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Capstone Update #1

What I have accomplished so far (if nothing – WHY??)

I have written the outline of the cartoon and the ideas on the paper. I investigated online what kind of
animals are most attractive for children and inspire trust, so the dentist will be an animal! However,
patients will be children to ensure similarity to oneself. The rough draft of a “dentist” has been drawn.
The cartoon will include how young children fight the villain cavity and dentist, as a hero, helps them
out. The rough draft of a villain has bn drawn as well. It also will include well detailed explanations on
how to defeat the villain. The only thing now is to wait for my equipment that I ordered from Amazon
to arrive so I could start the cartoon.

What I plan to accomplish by the end of the week

Receive the graphic tablet and finally start drawing the cartoon. At least first 15 seconds, come up with
characters, their faces, style, etc. Ask my mentor for feedback on the first 15 seconds of the cartoon and
see what can I improve.

My needs (materials, time, space, mentor etc.)

I need the material – graphic tablet, and as much time as possible because drawing takes a lot of time.
I need to plan out how to draw characters and how many of them.

I will be doing capstone at home and at school to ensure time efficiency.

How I have interacted with my mentor recently and what I still need to do

I have talked to my mentor during one of my volunteering shifts about the idea that I have and she
supports me and looking forward for the cartoon. I still need to start drawing because I didn’t expect
that the parcel will take that long to arrive
Challenges I encountered and how I have overcome them

Time, so as soon as the tablet arrives, I will be spending a lot of time on the Capstone. Also, I’m not a
great painter myself, so I will look up tutorials in YouTube and improve my drawing skills before tablet

Pictures/Video evidence of my progress

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