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Briefly state ways to increase the footfall of events and workshops conducted by
Social Media Promotion:
Promote events and workshops on various social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter,
Instagram, and LinkedIn to reach a wider audience.
Collaborate with other clubs and organizations in the college to attract more students. This
could be done through joint events, cross-promotion, and sponsorship.
Guest Speakers:
Invite well-known artists, industry experts, or celebrities as guest speakers for the events and
workshops. This could attract more attendees and add value to the event.
Personalized Invites:
Send personalized invitations to students, faculty members, and staff to create a personal
connection and increase attendance.
Eventbrite Registration:
Use online registration platforms like Eventbrite to allow students to register for events and
workshops easily.
Posters and Flyers:
Put up posters and flyers around the campus to increase visibility and awareness about the
events and workshops.
Incentives and Prizes:
Offer incentives and prizes such as discounts, vouchers, or certificates to attendees who
participate in the events and workshops.
Share testimonials and success stories of previous events and workshops to build trust and
generate interest.
Follow-up with attendees after the events and workshops to get feedback and suggestions for
future events. This can help improve the quality of events and increase attendance.

2. Mention some of your PORs

 I was head of the ART department throughout the high school period (had gotten the
“THE BEST ARTIST” award as well)
 I represented the district at state-level art championships for poster design.

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