History Behind The Headlines

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History Behind the Headlines

Kamala Harris Makes History as First Female Vice President

Keshawn Sutherland

HIST 1014O

Introduction to Belizean History

CC: Ms. Karla Pinelo

February 26, 2022

The US First Black and Female Vice President

When we say something is 'political' or 'all about politics,' we usually mean that it boils down to
a power struggle between individuals or groups. So, in essence, politics is a game of maneuver to
assert competing interests. Politics is about who gets what, when and how. Politics, in this
perspective, is basically about resolving disputes over the allocation of material goods. This may
have been an accurate description of politics in the post-World War II era, which saw a largely
centralized state implement progressive taxes and welfare provision, as well as a party political
system based on a conventional left-right ideological divide. (Boswell, 2020) Politics, especially
electoral politics have, long been a man’s ball game globally. While women serves as executives
and CEO’s it is seldom when they become an elected representative for a constituent. This paper
will describe how Camala Harris became the first female and black vice president in the United
States and the implications going forward.

On January 20, 2021, Kamala Harris was sworn in as the first woman and the first woman of
color to hold the position, a pivotal moment for a nation reeling from a terrible history of racial
inequality exposed again and again in a contentious election. Even if voters chose a 77-year-old
white guy at the top of the ticket, Ms. Harris, 56, reflects the future of a country that is becoming
more racially diverse. Ms. Harris spoke of her mother and the generations of women of all colors
who prepared the path for this moment in her victory speech. (Camera, 2020) "While I may be
the first woman in this office, I will not be the last," she told the people. "Because every little girl
watching tonight may know that this is a land of opportunities." Many people were unhappy with
the past administration and Biden's choice of a Black woman as his running mate was a
recognition that Black women have long been the Democratic Party's most devoted supporters,
as seen by the fact that 93 percent of Black women voted for Biden in the 2020 election,
according to the Associated Press' VoteCast poll. (AP VoteCast FAQs, n.d.)

Harris frequently emphasized her love for her family, particularly her late mother, who
emigrated from India to attend university in Berkeley, California, and raised Harris and her
younger sister as a single mom – a narrative that is familiar to millions of Americans who don't
see themselves reflected in government.

Kamal Harris’ victory isn’t a victory just for her but for all women. She proved that women are
capable of holding high offices and disrupting status quo. Her speech proved to every small girl,
as well as women with unquenchable goals, that they can achieve anything they set their minds
to. According to Destiny Faye from the University of Northern Carolina, Ms. Harris said in her
speech, “I think about her (Harris’ mother Shyamala) and about the generation of women, Black
women, Asian, White, Latina, Native American women who throughout our nation’s history
have paved the way for this moment tonight.” (The Significance of Kamala Harris as Vice
President, n.d.) Acknowledging all the women who helped to pave the road to her success and
the success of women to come. Ms. Harris now has the platform to advocate for issues affecting
girls and people of color. She holds the second most powerful office in the democratic world and
now other people like her can now see new doors open for their daughters, their immigrant
families, themselves. (Magazine, n.d.) She is a constant reminder that we must never forget the
marginalized and disadvantaged, and a great reminder that it is possible for female and
minorities to break away from systematic disadvantages.

While Joe Biden’s running mate choice of a black woman was a defining political strategy for
the Biden’s administration. It was also an undeniable historic event as she is the first black and
female vice president in the US history. Ms. Harris is the representation of the American dream –
where equal opportunities is available for all. She is a change that the American people wanted
from years of patriarchal leadership. She is the face and voice of minorities, constantly
reminding them that they are able to break glass ceilings and overcome obstacles. This event
marks a new era in political history and the way women are viewed in politics around the world.

1. AP VoteCast FAQs. (n.d.). Associated Press. Retrieved March 1, 2022, from

2. Boswell, C. (2020, January 14). What is politics? The British Academy.
3. Camera, L. (2020). Kamala Harris Makes History as First Female Vice President. US
News & World Report; U.S. News & World Report.
4. Magazine, P. (n.d.). “Harris Has the Potential To Change the Face of U.S.
Politics.” POLITICO. https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2020/11/07/kamala-
5. The Significance of Kamala Harris as Vice President. (n.d.). Inside UNC. Retrieved
March 1, 2022, from https://www.unco.edu/inside-unc/campus-community/cwge-kamala-

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