Deteremination of Prognosis PDF

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Determination of Prognosis

Dr Fahad Al-Dabbagh

The prediction of course of treatment, duration,
and outcome based on the knowledge of
disease pathogenesis and identification of risk
Types of Prognosis
Based on tooth mortality:
• Good
• Fair
• Poor
• Questionable
• Hopless

Types of Prognosis
Based on probability of stabilising periodontal
• Favourable
• Questionable
• unfavourable
• Hopeless

Overall versus Individual tooth prognosis

Factors affecting prognosis

• Overall:
1. Patient age
2. Patient compliance
3. Disease severity
4. Biofilm control
Factors affecting prognosis
• Local:
1. Biofilm.
2. Plaque retentive factors
3. Anatomical factors
4. Prosthetic and restorative factors

Factors affecting prognosis

• Systemic:
1. Systemic diseases.
2. Genetic factors
3. Stress
4. Smoking

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