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Mastery of Sleep
Week 2 Workbook
Your Quest on Becoming a Sleep Expert
Table of Contents

Table of Contents 2
Week 2 Overview 3
Day 8 - Your Chronotype 4
Chronotype Lion 5
Chronotype Bear 6
Chronotype Dolphin 7
Chronotype Wolf 8
Day 9 - Your Morning Routine 9
Day 10 - Your Bedroom Makeover 13
Day 11 - Your Bedroom Makeover 

Light 15
Day 12 - Your Bedroom Makeover 

Sound & Smell 17
Day 13 - Paying Your Sleep Debt 19
Day 14 - Review Day 21
Week 2 Overview

“You’re becoming a sleep expert, just like me.”

Congratulations for taking your first big steps on your journey towards
becoming a sleep champion last week. Welcome to week 2 of your journey!
Below you can find an overview of what you are going to learn.
We will start week 2 with defining your sleep chronotype and establishing a
healthy morning routine. Mid-week you will start your major bedroom
This week we go deep into sleep quality and explore internal and external
factors to optimize it.
P.S. You don’t need to take any action on your bedroom right now. This
information is there so that you can come back to it any time, when it is
relevant for you. If it’s not applicable for you, just take those days as
implementation days and practice your daily habits!

Day 8 - Your Chronotype
“Every person has a master biological clock inside their brains.”

My chronotype is _________________________
(Take the quiz here:

My new wake time is __ : __ My new bedtime is __ : __


If you are primarily a

Visual Learner:
Go to the page with the picture of your chronotype. Colour your animal and fill
in the details. Feel free to put this picture on your wall for a daily recap.

Auditory Learner:
Listen to the audio version of your chronotype video and doodle in your journal
while you listen to it. You can also use the following coloring pages.

Tactical Learner:
Stand in front of a mirror and mimic your chronotype. Roar like a lion or howl
like a wolf. Remember the characteristics of your chronotype while you do this.


Find people with the same chronotype in the Tribe and share with them the
biggest insight you had today about finding out your chronotype! If you have
done a bonus task, show the Tribe your results and share your process.


Don’t forget to fill in your sleep tracker and to stay on track with your Power
Down Hour. Remember to time your caffeine and alcohol consumption.

Chronotype Lion

• Conscientiousness • Overachieving
• Stability • Health & Fitness
• Practicality • Postive interactions
• Optimism
 • Strategizing

• Wake up: Dawn • 5 cycles of 90 min
• Tired: Late afternoon • 7 h 50 min
• Most alert: Noon • Early riser

• Productive: Morning
• Naps: None

Chronotype Bear

• Cautiousness • Avoiding conflict
• Extraversion • Health
• Friendly • Happiness first
• Open-minded
 • Familiarity

• Wake up: Snooze • 5 cycles of 90 min
• Tired: Mid-late evening • 7 h 50 min

• Most alert: Morning - early afternoon
• Productive: Late morning
• Naps: Weekends

Chronotype Dolphin

• Cautiousness • Avoid risk
• Introversion • Perfection
• Neuroticism • OCD
• Intelligence
 • Details

• Wake up: Unrefreshed • 4 cycles of 90 min
• Tired: All day • 6 h 40 min
• Most alert: Late at night • Light sleeper

• Productive: In spurts
• Naps: None

Chronotype Wolf

• Impulsivity • Risks
• Pessimism • Pleasure
• Creativity • Novelty
• Moodiness
 • Emotional intensity

• Wake up: Difficult • 4 cycles of 90 min
• Tired: Midnight or later • 7h
• Most alert: 7:00 PM • Late sleeper

• Productive: Late morning & evening
• Naps: Not recommended

Day 9 - Your Morning Routine
”Your daytime activities affect your night time sleep.”


Make a to-do list according to your chronotype and today’s lesson. Then set an
alarm clock on your phone for the recommended times to do the activities.


1. ____________________________________________________________________________
5:30 - 6:00 AM

2. ____________________________________________________________________________
6:00 - 7:00 AM

3. ____________________________________________________________________________
7:00 - 7:30 AM

4. ____________________________________________________________________________
7:30 - 9:00 AM

5. ____________________________________________________________________________
9:00 - 10:00 AM


1. ____________________________________________________________________________
7:00 - 7:30 AM

2. ____________________________________________________________________________
7:30 - 9:00 AM

3. ____________________________________________________________________________
9:00 - 10:00 AM

4. ____________________________________________________________________________
10:00 - 12:00 PM


1. ____________________________________________________________________________
6:30 AM

2. ____________________________________________________________________________
7:20 AM to 9:00 AM

3. ____________________________________________________________________________
9:30 AM to 12:00 PM


1. ____________________________________________________________________________
7:00 - 7:30 AM

2. ____________________________________________________________________________
7:30 - 8:30 AM

3. ____________________________________________________________________________
8:30 - 9:00 AM

4. ____________________________________________________________________________
9:00 - 11:00 AM

5. ____________________________________________________________________________
11:00 AM


What do you like most about your new morning routine?


What are 3 things you will definitely implement?

1. _________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________

3. ____________________________________________


If you are a

Visual Learner:
Write your morning routine on a separate piece of paper and highlight the
most important words. Attach it to the picture you coloured in yesterday.

Auditory Learner:
For every alarm of your morning routine, record a separate audio with your
phone. Leave yourself a loving message with a reminder what you should do
during this time slot.

Tactical Learner:
Remember the stickers you put on your clock concerning caffeine and alcohol?
Today, it’s time to add more pictures. Mark on your clock the times of your
morning routine and indicate with a symbol what you will do during that time.


Share with your fellow sleep champions what you like most about your new
morning routine. What have you been practicing for some time already? What

are you willing to implement? If you have done a bonus task, show the Tribe
your results and share your process.

Don’t forget to share your new morning routine plans with your accountability
partner so they can hold you accountable for really making the change.


Don’t forget to fill in your sleep tracker and to stay on track with your Power
Down Hour. Remember to time your caffeine and alcohol consumption and
enjoy your first morning routine tomorrow morning.

Day 10 - Your Bedroom Makeover
Pillow & Mattress

”Struggling with your pillow is a red flag.”

How old is your pillow?

______ month(s)
Is your pillow older than 18 months? Then it’s time to get a new one, unless it’s
made out of memory foam. Then you should replace it after 3 years.

What is/are your preferred sleeping position(s)?

Side Sleeper
Stomach Sleeper
Back Sleeper

According to today’s lesson, which filling is most suitable for you?

Synthetic Down
Polyester Fill
Memory Foam

If you are experiencing problems with your current mattress, schedule a

mattress shopping in your calendar. Use the step-by-step guide presented in
today’s lesson when you do the shopping. Don’t forget to bring your pillow and
bed partner.

My appointment for mattress and/or pillow shopping: ___/___/___ Time: ___ : ___


Share with your Tribe the age of your pillow. For sure we will have some
astonishing cases.


Don’t forget to fill in your sleep tracker and to keep up your Power Down Hour
and morning routine. Remember to time your caffeine and alcohol

Day 11 - Your Bedroom Makeover 

“Light turns out to be one of the most important factors when it come to


Today is all about inspecting your bedroom.

1. Identify sources of blue light in your bedroom. List them here:



2. Consider blue light blocking light bulbs or glasses.

3. Inspect your curtains and other sources of outside light. How can you
change your bedroom in order to have total darkness during the night?



4. If you cannot change the lighting in your room consider getting an eye

5. Decide if you need night lights on your way to the bathroom.


Share with the Tribe, what actions you will take today to improve the lighting in
your bedroom. Maybe you can find someone in your area and you can make a
group order.


Don’t forget to fill in your sleep tracker and keep up your Power Down Hour
and morning routine. Remember to time your caffeine and alcohol

Day 12 - Your Bedroom Makeover 

Sound & Smell
“Smell is the second most disruptive force to sleep.”

1. On a scale from 6-10, how is the overall noise level in your bedroom? 

(1 = none, 6 = very high) 

1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6

2. Do you think it is disruptive? Yes No 

Be aware that too quiet bedrooms are also not beneficial as they will
make your hearing more sensitive.

3. If the noise level in your bedroom is disrupting your sleep, consider

earplugs or a sound machine.

4. Review the way you wake up in the morning. Choose a gentle ringing tone
or consider vibration or light cues.

5. If you watch TV to fall asleep, make sure you set a timer for the TV to shut
off after you fell asleep.

6. Evaluate the smells in your bedroom. Do you need to take action to

eliminate bad smells that might disrupt your sleep?



Also consider trying aromatherapy to enhance relaxation and falling

7. How is the humidity level in your bedroom? If the air is either too dry or
too humid consider a (de-)humidifier.

Too dry Okay Too humid

What are the 3 steps you will take this week to improve the sound and smell in
your bedroom?

1. _________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________

3. ____________________________________________


Share with the Tribe your number one action your are willing to take to improve
your bedroom. When will you do it?


Don’t forget to fill in your sleep tracker and to stay on track with your Power
Down Hour and morning routine. Remember to time your caffeine and alcohol

Day 13 - Paying Your Sleep Debt

“If you ever want a cheat day, Saturday is the best day to sleep in.”

1. Do you fall asleep within 10 min? Yes No 

2. Can you fall asleep just about anywhere? Yes No 

3. Do you find yourself sleepy during the daytime? Yes No 

If you answered any of those questions with yes, you are very likely sleep
deprived. Use naps and Saturdays to catch up on sleep.

How often do you have a nap?


Have you ever felt worse not better after a nap? If yes, when and how long was
your nap?


Next time you nap, follow the instructions from today’s lesson to have a
restorative and effective nap.


Share with the Tribe your napping behavior. Are you a napper? How often do
you nap and what will you do differently during your next nap?


Don’t forget to fill in your sleep tracker and keep up your Power Down Hour
and morning routine. Time your caffeine and alcohol consumption.

Day 14 - Review Day
“Don’t be surprised if some of the changes are small. Any positive change is
a good change.”


1. Complete any task or video you missed this week. Try to stay on track and
go through the entire quest with your Tribe.

2. Continue measuring your sleep with the sleep tracker.


It’s time to look at your sleep tracker from week two. How was your sleep?

Step 1: Compare your sleep from week 2 with week 1

Areas that improved:




If needed, adjust your wake up and bedtime.

My updated wake up time: ___ : ___

My updated bedtime: ___ : ___

Step 2: Review your habits

Rate yourself how well you did last week with your new sleep improving habits.
(1 = very poorly, 6 = extraordinary)

1. Decreasing caffeine and alcohol consumption in the afternoon.

1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 

2. Get ready for bed one hour before your bedtime.

1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6

3. Practicing my morning routine.

1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6

4. Getting sunlight in the morning.

1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6

5. Optimizing my bedroom environment. 

1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6


Review this week’s lessons and reflect what you’ve learned about yourself and
your habits.

What were your 3 main take-aways?

1. _________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________

3. ____________________________________________


Share your 3 main take-aways with the Tribe and check-out what others
learned. If you have any questions, post them in the group and get the
discussion going.




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