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Particulars Page no.


Empathy Phase

Ideation Phase

Prototype Phase

Testing and Iteration Phase

Findings and Conclusion


Practo, an integrated healthcare business, connects patients, physicians, clinics, hospitals, pharmacies,
and diagnostics. It promises to make high-quality healthcare affordable and accessible to almost a
billion Indians. Practo's mission is to give individuals with the most up-to-date, comprehensive, and
personalised information and treatment possible so that they may influence future healthcare decisions.
The company with its headquarters in Bengaluru, was founded in May 2008 by Shashank ND and
Abhinav Lal.

Patients may use the Practo mobile app and website to choose an appropriate healthcare professional,
schedule online consultations, maintain electronic health records, and obtain medications and lab tests.
Healthcare providers provide Software as a Service (SaaS)-based technologies to enable clinics and
hospitals digitise a variety of services such as appointment scheduling and billing, as well as patient
record keeping. Practo currently operates in over 20 countries, including Singapore, Indonesia, the
Philippines, and Brazil, and has over 1 lakh certified doctor partners on board. From being listed as a
unicorn in 2015 to having more than 85% of its traffic to be completely organic, it had captured a huge
chunk of the market.

The growth and spread motivated us to analyse that although the website has had immense footfall, its
UI/UX is average and does not cater to the needs effectively. The whole experience of the users is kept
at stake due to certain interface and design issues.

So as part of our Design Thinking project, we as a group tried to visualise how the website would be if
redesigned properly using the 5 phases approach of Design Thinking and by using various wireframing

Process followed during the empathy phase:

During the empathy phase, our group initially chose six persons of varied ages who had previously used
the website. Then, through an interview, we questioned the users what challenges they had previously or
are now experiencing when using the website. We asked them numerous questions regarding the
website and their experience, such as how often they would choose an online consultation over an
offline one, which features they enjoyed the best and least about the website, what grade they would
give on a scale of 1-5, and so on. We also took notice of the issues that users were currently
experiencing on the website.

User selection criteria:


Our Goal:

To learn and apply the techniques of design thinking for the customers to relish even the otherwise
tormenting experience of consulting a doctor and ordering medicines. We further used the interview as a
building block for our future analysis and to apply design thinking techniques.

Insights from each user interview

Login glitches
Basic fonts
Outdated design


Lengthy procedure hindering experience
Excessive load time
Poor alert and push notifications management


Slot unavailability
Cluttered service interface


Technical glitches
Interface management
Discount and payment options


Lab testing
Consultation algorithm
Payment issues


No user interaction
Poor inventory management
Authenticity problems


It is our role as UX specialists to advocate for the user. However, in order to accomplish so, we must not
only have a thorough understanding of our users, but we must also assist our colleagues in
comprehending and prioritising their demands. Empathy maps, which are extensively used in the agile
and design communities, are a powerful and essential tool for achieving both goals.

Empathy maps, as their name implies, assist us in developing empathy with our customers. When
integrated with other mapping approaches and based on real data, they can:

 Remove prejudice from our designs and bring the entire team together around a common
understanding of the user.
 Find the flaws in our study.
 Discover user requirements that the user may not even be aware of.
These are the empathy map our group made after interviewing different users:

(Catering to the age group of 26-30 years of age)

(Catering to the age group of 22-25 years of age)


The third stage of the Design Thinking process is Ideation. Although many people have participated in
"brainstorming" sessions, facilitating a truly effective ideation session is difficult. We'll go over several
practises and rules in this article that will help you facilitate and prepare for productive, effective,
innovative, and enjoyable brainstorming sessions.

1. We started by identifying several issues with the website and then defining each issue and
objective based on the feedback we received from our users.
2. Brainstorming, brainwriting, and the worst possible idea were used to produce ideas and
3. Bring your team's opinions and abilities together and uncover new areas of innovation that you
didn't expect.
4. We used the help of the Miro Board’s brainwriting feature to put down our ideas individually.

Prototyping is an important part of the Design Thinking process, and it's frequently employed
throughout the testing phase. Every product has a target market and is created to address their issues in
some way. To determine whether a product truly answers its users' problems, designers construct a
prototype, which is an almost-working model or mock-up of the product that is tested with potential
users and stakeholders. As a result, prototyping allows designers to test the viability of a present design
as well as study how trial users think and feel about it. It allows for proper testing and exploration of
design concepts before wasting too many resources.

A prototype is a product that is designed to test ideas and adjustments until it resembles the finished
product. We can test if your idea works and verify the overall user-experience (UX) strategy by
mocking up every feature and interaction in your prototype as if it were a fully produced product.

Prototyping allows us to create basic, small-scale prototypes of your products that we may utilise to
monitor, record, and evaluate user performance levels or general behaviour and reactions to the overall
design. Designers can then make the necessary adjustments or revisions in the right direction. Wire
framing is the prototyping process that we utilised to create the prototype.

A wireframe is a graphical skeleton for a website that directs the content and concepts of the pages
while also allowing designers and clients to debate the finer points of website development. Lines,
boxes, and grayscale hues make up a simple wireframe, which is a type of low-fidelity design. The
black-and-white arrangement makes it simple to convey the major information group, sketch the
structure and layout, and represent the user interface's core visual.

We came up with new revolutionary features for the website after thoroughly studying the website and
listening to customer comments, which are stated below:

● Simple Sign-in feature: Feature which has “remember” feature which will solve repetitive
login problems for users.

● Payment mode: We try to add multiple and flexible modes of payment that will be convenient
for the user.

● User interface: We tried to make the user interface more attractive and reliable with the help of
a soothing colour combination and attractive font style.

● Discount and offers: We created a prototype where users can access the discount and offers
with the help of one click.

● Update notification: Continuous updating of doctor’s arability on the portal.

● Additional feature: Prototype which will send an alert to take medicines on time.

● GPS Feature: Feature which will help user to locate the clinic centre and nearby medicine


The above wireframe shows prototype for making doctors’ appointments. Multiple services
offered by the practo website with discount and offers options. It will now also show doctor
recommendations to cater better to the customer needs at different points of time without
hindrances and the tiring procedure of going through a huge list to reach out to the doctor they
want to consult.

During our empathy phase, we
came across users complaining
about having authenticity
problems so in order to provide a
solution for the same, we added a
separate window that lets our
clientele know about the doctor
they are looking for and then make
an informed decision about the

Medicines come with an essential aspect of taking them on time and in this busy lifestyle, users tend to
forget the time. To assist them better, we came up with the feature of a schedule which pings them every
time they have to take a dose.

We always get confused when

being prescribed with a lot of
medicines so in order to assist
with that, a feature that
provides with the number of
pills to take and the duration
they’ve to be taken for.


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