Career Aspirations - English

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Career Aspirations

Long-term: Credit and collections manager

Short-term: Credit and collections supervisor.

Strengths & Development Needs:

 Focus on the result
 Analytical and methodical personality.
 Resolution of tasks
 Anticipation of possible inconveniences.
 Knowledge of processes.
-Generar autoconfianza. Generate self-confidence
-Mejorar la impulsividad/axiety in answer internal/external. Improve impulsiveness in
answering both internally and externally
-Be flexible.
-Actitud Have a more collaborative attitude, improving mejorando la communication
with the other task other teams ???

Development Action Plan:

On-the-Job (Projects):
 Generate business meetings monthly with business. (FY 2022).
 Liderar Lead the process of circuit de public market circuit from Administrative
and Commercial area. (Desde el àrea administrative and commercial).
Support Network (to build):
 Recurrir a un mentor que helpme a ejercitar las development y a aumentar las
strengths. Turn to a mentor to help me develop and increase my strengths.
 Participar y colaborar en activities group propuestas for BD. Take part and
collaborate in group activities proposed by BD.
 Participacion en proyecto local de finance. Take part in a local finance project.
Training & Dev (tools/resources to leverage):
 Take leadership courses (Degreed).
 Decision making (Degreed).
 Continue profundizando my level of English. Continue enhancing my English
 C2C de products of BDX products.

Travel & Mobility

Willing to Travel: Maybe ???
Travel Amount:100% ???
Long-term: Yes
Areas: Europe, South America, North America
Short-term: Yes

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