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What is the most important point you are trying to convey about your
The most important part I’m trying to convey about my project is the importance of exploring
something different and stepping out of your comfort zone. I have never had the opportunity to
work with other people besides on the farm, until I began working in the work environment I was
in this last summer at T&H Welding.It was a very fun experience having the opportunity to work
at T&H and being able to work with other people like I did taught me a lot and gave me great
experience for my future. It worried me at first that I wasn’t going to like it, but at
At the end of it I ended up loving it.

2.As you did your research what surprised you the most about your topic/
The thing that surprised me the most about my topic was how welding is more important than
people think it is. The world wouldn't be the way it is without welding. Welding is super
important in today's world. Without this form of metal work, so many things, including many
buildings, gates, and fences, small kitchen appliances, vehicles and even space travel would not

3.What did you find most difficult about doing the research for your project?
The most difficult thing about doing my research for my project was finding information that you
know is reliable and accurate. It was a very difficult time and took a lot of research and fact
checking. I was very lucky and I found a couple of good, reliable sources that gave me a
tremendous amount of information that I was able to use and then double checked with other
websites to fact check. These really good sources helped lead me in the right direction and kept
me going on a positive note that helped me finish my research and learn a lot more about my
topic I researched.

4.What is the most important thing you learned from completing this project?
There is a lot of important things that I have learned through this whole process but
the most important thing would have to be no matter how hard you think
something is just doing it, it's not that bad in the end. I struggled with just telling
myself that some of the steps where going to be very difficult and time consuming
and procrastinated with them until the last minute. Then when it was all down to
in the end, it wasn’t too bad after all and not as difficult as I thought they would be. It
was more just taking the time and actually doing it.

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