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Border dispute discussion



Border disputes has been a major concern over the years. Counties have been struggling with

their neighbors on the extent that their borders are to reach. One of such border disputes is

witnessed at the Caribbean islands which is shared by Haiti and the Dominican Republic. The

difference in the quality of life is evident among the nationals at the Island. This is a common

phenomenon at the borders of countries especially when one country is more developed than the

other. Residents living at the border would prefer to get their services from the developed side

igniting the border debates. Another reason for border disputes is highlighted in the case of

Arctic which has melted exposing land that can be exploited. Although this is bad news in the

environmental sector, the surrounding nations see it as a chance to exploit fossils that are now

accessible and from new trade routes. This is a major border wrangle that is likely to spill over.

The border disputes can also be emotional rather than physical. This is as witnessed in the Japan

and North Korea border where there are children born in Japan but are of North Korean descents.

The children have their allegiance to North Kores despite studying in Japan and also face

discrimination owing to the variation of culture at the border. The instances highlighted in these

chapters have holistically described the contexts in which border disputes are likely to arise.

Dealing with border disputes is a volatile issue owing to the various factors that fuel border

disputes. Dealing with border disputes involve addressing the causative factor that might not be

addressed fully but can only be managed. This leads to my question for this discussion which is

do you agree with my sentiment that border disputes cannot be fully solved owing to the

complex nature of their causative factors?

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