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Balance Sheet 2022 (values €)

Example 1: Consider a Company ABCD with a Capital Contribution of 800 000 € and a Net income for the year of 169 325€.
Description Description
1. Classify the elements presented, distinguishing those that, in a Non-Current Asset Non-Current Liabilities
accounting perspective, should be considered as equity elements of the Intangible Asset Financing obtained 50 000
remaining. Regarding heritage elements, classify them into: “Brand M” (acquisition value) 300 000 Total 50 000
a) Goods, Rights or Obligations; Patent 100 000
b) Active or Liability elements. Total 400 000
Current Liabilities
2. Build Balance Sheet Tangible Assets Debts to suppliers 240 000
Bem Direito Obrigação New Building 510 000 Fixed assets suppliers 175 000
Description Value G R O A L Vehicle (use) 75 000 State and other public entities 111 675
Final Existence of Inventories 388 000 G A Total 585 000 Total 526 675
Clients 175 000 R A TOTAL LIABILITIES 576 675
Bank deposits and cash 72 500 R A Current Asset
Debts to suppliers 240 000 O L Tangible Assets OWNER'S EQUITY
Fixed assets suppliers 175 000 O L Final Existence of Inventories 388 000 Capital Contribution 800 000
Financing obtained 50 000 O L Clients 175 000 Retained Earnings 0 74 500
State and other public entities 111 675 O L Bank deposits and cash 72 500 Net income for the year 169 325
Net income for the year 169 325 Equity Total 635 500 TOTAL EQUITY - Retained Earnings 1 546 000
Capital Contribution 800 000 Equity
“Brand M” (acquisition value) 300 000 R A TOTAL ASSETS 1 620 500 TOTAL OWNER'S EQUITY + LIABILITIES 1 620 500
Vehicle (use) 75 000 G A
New Building 510 000 G A
Patent 100 000 R A
Consider investment projects A and B, independent, of which the essential values for the analysis, evaluated at the end of each year, are presented in the
following tables.

Project A

Items Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

Resultados Liquidos -100 12 000 22 000 30 000 38 000 46 000
Amortizations 17 500 17 500 17 500 15 000 15 000
Investment Cash Flow 155 000 20 000 5 000 500 100

Project B

Items Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

Resultados Liquidos 4000 30 000 35 000 45 000 50 000 55 000
Amortizations 26 937 32 365 32 366 30 792 28 779
Investment Cash Flow 115 000 90 000 35 000 5 000 500

The feasibility studies for these projects were prepared at current prices, in a context where the real interest rate for the initial years should be 5%. Growing
by 0.5 percentage points from year 3, inclusive. The inflation rate for the first years of the period will be around 7.5%, rising to 8.5% from year 4 onwards,
inclusive. The aim is to find out if the projects presented can be considered as an adequate application of the invested capital. The study should be started by
filling in the following table:

Rubricas Ano 1 Ano 2 Ano 3 Ano 4 Ano 5

Taxa de juro real (real rate) 5,00% 5,00% 5,50% 6,00% 6,50%
Taxa de inflação (inflation rate) 7,50% 7,50% 7,50% 8,50% 8,50%
Taxa de Nominal (nominal rate) = Taxa Actualização 12,8750% 12,8750% 13,4125% 15,0100% 15,5525%
Coeficiente a aplicar para correcção dos Cash Flows Liquidos 0,8859 0,7849 0,6921 0,6017 0,5207

The constant price methodology eliminates the uncertainty associated with forecasting future inflation. CF calculated at current prices must be updated with
nominal interest rates. CF calculated at constant prices must be updated at real interest rates.

Projecto A

Rubricas Ano 0 Ano 1 Ano 2 Ano 3 Ano 4 Ano 5

Resultados Liquidos -100 12 000 22 000 30 000 38 000 46 000
Amortizações 17 500 17 500 17 500 15 000 15 000
Investimento Total 155 000 20 000 5 000 500 100
Cash Flow Liquido -155 100 9 500 34 500 47 000 52 900 61 000
Cash Flow Liquido Actualizado -155 100 8 416 27 078 32 527 31 832 31 766 NPV= -23 481

Projecto B

Rubricas Ano 0 Ano 1 Ano 2 Ano 3 Ano 4 Ano 5

Resultados Liquidos 4 000 30 000 35 000 45 000 50 000 55 000
Amortizações 26 937 32 365 32 366 30 792 28 779
Investimento Total 115 000 90 000 35 000 5 000 500
Cash Flow Liquido -111 000 -33 063 32 365 72 366 80 292 83 779
Cash Flow Liquido Actualizado -111 000 -29 292 25 403 50 082 48 315 43 628 NPV= 27 135

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