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HEALTH AND SAFETY. Session 1.- The misunderstanding. http://localhost:51235/temp_print_dirs/eXeTempPrintDir_D9B7QC/ING0...

HEALTH AND SAFETY. Session 1.- The


Caso práctico

Read the text and listen to the situation.

00:00 02:03

Another day at the office begins. Mr Parker is very excited about

something. Soon the girls will find out what all the fuss is about.

Mr Parker: Good morning girls. What a nice day, isn't it?

Lourdes: Right, Mr Parker. It's a lovely day. Why is everybody so excited today? Is there
anything special going on?

Mr Parker: Well, as a matter of fact, there is. A health and safety training session is going to
be held tomorrow. I'd like you to participate and learn as much as you can about this very
important matter.

Susana: Hmm, that's great Mr Parker. May I ask you something? How long is this session going
to take?

Mr Parker: Susana, health and safety in the workplace is a matter of great importance. The
training session will take as long as it takes.

Lourdes: Wow, he didn't seem very happy... Well, it was just a misunderstanding. When he sees
how interested we are in the training session, he'll forget about everything.

Susana: Really? I'm not so sure about that.

Lourdes: Yes, don't worry. Now, to begin with, I think we could do a little research about
health and safety in the office, you know, to be prepared for the training session.

Susana: That's fantastic. Look, I found some very interesting documents. It says here that
hazards at work can take a number of forms. For those in manufacturing industries, or
industries involving heavy machinery, there are risks of injury, even death in accidents, collisions,

Lourdes: That's true, but we are working in an office, so we are not at risk in that way.

Susana: Keep listening: "Those in office work can suffer injuries from improper lifting, or they can
develop musculoskeletal conditions as the result of a poorly designed workstation."

"Risks can also be psychological, with stress and bullying causing many health problems."

Lourdes: Well, if that's true, then almost everybody is at risk.

Susana: Yes, I'm beginning to feel a little bit stressed myself. Shall we take a break?

Think about it

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HEALTH AND SAFETY. Session 1.- The misunderstanding. http://localhost:51235/temp_print_dirs/eXeTempPrintDir_D9B7QC/ING0...

Write in the forum:

Why is safety important in the work place?

Are there any rules and regulations about health and safety in the office in your country?

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HEALTH AND SAFETY. Session 1.- The misunderstanding. http://localhost:51235/temp_print_dirs/eXeTempPrintDir_D9B7QC/ING0...

1.- What to say.

Citas Para Pensar

“I don't answer the phone. I get the feeling whenever I do that there will be someone
on the other end.”

Fred Couples

Caso práctico
The girls go to the canteen to have a coffee and they continue talking:

Susana: I don't know what to do. Do you think Mr Parker was

really angry with me?

Lourdes: Hmm, perhaps. You might want to phone him and tell
him that you were only joking.

Susana: Phone him?

Lourdes: Yes, he's out of the office for the rest of the day, but you
might want to leave him a message or perhaps a voice mail message.

Susana: Right, I think that's a good idea, but I don't know how to leave a message in English.

Lourdes: I'm not sure about the right expressions to use, but don't worry. We'll find out.

Just like we saw in Unit 3, it's very common to fix arrangements on the phone. Here are a few useful phrases to
ask to speak to someone:

Asking to speak to someone.

Asking to speak to someone Spanish

We say... Nosotros o nosotras decimos...

Can you put me through to extension XXX, please? ¿Me puede pasar con la extensión XXX?

Can I have extension XXX, please? ¿Me puede pasar con la extensión XXX?

Extension XXX, please. Extensión XXX, por favor.

Can I speak to Jane Kelly in the design department, ¿Puedo hablar con Jane Kelly del departamento de
please? diseño?

I phoned a moment ago, but I was cut off. Llamé hace un momento, pero se cortó.

I'll hold. Esperaré.

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HEALTH AND SAFETY. Session 1.- The misunderstanding. http://localhost:51235/temp_print_dirs/eXeTempPrintDir_D9B7QC/ING0...

Asking to speak to someone Spanish

I'll call back later. Llamaré más tarde.

The operator says... El operador o la operadora dice...

I'm putting you through. Le estoy pasando.

Sorry to keep you waiting. Perdone por hacerle esperar.

Do you want to hold or would you prefer to call back

¿Prefiere esperar o llamar más tarde?

I'm afraid the line's busy / engaged. Lo siento, pero la línea está ocupada.

I'm sorry but there's no reply. Lo siento, pero no hay respuesta.

You should know

Practise some questions and answers you are likely to need when speaking on the phone.

Telephone language.

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2.- How to say it: passive voice.

Think about it
Did you notice how often the passive voice is used in English? Study these sentences.

The best wines are produced in the south of Spain.

The robber was caught by two policewomen when he was crossing the frontier.

Who is the subject in each of these sentences?

Who does the action?
Does the subject do the action in these sentences?

We are going to try and explain these questions.

Active: We translate a book every year. (A book: direct object).

Passive: A book is translated every year.

Active: The children broke the windows. (The windows: direct object).
Passive: The windows were broken by the children. (By the children: by


The direct object of the active sentence becomes the subject of the passive sentence.
The verb "to be + past participle" is used in the same verbal tense as the active verb. The verb "to be" is
in accordance with the new subject.
The subject of the active sentence becomes the agent in the passive, when it is mentioned. (Por
mentioned se entiende que no sea un pronombre o un indefinido (somebody, someone…), ya que este
tipo de palabras no aporta ninguna información y, por lo tanto no hay necesidad de usarlas como
complemento agente; incluso si es un sustantivo cuya relación con el verbo es obvia tampoco aparece
como agente. Ej.: The pólice arrested the thief: The thief was arrested).


The passive of an active tense is formed by putting the verb "to be" into the same tense as the active
We add the past participle of the active verb.
The active direct object becomes the passive subject.
In the passive, we use "by + agent" to say who did the action. When the information given is essential, it
is often omitted.

Active and passive voice.

Active voice Passive voice

My grandma writes a letter every day. A letter is written by my grandma every day.

My grandma wrote a letter yesterday. A letter was written by my grandma yesterday.

He has sent two parcels today. Two parcels have been sent today.

They are drinking tea now. Tea is being drunk now.

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Ejercicio Resuelto
Click to read the Spanish translation.

Mostrar retroalimentación

¿Te has dado cuenta lo frecuentemente que se usa la voz pasiva en inglés? Vamos a
tratar de explicar en qué consiste.

El complemento directo de la oración activa pasa a ser el sujeto de la oración pasiva.

El verbo "to be + participio de pasado" se usa en el mismo tiempo verbal que en la
oración activa.
El verbo "to be" concuerda con el nuevo sujeto en número.
El sujeto de la oración activa se convierte en complemento agente en la pasiva,
cuando se menciona en la frase. Para usar el complemento agente, el sujeto de la
oración activa no debe ser un pronombre, un indefinido o un sustantivo cuya relación
con el verbo sea obvia.
La pasiva de un tiempo activo se forma poniendo el verbo "to be" en el mismo tiempo
que el verbo activo.
Añadimos luego el participio de pasado del verbo activo.
El objeto directo de la frase activa se convierte en sujeto pasivo.
En la pasiva, usamos el complemento agente para decir quién hizo la acción, pero se
omite con frecuencia.

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2.1.- Passive voice: formal aspects.

We are going to see the formal aspects of the passive voice.

TWO OBJECTS: When there are two objects (direct and indirect), two
passives are possible.
Active: Robert sent her some flowers.
Her: Indirect Object / Some flowers: Direct Object.
1. Some flowers were sent to her.
2. She was sent some flowers. (This form -Indirect Object as a
subject- is more frequent).
Active: They asked me lots of questions.
Me: Indirect Object / Lots of questions: Direct Object.
1. Lots of questions were asked to me.
2. I was asked lots of questions. (More frequent).
Summarising: When there are two objects, it is more frequent to begin the passive sentence with
the person (Indirect Object).
In the negative form we use the verb to be in the negative.
America wasn't discovered in 1495.
The best wines aren't produced in Denmark.
For the interrogative form, we use: Wh-word + Auxiliary (be) + Subject + Verb?
Active: When did Columbus discover America?
Passive: When was America discovered?
Active: Where have they found the jewels?
Passive: Where have the jewels been found?
When there is a modal verb, we use the modal verb + be + past participle.
We must close this door after 10:00 pm.
This door must be closed after 10:00 pm.
He should explain the lesson again.
The lesson should be explained again.

Active and passive voice.

Active voice Passive voice

They will open a new restaurant soon. A new restaurant will be opened soon.

A little boy can drive this car. This car can be driven by a little boy.

We mustn't make noise at night. Noise mustn't be made at night.

They should tell him the truth. He should be told the truth.

Ejercicio Resuelto
Click to read the Spanish translation.

Mostrar retroalimentación

Voz pasiva. Algunos aspectos formales.

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Cuando en la oración hay dos complementos (directo e indirecto), son posibles dos
formas pasivas:
Esta forma (complemento directo como sujeto) es más frecuente.
En resumen: Cuando hay dos complementos la oración activa, es más frecuente empezar
la oración pasiva con la persona (complemento directo).
Para la forma interrogativa, usamos:
Partícula interrogativa (Wh-word) + verbo auxiliar (be) + sujeto +verbo?
Cuando hay un verbo modal, en la pasiva usamos: el verbo modal + verbo to be +
participio de pasado.

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2.2.- Passive voice: use.

What are the main differences in use between the passive and the active voice?

We normally use the passive:

When the subject in the active (the person who does the action) is not known,
unimportant or is obvious from the context.
My motorbike was stolen last night. (Who stole it? We don't know).
Obama was elected president of the USA in November, 2008. (By the
Americans; it is obvious that only Americans voted for Obama).
When it is more important to stress the thing done than the doer of it, that is to
say, the action is more important than the subject of the action.
My car was stolen last night is more usual than Thieves stole my car last night.
He was killed in the war is more usual than The enemy killed him in the war.
New roads have been made is more usual than Workers have made new roads.
The passive voice is often translated into Spanish by the "se" expression or by the third person plural.
English is spoken here. = Se habla inglés aquí.
He was killed in the war. = Lo mataron en la guerra.
The concert has been cancelled. = Han cancelado el concierto / El concierto se ha cancelado.

The passive voice is commonly used in newspapers headlines and boards. In these cases the verb "to be" is
frequently omitted.

Popular politician found guilty means Popular politician was found guilty.
Sold means This has been sold.
Three shot at night means Three people have been shot or were shot at night.
3 year old boy rescued from a well means 3 year old boy was rescued from a well.

Ejercicio Resuelto
Click if you want to read the Spanish translation.

Mostrar retroalimentación

Voz pasiva. Uso.

¿Cuáles son las principales diferencias entre la voz pasiva y la activa? Normalmente
usamos la pasiva:

Cuando el sujeto de la oración activa (la persona / cosa que realiza la acción) no se
conoce, no es importante o es obvio por el contexto.
Cuando es más importante enfatizar la cosa hecha que quién la hizo, es decir, la
acción es más importante que el sujeto.
La voz pasiva se traduce normalmente en español por "se" o por la tercera persona
del plural.

La voz pasiva se usa mucho en titulares de periódicos y carteles. En estos casos se omite
el verbo "to be" con frecuencia.

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2.3.- Now put it into practice (I).

Put into the passive the following sentences. Remember the subject must agree with the

1. Ann invited Peter to a night party.

Peter by Ann to a night party.
2. Somebody stole my purse while I was eating out.
My purse while I was eating out.
3. My uncle makes bread every night.
Bread by my uncle every night.
4. Someone has washed this shirt.
This shirt .
5. They have cancelled all flights because of the storms.
All flights because of the
6. They serve hot sausages until 4:00 pm.
Hot sausages until 4:00 pm.
7. Somebody has cleaned my room today.
My room today.
8. Teachers used chalk in the classroom in the past.
Chalk (by teachers) in the classroom in the past.


I'm sure it wasn't difficult, was it?

Put into the passive these sentences with two objects. You must write the two possible
answers for each sentence.

1. They have sent her some flowers.

2. They didn't offer Tim the job.
3. My brother gave me 600 Euros for my old car.
4. The company will pay us a good salary next year.
5. She has asked me a lot of questions.


1. Some flowers have been sent to her. / She has been sent some flowers.
2. The job wasn't offered to Tim. / Tim wasn't offered the job.
3. 600 Euros were given to me by my brother for my old car. / I was given 600 Euros by
my brother for my old car.
4. A good salary will be paid to us next year. / We will be paid a good salary next year.
5. A lot of questions have been asked to me. / I have been asked a lot of questions.

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Put into the passive these sentences. Future and modal verbs.

1. The mechanic will repair my car very soon.

My car (by the mechanic) very soon.
2. They will organise next Olympic Games in London.
Next Olympic Games in London.
3. Some people can type lots of letters in one day.
Lots of letters in one day.
4. Somebody should warn Peter about the risks of smoking.
Peter about the risks of smoking.
5. We must leave the bicycles at the university entrance.
The bicycles at the university entrance.
6. Amenabar will make a new film this year.
A new film by Amenabar this year.
7. Adult people can drive this car.
This car by adult people.
8. They are going to build a new sports pavilion.
A new sports pavilion is going to .


I'm sure you didn't have any problems with this exercise.

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2.3.1.- Now put it into practice (II).

You know that practice makes perfect, so let's do a couple more exercises.

Put into the passive these negative and interrogative sentences. Use contractions where

1. We don't pay the electricity bill every month.

The electricity bill every month.
2. People don't grow the best oranges in England.
The best oranges in England.
3. They didn't discover America in 1592.
America in 1592.
4. Did anybody call the police?
the police ?
5. When did Columbus discover America?
When America (by Columbus)?
6. Why did they shoot him?
Why he ?
7. When did they build that old church?
When that old church ?
8. Where do people make the best leather bags?
Where the best leather bags ?


1. The electricity bill isn't paid every month.

2. The best oranges aren't grown in England.
3. America wasn't discovered in 1592.
4. Were the police called?
5. When was America discovered (by Columbus)?
6. Why was he shot?
7. When was that old church built?
8. Where are the best leather bags made?

Put into the passive these sentences in continuous tenses.

1. My workmate was using my computer when I got home.

My computer by my workmate when I got home.
2. Don't turn off the TV because they are watching it.
Don't turn off the TV because it .
3. Someone is cleaning the rooms now.
The rooms now.
4. They were listening to the radio for two hours.
The radio to for two hours.

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Let's do the next one, shall we?

Put into the active these sentences. If there is no “by agent”, we use the word people or
someone as the subject in the active sentence.

1. English is spoken here.

People here.
2. The robber was seen when he was leaving the bank.
Someone when he was leaving the bank.
3. The trade fair will be opened next Friday.
People the trade fair next Friday.
4. Barack Obama was elected president of the USA by Americans in 2008.
Barack Obama president of the USA in 2008.
5. A bag has been found in the office by the cleaner.
a bag in the office.


1. People speak English here.

2. Someone saw the robber when he was leaving the bank.
3. People will open the trade fair next Friday.
4. Americans elected Barack Obama president of the USA in 2008.
5. The cleaner has found a bag in the office.

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3.- Words you need: telephone language.

Sometimes, the person we want to speak to is not available and we might want to leave a message. Below
there is a list of useful expressions you can use in case you need to leave a message.

Leaving a message.

Leaving a message Spanish

We say... Nosotros o nosotras decimos...

This is / It's John here. Soy John.

Can / Could I speak to Mary, please? ¿Puedo / Podría hablar con Mary?

I'm calling about the meeting tomorrow. El motivo de mi llamada es la reunión de mañana.

I'm calling to confirm that the meeting will start Llamo para confirmar que la reunión comenzará a las 10
at 10 am. de la mañana.

Is this a good time to call? ¿Es un buen momento para hablar?

Could I leave a message? ¿Podría dejar un mensaje?

Could you tell Mary that...? ¿Podría decirle a Mary que...?

Could you ask Mary to call me back? ¿Podría pedirle a Mary que me llamara?

The operator says... El operador o la operadora dice...

Can I ask who's calling? ¿Quién llama, por favor?

Which company are you calling from? ¿De qué empresa está llamando?

May I ask what it's about? ¿Me permite preguntarle cuál es el motivo de su llamada?

Can I take a message? ¿Quiere dejar un mensaje?

Would you like to leave a message? ¿Quiere dejar un mensaje?

I wonder if you could call back later. ¿Podría volver a llamar después?

When leaving a voice mail message... Cuando dejamos un mensaje en el contestador...

Hello, this is John Milton. Hola, soy John Milton.

It's Monday, 10 July. It's 11 am. Es lunes, 10 de julio y son las 11 de la mañana.

I urgently need to talk to you about our Necesito hablar con usted urgentemente acerca de
project. nuestro proyecto.

Please call me back on 0800 854 679. Por favor, llámeme a este número: 0800 854 679.

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Leaving a message Spanish

I will be in the office until 5 pm. Estaré en la oficina hasta las 5 de la tarde.

Think about it
Read the following situation and leave a voice mail in the forum.

You are arranging a video conference between your boss and Mrs Schmidt in Berlin. Ring Mrs
Schmidt and leave her a voice mail asking at what time it would suit her to receive the video
conference call.

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3.1.- Now put it into practice. (III)

Now let's test what we have learned. It should be easy to do the following exercises.

You should know

Listen to a voice mail message and answer the questions.

Voice mail message.

Listen to a man leaving a message on an answering machine and answer the questions.
Then do the vocabulary exercise.

Answering machine.

Answering machine: Vocabulary.

A piece of advice
If you want to sound professional when leaving a voice mail message, check out the following
website. There are some tips you might find useful.

How to leave the perfect voice mail message.

Think about it
Do you remember the comedy series Seinfeld? George, Seinfeld's friend has a very peculiar
answering machine message. A girl is trying to break up with him, but he keeps avoiding her. In
what way does he manage to do that?

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Seinfeld In HD - George Co…

Text summary

Mostrar retroalimentación

She phones him from the office and, immediately afterwards, he phones her at home. He
pretends he hasn't heard her message.

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3.2.- Health and safety.

Here's a list of vocabulary related to health and safety issues for people at work.

Health and safety.

English Spanish

Dangerous machinery. Maquinaria peligrosa.

Evacuation procedures. Protocolo de evacuación.

Fire detection system. Sistema de detección de incendios.

Fire drill. Simulacro de incendio.

Fire extinguisher. Extintor.

Fire hazards. Riesgos de incendio.

First aid. Primeros auxilios.

Flammable materials. Materiales inflamables.

Hazardous substances. Sustancias peligrosas.

Hearing protection. Protección para los oídos.

Heating and air-conditioning. Calefacción y aire acondicionado.

Helmet. Casco.

Repetitive strain injury or RSI. Lesiones de estrés repetitivo.

You should know

Now you can read a text on firework safety and then take a quiz to test what you have

Firework safety: Text.

Firework safety: Quiz.

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A step ahead
If you want to learn more vocabulary related to health and safety, take a look at the following

Health and safety: Vocabulary.

Health and safety: Exercise.

Health and safety: Gap-fill text.

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Appendix.- Licences of resources.

Licences of resources used in session 1. "The misunderstanding".

Resource Resource
Resource information (1) Resource information (2)
(1) (2)

By: Paul Downey. By: JwvanEck.

License: CC by. License: CC by-nc.
From: From:
/psd/4426921/ /photos/jwvaneck/5676072078/

By: Kaz Andrew. By: rob.rudloff.

License: CC by-sa. License: CC by-nc.
From: From:
/kazandrew2/2786320180/ /photos/robr/2912198704/

By: Andrew _ B.
By: Nikki Swank.
License: CC by-nc-sa.
License: CC by-nc-sa.

By: Michael Pujals.

By: Jason Kristofer.
License: CC by-nc-sa.
License: CC by-nc-sa.

By: Elliott Brown.

License: CC by.

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