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Considering that companies try to show a famous actor promoting a product in their

advertisements, many people are disappointed. Because they find out that that product has
nothing to do with that actor. People nowadays have become smarter, so it's harder to fool
them. Considering the advertising of Dove products, where since 2004 they have targeted
people with body problems or people who are considered ugly in society. This improved the
company's ratings until people began to worry about seeing this type of advertisement.
However, it can already be said that Dove products improved their effectiveness in this way.
Or the article had an example of Unicef ads, where the company also tried to draw attention
to people with problems. The author of the article believes that today's successful
advertisements should involve people with problems and not rich actors who try to
advertise this product with their face.

My opinion + conclusion

I believe that today this topic is relevant, since we are faced with advertising
everywhere: on TV, on the streets of the city, on the Internet, no wonder advertising has a
long history of development. The tagline: "Advertising is the engine of progress" is known to
almost everyone. Often, when buying a product, we are guided by what we learned about it
from advertising.

By analysing some of the ads, we can identify some similarities that attract potential
buyers. They are initially bright colours, easy to remember slogans, dynamic activities,
beautiful actors and successful videos with children and animals are also popular.

While some videos provide opportunities to learn about social programs, others are
intended to guide the country’s people on a healthy lifestyle. I like social media, it forces me
to think about other people's problems when buying products. Another negative point is the
taglines, which is easy to remember, but does not contain useful information

From the article, I learned something new about the process of advertising tracking.
It was interesting to read and analyse surveys. I can't believe that nowadays people don't
pay much attention to the fact that ads are tracking them and they don't even try to resist it.
It was also interesting to read about the social media theory that people are drawn to social
posts reviews. For example, “lovely shoes” or “like it” - people get the idea that they need it
and start buying that product.

In conclusion: Since today everything is built with the trends of technological

development - marketing uses this advantage very effectively. Each click on the ad gives the
marketer an opportunity to earn and engage us to buy this product. Today's advertisements
know how to follow our Internet activities and therefore attract their product. Nowadays,
people no longer look at catalogues or ask a consultant for help - when we enter a store, we
already know what product we want and in what colour because we saw this product in a
video or advertisement. People are more focused on commercials that involve real people
rather than actors.

Advertising has a place in our world, but it's really nice to see the real art of

List of new words + explanation

 Personalized ad targeting - (formerly known as interest-based advertising) enables

advertisers to reach users based on their interests and demographics.
 Geofencing - the use of GPS or RFID technology to create a virtual geographic
boundary, enabling software to trigger a response when a mobile device enters or
leaves a particular area.
 Actionable insight - conclusions drawn from data that can be turned directly into an
action or a response.
 Conscious effort - if you are conscious of something, you notice it or realize that it is
 Omnichannel marketing - is the integration and cooperation of the various channel’s
organizations use to interact with consumers.
 Smart bidding platform - bid strategies that use machine learning to optimize for
conversions or conversion value in each and every auction.
 Click-through rate (CTR) - is the ratio of users who click on a specific link to the
number of total users who view a page, email, or advertisement.
 Cost per action (CPA) - is an online advertising measurement and pricing model
referring to a specified action

 Return On Advertising Spend (ROAS) - is a marketing metric that measures the

efficacy of a digital advertising campaign


 Top 5 Advertising Trends For 2022 - Zillion Designs

 Do Consumers Dislike Targeted Personalized Ads? - Insider Intelligence Trends,
Forecasts & Statistics
 5 Examples of Companies Making a Profit With brand authenticity (
[about Dove ads]

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