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Pre-Semester Examination
B. Tech. CSE/IT/CE/EN/ME Year 2nd Semester IIIrd (All Branch)
Subject – Computer System Security (KNC 301)
Time: 2hrs. MM: 50
Section – A
Q. 1 Attempt any five parts of this question – 2 x 5=10
(a) What is Session Hijacking?
(b) What is significance of Confinement Principle?
(c) Define Firewall and its uses.
(d) Differentiate between HIDS and NIDS.
(e) What is CIA?
(f) What is cryptography?
(g) Define the term Authenticity.
(h) What is Cyber Security?
(i) Define Computer Security Threats.
(j) Define Error 404.
Section – B
Q. 2 Attempt any two parts of this question – 8 x 2 = 16
(a) Explain Control Hijacking with an example.
(b) Explain the term of Buffer overflow in control hijacking.
(c) What is cross site Scripting? How to protect against XSS?
(d) Explain the term Public key cryptography in detail.
(e) Explain in brief about RSA public key cryptography.
Section – C
Note: - Attempt any one part from any three questions. 8x3= 24
Q.3 (a) What is digital signature? How digital signature works?
(b) How you detect Rootkits? Explain how to prevent Rootkits?
Q.4 (a) Explain RSA algorithm. Perform encryption and decryption using RSA for p=11,q=13,e=7 and m=9.
(b) What is symmetric and asymmetric key cryptography? Write their respective advantages and
Q.5 (a) How do you define risk, vulnerability and threats in the context of Network Security?
(b) What is NIDS? Explain its Types.
Q.6 (a) How cross site forgery attack works? Also give example of CSRF attack.
(b) Explain Transport Layer Security (TLS) in details.
Q. 7 (a) What is IP Security? Explain in details.
(b) Explain Hash Function and Domain Name System in details.

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