Emma Burnett - Resolutions - Afghanistan Humanitarian Crisis

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General Assembly Committee

France (by Emma Burnett)


The General Assembly,

Emphasizing the issue in Afghanistan, where all women and girls are losing all
fundamental human rights,

Deeply Disturbed by the intrusive acts of violence upon the female population within
Afghanistan, such as “beatings, harassment, forced prostitution, deprivation of alimony, and
forced into early marriages” (Amnesty),

Fully aware that all women and young girls have lost the ability to step foot onto any
educational premises without being arrested or murdered, as well as restrictions on allowing
women to work paying jobs, “Women and girls were also denied access to higher education,
work and services, and restricted from moving freely and participating in public life” (UN
Human Rights Council),

Noting with deep concern that women have assembled a small association of schools for
their children to attend, these schools are often held underground or in secret locations, meant to
be a sanctuary for learning due to the privilege taken in August 2021,

Keeping in mind that these schools could very well cause a decrease in Afghanistan’s
female population, considering the fact that if the Taliban were to find these schools, each person
who has stepped foot within the school would be killed,

(1) Calls upon all large countries near Afghanistan and the Security Council to continue
supporting the female population within Afghanistan;

(2) Further recommends that all countries involved continue to urge the Taliban to return
the rights that were once stripped from all women and girls within Afghanistan, using techniques
such as;
a) Taking away key resources until they uphold Human Rights as they are asked to

b) Giving female refugees security within other countries until they may return to a
safe home:

(3) Requests all involved countries start as soon as next year (2024), giving time to
further prepare and remove all economic ties with Afghanistan, we may end when the Taliban
returns the rights of all women in Afghanistan;
(4) Further reminds that France has a $28.9 million dollar donation set towards
Afghanistan every 4-5 years, which will be eliminated in hope to urge the Taliban;

a) France will raise their refugee acceptance rate from 52.9% to 60% to help take in
more female refugees, requesting other countries participate in this action as well:

(5) Reminds all participating parties that the life of young women and girls are at stake,
and need military force to rescue women and girls, and return order may be needed if;

a) Human rights continue to be dishonored after prior acts:

b) Taliban begin to threaten or harm any countries involved:

c) 10-15 years go by and there is no change in the Human Rights violation towards
women and girls in Afghanistan.

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