Evaluation Unit 10

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For Unit 10 I produced a 60 second news update using footage of myself and clips of the topics I
discussed. I used the Software Premiere Pro and Photoshop to create the final product which I
believe turned out well. The overall work done involved me utilising Video Effects for my title card,
learning to move my background in order to make it more interesting, making myself cropped out of
a greenscreen, fixing audio to balance my Voice with the Music. In my feedback I found that people
didn’t particularly enjoy the music that plays or didn’t mind it, though nobody seemed especially
fond of it. This is good for future reference as music is quite important for viewer engagement; If it is
something that distracts someone form the news update then it may lose their attention on the
actual discussion. It is also noted that people thought the audio could be louder which I will take on
board for next time.

I was complimented on the amount that I managed to present in the 60 seconds given and the
enthusiasm for the topic at hand. This is somewhat taken away however as my eye contact was
point out as well, this is an issue that I have had previously so I hope to fix this as soon as possible.

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