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Name : Nesia Riyana

Student’s Number : 2079202022

Major : English Literature
Course Name : Discourse Analysis

A. Interactional Communication

Wilbur Schramm (1954) created the interactional paradigm, which emphasizes the two-way
communication process between communicators. In other words, there are two directions in
which communication can occur: from the sender to the receiver and from the receiver to the
sender. This circular procedure demonstrates the ongoing nature of communication. The
interactional view demonstrates that a person can participate in an interaction as both a sender
and a receiver, but not simultaneously.

The feedback or response to a message is the crucial component in this model. Feedback may
be expressed verbally or nonverbally, knowingly or unknowingly. Communicators can learn a
lot from feedback about how well their message has been received and how much meaning
has been achieved. Feedback happens after the message is received, not while it is being
transmitted, according to the interactional paradigm.

The presence of a person's range of experiences, culture, or heredity, which might influence
the capacity to connect with others, is the other crucial component or aspect in the idea of
interactional communication. In any communication activity, each participant offers a special
and different experience that may have an impact on the actual conversation.

Me : Tomorrow, people from tourism board will come to our office, do you
know why?
Co-Worker : Yes, they will hold a talk show in our radio (Feedback)

B. Transactional Communication

Barnlund proposed this transactional communication model. This communication concept

emphasizes on the constant sending and receiving of messages inside a communication
system. Sender and receiver share responsibility for the effects and outcomes of the current
communication process, whether it is successful or not, in the mechanism of sending and
receiving messages. This is because in this paradigm, meaning is developed by participant

According to the transactional paradigm, we constantly send and receive signals that have
both verbal and nonverbal components. In other words, the process of negotiating meaning is
carried out by the participants in communication (communicators).

There is a field of experience in this model as well, however there is overlap. As a result,
during the course of the communication process, each of them exhibits an understanding
process that is actively intertwined, leading to the development of a new understanding
through the interaction, integration, and communication processes between each
communication participant with different experience backgrounds.

There is seminar that made for teacher to upgrade their skill, so when the speaker explain
about something pedagogical, the teacher would not be upset because they also have similar
background to access the knowledge

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