Inspection Cases and Remarks

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Substation Name Inspection Cases and Remarks

In 400KV Capacitor bank-main protection and un-balance
protection device, BB coupler protection-main protection device;
in 400/230 KV auto trafo 1-HV side BB protection, in 400/230
Auto trafo 3-HV backup protection, LV backup protection and
Neutral point protection; in 230KV Kalit line 1-backup protection,
Koka line 1 and 2-backup protection, Ayas line 1 and 2-backup
protection, BB coupler-main protection; in 230/132KV Auto trafo
2-nutral point protection, Auto trafo 3 and 4- neutral point and HV
backup protection; in 132KV BB coupler-main protection, Ilala
Geda-main and backup protection, Debrezite line-backup
protection, Koka line-backup protection, Planned line 5-backup
protection, Planned line 4-backup and BBP device protection,
Yesu line-backup protection, Kality 1 Line 1 and 2-backup
protection; in 132/15KV trafo 1-neutral point, HV backup,
earthing protection relays date and time cannot set.
Other cases:
1 Gelan
 400KV Debreziete line-main and backup protection relay
battery is fail.
 400KV Holota line-backup protection relay battery is fail.
 400KV BB coupler –BBP device protection relay has Z1
and Z2 blocked and CT phase fail alarm.
 400/230 Auto trafo HV side BB protection relay button is
not working properly.
 132KV Ilala Geda-main protection battery fail.
 132KV Debrzite line-BBP device relay has CB status
 132KV Planned line 5-main and BBP device protection
batteries are fail.
 132KVPlanned line 4-maine and backup protection
batteries are fail.
 400KV Sodo II line- main protection relay is not work.
15KV line 6 feeder relay has changed the password, the date and
time are not corrected and we cannot sated.

132/15KV trafo 1 main protection relay (Ariva P123) is out of

service, means it is not working.
2 Yesu Feeder 1, 2, and 11 O/C relay display boards are not working.
Trafo 3 is not working but it has O/C siemens relay. So we
recommend that use the relay for other.

The CB in one 15 kV feeder is damaged as substation operator said, so

3 Adami Tulu the relay is idle for this feeder.

132/15KV trafo diff relay’s side button is not working.

4 Modjo Mobile 15KV line 1 feeder (siemens 7SJ63) relay is normal, but the CB is
not under working so the relay is not working because of no load.
Because of this we can use the relay for other.

230KV Debrezite III line diff protection relay has signaling fail
5 Modjo II In 230 KV line 2
 Line diff relay has signaling fail alarm
 Line distance relay has Gosse IED absent alarm.
 BBP device relay has fiber com error alarm.
6 Debrezite II There is one siemens relay in incoming feeder relay which is replaced by
micom relay.
Debrezite III BB coupler diff relay(P741) relay cannot working
8 Adama I 132KV outgoing and incoming line protection relay display boards
cannot read. So they cannot get any information on the relay.
132/15 kV transformer P123 OC relay is not working.
9 Asela We cannot able to write data in 132/33/15 kV transformer 87T T60 GE
relay since its display is incorrect.
In 230KV Diredawa line-bus bar diff protection, Koka line-bus bar
10 Awash 7 diff protection; in 230/132KV trafo 1-bus bar protection; in
230/132KV trafo 2- bus bar protection relays date and time cannot
One feeder relay not working.
11 Debre Birhan I P120 F50N3 relay is damaged which is found in 132/33/15 kV
12 Debre Birhan II
13 Metehara
14 Ilala Geda
15 Adama II
16 Tulufa Mobile There are two feeder relays which are idle because of breaker failer.
17 Dukem II
18 Koye Abo FMR protection relay PCS-974 cannot extracted when we try to extract.
It says, it is not getting the driver.
19 Klinto
20 Ayat GIS Four outgoing feeders are not working since transformer 2 are not
working. So, the relays are idle.
21 Kotebe Old Two transformer differential relays P632 are not working.
22 Kotebe New In line 2 differential protection is not working.
132 kV sebeta line distance protection is not working. On transformer 1
23 Mekanisa P122 relay button is not working. On transformer 2 P123 relay button is
not working
On 15 kV feeders couplage relay is not working
24 Sebeta I 230 kV gibe 2 line two siemens relays are defective.
Since transformer 1 is damaged, there is no relay panel
25 Wergenu
26 Addis east I In 132/15 kV transformer, RET670 relay are not working
27 Addis east II (Bella) In 132 kV Addis north line P143 relay fail.
In 132/15 kV transformer 1 P143 relay fail.
In 132/15 kV transformer 2 P143 relay fail.
28 Minilik GIS
29 Addis North There is idle 132 kV line protection panel. Because of no CB and CT are
there in Minilik to Addis north line PCS-931 and PCS-902 protection
relays are idle as the substation manager said.
30 Shegolie In 132/15 kV transformer, RET670 relay is not working

31 Black Lion In 132/15 kV transformer, RET670 relay is not working.

15 kV line-1 feeder relay faults are not bright in the LED.
 We change time and date for most substations which are incorrectly set before.
 We change VT ratios for all feeders which is wrongly set before
 We solve earth fault problems in some substations since we have got problems from
substation managers.

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