Amhara REPA ESA Checklist

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Checklist: A case of Amhara National Regional State Environment Forest

and Wildlife Protection and Development Authority (Bahir-Dar City)

I. Result weighting or scoring

Category of Score Required performance evidence State of
answers value compliance
Yes 1 Fully generated evidences as per prescribed compliance
performance evidences
Fairly Yes 0.5 Generated evidences with minor failures
No 0 (zero) Complete failure to generate prescribed Non-compliance
performance evidences

II. Determining performance magnitude of ULG

Based on the obtained percentage results, the performance magnitude of each ULGs
of the Region were determined based on the following statistical performance rating.

No Performance class Magnitude

1 Above 85% Very high performance

2 75-85% High performance

3 65-75% Medium performance

4 55-65% Low performance

5 Below 55% Very low performance

III. Audit Performance Evidence Generation and verifications

The audited ULG was required to generate predetermined performance evidences

indicated in the right column of ESPA checklist. Supportive evidences, such as copies
of contractual agreement, monitoring reports, TORs, and photographs were
collected and integrated in the audit report for further verification.

IV. Checklist

Audited ULG: Audit Date: Lead Auditor:

ESPA Questionnaire checklists Target Actual score ULG requirements to provide

score Yes FYes No Performance evidences
(30) (1) (0.5) (0)
I ESMSG/RSG compliance checklist 6
1 Had the ULG assigned UIIDP social Safeguard specialist in place
safeguard specialist as required by the 1 with letter
UIIDP APA manual?
2 Have UIIDP Implementing staffs gained A box file or folder containing
training on, and aware of their roles, in the training reports; training
ESMSG and RSG as part of the developed 0 courses provided; trained staffs
capacity building plan in each year? and shared experience reports
with ULGs.
3 Do all capital investment projects screened A file consisting dates of
as per ESMSG/RSG before thestart of EIA/IEE reports approvals and
construction? contractor's agreement award
4 Were all investment projects screened 1 Box file documentations of
using the standard ESS format as required ESS reports as Records of
by the Decisions
ESMSG and RSG? (RoD)
5 Had the ESS reports prepared in 1 Completeness of reports both
standard qualities and adequacies? in environmental and social
6 Were Project Affected Peoples (PAPs) 1 A box file or folder
notified and consulted during the containing public agreed
Environmental and Social Screening Process minutes per specific projects
as required by the ESMSG &RSG?
II Project EMP/RAP compliance 8 1
audit checklist
7 Have EMPs/RAPs been implemented as 1 A Box file/ folder containing
per the approvedplans and prior to formal (dated and signed)
commencement of constructions? implementation reports of
8 Were costs of identified mitigation measures A box file/ folder containing
of the EMPs/RAPs of schedule 1 and 2 tender documents with
projects calculated by contractors and 1 prescribed mitigation measures
incorporated into tender documents before as per the EMPs & of their
the commencement of civil work? contractors cost estimates.
9 Have the approved ESIA reports, PESIA no Date of disclosure; official
and RAPs reports disclosed for public letters dispatched; public
review/comments at kebele councils and/or comments
any other suitable places?
10 Have the approved EMPs and RAPs of 1 Box files containing signed and
ESIA/PESIA reports enter into contractors' dated contractors'
legal agreements or Environmental Contract Environmental
Contract Clauses for category
Clauses? 1&2 ?
11 Has compliance monitoring of PESIA/EMP 1 A Box file/ folder containing
and RAPs been conducted regularly as per formal (dated and signed)
project phases (construction, operation, compliance monitoring reports
decommissioning and closure) to verify the as per the approved EMPs and
EMP or RAPs, mitigation measure monitoring plan.
12 Has the UIIDPofficer prepared and No 0 A Box file/ folder containing
submits annual environmental and social annual implementation EMPs
management reports on the implementation reports issued by official
of EMPs or RAPs to either the regional letters.
EFoWPDA or zonal ELEMAI team?
13 Have UIIDPImplementing officers no 0 A box file/ folder containing
conducted internal auditing as per internal auditing reports
the approved EMPs and RAPs?
14 Have Environmental Clearance Certificates No 0 A Box file/ folder containing
of ESIAor PESIA reports renewed annually renewed certificates of projects
as required by law?
III Documentation and Record keeping 7
compliance checklists
15 Do the UIIDPOfficers keep written and '' A Box file/ folder containing
photographic records of project sites and its photographs
surrounding areas before, after and during
construction on the site?
16 Do UIIDPofficers keep records of cases of No '' Documented cases of note
non-compliances and measurement 0 book/reports
actions taken?
17 Do UIIDPofficers keep records of 1 Documented certified reports by
certified EA reports by type and numbers, type
such as PESIA report, ESIA report and
archived with labeling?
18 Are hard copies of the UIIDPESMSG & 1 Documented hard copies of
RSG as back-up documented properly UIIDP ESMSG & RSG
as working documents?
19 Are hard copies of 2012 EFY Environmental 1 A Box file/ folder containing
and Social Audit Reports submitted by audit reports
Regional EFoWPDA documented
20 Are there documented regional 1 A Box file/ folder containing
environmental laws (EIA proc No environmental laws
181/2011 & general EIA guideline
(BoELAU, 2012/11) &National
Environmental laws
relevant to UIIDP ESMSG ?
21 Do the contractors keep records of 1 '' ''
construction activities, instructions received
from the UIIDPconcerning social and
environmental matters?
IV Checklist for Auditing previous year 2
ESPA results
22 Had discussions made on the 2011 ESP No Signed minutes of discussion
Audit report amongst the
UIIDPImplementing staffs chaired by the 0
Core Process Leader aimed to implement
23 Had action plans with required budget 1 Box file containing prepared
prepared for implementation of non- action plans; allocated
compliances of 2011 EFY ESPA results budget;
photograph records
24 Had corrections measures implemented for 1 Implementation reports
identified non-compliances as required by
the 2011 ESP Audit report?
V Checklist for field observation of sampled 6
25 Had the infrastructure completed within the Field observation & photograph
planned Fiscal Year (budget year)
26 Had the cobblestone/gravel road constructed Field observation & photograph
with the required standard inclination of 2 1
% to minimize scouring of fine sand?
27 Had the infrastructure constructed with the Field observation & photograph
required standard quality?
28 Had the infrastructure opened for social Field observation & photograph
/public service?
29 Had the construction cart away removed Field observation & photograph
from the project site or reused for 0.5
and land leveling?
30 Had the drainage ditch connected with Field observation & photograph
natural water way or existing drainage 1
Total points for each 19 2
Sum of actual points 21
Performance Score in % ( actual score divided by 70
target score (30) *100)

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