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February 25, 2023
Sagehill Stables Equus Hall,
4180 Waverley Street, Winnipeg

Present: Domanie Schadek, Chairperson Karen Lagadi, Vice-Chair

Anneliese (Lisa) Fritz, Treasurer Jo-Ann Park, Secretary
Gwen Donohoe, Sagehill Stables Jeannine Huber-Taylor, 4-H Liaison
Bob McConomy Michelle McConomy
Adrienne (Adi) Dorge Joan Bernardin
Rebecca (Becky) Bernardin

Regrets: Shannon Lee Matthews Jennifer LP Protudjer

1 - Adoption of Minutes - February 11, 2023

Moved by Gwen Donohue,

That the minutes of the February 11, 2023 meeting be approved as submitted.

Moved by Lisa Fritz,
That Jo-Ann Park be appointed as the interim Secretary on the Board of Directors for
Connecting Through Horses.

2 - Fundraising Opportunity - March Spring Break

On January 28, 2023, Lisa Fritz and Jo-Ann Park consented to report back to the February 11,
2023 meeting on the planning and preparations for a hot dog bar, and a treats table, as part
of a fundraising event to be held at Sagehill Stables during March Spring Break Week.

On February 11, 2023, discussion was deferred.

Submitting an overview with recommendations and rationale, dated February 18, 2023,
prepared by Jo-Ann Park and Lisa Fritz, for hosting a “Think Spring” fundraising event in
support of offering children financial assistance towards their attending summer camp
programs at Sagehill Stables.
Connecting Through Horses - Minutes - February 25, 2023

Also submitting for consideration and discussion by the group supplementary outlines on the
operational aspects of the bake sale and the used books sale, dated February 23, 2023,
prepared by Jo-Ann Park.

Further submitting for discussion at the meeting multiple drafts for a flyer (poster) outlining
the particulars for the proposed fundraising event, intended for circulation and distribution
within the community, as prepared by Jo-Ann Park.

Discussion ensued on the proposed Fundraising Event, which included but was not limited to
the following:
• Location of event - Suggestion for using the upstairs Equus Hall at SHS
• Importance of having a “Greeter” on the Main floor to welcome and direct visitors
• Ticket Table should be on the main floor (ensure connectivity with Square Reader)
• Suggestion that Eventbrite be utilized to facilitate advance purchase of SHS Tickets for pony
rides, horse grooming opportunities and to watch the performance of the SHS Drill Team
• Tickets to be $10 and to pass Eventbrite fees onto attendees (vs. absorb fees within $10)
• Create new Eventbrite account for CtH - Jeannine consented to undertake this task.

• Recommendation to purchase a Square Reader for accepting chip cards and contactless
payments (debit and credit) for CtH fundraiser(s).
• Recognition of fees upon usage, no subscription fee.
• Facilitates ticket sale process and provides for direct deposits into the CtH bank account.

• Confirmation that the required paperwork has been completed at the Cambrian Credit Union
by Lisa Fritz, Karen Lagadi and Jo-Ann Park (previously approved required signatories) for
the establishment of a bank account in the name of Connecting through Horses.

• Mention of Province of Manitoba, Social Occasion Raffle License regulations being

applicable for regular raffle and 50/50 draw (percentage payout raffle)
• Each ticket must not be sold for more than $2 (50/50 draw)
• No fees for raffles with anticipated gross revenue of $10,000 or less
• Confirmation of license process required - Lisa consented to undertake this task.

• Mention of Province of Manitoba Health, Farmers’ Market guidelines being applicable to the
operation of a hot dog stand, bake sale, and possibly the sale of used books (flea market)
• Health permit required
• Gwen offered that SHS would apply for the Permit as the Market Coordinator, and then list
CtH as a Vendor - Gwen consented to undertake this task
• Mention that Gwen and Casey Oldershaw have valid Certified Food Handler Certificates
• Acknowledgement that Joan and Becky Bernardin have food handler training.

• Mention of costs incurred by Sagehill Stables to offer pony rides and grooming opportunities
• Require staff to be “on the clock” for coaching and pony ride insurance
• Volunteers could greatly reduce number of paid staff at the event

• Suggestion that the recommendation pertaining to revenues from the Think Spring
fundraiser being allocated towards assisting children to attend the 2023 summer camp
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Connecting Through Horses - Minutes - February 25, 2023

programs offered by Sagehill Stables be deferred for consideration as part of the next
agenda item - Determination of Opportunities and Programs for 2023.

• A suggestion was made to establish a Fundraiser Organizational Subcommittee. The

following people volunteered to be part of the Subcommittee, namely: Lisa Fritz, Jo-Ann
Park, Gwen Donohoe, Jeannine Hubert Taylor, Michelle McConomy, Joan Bernardin and
Becky Bernardin. Consensus.

Moved by Lisa Fritz,

That the “2023 Think Spring” fundraiser for Connecting Through Horses be held at Sagehill
Stables, 4180 Waverley Street, on Friday, March 24, from 4:00 pm to 8:00 p.m. and on Saturday,
March 25, from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Moved by Jo-Ann Park,
That the purchase of a Square Reader machine for $59 plus tax, including a subscription to
Square One, be approved, to facilitate cashless payments during fundraising and future programming
events for Connecting Through Horses.

Moved by Jo-Ann Park,

That the following initiatives be undertaken as part of the 2023 Think Spring fundraiser,
namely: 50/50 Draw, Raffle Baskets, Hot Dog Stand, Bake Shop, and Used Book Sales (including
CDs, DVDs);
And That a Social Occasion Raffle license be applied for the 50/50 draw and regular raffle, if
required under the regulations of the Liquor, Gaming and Cannabis Authority of Manitoba.

Moved by Jo-Ann Park,
That the contribution by Sagehill Stables to provide pony rides, horse grooming opportunities
and to facilitate the performances by the SHS Drill Team as part of the 2023 Think Spring Fundraiser,
be acknowledged;
And That the contribution by Sagehill Stables to apply to be the Market Coordinator, and list
Connecting Through Horses as a Vendor, as part of the Province of Manitoba Health, Farmers’
Market regulations, be acknowledged.
And Further That a financial contribution towards cost recovery, including the expenditures for
the hiring of staff facilitating the pony rides, and the “pump-out” fee for the SHS septic tank, be
approved; said amount to be confirmed following the fundraiser.

Moved by Jeannine Huber Taylor,

That Jeannine Huber Taylor be appointed as the Volunteers Leader for the 2023 Think Spring
fundraiser, collaborating with the Gwen Donohoe, to assemble a team of volunteers for this event.


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Connecting Through Horses - Minutes - February 25, 2023

3 - Determination of Opportunities and Program for 2023

On January 27, 2023, the following statement was tabled for further discussion, namely:
For 2023, the focus of Connecting Through Horses is to provide opportunities for children at
summer camps, along with provide opportunities to seniors groups to visit and interact with
the school lesson horses (as provided by Sagehill Stables).

On February 11, 2023, discussion was deferred.

Submitting for discussion a draft document titled “How will Sagehill Stables be involved in
Connecting Through Horses” dated February 5, 2023, and updated February 19, 2023,
prepared by Gwen Donohoe.

Discussion commenced with Bob McConomy providing a verbal update regarding his
discussion with Kaylene Amatya, Director of Active Living for the Rosewood Retirement
residence. His commentary included that the Rosewood was interested in working with the
Connecting Through Horses non profit organization to provide a program for their residents
(seniors). The Rosewood would transport its residents (approximately 12) and support staff
to Sagehill Stables in small groups, with the intention of scheduling multiple visits to
accommodate all their residents.

Discussion ensued with respect to the potential for establishing a program for Seniors visiting
the Stables, for potential revenue generation for Connecting Through Horses, for recovery of
the various incurred costs (i.e. staffing) by Sagehill Stables to host the Seniors, as well as the
volunteers required, the program specifics, amongst other aspects. A suggestion was made
that a Subcommittee be created to explore this opportunity and report back.

A recommendation was also made to defer deliberation on determining the opportunities and
programs to be offered in 2023 until after the Think Spring Fundraising event.

Moved by Jo-Ann Park,

That a Subcommittee on Seniors Stable Visits be established to explore and report back on the
potential opportunity of offering programming to the residents of the Rosewood Retirement
Residence at Sagehill Stables;
And That the Subcommittee be comprised of Bob McConomy, Adi Dorge and Jo-Ann Park.


4 - Introduction Letter

On February 11, 2023, a draft Introduction Letter was circulated for discussion purposes, with
commentary that the footer contain contact information such as email address, website, and
telephone number. Suggestion that the letter not address one specific fundraising event, but
rather be more generic for use year-round. Gwen consented to create an email address for
Connecting Through Horses.

On February 11, 2023, discussion was deferred.

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Connecting Through Horses - Minutes - February 25, 2023

Submitting a revised Introduction Letter drafted on CTH letterhead for discussion.

Domanie Schadek provided a verbal explanation on the differences between an Inquiry Letter,
a Letter of Introduction and a Donations Ask Letter, and offered to draft documents to
accommodate the Spring Fundraiser and future circumstances.

Moved by Jo-Ann Park,

That Domanie Schadek be requested to undertake the task of preparing the appropriate
documents, including a Donations Ask Letter to facilitate the Think Spring Fundraiser.


5 - Registering the Non Profit Name

Part of the process when starting a non profit organization in Manitoba is identifying its name,
its vision or mission statement, guiding principles, just to name a few aspects. However, if the
name of the non profit is not protected, then another grassroots organization could be created
with the same or similar name, and possibly even incorporate it. Registering the name with
the Province of Manitoba Companies Office ensures the identity of Connecting Through
Horses stays with this group.

Submitting an overview with recommendations and rationale, dated February 18, 2023,
prepared by Jo-Ann Park, for commencing the process to register the name Connecting
Through Horses.

Discussion ensued with respect to the importance of commencing this process, and
mentioned the creation of an email, and website utilizing the free weekly platform, by Gwen
• Email -
• Website -
• In order to register a domain name for the website, the registration of the non profit
organization must be complete.
• Annual fee for domain name registration.

Moved by Jo-Ann Park,

That Domanie Schadek be authorized to file, on behalf of non profit organization currently
operating as Connecting Through Horses, the required applications for Request for Name
Reservation, followed by the Request for Name Notation, to the Province of Manitoba Companies
And That the expenditures for the filing fees of $45.00 for the Request for Name Reservation,
and $60.00 for the Request for Name Notation, be approved.


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Connecting Through Horses - Minutes - February 25, 2023

6 - Creation of a Logo

On February 11, 2023, a discussion document prepared by Jo-Ann Park was circulated for
commentary. Subsequent suggestions included having a competition to create the logo along
an entry fee.

Resubmitting that discussion document, and recommending the creation of a framework for
the creation of a CTH logo, including possibly a competition, entry fees, a panel of judges,
recognizing that registration of the CTH name must proceed this initiative.

Discussion ensued which included:

• Branding, defining parameters for the creation of a logo.
• The option of sole-sourcing a design for the CTH logo versus an open competition process
for the design.
• Recognizing that various formats of the logo are required during the marketing process.
• Defer further discussion on the matter, possibly to the next meeting. Consensus.

7 - New Business - Social Media

Discussion ensued on the request for a member of Connecting Through Horses to take on the
responsibility for maintenance (updates and additions) of the newly created website (which is
now a separate entity from Sagehill Stables), as well as other social media platforms (i.e.
Facebook), including possibly taking on the creation and production of marketing materials,
including the flyer (poster) for the Think Spring Fundraiser.

Joan Bernardin and Becky Bernardin consented to assist Gwen Donohoe in this regard.

Moved by Jo-Ann Park,

That Joan Bernardin and Becky Bernardin be requested to assist Gwen Donohoe with updating
the Connecting Through Horses social media platforms, including the preparation and production of
marketing materials, in particular, the flyer (poster) for the Think Spring Fundraiser.

8 - Next Meeting Date

Consensus on the next meeting date.

Saturday, March 11, 2023 at 3:30 p.m. at Sagehill Stables.

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