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Javi’s lost

I think the market was going to be a lot of fun. One day when I was little
I went with my mom to the market and while she was looking at some
fruit I went to find some toys, but I could not find them, suddenly I
realized that I was lost, since I did not see my mother anywhere.

I decide to stay in a place. I was scared I waited a few minutes and

fortunately my mom found me. We both hugged each other, and I
promised her I would never let go of her hand again.

After the horrific moment we decided to return home and leave the
search for toys for another day.

Now I learned that do not have to walk along again.

I sold lemonade in my vacations

Last year we went on my vacations to San Juan. My brother and me

wanted to have money to buy Lego’s, so we decided to sell something
to have money.

First, we thought about selling “rare rocks” but that nobody was
interested. Then we decided to sell lemonade. From house to house we
prepared lemonade very rich whit ice, sugar and we served it in glasses
of fun colors.

The lemonade was a success because we sold it all, we sold $350 and
with that money we went to buy Lego Minifigures near my
grandmother’s house. After that experience I felt able to meet my goals
since it was a great challenge.

I learned that is so funny do something in the vacations, without tablets,

iPad or cellular, the clients enjoy the lemonade and I win money.


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