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LOCTITE CORPORATION 1001 TROUT BROOK CROSSING TSSUED 4/27/02 ROCKY HILL, CT 6067-3926 11246209 EMERGENCY PHONE: (860) 571-S10e FAX: (860) 971-8465 WATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Page lof 3 ae Al. 1 Product Name: Secures Geare(TM) Press Fit Assist Ttom No. ! Bi797, Breduct Type: Anaerobic 0 NEOR ON Ingredients CAS No. % Polyglyce! dimethaory!ate 25852-47-5 55-79 fyarbxyelkyl methacrylate 8e8-77-3 15-20 Glumarane-indene resin $270 Boly(etnyy methacrsigte) 3-5 MENE HYDROPEROX1 OE * 1-3 81-0722 125 NN-Dialkyltolvidines 518-48-9 o.t-3 « This component is listed as @ SARA Section 345 Toxic Chemical. Ingredients which have exposure limits Exposure Limits (TuA) poBIH osHA OTHER Ingredient (ity) (PEL) Hydroxyalky! methacrylate None None 2 apm cei lin Hydreranettndene resin 38" me /m3 287mg fa dust Rone” OO 1186 mg/d resp. CUWENE HYDROPEROXIDE None None P apen(Sog/s9) aR en BEECS Exposure Limits (STEL) ACGIH osHA Ingredients (tty) (PEL) Bs HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION Toxicity: Severs eye irritant. Moderate skin irritant, Bese{pie inhalation irritant. May be harmful if Sualloued. May cause kidney o¢ liver damage. Primary-Routes of Entry: Eye, skin, inhalation, Ingest ina. Bnd Sympt ome ay cause severe dermatitis on prolonged contact Mey oeute Se’ ndividuals: Existing Condit Aggravated by Expocure: None known Literature Referenced. Carcinogen Ingredient seeeettargen and Uther Health Effects NTP TARE Seu Polygiyeo! dimethacrylate ALG IRR No Poute yetky! methacrylate ALS Ian Na NB NG suet etnyl mgenacry tate) ig ND ihyl methacrylate BRWENE HYoROBEROXIBE ALG CNS COR IRR MUT NO SACCHARIN Nid NO x Thyltaluidines NTO N Abbreviations N/A Not Apel ieable ALG Allergen Central nervous system COR Corrosive IRR Irritant MUT Wutagen NTO No Target Organs Hs ELBSTALD MEASURES Ingestion: Do not induce vomiting. Keeo individual calm. Obtain medica! attention Does nat apply tio Gach with soap end water. halation: fn Gontact: L@CTITE CORPORAY LON 1001 TROUT BROOK CROSSING “ISSUED 47I770T AUCKY HILL, CT 06067-3910 11545; 03 EMERGENCY PHONE: (860) 571-5100 FAX: (860) 571-5465 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Page 2of 3 Produet Name: Secures Gears(TM) Press Fit Assist Ttem Now: 81787 4. FIRST SID MEASURES (oont inued Eye Contact: Flugh st least 15 minutes with water. Obtain madigal attention. Flash Point: More than 200+F Method: Tag Clos: Reconmended ° here Ext tn ey Carbon diexide, foem, dry chemical 8p ° rocedures Not available Hazardous Products formed 22 8rire or Thermal Docomp Irritating organic vapors Unusual Fire or Explasion Hazards: None Explosive Limit % by valume in % by valume ia a Lower Not available Upper Not available Steps to be token in case epitl or leak: Soak up in an inert gbgorbent. Store in a partly Filled? closed container until disposal. i ps Safe Storage: tore below 100°F Fae eter eciite Customer Service 1-600-243-4G74 for shelf life information) Handi ing: Avoid prolonged skin contact. Keep avay fram eyes. 8, EXPOSURE CONTROLS, PERSONAL PROTECTION Safety glasses or goggles. Neoprese gloves are recommendad based upon permeation study results for similar products. lation: oer not apply Respiratory Not available See Section 2 for Exposure Limits. _S_ PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Appoarance Green liquid age m4 Bai Ting Point: ore than 300-r ees not apply Briupitity ia water: Btightgeeas Speci tic Gravity S182 go-r Belge ie Graal Compound GeBA wethod 24) 34.0%; 37% grams pec titer vSpor Pressure: Boge inan smn at ober par Dene ity: Not available eporat fon Hate ; ether = 2) Not available 49. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY Stability: Stable Sree Soi ymerization: Will not occur nompat bit itye None neat Tone to Avoid: Not °avaliabie FBoardous Decompes: tion Bea rsees (roaeenermalj: None 1. TOXICOLOG1RAL_INEGRMBTLON Estimated ara! LDSB more than 5000 me/ke. Estimated dermal LDS® mare than 2owo mEsKE. LOCTITE CORPORATION Product Name: Ttem No AMAT. 1001 TROUT BROOK GROSSING ROCKY 5) EMERGENCY PHONE: (866) 571-5100 MATEAIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET HILL, GT 06057-3930 FAX: Secures Gears(TM) Press Fit Ascist 81797 No data available TON Recommended methods of digposal Ineinerate follewing EPA and toca! regulations. EPA Hazardous Waste ‘Number NH ~ Not | RCRA Hazardous Waste Material 14.,_TRANSPORTATION. INEDRMATION pot (48 CFR 172) OT hte iS Grund Transport Propec Shipping Name: Unrestricted Hazard Class or Tieton: Unrestricted cation Number: None Pollutant: None 1878 seer Shipping Name: Unrestricted oper Shippin : ite reee or Divicron: Unrestricted Nor ID Number: ‘46. OTHER INFORMATLON Estimated NFPA(R) Code: Health Hazard: Fire Hazard: Reactivity Hazard: Specific Hazard? Estimated HMIS(R) Code: Health Hazard: ty Hazard: igzards NFPA is a registered HMIS is a registered Prepared By: tithe caukens evs None This product gontaine chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer Snd birth defects or other repraductive harm. f than 2 ppm ethylene oxide (pp levels of Arsanic, Cd, Pb, Ni), This product contains Saccharin. | No Prop6S hazard enpnife is necessary if this product is used as reasonably anticipated. Zz 3 a Does not apply ery Sea Section 8. f the National Fire Protection Assn. trademark © f the National Paint and Coatings Assn. trademark o pen Rapetto Research Chemist; Safet ,Health&Regulatory Affairs Loctite Corp. 661 Tr é Cr, Rocky Hil! (e860) 873; 5498 . oe Breese? anuary 27; 1999 Revision: 0028

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