus of Control

Take responsibility for reality

Not overly influenced by opinions

Know how to get into flow and maintain it

Focus their attention on what they want

Rise up to higher levels of confidence during challenge

Independence or inter-dependance

Unnecessary is easily excluded out of consciousness

External Locus of Control

Blame aspects in the five sensory world

Heavily influenced by the opinions of others to the point of overthinking and

Don't believe that they can change their situation through their own efforts

Identify with powerlessness and stagnation

Logical Levels
The way of the Magician

Purity of Intent

Level of Awareness

Focus of Will

Quality of Character

Clarity of Vision

Self-Realization + Destination

When you maintain focus on your vision, the world around you harmonizes to make it
so. You also learn about "Identity"

You'll notice the supportive people

You'll notice the supportive thoughts and feelings

You'll notice the supportive information

You'll may start to notice people, situations and circumstances letting go of you or
vise versa
Focus and Attention

We bring it back to the contemplation of our vision or goal. We also make a habit of

Action brings forth clarity

One goal leads to the next

Purpose and mission are discovered via clarity

Abstract or specific goals




What I love to do.

What the world needs.
What I am good at.
What I can get paid for...


IT Business

Current Business Model

Flow or Controlled Chaos

Areas of life








Motivation tends to fall in one of two categories, either you’re moving towards
something that will bring us pleasure or we’re moving away from something that
causes us pain.
McClelland's Human Motivation Theory

Those with a high need for power want to be in charge, enjoy competition,
they do well with goal-oriented projects or tasks.

People motivated by achievement thrive on overcoming difficult problems or


People motivated by affiliation enjoy harmony with others.

This program... A natural way of being.


1. What is your vision or Definite Chief Aim? - VISON

Definite Chief Aim

I will have in my possession $100,000 by January 1st 2022, which will come
to me in various amounts from time to time during the interim.
In return for this money I will give the most efficient service of which I am
capable, rendering the fullest possible quantity, and the best possible quality
of service in the capacity of an entrepreneur.
I believe that I will have this money in my possession. My faith is so strong
that I can now see this money before my eyes. I can touch it with my hands.

It is now awaiting transfer to me at the time, and in the proportion that I

deliver the service I intend to render in return for it.

I am awaiting a plan by which to accumulate this money, and I will follow that
plan, when it is received.
Start a business and grow it up to $10,000 a month, doing what I love

2. How do you see yourself in your vision? - IDENTITY

Physical, Mental, Emotional

I see myself dressing a certain way, driving a certain car, living in a certain
I feel confident and I have great relationships with people that inspire me.

I think clearly and speak clearly. I am able to come up with creative solutions to
overcome obstacles and I enjoy the challenge.
I maintain my flow

3. What values and beliefs do you live in your ideal identity? -VALUES/BELIEFS

I do what I love to do

What the world needs, I have to offer

I keep getting better at doing the things that I know I have to do

I receive fair compensation for the value that I provide

4. What capabilities/skills do you need to cultivate? - CAPABILITIES







Learning & Teaching

Problem Solvinng

5. What behaviors can you integrate that in alignment with your vision? -
I have a morning routine that I enjoy doing

I am productive and I enjoy what I do

I enjoy what I do and I have fun

I am organized

6. Where do you see yourself, as far as environments go? - ENVIRONMENT

I live in a certain house

My office looks a certain way

I have a certain team that I work with

I work with clients that I enjoy

The Way - Desire to Intent + Faith and Belief (Purity of Intent)

4 Aspects of your journey, in relation to your vision. (Remaining committed)

Vision - The ability to perceive a future potential with imagination.

1. Desire - A strong feeling of wanting to have something or wishing for something

to happen.
2. Intent - Resolved or determined to experience/do/be/live/embody (something).

Commitment to carrying out an action or actions in the future.

Intention can also involve mental activities such as planning and forethought.

3. Faith - Complete trust or confidence in something. (Loyalty to the unseen reality)

4. Belief - An acceptance that a statement is true or that something exists.

Past Experience

Experience from others

May or may not be true to you and your vision...

Beliefs are elements which determine what is being expressed via our subconscious
Knowledge + Experience = Wisdom (Clarity)


What beliefs have you have identified that are disempowering/limiting, in relation to
your vision, identity, capabilities, behaviors,environments?


Locus of Control

Internal Locus of Control

Take responsibility for reality

Not overly influenced by opinions

Know how to get into flow and maintain it

Focus their attention on what they want

Rise up to higher levels of confidence during challenge

Independence or inter-dependance

Unnecessary is easily excluded out of consciousness

External Locus of Control

Blame aspects in the five sensory world

Heavily influenced by the opinions of others to the point of overthinking

and reactivity
Don't believe that they can change their situation through their own
Identify with powerlessness and stagnation

1. What is your vision or Definite Chief Aim? - VISON

2. How do you see yourself now?

How do you see yourself in your vision? - IDENTITY

Physical, Mental, Emotional

3. What values and beliefs do you live in your ideal identity? -VALUES/BELIEFS

Empowering Beliefs

I do what I love to do

What the world needs, I have to offer

I keep getting better at doing the things that I know I have to do

I receive fair compensation for the value that I provide

Disempowering Beliefs

I am not smart enough

I procrastinate

People are better than me

I don't want to fail and be looked at as a failure

I don't feel unlovable

I believe that all rich people are evil…

I am afraid to be too great

I don’t deserve or feel worthy of success

I have to work very hard, long hours for money

Others hold me back.

4. What capabilities/skills do you need to cultivate? - CAPABILITIES

5. What behaviors can you integrate that in alignment with your vision? -
6. Where do you see yourself, as far as environments go? - ENVIRONMENT

The Way - Increasing Awareness


knowledge or perception of a situation or fact.

Awareness is the state of being conscious of something. More specifically, it is the

ability to directly know and perceive, to feel, or to be cognizant of events.
Concern about and well-informed interest in a particular situation or development.

Pure Awareness

To just BE...

To be “Aware”, without identifying with anything, without thoughts, and without

putting any labels.

This is Pure Awareness. It is your default state of existence.

You choose what to focus on while practicing letting go of what you have chosen not
to focus on, with acceptance.
Awareness on Tension and Reactivity

You have a choice on whether or not you want to react

When to react and when to respond


6 basic fears

1) Fear of poverty.

2) Fear of criticism.

3) Fear of ill health.

4) Fear of loss of love.

5) Fear of old age.

6) Fear of death.

Keeping a journal or add to your mind map (Environment)

Journal: Note various elements in the environment layer for cause and effect



Habitual Patterns

Locus of Control

Internal Locus of Control

Take responsibility for reality

Not overly influenced by opinions

Know how to get into flow and maintain it

Focus their attention on what they want

Rise up to higher levels of confidence during challenge

Independence or inter-dependance

Unnecessary is easily excluded out of consciousness

External Locus of Control

Blame aspects in the five sensory world

Heavily influenced by the opinions of others to the point of overthinking

and reactivity
Don't believe that they can change their situation through their own
Identify with powerlessness and stagnation
1. What is your vision or Definite Chief Aim? - VISON

2. How do you see yourself now?

How do you see yourself in your vision? - IDENTITY

Physical, Mental, Emotional

3. What values and beliefs do you live in your ideal identity? -VALUES/BELIEFS

4. What capabilities/skills do you need to cultivate? - CAPABILITIES

5. What behaviors can you integrate that in alignment with your vision? -
Note the empowering elements on your day-to-day journey.





Note the disempowering/limiting elements on your day-to-day journey.





6. Where do you see yourself, as far as environments go? - ENVIRONMENT

The Way - Increasing Focus of Will

The body is the instrument of the subconscious mind


the center of interest or activity.

the state or quality of having or producing clear visual definition.

We have willpower

Divine will on the other is looked at as spiritual higher power

Exercising will power may feel unpleasant and for a good reason. We are rewiring
the neural pathways in the brain.
It is said that Human Will aligns with divine will via focus.

Opportunity is found in your awareness by your reactivity and your conscious ability to
make a decision based on the choices available.
Through repetition and doing the same thing over and over again, the action becomes
easy and requires little to no will power.
What behaviors have you have identified that are disempowering/limiting, in relation
to your vision?


Habitual Patterns

Locus of Control

Internal Locus of Control

Take responsibility for reality

Not overly influenced by opinions

Know how to get into flow and maintain it

Focus their attention on what they want

Rise up to higher levels of confidence during challenge

Independence or inter-dependance

Unnecessary is easily excluded out of consciousness

External Locus of Control

Blame aspects in the five sensory world

Heavily influenced by the opinions of others to the point of overthinking

and reactivity
Don't believe that they can change their situation through their own
Identify with powerlessness and stagnation

1. What is your vision or Definite Chief Aim? - VISON

2. How do you see yourself now?
How do you see yourself in your vision? - IDENTITY

Physical, Mental, Emotional

3. What values and beliefs do you live in your ideal identity? -VALUES/BELIEFS

4. What capabilities/skills do you need to cultivate? - CAPABILITIES

5. What behaviors can you integrate that in alignment with your vision? -
Empowering Behaviors

Waking up at a 5am

Sticking with a morning routine

Being focused and not distracted

Doing things that stimulate creativity


Case and effect journaling

Disempowering Behaviors



Being unnorganized

Consuming disempowering information

6. Where do you see yourself, as far as environments go? - ENVIRONMENT

The Way - Quality of Character (Self-Image / Identity)

The outer world is a reflection of our subconscious Identity

Values & Beliefs

Beliefs are the convictions that we generally hold to be true

Our values are aspects that we deem important.

Equality, honesty, loyalty...

Core Beliefs

Beliefs about yourself

Beliefs about other people

Beliefs about the world

Elements to concider

Implications of belief change

Treating yourself and others with respect




Deep Acceptance

Peace & Harmony


1. List disempowering beliefs in relation to the different layers

2. Find empowering beliefs in relation to the beliefs



3. Write out statements that replace the beliefs


1. List disempowering beliefs as you reflect on the model. (How you relate...)

2. Find empowering beliefs in relation to the beliefs.

3. Write out statements that replace the beliefs

1. What is your vision or Definite Chief Aim? - VISON

Definite Chief Aim

I will have in my possession $100,000 by January 1st 2022, which will come
to me in various amounts from time to time during the interim.
In return for this money I will give the most efficient service of which I am
capable, rendering the fullest possible quantity, and the best possible quality
of service in the capacity of an entrepreneur.

I believe that I will have this money in my possession. My faith is so strong

that I can now see this money before my eyes. I can touch it with my hands.

It is now awaiting transfer to me at the time, and in the proportion that I

deliver the service I intend to render in return for it.

I am awaiting a plan by which to accumulate this money, and I will follow that
plan, when it is received.
Start a business and grow it up to $10,000 a month, doing what I love

2. How do you see yourself now?

How do you see yourself in your vision? - IDENTITY

Physical, Mental, Emotional

I see myself dressing a certain way, driving a certain car, living in a certain
I feel confident and I have great relationships with people that inspire me.

I think clearly and speak clearly. I am able to come up with creative solutions to
overcome obstacles and I enjoy the challenge.
I maintain my flow

3. What values and beliefs do you live in your ideal identity? -VALUES/BELIEFS

I do what I love to do

What the world needs, I have to offer

I keep getting better at doing the things that I know I have to do

I receive fair compensation for the value that I provide

Evolving Beliefs

I am not smart enough

I find myself getting smarter each day

I procrastinate

It is easy to do the things I know I have to do

People are better than me

People are equal to me

I don't want to fail and be looked at as a failure

No matter what I do, I win

I don't feel unlovable

I love myself and others love me

I believe that all rich people are evil…

I meet people that are wealthy from fair business dealings

I am afraid to be too great

I allow my greatness to express

I don’t deserve or feel worthy of success

I am successful

I have to work very hard, long hours for money

I enjoy coming up with creative solutions to problems and I get paid well
for it.
Others hold me back.

More loving and supportive people show up to support me.

4. What capabilities/skills do you need to cultivate? - CAPABILITIES







Learning & Teaching

Problem Solvinng

5. What behaviors can you integrate that in alignment with your vision? -
I have a morning routine that I enjoy doing

I am productive and I enjoy what I do

I enjoy what I do and I have fun

I am organized

6. Where do you see yourself, as far as environments go? - ENVIRONMENT

I live in a certain house

My office looks a certain way

I have a certain team that I work with

I work with clients that I enjoy

Perspective Shift 1 - Transference of Mental State

People externalizing your mental state.

We want to instill subconscious mind beliefs that encourage an ideal state of mind.
A mental state, or a mental property, is a state of mind of a person. Mental states
comprise a diverse class including perception, pain experience, belief, desire,
intention, emotion and memory.
4 Key Attributes

People reveal, reflect and inspire our mental states and beliefs

When transferring a state over to another person, they feel it and reflect it.

We draw in the people who are aligned with the same mental state.

Perception, experience, belief, desire, intention, emotion and memory.

How = Tension & Reactivity / Flow

















Positive Attitude




1. Place yourself in interactions where beliefs are revealed and inspired

2. Journal the experiences where you feel tension and reactivity or Flow

3. Identify the limiting beliefs upon reflection on the logical levels, in relation to the
tension or reactivity.
4. Change the beliefs to empowering beliefs. Write them or note them in the
workbook/mind map.
Beliefs from others

Beliefs from within






Example: Public Speaking (Capabilities)

I am afraid that I will be rejected

I find people are accepting me more so each day

They might not like me

I like myself and thus others reflect the state in me by liking me

They won't find me interesting

I realize more so each day that I am a very interesting person and people are
interested in learning about me and what I have to offer
I am not a good speaker

I am getting better in my communication skills each day

I find ideas on how to improve my communication skills

I have awkward body language

As I accept and love myself more, I feel more confidence

My confidence increases each time I speak publicly.

My body language is congruent with my ideal identity

Weaving affirmations through forming connections

Perspective Shift 2 - How everything in reality is contributing...

See reality as both inspiring and revealing.

Ideas will show up on your day-to-day journey

Note insights for subconscious mind reprogramming

Realizations from the outer world











How = Tension & Reactivity / Flow

















Positive Attitude




1. Note on your day to day journey, the beliefs that are revealed and inspired

2. Identify the limiting beliefs upon reflection on the logical levels, in relation to the
tension or reactivity.
3. Change the beliefs to empowering beliefs. Write them or note them in the
workbook/mind map.
Beliefs from others

Beliefs from within






4. Note any Identity, Environment, behavior and capability insights.

Example: Workday (Behavior)

I procrastinate a lot

More so each day, I am building momentum and I find myself automatically

doing what I know I need to do
I am stressed out by a person

I and further understand how my beliefs are playing out during the
interactions with people
I am afraid to connect with my prospects

I realize that the more prospects I connect with, the better I will get at sales
and more confident I will become.

I don't feel inspired to work

I am realizing how my work contributes to my vision

I am finding inspiration from the most unexpected sources

I am afraid that I am doing the wrong things

I realize that one thing leads to the next so I take each step with confidence

I am able to adjust myself while I am in momentum

My confidence keeps increasing and as a result I know what I need to do

and do it.
Weaving affirmations through forming connections

Perspective Shift 3 - Supportive Self-Talk and Inner Dialogue

What is self-talk
Most of our self-talk is unconscious; we are not even aware of it.

At times our self-talk comes in feelings that can't quite be put into words.

At other times it comes in little flashes.

Other times it is conscious

The subconscious mind does not see the difference
between the statement that we are clumsy and the
statement that we are graceful, well-coordinated, and
in control. It does not know the difference between
being told that we are poor, and the statement that we
are wealthy. It accepts our programming just as we
give it.
We have learned that what we put into our minds is what we will get back out.

We also have learned that the subconscious mind can believe anything you tell it. It
will even believe a lie. If you tell it often enough and strongly enough.
Becoming your own best friend

We are our best source of encouragement and good advice.

We can build a relationship with ourselves, inner world, divine, subconscious mind


Observe your self talk to understand how you believe reality to work, in relation to
your vision.
Observe your conversations with other people to reveal how you believe reality to
work, in relation to your vision.
Pay extra attention during times of tension and reactivity and FLOW

Socratic questioning


What meaning did I give to X?

Could I explain the meaning further?

Challenging beliefs

What beliefs are being reveled here?

Is there a different belief I can identify with?

Evidence and reasoning

Is there evidence that supports the beliefs?

Can we validate that evidence? Do we have all the information we need?

Alternative beleifs

Are there alternative beliefs?

How would a trusted advisor see it, and why?

Implications (cause and effect relationship)

How would this affect the sprit of harmony and vision?

What are the long-term implications of this?

inner conversations (Mental Chatter vs True Inner Voice)


















Positive Attitude




1. Journal any persistent negative self-talk

2. Identify the limiting beliefs via Socratic questioning

3. Change the beliefs to empowering beliefs. Write them or note them in the
workbook/mind map.

I feel shameful to go after what I want

I realize more so each day that I deserve what I want in life.

I feel discouraged by the success of others

Others provide inspiration as to what I can do.

It angers me that I did not have the ideal environment growing up

I realize that my past environments made me who I am today and I accept

People do not accept me for who I really am and it makes me feel insecure

More so often, people are accepting me, this is becoming clearer

I am afraid to be critisized

I realize that people really do value what I have to say

I think way too much and fail to know what action to take

I realize that all paths can lead me to my destination.

Perspective Shift 4 - Supportive Environments

We reflect our enviroments


Physical Environments

Living space

Work space

Rejuvenation Space

Leisure Space

Social Space


Digital Environments


Social Media




Psychological Environments





Blank Canvas theory

We paint reality based on our values and beliefs

As we evolve, we get access to more tools, colours and techniques to paint our
As we evolve we can also clear the canvas

A blank canvas may feel uncomfortable or uncertain but the vision fills up the
The goal is to saturate your canvas with harmonious
How = Tension & Reactivity / Flow


















Positive Attitude




1. Commit to placing yourself in supportive environments.

2. Determine based on the 3 ways of change

How we relate

Full Acceptance (short or long term)

Change the environment

3. Perform the changes

Perspective Shift 5 - FLOW

Flow state, also known as being in the zone, is the mental state in which a person
performing some activity is fully immersed in a feeling of energized focus, full
involvement, and enjoyment in the process of the activity.

In essence, flow is characterized by the complete absorption in what one does.

Brainwave states

Gamma brainwaves (39 – 42 Hz)

Associated state: Heightened perception, learning, problem-solving tasks

Beta brainwaves (13 – 38 Hz)

State: Alert, normal alert consciousness, active thinking

Alpha brainwaves (8-12 Hz)

Calm, yet alert brain states. These are the “flow state” brain waves.

Being here, in the present NOW

Theta brainwaves (4-7 Hz)

Creativity with insight

Theta waves provide the gateway to subconscious learning and intuition.

Theta brain waves take place when our senses are withdrawn from the external
world and focused inward.

State Akin to sleep

Hypnotic or deeply relaxed state.

You are not unconscious but can still control the direction of your thoughts.
Delta brainwaves (1-3 Hz)

State: Sleep, dreaming

Elements of Flow

Clear Goals at a abstract and granular level

By finding direction in relation to a meaningful goal, the mind is rearranged and

recalibrated with purpose.
Complacency and stagnation longer lead to a "drifting" mind

Set goals with qualitative and quantitative KPIs.

Purify the mind and intent

Immediate reporting and feedback

1. Quantitative Indicators

2. Qualitative Indicators

Harmony between challenge and skill

Challenge to further cultivate or perfect skills

A mind engaged in voluntary challenge to accomplish

something worthwhile.
Action and awareness become one

Attention is absorbed by the activity.

We become so involved in what we are doing that the activity becomes intuitive
and one with with goal.
We become capable of handling large, complex amounts of data.

We make making rapid, correct decisions

We see the connects, relationships, and nuanced distinctions.

Distractions are excluded from consciousness. Fear, doubt and indecision tapers
We leave no room in the mind for irrelevant information as we are become "one
with" what we are involved with.
The term “autotelic” derives from two Greek words, auto meaning self, and telos
meaning goal. It refers to a self-contained activity, one that is done not with the
expectation of some future benefit, but simply because the doing itself is the
A stronger sense of TRUE SELF emerges stronger after the flow experience is
Time is distorted

Time no longer seems to pass the way it ordinarily does.

Hours seem to pass by in minutes; in general, most people report that time
seems to pass much faster. But occasionally the reverse occurs
The activity and person becomes autotelic.
"An autotelic person needs few material possessions and little entertainment,
comfort, power, or fame because so much of what he or she does is already
rewarding. Because such persons experience flow in work, in family life, when
interacting with people, when eating, even when alone with nothing to do, they
are less dependent on the external rewards that keep others motivated to go on
with a life composed of routines.

They are more autonomous and independent because they cannot be as easily
manipulated with threats or rewards from the outside. At the same time, they are
more involved with everything around them because they are fully immersed in
the current of life."

- Flow by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

Experience is that it is an end in itself. The activity that consumes us becomes
intrinsically rewarding.
Autotelic personalities seem to enjoy situations that others would find
Enormous patience persistence of a positive attitude in the face of prolonged
adversity is experienced.
Unwavering lighthearted focus

Enjoyment is characterized by this forward movement: by a sense of

novelty, of accomplishment. Playing a close game of tennis that stretches one’s
ability is enjoyable, as is reading a book that reveals things in a new light, as is
having a conversation that leads us to express ideas we didn’t know we had.

Closing a contested business deal, or any piece of work well done, is enjoyable.
None of these experiences may be particularly pleasurable at the time they are
taking place, but afterward we think back on them and say, “That really was fun”
and wish they would happen again.

After an enjoyable event we know that we have changed, that our self has grown: in
some respect, we have become more complex as a result of it.

- Flow by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

Be able to hold two polarizing thoughts in your mind



Exercise - Flow Reflections

1. Identify any note the flow breakers.

2. Reflect upon the beliefs surrounding these flow breakers.

3. Change them

1. Change how we relate...

2. Acceptance...

3. Change it...


Do / Optimize




Subconscious Mind Work

1. Identifying Limiting Beliefs

1. Review your notes and journal entries from the program.

2. Reflect on the layers of logical levels

3. Reflects on the four aspects of "The Way"

Purity of intent

Focus of will

Level of awareness

Quality of Character

4. Reflect upon the "3 Ways" change...

Change how your relate...

Acceptance of what IS

Change it...

5. Reflects on the 5 perspective shifts...

Perspective Shift 1 - Transference of Mental State

Perspective Shift 2 - How everything in reality is contributing...

Perspective Shift 3 - Supportive Self-Talk and Inner Dialogue

Perspective Shift 4 - Supportive Environments

Perspective Shift 5 - FLOW

2. Rewrite beliefs via affirmative statements. (Affirmations)


I am, I have...

I am so happy and grateful that...

I am so excited...

I have absolute faith...

I believe with full certainty...

I realize more and more so each day...

I know...

I trust...

I find myself...

More so each day

I Understand

I live in full faith of...


Using Positive vs Negative

Weaving Affirmations together...

Weaving Affirmations together...








Logical levels

... with Joy, bliss and ease.

... from various different sources

... in the most unexpected ways

... on a continuous basis

... because I treat them the same way

... because I love them also

... and they want the same for me

... because I love and appreciate myself

... because I am worth it

... because I trust myself

... and every day, I realize this more and more so.

... from a place of love.

3. Integrate The Four Subconscious Mind Reprogramming Modalities

1. Subconscious Mind Audios

1. Subconscious Mind Audios

1. Record the affirmations in an audio software or recorder.

Record audio affirmations in the following manner...

Record yourself reading the affirmations out loud in a calm, confident,

assuring and encouraging voice
Include high level affirmations as well as specific ones
If possible record with soothing audio or light meditative background
2. Find a quite place where you can close your eyes

Morning when you wake up

At night before you sleep

Anytime during your day or before naps

3. Repeatedly play your affirmation audio or read them out loud for 5 mins to
30 mins.
Visualize yourself in the attainment or doing the thing in your affirmation

You can also emotionalize the feeling of the attainment or doing the thing
in your affirmation
Repeat the affirmations and notice how you are believing the affirmation
with more and more conviction (This is rewriting your subconscious mind
4. Throughout the day, engage in supportive information related to your
vision to support the affirmations.
2. Practice self-awareness

Notice how everything in reality is moving you towards or away from your
Notice what interactions with other people are telling you about yourself

Notice what your environment is telling you about yourself

Notice Self talk and talk with others

Notice the stories you tell yourself that are moving you away from your vision

3. Subconscious Mind NATURAL SATURATION

Note or journal your insights through the day

If necessary, modify your affirmations.

Repeat daily or as needed

2. Self-Talk


a reassertion or confirmation of a fact or belief.

Many reasons why...


Observe your interactions with others, information, circumstances,

environment in relation to what you say when you talk to yourself.

1. Note self-talk elements that was not in alignment with your vision.
2. Release shame or judgment of yourself and others regarding your
3. Engage in the empowering version of these conversations to the best
of your ability
4. Note any persistent negative self-talk for working with Subconscious
Mind Audios, Environment or Revision.

3. Environment


a reassertion or confirmation of a fact or belief.

In the sprit of harmony...


1. Note Environmental elements that were not in alignment with your vision.

2. Release shame or judgment of yourself and others regarding your notes.

4. Integrate the "3 Ways" of change...

Change how your relate...

Acceptance of what IS

Change it...

5. Note any persistent negative environments for working with Subconscious

Mind Audios and Revision.
4. Revision


a reassertion or confirmation of a fact or belief.

Relation to the past...

Revision / Imaginal Acts

(Self, Invisible Counsel or Trusted Advisor)

Before Sleep or Nap

4 Ways


Conversations with the version of you at the end

Invisible Counsel

Working with a trusted advisor


1. Note events of the day that were not in alignment with your vision.
2. Release shame or judgment of yourself and others regarding the
3. In your imagination, ideally in "the stake akin to sleep" live the event in
the idea way
4. Repeat the process over again with ease.

You can even fall asleep to this process.

Program Example

Clarity of Vision

1. What is your vision or Definite Chief Aim? - VISON

Definite Chief Aim

I will have in my possession $100,000 by January 1st 2022, which will

come to me in various amounts from time to time during the interim.
In return for this money I will give the most efficient service of which I am
capable, rendering the fullest possible quantity, and the best possible
quality of service in the capacity of an entrepreneur.
I believe that I will have this money in my possession. My faith is so
strong that I can now see this money before my eyes. I can touch it with
my hands.

It is now awaiting transfer to me at the time, and in the proportion that I

deliver the service I intend to render in return for it.

I am awaiting a plan by which to accumulate this money, and I will follow

that plan, when it is received.
Start a business and grow it up to $10,000 a month, doing what I love
2. How do you see yourself now?
How do you see yourself in your vision? - IDENTITY

Physical, Mental, Emotional

I see myself dressing a certain way, driving a certain car, living in a certain
I feel confident and I have great relationships with people that inspire me.

I think clearly and speak clearly. I am able to come up with creative solutions
to overcome obstacles and I enjoy the challenge.
I maintain my flow

3. What values and beliefs do you live in your ideal identity? -VALUES/BELIEFS

I do what I love to do

What the world needs, I have to offer

I keep getting better at doing the things that I know I have to do

I receive fair compensation for the value that I provide

4. What capabilities/skills do you need to cultivate? - CAPABILITIES







Learning & Teaching

Problem Solvinng

5. What behaviors can you integrate that in alignment with your vision? -
I have a morning routine that I enjoy doing

I am productive and I enjoy what I do

I enjoy what I do and I have fun

I am organized

6. Where do you see yourself, as far as environments go? - ENVIRONMENT

I live in a certain house

My office looks a certain way

I have a certain team that I work with

I work with clients that I enjoy

Example: Public Speaking (Capabilities)

I am afraid that I will be rejected

I find people are accepting me more so each day

They might not like me

I like myself and thus others reflect the state in me by liking me

They won't find me interesting

I realize more so each day that I am a very interesting person and people are
interested in learning about me and what I have to offer
I am not a good speaker

I am getting better in my communication skills each day

I find ideas on how to improve my communication skills

I have awkward body language

As I accept and love myself more, I feel more confidence

My confidence increases each time I speak publicly.

My body language is congruent with my ideal identity

Weaving affirmations through forming connections

Example: Workday (Behavior)

I procrastinate a lot

More so each day, I am building momentum and I find myself automatically

doing what I know I need to do
I am stressed out by a person

I and further understand how my beliefs are playing out during the
interactions with people
I am afraid to connect with my prospects

I realize that the more prospects I connect with, the better I will get at sales
and more confident I will become.
I don't feel inspired to work

I am realizing how my work contributes to my vision

I am finding inspiration from the most unexpected sources

I am afraid that I am doing the wrong things

I realize that one thing leads to the next so I take each step with confidence

I am able to adjust myself while I am in momentum

My confidence keeps increasing and as a result I know what I need to do

and do it.
Weaving affirmations through forming connections
Example (Perspective Shift 3)

I feel shameful to go after what I want

I realize more so each day that I deserve what I want in life.

I feel discouraged by the success of others

Others provide inspiration as to what I can do.

It angers me that I did not have the ideal environment growing up

I realize that my past environments made me who I am today and I accept

People do not accept me for who I really am and it makes me feel insecure

More so often, people are accepting me, this is becoming clearer

I am afraid to be critisized

I realize that people really do value what I have to say

I think way too much and fail to know what action to take

I realize that all paths can lead me to my destination.

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