Facilitating Learning

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The amount of the reinforcement

Subject: FACILITATING necessary for learning is relative to
LEARNING the students’ needs and abilities.
Instructor : ELIAS T. ALIAS, Ph. 4. The principle of readiness is related
D. to the learners’ state development and
their previous learning.
5. The students’ self-concept and
Learning – is an integrated, on going beliefs about their abilities are
process occupying within the extremely important.
individual enabling him to meet the 6. Teachers should provide
specific aims, fulfil his needs and opportunities for meaningful and
interests and to cope with the living appropriate practice (rehearsal).
process. 7. Transfer of learning to new
Learning - maybe defined a relatively situations can be horizontal (across
permanent change in behavior subject matter) or vertical (increased
potentiality that occurs due to complexity of the same subjects.)
experience and reinforced practice. 8. Learning should be learning-
Learning is a process that involves directed and focused.
change in behavior resulting from 9. Positive feedback, realistic praise,
experience. It is a process inferred and encouragement are motivating in
from relatively stable changes in the teaching-learning process.
behavior that result through practice 10. Metacognition is an advanced
or interaction with and adoption to, cognitive process whereby students
environment acquire specific learning strategies
Characteristics of Learning and also sense when they are not
1. Learning is developmental learning or having trouble learning.
2. Learning is interactive SEVEN THINKING SKILLS
3. Learning is basic 1. Analysis (sometimes called field
Phases of Learning dependence-independence) - the
1. Unfreezing ability to breakdown complex
2. Problem Diagnosis information into part for the purpose
3. Goal setting of identification and organization.
4. New Behavior 2. Focusing (Scanning) – the ability to
5. Refreezing select relevant or information without
Principles of Learning being distracted or confused by the
Ten Major Principles irrelevant of secondary information.
1. Learning by doing is good advice. 3. Comparative Analysis (Reflective-
2. One learns to do what one does. impulsivity) – the ability to select a
correct item from among several
4. Narrowing (Breath of c. the learning situation
categorization) – the ability to identify The center of the educative process is
and place new information into the learner.
categories through its attributes Two general factors influence human
(Physical characteristics, principles or development:
functions) a. Maturation or natural growth
5. Complex Cognitive (Complexity- resulting from heredity
simplicity) the ability to integrate b. Environmental influence in and
complex information into existing through which learning takes place.
cognitive structure (long -term Maturation is the process by which
memory) heredity exerts its influence long after
6. Sharpening (sharpening-leveling) – birth.
the ability to maintain distinctions The basic principles of development
between cognitive structures are:
(including old new information) and a. Development follows an orderly
to avoid confusion or overlap. sequence, which is predictable.
7. Tolerance (tolerant-intolerant) the b. The rate of development is unique
ability to monitor and modify to each individual.
thinking. The ability to deal with Phylogenetic skills – those skills,
ambiguous or nuclear information which are universally true of the
without getting frustrated. human race.
TYPES OF LEARNING Two predictable directions during the
SENSORY-MOTOR LEARNING – pre-natal and infancy periods
involves understanding the external a. Cephalocaudal trend-development
world through the senses and muscles. proceeds in a head-to-foot direction in
concerned with the development of b. Proximodistal trend- parts of the
ideas and concepts & covers much body nearest to the center are the
what academic learning demands earliest to develop.
AFFECTIVE LEARNING – involves The learner’s eight stages of
the experiences within which development:
emotions and affect takes precedence. 1. Prenatal (Conception to birth)
Teaching is the process of guiding 2. Infancy (birth to 2 years)
learning. 3. Early childhood (2 years to 6 years
Teaching and learning are old)
psychological processes. 4. Late childhood ( 6 years to 12 years
There are three components of the old)
educative process: 5. Adolescence (puberty to 18 years
a. the learner old
b. the learning process 6. Early adulthood (18 to 40 years)
7. Middle age (40 to retirement) 4. Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral
8. Old age (retirement to death) Development
Four Aspects of Development Freud’s
According to Arnold Lee Gessel Psychoanalytic/Psychoanalysis
1. Motor Behavior, which refers to Theory this is also called
posture, ability to group, movement, psychosexual theory
general coordination of the different 1. The oral stage (0 to 2 years)- the
parts of the body and more specific center of pleasure is mouth (ex.
motor coordination. Sucking, chewing, biting)
2. Adaptive Behavior, which refers to 2. The anal stage (2 to 4 years)-
the actions that reflect the ability to children begin to receive pleasure
begin new activities and take from the elimination process.
advantage of earlier experience. It is Attention is focused on anal region
closely related to intelligence. 3. (toilet training)
Language Behavior refers to all the 3. The phallic stage (4 to 6 years) -
ways of communicating with other pleasure gratification of children
people. shifts from the anal to the genital
4. Personal-Social Behavior which region. children derive pleasure from
includes the child’s reactions to other activities associated with their sex
people and to the cultural influences, organ.
adjustments to home life, to mine and 4. The latency stage (6 to 12 years).
thine, to social groups and social This stage described as a relatively
conventions. calm and stable. Focus is school
Robert Havighurst, defined work; sex instinct are calm.
“developmental tasks” are skills and 5. The genital stage (12 and up)-
patterns of behavior every cultural Oedipal/Electra feelings are
group expect its members to master or reactivated
acquire at various ages during the life Oedipus/Electra complex – refers to
span. experience when young boys
a. Physical, experience rivalry with their father for
b. Cultural, and their mother’s attention and affection.
c. Psychological in nature. 8 Stages of Erickson’s Psychosocial
Four theories of development Development Theory
1. Freud’s Psychoanalytic or Extension of Freud’s theory
Psychosexual Theory More on social-cultural
2. Erickson’s Psychosocial Conflict or crisis
Development Theory Trust vs Mistrust (birth – 1 yo) –
3. Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive acquisition of such traits is dependent
Development on the child’s early experiences.
Autonomy vs Shame & Doubt (1–3 1. Sensorimotor stage (from birth to 2
yo) – conflicting points are presented years)- based primarily on immediate
as children venture on different tasks. experience through the senses
Initiative vs Guilt (3–6 yo) – Parents 2. Pre-operations stage (early
and environment are the major childhood)- it is the emergence of
contributors to the development of language skills
such traits. 3. Concrete operations stage
Industry vs Inferiority (6 –12 yo) – At (elementary years)- children begin to
childhood specifically elementary learn symbol systems and concepts
years, children are molded to be and their thinking becomes more
industrious or otherwise. logical and systematic.
Identity vs Role Confusion (12 – 20 4. Formal operations stage (high
yo) – Child seeks to answer “Who am school years). During this stage, the
I? young person develops full patterns of
Intimacy vs Isolation (20 –40 yo) – thinking.
Erickson view intimacy as capacity to Three Main Levels of Moral
reach out and make contact with other Development According to Kohlberg
people. Level One (Preconventional Morality)
Generativity vs Self Children’s judgments are based on
Absorption/Stagnation (40 –65 yo)- external criteria.
Individual as being able to work Level Two ( Conventional Morality).
actively productively and creatively. Children’s judgments are based on the
Integrity vs Despair (65 –death) – norms and expectations of the group.
Stage of facing reality, recognizing Level Three (Post Conventional
and accepting individuals to take Morality). The individual recognizes
stock of the years that have gone the arbitrariness of social and legal
before. conventions.
Two Processes of Piaget’s Theory of Individual differences – no two
Cognitive Development individuals exactly alike in their
a. Assimilation is the process by resulting development and
which an individual acquires adjustments. Unique characteristics
information or knowledge o by which and traits emerge as children pass
experiences are integrated into an from one stage to another.
existing scheme. Specific factors influencing
b. Accommodation is the process of differences among learners:
creating a new scheme by modifying a. Age differences and personal
an existing scheme after an individual adjustment
interaction with the environment b. Sex differences
Piaget categorizes cognitive c. Family and community background
development into four stages:
Aspects of personality in which implies social-maturity below the
learners show wide variations: developmental period or the time
a. Physical conditions between the birth or the 18th birthday.
b. Emotional response and attitudes .
c. Mental abilities and specific Formal education is based on the
aptitudes premise that the learning process can
d. Social adjustment be directed and facilitated.
Groupings/Types of Learners Types of Learning
a. Genius or mentally gifted 1. Sensory or Psychomotor learning.
• With an IQ of 130 and above It involves understanding of the
• Good retention , quick response external world through the use of the
• rapid and accurate mastery of senses and muscles. A basic factor in
learning materials likely to recognized motor learning is accuracy of
their learning lacks and attempt to perception, which in turn is dependent
satisfy them by asking questions. on the past experiences of the learner
b. Superior or bright 2. Cognitive learning. It covers what
• with an IQ of 115 is taught in school. It includes
• very much like the gifted but to a everything from simple associations
slight lower degree between stimuli and responses or
• may experience also problems at association learning to the
home and in school like boredom development of complex insights as in
during lectures that are too easy to problem solving.
them Techniques to develop sensory-motor
c. Average learning:
• Have the ability to excel ,with an IQ 1. Direction
of 90-100 2. Imitation
• With determination and concentrtion 3. Demonstration
• Can achieve academic success 4. Drill
d. Slow learner/Dull or borderline Types of Cognitive Learning
• have difficulty to learn the subject a. Association learning involves the
attention span is short development of associative patterns
• functions at ability but significantly by which ideas and experiences are
below grade level recognized, retained, and recalled
• have IQ between 70 and 85. through the process of establishing
e. Mentally retarded or feebleminded relationships among ideas and
Now termed “developmental experiences.
disability” refers to significantly sub- b. Problem-solving learning involves
average general intellectual a process of overcoming difficulties
functioning existing concurrently with that appear to interfere with the
deficits in adaptive behavior which attainment of a goal.
c. Affective learning. It involves learning as a process of putting
experiences, which include mental together units to form total
understanding, accompanied by experiences and complex forms of
emotional reactions of pleasure or behavior.
satisfaction. Major Laws of learning according to
Types of appreciative experiences Thorndike.
a. Aesthetic appreciative experiences. Law of Readiness states that when a
Refers to the study in the field of art, person is prepared to respond or act
music, and literature. the result is satisfying.
b. Intellectual appreciative Law of Exercise states that constant
experiences. Refers to the study of repetition of a response strengthens its
problem in which the ability to connection with the stimulus.
comprehend and understand is Law of Effect states that learning
involved to the fullest extent. strengthened if it results is
Teacher is the most important factor satisfaction.
in teaching for appreciation. Unless Other Laws of Learning with
the teacher appreciates fully what he Pedagogical Relevance
is teaching, he cannot expect his Law of Apperception (Herbart)- It is
students to develop appreciation. characterized by a clear perception in
Basic Theories of Learning which there is recognized of
1. Behavioral or Association Learning relationships between what is
Theories – emphasize the presented and existing body of
establishment and strengthening of knowledge.
relationships between the stimulus (S) Law of Association (Kant)- Learning
and the response (R) and emphasize takes place through the connection
the role of reinforcement in the and functional relationship between
learning process. two psychological phenomena
2. Cognitive-field theories – focus on established by means of experience.
the cognitive structures of man as a Law of Belongingness (Thorndike)-
basis for learning. Associations are easily formed if they
Classifications of Behavioral or belong or a part of related stimuli that
Association or Stimulus-Response excites an organism to functional
Learning Theories activity.
A. Association or Stimulus-Response Law of Intensity ( Carr) – This law
Theories – emphasize the asserts that the strength of any
establishment and strengthening of behavior or experience has a
relationships between the stimulus (S) corresponding relation or connection
and the response (R). to learning.
a. Edward Lee Thorndike’s Law of Forgetting (Ebbinghaus)- It is
Connectionism Theory. It view related to the law of disuse. the ability
to reproduce or to remember what has reward, that is, it must operate on its
been previously learned is in direct environment.
proportion to the opportunities to use. Types of Reinforcers
Ivan Pavlov’s Classical or Primary reinforces are innately
Respondent Conditioning. It involves reinforcing. They are powerful in
the formation or strengthening of an increasing the chance that particular
association between a conditioned behavior will occur. Example food,
stimulus, which originally elicited the water.
response. Secondary reinforces are not innately
Principles of Classical Conditioning reinforcing. Their power to reinforce
Theory behavior is acquired and not innately
1). Excitation. This is known as the present. Example money, grades,
law of acquisition. This happens when token, & stars
a previously neutral stimulus acquires Two ways of punishment according to
the property of eliciting the Skinner
conditioned response, i.e. the buzzer 1. The presentation of an unpleasant
(CS) elicits salivation (CR). event.
2). Extinction. This process is also 2. The removal of a pleasant event.
called unlearning. This occurs when Shaping of behavior is the acquisition
the conditioned response is no longer of complex behaviors.
elicited by the conditioned stimulus 2. Hull’s Drive-Reduction Theory
because the conditioned stimulus was Clark L. Hull Behavior theory means
constantly presented without the learning as response reinforcement
paired stimulus. occurring as a result of drive
3). Stimulus generalization. This reduction. Subjects learn the specific
process occurs when the conditioned response that occurs when a drive or
response is not only elicited by the need is reduced. The response then
original condition stimulus but by becomes a habit. For Hull habit,
other similar to the conditioned which strengthens with, each added
stimulus. reinforcement or stimulus responses
4). Spontaneous Recovery. A unit is the fundamental law of
conditioned response, which does not learning.
appear for sometime, re-occurs Psychodynamic factors:
without further conditioning. 1. mental constructs
B). Instrumental or Operant 2. intervening variables
Conditioning Theory 3. E. C. Tolman’s Purposive
1. Frederick Skinner’s Instrumental or Behaviorism
Operant Conditioning. It refers to an This theory abridge between rigid
idea of Skinner that an organism has behaviorism and Gestaltism, offered a
to do something in order to get a cognitivist theory of learning: the
mental processes at work in the attributing meaning to their
learning experience are more than experiences.
mere stimulus-response connections The basic principle embodied in this
(S-S/ significate) theory. It was called theory is the reciprocal relationship
purposive behaviorism because between behavior and the conditions
Tolman insisted that, far from being that control it.
random and chaotic, learning is goal The exposure to a model may produce
directed. He postulated his famous different effects; namely.
HATE variables (Heredity, Age, 1. Observational learning effect –
Training, Endocrine) as a crucial where an individual recombines
importance in understanding and previously learned behavioral patterns
predicting behavior. to produce novel responses.
4. Social Learning theory (Albert 2. Inhibitory effect – where the
Bandura and Richard Wallace) model’s behavior either strengthens or
Their theory maintains the importance weakens the inhibition of responses
of the stimulus response connection in already available to the observer.
learning, but its emphasis is on 3. Social facilitation effect – where
observational learning, which the model’s behavior leads toward
includes self-instruction and self- acting out a response already
reinforcement, rather than of available to the observer.
reinforcement. Four sub processes of social learning
This theory embodies several basic 1. Attention
assumptions. 2. Retention
1. It is assumed that infants possess 3. Motoric reproduction
innate or inborn reflexes. 4. Reinforcement
2. Humans have a symbolizing 5. Cognitive Field Theories – interpret
capacity to process/transform learning as the organization or
experiences into internal models that reorganization of the subject’s
can guide future actions. perceptual system into meaningful
3. Forethought influences our present patterns.
actions by anticipation of 6. Wolfgang Kohler’s theory of
consequences and events. instant learning or gaining insight. It
4. The capacity for vicarious learning is a gradual process of exploring,
is present in human; thus individuals analyzing and restructuring
can learn by observation and not by perceptions until a solution is arrived
trial and error. at.
5. Humans have the capability for Processes for gaining insight:
reflective self-consciousness. This 1. Exploring
involves thinking of thoughts and 2. Analyzing
3. Restructuring Perceptions
7. Gestalt Laws. This school of either replace or refine something
psychology upon which most of previously known.
cognitive psychology is based was 2. Transformation is the manipulation
developed by Wolfgang Kohler, Marx of information to fit new situation.
Wertheimer and Kurt Koffka in 1921. 3. Evaluation is checking whether or
In their study, the primary focus was not the learned material has been
perception. Their studies led to the manipulated appropriately
principles or laws that govern how Three major assumptions information-
people assign meaning to visual processing
stimuli. I. Information is processed in steps or
Several laws were developed from stages, which include:
their research. 1. Attending to a sensory input,
Law of Continuity. This law states the 2. Transforming the input into some
perceptual organization tends to kind of mental image,
preserves smooth continuities rather 3. Comparing the mental image with
than abrupt changes. information already stored in
• Law of Closure. This laws states that memory,
incomplete figures tend to be seen as 4. Assigning meaning to the image,
complete. 5. Acting on the image in some way.
• Law of Proximity. This law tends II. There are limits to how much
that things close together are grouped information can be processed at each
together in perception stage.
• Law of Similarity. This law refers to III. Human information-processing is
the perception of similar objects that interactive which means that learning
tend to be related. occur, or is likely to occur, when there
• Law of Pregnanz. organizations is an interaction between
perceived from a visual stimulus, the environmental input and a learner
one that will most likely occur is the who processes or transforms the
one that possesses the best, simplest, information.
and most stable form. Three components of long-term
8. Kurt Lewin Topological and Vector memory
Theory, which view that 1. Semantic memory (facts, principles
psychological self and psychological and concepts)
environment, motivate a person. 2. Procedural memory (specific
9. Jerome Bruner Theory of physical abilities and skills)
Instrumental Conceptualism. 3. Episodic memory (times and
Three simultaneous cognitive places)
processes Metacognition is the process of
1. Acquisition is the process of knowing about knowing. It essential
obtaining new information that can
purpose is to enhance learning and aroused and directed toward definite
memory. goals.
Adhesive principle means that a Mental processes:
response is attached to a stimulus a) perception,
through the stimulus occurring just b) concept attainment, and
prior to the response so that the c) reasoning
recurrence of the stimulus will evoke Mental health is the ability to adapt
or cause the response. satisfactorily to the changes and
Feedback principle means that the problems met within life.
reduction or satisfaction of an organic Mental hygiene refers to measure
need or drive stimulus increases the taken to maintain and foster good
probability of occurrence of future mental health.
responses of the kind that the Style of Leadership and Its Effects in
organism emitted the Learning Process
Theories of Transfer of Learning 1. Authoritarian/ Direction
a. Theory of mental discipline is the (domineering, strict, stern, discipline
exercise of mental faculties. and aggression but well-organized)
b. Theory of identical elements (by 2. Permissive leadership (democratic,
Thorndike) transfer of learning is due flexible, and creative in approach)
to the identity of procedure 3. Laissez-faire (absence of control,
c. Theory of generalization (by passive)
Charles Judd) transfer of learning is a Aspects of Personality in which
form of generalization, which can be Learners Show Wide Variations
encouraged by training. 1. Physical Conditions
d. Theory of configuration (by 2. Emotional response and attitudes
Gestalt) transfer of learning is the 3. Mental abilities and specific
result of the application of certain aptitudes
principles of configuration. 4. Social adjustment
Factors affecting the transfer of Learning situation as a component of
learning the educative process refers to
1. Mental ability conditions outside the learner, which
2. Similarities between subject matter affects his learning.
3. Motivation and effort-making Teacher is the key factor in classroom
capacity learning situation. He assumes various
4. Method of teaching significant roles in the classroom as:
5. Facilities a. Teacher as a Model. The behavior
6. Background & attitude of teacher are imitated by
Motivation is a process in which the the learners
individual’s attention and interest are
b. Teacher as a Classroom Manager. 2. DAVID MC CLELLAND’S NEED
It is to determine the psychosocial ACHIEVEMENT THEORY.
climate of the classroom. This theory is an explanation of
c. Teacher as a Facilitator of Student motivation that is related to
Learning. It is main role of the competence, judging it and increasing
teacher. it. He stated that individuals seek out
d. Teacher as an Evaluator of challenging, moderately difficult
Student’s Learning. Its primary tasks.
objective is to improve learner’s 3. ATTRIBUTION THEORY.
performance. Most of the students attribute their
e. Teacher as a Counselor. It is to success or failure to specific causes.
understand the learners and attends When they are able to get good
their need. grades, they think that they are good
Motivation and communication are in the subject, but when they fail in
two aspects of the learning function the test they attribute it to difficulty of
that need attention because they the test.
contribute to effective learning. 4. INSTINCT THEORY
Kinds of Motivation An individual acts the way he does
a. Extrinsic motivators are forces that because of his instinct. An instinct is a
arise from outside the individual such descriptive term for a complex,
honors, monetary rewards, medals unlearned adaptive response, an
and the like. unlearned pattern of reflexes
b. Intrinsic motivators arise from the appearing in all members of species.
individual’s genuine desire to learn 5. PSYCHO-ANALYTIC/DRIVE
because he realizes the benefits he THEORY
derives from what he will learn. This theory postulates that an
Theories of Motivation organism is motivated to eliminate or
1. MASLOW’S HIERARCHY OF reduce bodily tension.
NEEDS theory. (Abraham Maslow) 6. INCENTIVE THEORY
It is helpful in understanding the This theory assumed that if a certain
variety of pupils’ motives, their desirable goal can be anticipated
emergence and their relationships. following the completion of a
One of Maslow’s most famous particular action, in effect, the
concepts is that of self-actualization organism likely to be motivated to
or the use of one’s abilities to the perform that action.
limit of one’s potentialities. 7. AROUSAL THEORY
According to Maslow there are five This theory assumed that, this is an
basic needs: physiological, safety, alternative to drive theory which
love and belongingness, esteem and stipulates a moderate level of
self-actualization. stimulation is reinforcing while both
higher and lower levels of stimulation 5. Make use of recognition.
are relatively unpleasant. 6. Use competition
8. SOLOMON’S OPPONENT 7. Give reward for good work.
PROCESS THEORY 8. Use punishment where means fail.
This theory explains that a state of A basic tool of learning is
positive feeling is followed by a communication. Psychologists and
contrasting negative feeling and vice teachers agreed on the fact that
versa. student who cannot communicate
9. WHITING and CHILD cannot learn. An essential objective of
BEHAVIOR THEORY education, therefore, is to develop the
This theory states that a few basic communication skills of students;
motives acquired in early infancy tend namely speaking, writing, listening,
to grow excessively and rapidly into reading.
behavior systems in later life and Four patterns of classroom interaction
consequently, various kinds of according to Lingren.
observable responses are influenced Least Effective. The teacher attempts
by common motive. to maintain one-way communication
10. COGNITIVE THEORY (HUNT) with students in the class.
Man is rational and consciously More Effective. The teacher attempts
decides what he will do or not do. to develop two-way communication
Motives curiosity, intention, motive to with students in the class.
achieve success and goals activate and Even More Effective. The teacher
direct the individual to action. maintains two-way with
11. SELF-EFFICACY THEORY communication with students and also
(Bandura) permits some communication among
The key to individual achievement students on a rather formal basis.
lies with the individual’s own belief Most Effective. The teacher becomes
in his ability to organize and execute a co-participant in the group and
actions required for successful encourages two-way communication
performance. among all members of the group.
12. SELF-DETERMINATION Models of Teaching
THEORY 1. Expository Method. The teacher
An attitude of determination is the lectures, explains, provides facts,
foundation for motivated behavior. ideas and other essential information
Techniques to Motivate Students to the class.
1. Define objective. 2. Reporting. One of the groups of
2. Place the responsibility on the students undertakes the task of giving
students for learning. a class report on the subject matter.
3. Use students Participation.
4. Use varied teaching methods.
3. Panel Discussion. A group of a response, which applies to certain
students initiates the formal stimuli. (ex. Choosing 2 rather than 3
discussion. when presented with the problem 1+1
4. Demonstration. A teacher’s = ).
purpose is to show how something is 6. Concept Learning involves
to be done. classifying and organizing perception
5. Micro-teaching. Students teach for to gain meaningful concepts. ( ex. All
short periods, which are then dogs have four legs).
videotaped for analysis and critique. 7. Principle learning involves
6. Role-playing, Modeling, combining and relating concepts
Dramatization. Students enact already learned to form rules. ( ex.
different roles in a teaching-learning 1+2=3 is the same as 2+1=3).
situation to derive conclusions, 8. Problem-solving which is the most
principles or concepts. complex condition involves applying
7. Simulation, Games. This involves rules to appropriate problem
the creation of life-like situations situations (ex. Solving word problems
often involving dialogue. in math).
8. Group Work, Discussion. Students Stacy Mantle Seven Types of
break into smaller groups to discuss a Learning Styles
topic or a problem, or to do a task 1. Linguistic. This type of learners
with the teacher as guide and loves to read, write and tell stories.
observer. 2. Logical. These children are very
Gagne’s Conditions of Learning mathematically inclined.
1. Signal Learning – the stage where 3. Spatial. These are the visualizers.
involuntary responses are learned. They spend most of the day
This condition is similar to classical daydreaming, watching movies and
conditioning. staying as far away from reality as
2. Stimulus-Response Learning – the possible.
stage where voluntary responses are 4. Musical. This type of learner is best
learned. This is similar to operant at noticing details, pitches and
conditioning. rhythms that escape the normal
3. Chaining – in this condition, a listener.
series of stimulus-response 5. Bodily. This type of the learner is
connections are linked.(adding 1&2 as always on the move. They constantly
3) walk around; they have to touch
4. Verbal Association – This stage everything; and they use body
entails labeling certain responses. language.
(Labeling as 1+1=2) 6. Interpersonal. These are the social
5. Discrimination Learning – This is butterflies. They adapt easily to any
the condition where the learner selects
social situation, have many friends ability that could be measured and
and are excellent leaders. numerically expressed.
7. Intrapersonal. These strong willed Primary Mental Abilities Louis
people work best alone. They pursue Thurstone His theory focused on
their own interests and have a deep seven different “primary mental
understanding of themselves. abilities.” The abilities that he
Benjamin Bloom Mastery Learning described were:
Model. In this model, aptitude quality • verbal comprehension
of instruction, ability, perseverance, • reasoning
and time for learning are significant • perceptual speed
variables, which can determine • numerical ability
teaching and learning success. Bloom • word fluency
believes that teaching begins with the • associative memory
delivery of knowledge to • spatial visualization
comprehension, application, analysis, Multiple Intelligences Howard
and synthesis. The end goal of this Gardner Gardner proposed that
model is mastery; and thus numerical expressions of human
incorporates the value of education. intelligence are not a full and accurate
INTELLIGENCE depiction of people’s abilities. His
• Lewis Terman defines it as the theory describes nine intelligences:
ability to learn in terms of abstract • Visual-spatial
ideas while Colvin viewed • Verbal0linguistic
intelligence as the ability to adjust to • Body-kinesthetic
new environment. • Logical-Mathematical
• Is an overall capacity for particular • Interpersonal
mental activities that cannot be • Musical
measured directly. • Intrapersonal
Theories of Intelligence • Naturalistic
Theories Proponents Perspectives • Existentialism
General Intelligence Charles Triarchic Theory of Intelligence
Spearman In using the technique Robert Sternberg He proposed the
Spearman concluded that scores on successful intelligence comprised the
these tests were remarkable similar. three different factors:
People who performed well on one • Analytical
cognitive test tended to perform well • Creative
on other tests, while those who scored • Practical
badly on one test tended to score The Concept of Intelligence
badly on others. He concluded that Mental Age
intelligence is a general cognitive • refers to the degree of mental
development of an individual as
compared with the average person of  He can readily understand what he
particular chronological age. reads and could retain and recall
Chronological Age principles and theories presented
• is the actual age of a person.  He organized his thoughts
Meaningful learning occurs when systematically
material to be learned is related to  He recognizes relationship; thinks
what students already know. reflectively and critically
Intelligence Quotient (IQ)  He is aware of various events in the
o It is the number that indicates how a environment that often children do not
person has fared on a particular test as take notice of
compared to others in the same age  He has a good command of
bracket. language or several languages and
o When the mental age is determined dialects
it will be an easy matter to compute  He has a wide range of vocabulary
the IQ of a child through the use of  He accepts intellectual challenges
the formula and works on his mental tasks
IQ = MA/ CA x 100 diligently
Uses of the IQ  He is curious of things, events and
 Can be used as basis for of people’s behavior
classification for school purposes or  He is creative and initiates
for job placements activities
 Many schools use the IQ results for  He has a variety of interests on
admission on purposes. many subjects
Distribution of IQ based on the 2. Mentally Retarded has three
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale essential features
IQ Verbal Description Percent Adults  Intellectual functioning must be
Above 130 Very Superior 2.2 significantly below-average.
120- 129 Superior 6.7  Significantly deficits in adaptive
110- 119 Bright Normal 16.1 functioning must be evident average.
90- 109 Average 50.0  Onset must be prior to age 18
80- 89 Dull Normal 16.1 Levels of Mental Retardation
70- 79 Borderline 6.7 Level IQ Scores % Adaptations to
Below 70 Defective 2.2 Demands of Life
Extremes of Intelligence Mild 50 to 70 85 May learn academic
Two Basic Extremes of Intelligence skills up to sixth grade level. Adults
1. Mentally Gifted- defined as having may, with assistance, achieve self-
an intelligence of 130 or Higher supporting, social and vocational
Characteristics: skills
 He learns very fast with minimum Moderate 35 to 40 10 May progress to
direction and grasps concept easily second grade level academically.
Adults may contribute to their own Human activity is based on
support by labor in sheltered association between stimulus and
workshops response.
Sever 20 to 24 2-3 May learn to talk a. Law of effect
and to perform simple work tasks b. Law of exercise
under supervision but are generally c. Law of readiness
unable to profit from vocational B. Classical conditioning (Ivan
training Pavlov):
Profound Below 20 1-2 Require It is based on ADHESIVE principle
constant aid and supervision which means that a response is
attached to a stimulus through the
FACILITATING HUMAN stimulus occurring just prior to he
LEARNING response so that the recurrence of the
stimulus will evoke or cause the
Understanding Learning and response. (ex. Dog’s salivation
Knowledge Acquisition experiment)
Definition of learning- is the C. Operant Conditioning (BF Skinner)
acquisition and development of Organism has to do something in
memories and behaviors, including order to get reward that is, it must
skills, knowledge, understanding, operate on its environment.
values and wisdom. It is the goal of  Reinforcement: is any behavioral
education, and the product of consequence that strengthens
experience. It is therefore a relatively behavior. It increases the likelihood of
permanent change in behavior. the recurrent of a particular type of
Other Definitions: response.
1. A process inferred from relatively  Types of reinforcement:
stable changes in behavior that result -Positive Reinforcement: These
through practice of interaction with reinforcers increase frequency.
and adaptation to the environment -Negative Reinforcement: Strengthens
(Goodwin and Klausmeier) behavior by their removal.
2. The development of new -Primary Reinforcement: food, water,
associations as a result of experience ( sleep
Good and Grophy). -Secondary Reinforcement: money,
3. The modification of an organism’s grades, starts, tokens etc.
behavior as a result of maturation and D. Social Learning Theory ( Albert
environmental experience. Bandura) –plus emphasis on
A. Edward Thorndike’s E. Wolfgang Kohler’s Insight Theory-
Connectionis,/Associationism Theory: Gaining insight is a gradual processes
of exploring analyzing and
restructuring perceptions until a Analogical Process and Transfer of
solution is arrived at. Learning
F. Gestalt Theoru (Kohlerm The Theory of Transfer of Learning
Wertheimer and Koffka)- The was introduced by Thorndike and
primary focus of this theory is on Woodworth (1901). They explored
PERCEPTION and how people assign how individuals would transfer
meanings to visual stimuli,”The learning in one context to another
whole is more than the sum of all its context that shared similar
parts” characteristics. Their theory implied
G. Kurt Lewin’s Topological and that transfer of learning depends on
Vector Theory (Field Theory)- the the learning task and the transfer task
behavior of an individual at a given being identical, also known as
moment is the result of existing forces “identical elements. There is a close
operating simultaneously in his life relationships between transfer of
space. (Internal and External forces). learning and problem solving a
H. Jerome Bruner’s Theory- Also problem in a new situation.
known as Instrumental Type Characteristics
Conceptualism. Learning involves 3 Near Overlap between situations,
simultaneously processes: acquisition original and transfer contexts as
transformation and evaluation. similar
I. Information processing Theory- The Far Little overlap between situations,
theory describes the psychological original and transfer settings are
events in terms of transformations of dissimilar
information form input to output. It Positive What is learned in one
stresses the value of perception, context enhances learning in different
attention and memory in the learning setting
process. Negative Knowledge if a previous
Type of Learning: topic essential to acquire new
a. Cognitive Learning- is concerned knowledge
with the development of ideas and Vertical Knowledge of previous topic
concepts. is not essential to acquire new
b. Affective Learning- Involves knowledge
assimilation of values, emotional Horizontal Knowledge of a previous
reactions and acquisition of attitudes topic is not essential but helpful to
c. Psychomotor Learning- learn a new topic
understanding the external world Literal Intact knowledge transfers to
through the senses and muscles. new task
Cognitive and Meta-cognitive factors Figural Use some aspect of general
in Learning knowledge to think or learn about a
Low Road Transfer of well- to or within, the individual; for
established skills in almost automatic example, satisfaction or
fashion accomplishment.
High Road Transfer involves Some authors distinguish between
abstraction so conscious formulations two forms of intrinsic motivation: on
of connections between contexts based on enjoyment, the other on
High Road/Forward Abstracting obligation. In this context, obligation
situations from learning context to a refers to motivation bases on what an
Reaching Potential transfer context individual thinks ought to be done.
High Road/Backward Abstracting in For, instance, a feeling of
the transfer context features of a responsibility for a mission may lead
Reaching Previous situation where to helping others beyond what is
new skills and knowledge were easily observable, rewarded, or fun.
learned A reinforce is different from reward,
Metacogntion- refers to thinking in that reinforcement is intended to
about cognition ( memory, perception, create a measured increase in the rate
calculation, association, etc.) itself or of a desirable behavior following the
to think/reason about one’s own addition of something to the
thinking. environment.
 Metacognition involves two types Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation
of knowledge: 1) explicit, conscious, Intrinsic motivation is evident when
factual knowledge, and 2) people engage in an activity for its
implicit/unconsciousness knowledge. own sake, without some obvious
 The efforts of metacognition are external incentive present. A hobby is
aimed at developing learner a typical example.
autonomy, independence and self- Intrinsic motivation has been
regulated learners. intensely studied by educational
Motivational Factors in Learning psychologists since the 1970s, and
Reward and Reinforcement numerous studies have found it to be
A reward is that which follows an associated with high educational
occurrence of a specific behavior with achievement and enjoyment by the
the intention of acknowledging the students.
behavior in a positive way. A reward There us currently no”grand unified
often has the intent of encouraging the theory” to explain the origin or
behavior to happen again. elements of intrinsic motivation. Most
There are two kinds of rewards, explanations combine elements of
extrinsic and intrinsic rewards are Bernard Weiner’s attribution theory,
external to, or outside of, the Bandura’s work on self-efficacy and
individual; for example, praise or other studies relating to locus of
money. Intrinsic rewards are internal control and goal orientation. Thus it is
thought that students are more like to learning strategies refer to attitudes
experience intrinsic motivation if and behavior that is oriented towards
they: goals . As an example, one could
Attribute their educational results to compare/oppose.
internal factors that they can control Learning style Learning strategy
(eg. The amount of effort they put in, Self-assessment Self-assessment
not fixed ability). Field-dependent Field- independent
Believe they can be effective agents Cognitive level Plus meta-cognitive
in reaching desired goals (eg. The level
results are not determined by dumb Learner preference Learner
luck). competence
Are motivated towards deep mastery Socio-cultural Dimensions of
of a topic, instead of just rote-learning Learning
performance to get good grades. Theories of Situated Learning
In knowledge-sharing communities Situated learning has antecedents in
and organizations, people often cite the work of Gibson (theory of
altruistic reasons for their affordances) and Vygotsky ( social
participation, including contributing learning). In addition, the theory of
to a common good, a moral obligation Schoenfield on mathematical problem
to the group, mentoship or giving solving embodies some of the critical
back”. This model if intrinsic elements of situated learning
motivation has emerged from three framework. Situated learning is a
decades of research by hundreds of general theory of knowledge
educationalists and still evolving. acquisition. It has been applied in the
In work environments, money is context of technology-based learning
typically viewed as an important goal activities for schools that focus in
( having food, clothes etc) may well problem-solving skills.
be more powerful than the direct Principles of Situated Learning:
motivation provided by an enjoyable 1. Knowledge needs to be presented
worklace. in an authentic context, i.e, setting and
Learning styles vs. learning strategies. applications that would normally
Issues regarding learning style are involve that knowledge
somewhat related, i.e students that 2. Learning requires social interaction
willing and able to think in more and collaboration.
abstract terms and/or to critically Individual Differences in Learning
examine what they do may show Multiple Intelligences
better performance. The theory of multiple intelligence
A learning style refers to the was developed in 1983 by Dr,
relationship between individuals and Howard Gardner, professor of
their ways of learning whereas education at Harvard University. It
suggests that the traditional notion of and adaptation to the environment
intelligences to account for a broader (Goodwin and Klausmeier)
range of human potential inchildren 2. The development of new
and adults. associations as a result of experience (
Learning Preferences Good and Grophy).
Visual/Verbal 3. The modification of an organism’s
Visual/Nonverbal behavior as a result of maturation and
Tactile/Kinesthetic environmental experience.
Auditory Verbal Theories of Learning
Characterizing Students with Special A. Edward Thorndike’s
Learning Needs Connectionis,/Associationism Theory:
An exceptional child is one that is Human activity is based on
different in some way form the” association between stimulus and
normal” ot”average” child. The term response.
“exceptional child” includes those a. Law of effect
with special problems related to b. Law of exercise
physical disabilities, sensory c. Law of readiness
impairments, emotional disturbances, B. Classical conditioning (Ivan
learning disabilities and metal Pavlov):
retardation. Most exceptional children It is based on ADHESIVE principle
require a lot of understanding and which means that a response is
patience as well as special education attached to a stimulus through the
and related services if they are to stimulus occurring just prior to he
reach their full potential development. response so that the recurrence of the
FACILITATING HUMAN stimulus will evoke or cause the
LEARNING response. (ex. Dog’s salivation
Understanding Learning and experiment)
Knowledge Acquisition C. Operant Conditioning (BF Skinner)
Definition of learning- is the Organism has to do something in
acquisition and development of order to get reward that is, it must
memories and behaviors, including operate on its environment.
skills, knowledge, understanding,  Reinforcement: is any behavioral
values and wisdom. It is the goal of consequence that strengthens
education, and the product of behavior. It increases the likelihood of
experience. It is therefore a relatively the recurrent of a particular type of
permanent change in behavior. response.
Other Definitions:  Types of reinforcement:
1. A process inferred from relatively -Positive Reinforcement: These
stable changes in behavior that result reinforcers increase frequency.
through practice of interaction with
-Negative Reinforcement: Strengthens a. Cognitive Learning- is concerned
behavior by their removal. with the development of ideas and
-Primary Reinforcement: food, water, concepts.
sleep b. Affective Learning- Involves
-Secondary Reinforcement: money, assimilation of values, emotional
grades, starts, tokens etc. reactions and acquisition of attitudes
D. Social Learning Theory ( Albert c. Psychomotor Learning-
Bandura) –plus emphasis on understanding the external world
OBSERVATIONAL LEARNING. through the senses and muscles.
E. Wolfgang Kohler’s Insight Theory- Cognitive and Meta-cognitive factors
Gaining insight is a gradual processes in Learning
of exploring analyzing and Analogical Process and Transfer of
restructuring perceptions until a Learning
solution is arrived at. The Theory of Transfer of Learning
F. Gestalt Theoru (Kohlerm was introduced by Thorndike and
Wertheimer and Koffka)- The Woodworth (1901). They explored
primary focus of this theory is on how individuals would transfer
PERCEPTION and how people assign learning in one context to another
meanings to visual stimuli,”The context that shared similar
whole is more than the sum of all its characteristics. Their theory implied
parts” that transfer of learning depends on
G. Kurt Lewin’s Topological and the learning task and the transfer task
Vector Theory (Field Theory)- the being identical, also known as
behavior of an individual at a given “identical elements. There is a close
moment is the result of existing forces relationships between transfer of
operating simultaneously in his life learning and problem solving a
space. (Internal and External forces). problem in a new situation.
H. Jerome Bruner’s Theory- Also Type Characteristics
known as Instrumental Near Overlap between situations,
Conceptualism. Learning involves 3 original and transfer contexts as
simultaneously processes: acquisition similar
transformation and evaluation. Far Little overlap between situations,
I. Information processing Theory- The original and transfer settings are
theory describes the psychological dissimilar
events in terms of transformations of Positive What is learned in one
information form input to output. It context enhances learning in different
stresses the value of perception, setting
attention and memory in the learning Negative Knowledge if a previous
process. topic essential to acquire new
Type of Learning: knowledge
Vertical Knowledge of previous topic A reward is that which follows an
is not essential to acquire new occurrence of a specific behavior with
knowledge the intention of acknowledging the
Horizontal Knowledge of a previous behavior in a positive way. A reward
topic is not essential but helpful to often has the intent of encouraging the
learn a new topic behavior to happen again.
Literal Intact knowledge transfers to There are two kinds of rewards,
new task extrinsic and intrinsic rewards are
Figural Use some aspect of general external to, or outside of, the
knowledge to think or learn about a individual; for example, praise or
problem money. Intrinsic rewards are internal
Low Road Transfer of well- to or within, the individual; for
established skills in almost automatic example, satisfaction or
fashion accomplishment.
High Road Transfer involves Some authors distinguish between
abstraction so conscious formulations two forms of intrinsic motivation: on
of connections between contexts based on enjoyment, the other on
High Road/Forward Abstracting obligation. In this context, obligation
situations from learning context to a refers to motivation bases on what an
Reaching Potential transfer context individual thinks ought to be done.
High Road/Backward Abstracting in For, instance, a feeling of
the transfer context features of a responsibility for a mission may lead
Reaching Previous situation where to helping others beyond what is
new skills and knowledge were easily observable, rewarded, or fun.
learned A reinforce is different from reward,
Metacogntion- refers to thinking in that reinforcement is intended to
about cognition ( memory, perception, create a measured increase in the rate
calculation, association, etc.) itself or of a desirable behavior following the
to think/reason about one’s own addition of something to the
thinking. environment.
 Metacognition involves two types Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation
of knowledge: 1) explicit, conscious, Intrinsic motivation is evident when
factual knowledge, and 2) people engage in an activity for its
implicit/unconsciousness knowledge. own sake, without some obvious
 The efforts of metacognition are external incentive present. A hobby is
aimed at developing learner a typical example.
autonomy, independence and self- Intrinsic motivation has been
regulated learners. intensely studied by educational
Motivational Factors in Learning psychologists since the 1970s, and
Reward and Reinforcement numerous studies have found it to be
associated with high educational motivation provided by an enjoyable
achievement and enjoyment by the worklace.
students. Learning styles vs. learning strategies.
There us currently no”grand unified Issues regarding learning style are
theory” to explain the origin or somewhat related, i.e students that
elements of intrinsic motivation. Most willing and able to think in more
explanations combine elements of abstract terms and/or to critically
Bernard Weiner’s attribution theory, examine what they do may show
Bandura’s work on self-efficacy and better performance.
other studies relating to locus of A learning style refers to the
control and goal orientation. Thus it is relationship between individuals and
thought that students are more like to their ways of learning whereas
experience intrinsic motivation if learning strategies refer to attitudes
they: and behavior that is oriented towards
Attribute their educational results to goals . As an example, one could
internal factors that they can control compare/oppose.
(eg. The amount of effort they put in, Learning style Learning strategy
not fixed ability). Self-assessment Self-assessment
Believe they can be effective agents Field-dependent Field- independent
in reaching desired goals (eg. The Cognitive level Plus meta-cognitive
results are not determined by dumb level
luck). Learner preference Learner
Are motivated towards deep mastery competence
of a topic, instead of just rote-learning Socio-cultural Dimensions of
performance to get good grades. Learning
In knowledge-sharing communities Theories of Situated Learning
and organizations, people often cite Situated learning has antecedents in
altruistic reasons for their the work of Gibson (theory of
participation, including contributing affordances) and Vygotsky ( social
to a common good, a moral obligation learning). In addition, the theory of
to the group, mentoship or giving Schoenfield on mathematical problem
back”. This model if intrinsic solving embodies some of the critical
motivation has emerged from three elements of situated learning
decades of research by hundreds of framework. Situated learning is a
educationalists and still evolving. general theory of knowledge
In work environments, money is acquisition. It has been applied in the
typically viewed as an important goal context of technology-based learning
( having food, clothes etc) may well activities for schools that focus in
be more powerful than the direct problem-solving skills.
Principles of Situated Learning:
1. Knowledge needs to be presented Facilitating Learning
in an authentic context, i.e, setting and
applications that would normally LET Competencies:
involve that knowledge
2. Learning requires social interaction 1. Analyze the cognitive,
and collaboration. metacognitive, motivational and
Individual Differences in Learning socio-cultural factors that affect
Multiple Intelligences learning
The theory of multiple intelligence
was developed in 1983 by Dr, 2. Organize the learning environment
Howard Gardner, professor of that promotes fairness regardless of
education at Harvard University. It culture, family background and
suggests that the traditional notion of gender, responsive to learner’s needs
intelligences to account for a broader and difficulties
range of human potential inchildren
and adults. PREPARED BY: Aggarao, Marivilla
Learning Preferences Lydia B.
Visual/Nonverbal PART I: Content Update
Auditory Verbal Basic Concepts
Characterizing Students with Special
Learning Needs Schema - Prior knowledge
An exceptional child is one that is
different in some way form the” Principle - Universal truths/facts
normal” ot”average” child. The term
“exceptional child” includes those Theory
with special problems related to
physical disabilities, sensory Public pronouncement of what a
impairments, emotional disturbances, scientist or an independent/group of
learning disabilities and metal minds that have done something and
retardation. Most exceptional children is subject for further studies/research.
require a lot of understanding and
patience as well as special education Concepts/propositions that help to
and related services if they are to describe and explain observations that
reach their full potential development. one has made.

FOCUS: Professional Education
- involves acquisition of new elements the behavior of a person as a result of
of knowledge, skills, beliefs and interaction of the environment
specific behavior
occurring through practice or
- - may mean one or experience

- more of all these things: it is not being the same as thinking as

its focus is on manifest behavior
the act of gaining knowledge (to learn rather than simply on
something), the knowledge gained by
virtue of that act (that which is thoughts
known) the process of gaining
knowledge (learning how). -Banner Principles/Conditions of Learning
and Cannon, 1997
1. Learning is an active, continuous
LEARNING - It is an ongoing process: it involves more than
process of continued adaptation to our acquiring information.
environment, assimilation of new
information and accommodation of 2. Styles and rates of learning vary:
new input to fit prior knowledge. learners may be auditory, visual, or
Adaptation - to become adjusted to
new or different conditions 3. Readiness affects motivation and
desire to learn.
Assimilation - to make or become
similar; to become absorbed, as 4. Learning is very effective when
knowledge there is immediate application of what
is being taught.
Accommodation - to settle; reconcile,
adapt, adjust 5. Life experiences influence learning.

Learning 6. Learning is facilitated when

learners have knowledge of their
- is characterized by: progress towards a goal.

a change in behavior or the capacity 7. Repetition (practice) helps perfect

to change one’s behavior in the future learning.

a relatively permanent
observable/demonstrable change in
8. Principle of effect: learning is Ivan Petrovich Pavlov’sClassical
strengthened when accompanied by Conditioning
satisfying feeling.
Classical means “in the established
9. Principle of primacy: what is taught manner”
must be taught right at the first time.
Individual learns when a previously
10. Principle of intensity: teaching neutral stimulus is repeatedly paired
requires provision of vivid, exciting with an unconditioned stimulus until a
learning of experiences. neutral stimulus evokes a conditioned
11. Principle of recency: the things
most recently learned are the best Feature of Classical Conditioning
remembered. Classroom Implications

Learning Theories 1. Stimulus – Generalization – a

process by which the conditioned
They are sets of conjectures and response transfers to other stimuli that
hypothesis that explain the process of is similar to the original conditioned
learning or how learning takes place stimulus.

Conjectures -to conclude or suppose Ex. stern teacher • A child should be

from incomplete evidence; guess; an convinced that not all teachers in
indecisive opinion school are bad or anything that
associates to school matters are bad.
Hypothesis - a set of assumptions,
provisionally accepted as a basis of 2. Discrimination – a process by
reasoning or unsupported or ill which one learns not to respond to
supported theory similar stimuli in an identical manner
because of previous experiences. •
A. Behaviorism/Associative Learning Help the child to distinguish the
Theory difference between two or three
identical stimuli or to discriminate
It operates on a principle of their distinct differences.
3. Extinction – a process by which a
Prefers to concentrate on actual conditioned response is lost.
Ex. anxiousness • Fear of anxiety
towards a terror teacher gradually
vanishes if in the succeeding days you a. When someone is ready to perform
experience pleasant treatment with the some act, to do is satisfying.
b. When someone is ready to perform
Classroom Application some act, not to do is annoying.

Relate learning activities with c. When someone is not ready to

pleasant events. perform some act and is forced to do,
it is annoying. Asking a child to write
Build positive associations between the alphabets when he/she did not
teaching and learning activities. learn the basic strokes of writing gets
frustrated and annoyed.
Edward Lee Thorndike’s
Connectionism 4. Law of Exercise – the organism
learns by doing and forgets by not
Connectionism means learning by doing.
selecting and connecting
a. Law of use – connections between
Thorndike Theory of Learning stimulus and response are
Classroom Implications strengthened as they are used.

1. Multiple response – variation of b. Law of disuse – connections

responses that would lead to between a stimulus and response are
conclusion or arrival of an answer A weakened when practice is
child tries multiple responses to solve discontinued. Practice makes perfect
a certain problem.
Provide varied enhancement
2. Law of Set and Attitude – attitude activities/exercises, seatwork.
means “disposition”, “pre-judgment”,
and prior instruction/experience 5. Law of Effect – reward increases
affects towards a given task. Giving the strength of a connection whereas
of homework, advanced reading punishment does nothing. Praise
affects learning students’ achievements; encourage
those low performing students to do
3. Law of Readiness – interfering with better.
oral directed behavior causes
frustration, causing someone to do Classroom Application
something they do not want to do is
also frustrating. Do not force the child to go to school
if he/she is not yet ready. Indications
of readiness: sustained interest, Non-verbal – smiles, winks, warm
improved performance (Ex. Writing, looks
Activity – games, enjoyments
Practice what has been learned
Token – points, stars
Consider individual differences.
Consumable – cookies
Burrhus Frederic Skinner’s Operant
Conditioning and Reinforcement Punishment – any unpleasant
consequence to weaken a behavior
Operant Conditioning - using pleasant
or unpleasant consequences to control Classroom Application
the occurrence of behavior.
Teachers may use pleasant or
Reinforcers– any consequence that unpleasant consequence to control the
strengthen a behavior occurrence of behavior

Primary reinforcer– related to basic Act on a situation right away. Be sure

needs. Ex. food to make students understand why they
are being reinforced or punished
Secondary reinforcer – value of
something is acquired when B. Cognitive and Metacognition
associated with primary reinforcer.
Ex. money to buy food Main focus is on memory (the storage
and retrieval of information)
Positive reinforcer– consequence
given to strengthen a behavior Prefer to concentrate on analyzing
cognitive processes
Negative reinforcer – release from an
unpleasant situation to strengthen Believe in the non-observable
behavior. behavior

Reinforcement –it is a key element to Basic Concepts:

explain why and how learning occurs.
1. Perception - a person’s
Verbal – praise, encouragement interpretation of stimuli.

Physical – touch, pats, hugs 2. Encoding – putting information in

rote learning
3. Storage – changing the format of
new information as it is being stored discovery learning
in memory
Two Dimensions of Learning
4. Rehearsal – mental repetition of Processes:
The first dimension relates to the two
5. Dual Coding – holds the complex ways by which knowledge to be
networks or verbal representations learned is made available to the
and images to promote long term learner The second dimension relates
retention. to the two ways by which the learner
incorporate new information into his
6. Retrieval – finding information existing cognitive structure
previously stored in memory;
recalling 1. Meaningful Reception Learning

Meaningful learning occurs when new 2. Rote Reception Learning 3.

experiences are related to what a Meaningful Discovery Learning
learner already knows.
4. Rote Discovery Learning
May occur through:
Meaningful Reception Learning
material is presented to the learner in
rote learning a well-organized/final form and
relates it to his/her existing
discovery learning knowledge

David Ausubel’s Meaningful Rote Reception Learning

Reception Theory
material is presented to the learner in
Meaningful learning occurs when new a well-organized/final form and is
experiences are related to what a memorized
learner already knows.
Meaningful Discovery Learning
May occur through:
learner arrives at the solution to a
reception problem or other outcome
independently and relates it to his/her Scaffolding
existing knowledge.
Classroom Application
Rote Discovery Learning
Teachers must strive to see a problem
the solution is arrived at as the learner sees it and provide
independently but is committed to information that is consistent with
memory learner’s perspective.

Classroom Application Wolfgang Kohler’s Insight

Learning/Problem – Solving Theory
Teachers to take note that before
actual learning is expected, the Insight – the capacity to discern the
teachers may use advance organizers true nature of situation

Jerome Bruner’s Discovery Learning - imaginative power to see into and

Theory or understand immediately

Inquiry Method/Theory of Instruction • Gaining insight is a gradual process

of exploring, analyzing, and
Posits that learning is more structuring perception until a solution
meaningful to learners when they is arrived at.
have the opportunity to discover on
their own the relationships among the The more intelligent a person and the
concepts or to actively search for a more experiences he has, the more
solution to a problem capable he will be for gaining insight.

An approach to instruction through Held that animals and human beings

which students interact with their are capable of seeing relationships
environment by exploring and between objects and events and act
manipulating objects, wrestling with accordingly to achieve their needs.
questions and controversies or
performing experiments. The idea is The power of looking into
that students are more likely to relationships involved in a problem
remember concepts they discover on and in coming up with a solution
their own.
Classroom Application
Calls his view of learning
“instrumental conceptualism” Allow students to go through trial and
error method especially in doing
laboratory experiments and in solving Consider the developmental stages
mathematical equations and learning styles of learners in
presenting ideas
Teachers should help students in
gaining insights by giving/presenting Teachers should provide necessary
activities/situations to do so, they will resources and rich environment filled
be able to solve their problems. with interesting things to explore, thus
become active instructor of their own
Jean Piaget’s Cognitive knowledge
Richard Atkinson’s and Richard
It emphasizes the active role of the Shiffrin’s Information Processing
learner in building understanding and Theory
making sense of information.
The individual learns when the human
It is about how the individual learner mind takes in information (encoding),
understands things, in terms of performs operation in it, stores the
developmental stages and learning information (storage), and retrieves it
styles when needed (retrieval)

Two major parts: Memory – the ability to store

information so that it can be used at a
1. Ages – what children can and later time.
cannot understand at different ages
Stages of Human Memory
2. Stages – how children develop
cognitive abilities through 1. Sensory Memory – utilizes sense
developmental stages organs such as visual, auditory; lasts
less than a second
Developmental Stages - it is a distinct
period in the life cycle characterized Ex. color, shape, blowing of horn
by a particular sets of abilities,
motives, behavior and emotion that 2. Short Term Memory (STM) –
occur together and form a coherent selected by attention; lasts up to 13-30
pattern. seconds

Classroom Application Ex. telephone number

3. Long Term Memory (LTM) –

lasting retention of information
- Minutes to lifetime 3. Interference Theory – forgetting in
LTM is due to the influence of other
- Information on The LTM, if not learning
rehearsed, can be forgotten through
Retention- the ability to recall or
trace decay recognize what has been learned or
Three components:
Interference – the act or an instance of
Episodic Memory – associated with hindering, obstructing or impeding.
our recall of particular times and
places and a storage place for many Classroom Application
personal experiences.
Hold learner’s attention in all
Procedural Memory – refers to cognitive tasks.
“knowing how” as opposed to
“knowing that” Assist learner to assess materials
considered most important to learn
Semantic Memory – knowledge of
general facts, principles and concepts Employ interesting rehearsal activities
that are not connected to particular
times and places.Organized in Organize information to be learned
networks of connected ideas or
relationships referred grouped under Robert Gagne’s Cumulative Learning
larger more generic categories.
Learning skills are hierarchically
Forgetting arranged

To be unable to recall (something Progression from stimulus-response

previously known) to the mind associations to concepts, principles
and problem solving.
Causes of Forgetting
7 Levels of Learning
1. Retrieval Failure- forgetting is due
to inability to recall the information. 1. Signal Learning – involuntary
responses are learned
2. Decay Theory – information stored
in LTM gradually fades when it is not Ex. hot surface touched
2. Stimulus-response Learning –
voluntary responses are learned. Ex. Solving mathematical problems
using a given formula (find the area of
Ex. Getting ready to move at the a square A = 1xW)
sound of a fire alarm
Teaching for Transfer (Gagne)
3. Chaining/Motor – two or more
separate motor/verbal responses Transfer – to convey or cause to pass
maybe combined or chained to from
develop a more complex shell
one place, person or things to another;
Ex. house + wife = housewife direct

4. Discrimination Learning – learner (a person) elsewhere for help or

selects a response which applies to information.
Transfer of Learning
Ex. sound of fire engine is different
from other sounds/sirens Types:

5. Concept Learning – involves 1. Lateral transfer – occurs when the

classifying and organizing perceptions individual is able to perform a new
to gain meaningful concepts task about the same level. (e.g.
solving word problems given in text
Ex. Concept of “triangle”, and later solving a similar problem on
discriminate triangle from other the board)
shapes and deduce commonality
among different shapes 2. Vertical transfer – occurs when the
individual is able to learn more
6. Principle Learning (Rule Learning) advanced/complex skills (e.g. being
– involves combining and relating able to add and multiply; being able to
concepts to form rules read and write)

Ex. Equilateral triangles are similar in Classroom Application

Observe strictly sequence in teaching
7. Problem Solving – considered the in terms of level of learning skills and
most complex condition: involves capabilities required.
applying rules to appropriate problem
Check students’ capabilities in each behaviors to be acquired; social
level before moving to the next level. interaction.

Make sure that pre-requisite learning Culture and Learner Diversity

is required before proceeding to the
target level. Relationship of culture and learning
style affect students’
Kurt Lewin’s Field Theory learning/achievement.

Known for the terms: “life space” * student’s color, “way of life” vs.
(reality, need, aspirations, desires, cultural values, beliefs and norms of
goals) and “field theory” (forces- schools
social environment; function of both
the person and environment Teacher’s cultures

“Learning is more effective when it is - teacher’s own cultural orientations

an active rather than a passive impede successful learners guided by
process” another cultural orientation.

Classroom Application Albert Bandura’s Social /

Observational Learning Theory
In a classroom for instance teachers
must try to suit the goals of the Known for his “Bobo doll”
activities of the lessons to the experiment
learner’s needs along with his
environment. People learn through observation,
simulation, modeling which means
C. Socio-cultural watching (observing), another called a
model and later imitating the model’s
Concepts: behavior.

Learning involves participation in a Concentrates on the power of example

community of practice
Models are classified as:
Society and culture affects learning
Real life– exemplified by teachers,
Social learners become involved in a parents and significant others
community of practice, which
embodies certain beliefs and Symbolic – presented through
oral/written symbols, e.g. books
Classroom application:
Representational– presented through
audio-visual measures, e.g. films Model desirable behaviors, making
sure that the students are paying
Concepts in Social Learning Theory attention while doing so

1. Vicarious Learning – learning is Make sure that the students are

acquired from observing the physically capable of doing the
consequences of other’s behavior. modeled behavior and that they know
why they should demonstrate this
2. Self – regulated Learning – occurs behavior
when individuals observe, assess and
judge their own behavior against their Expose students to a variety of
own standards, and subsequently exemplary models
reward or punish themselves.
Situated Learning by Jean Lave and
4 Phases of Observational Learning Wenger

1. Attention – mere exposure does not Concepts

ensure acquisition of behavior.
Observer must attend to recognize the The nature of the situation impacts
distinctive features of the model’s significantly on the process of
response. learning.

2. Retention –reproduction of the Learning involves social relationships

desired behavior implies that student – situations of co-participation.
symbolically retains that observed
behavior Learning is in the relationships
between people.
3. Motor Reproduction Process– after
observation, physical skills and Learning does not belong to
coordination are needed for individual persons, but to the various
reproduction of the behavior learned. conversations they share.

4. Motivation al Process– although Classroom Application

observer acquires and retains ability
to perform the modeled behavior, Engage students in group
there will be no overt performance activities/participatory works
unless conditions are favorable
Allow students to do/participate in
community – based activities 5 . Chronosystem–

Relate teaching- learning to real life If the relationships in the immediate

situations microsystem break down, the child
will not have the tools to explore
UrieBrofenbrenner’s Ecological other parts of his environment
Systems Theory/Environmental resulting to behavioral deficiencies.
Contexts Learning tends to regress / slow down
when the environment of the child is
Learning is greatly affected by the in turmoil
kind of environment we are in.
Classroom Application
Learners are understood within the
context of their environment. School and teachers should work to
support primary needs of the learner
These environmental contexts are to create an environment that
interrelated. welcomes and nurtures school – home
relationship through: parent-teacher
Environmental Contexts: Major conferencing, home visitation,
Levels telephone brigade, family day

1. Microsystem – innermost level Lev Vygotsky’s Social

- contains the structure that has direct
contact with child It emphasizes how meaning and
understanding grow out of social
2.Mesosystem– connection between encounters.
the structures of the child’s
microsystem Zone of Proximal Development
(ZPD) - gap between actual and
3.Exosystem – 3rd level potential development

- social system which the child does *Actual development – what children
not function directly can do on their own

4.Macrosystem– outermost level * Potential development – what

children can do with help
- values, customs, laws, beliefs and
resources of a culture/society Scaffolding –
- Capacity to use language to
competent assistance or support accomplish certain goals Writers,
through mediation of the environment poets, lawyers, speakers
(significant others) in which
cognitive, socio-emotional and 2.Logical/mathematical – analyzes
behavioral development can occur. problems logically, carry out
mathematical operations, and
Classroom Application investigate issues scientifically. -
Ability to detect patters, reason
Engage students in group activities deductively and think logically.
and let them share their schema on a Scientists, mathematicians
particular subject within the groups
(small groups) and synthesize it in the 3. Musical – skill in the performance,
big group composition and appreciation of
musical patterns. - Capacity to
Howard Gardner's Multiple recognize and compose musical
Intelligences pitches, tones and rhythms.
Musicians, composers
Intelligence – refers to general mental
ability of a person 4. Bodily kinesthetic – using one’s
whole body or body parts to solve and
- capacity to resolve problems or to convey ideas. - Ability to use mental
fashion products that are valued in a abilities to coordinate bodily
more cultural setting movements. Athletes, dancers

Achievements – refers to the previous 5. Spatial – recognize and use patterns

learning of a person in a certain of wide space and more confined
subject area. areas. Capacity to understand,
appreciate and maximize the use of
Multiple Intelligence – capacity of a spaces • Engineers
person to possess and adapt two or
more intelligences. 6. Interpersonal – working effectively
with others. - Capacity to understand
Intelligence Competence Examples the intentions, motivations and desires
of other people. Educators, sales
1. Linguistic – sensitivity to spoken people, religious counselors,
and written language - Ability to learn politicians
7. Intrapersonal – working effectively
with oneself - Capacity to understand
oneself, appreciate one’s feelings, knowledge-acquisition components
fears and motivations that help to steer cognitive processes.

8. Naturalist – appreciation of the Classroom Application

environment/nature. - Ability to
recognize, categorize and grow upon Engage students in practical,
certain features of the environment experiential and classroom-based
Nature lover, environmentalist activities.

Classroom Application Daniel Goleman’s Emotional

Make use of various activities which
will address the different intelligences Highlights the role of emotion in the
of your students in the class (e.g. art success or happiness of an individual
activities to accommodate art inclined which eventually affects behavior or
students, song writing for musically learning.
inclined, etc)
Classroom Application
Robert Sternberg Triarchic
Intelligence (1988), focuses on three Surface the emotions manifested by
main components of intelligence: students in a certain situation. Don’t
suppress it.
Practical intelligence--the ability to do
well in informal and formal William Glasser’s Control Theory
educational settings; adapting to and
shaping one's environment; street Behavior is inspired by what satisfies
smarts. a person’s want at any given time.

Experiential intelligence--the ability Classroom Application

to deal with novel situations; the
ability to effectively automate ways of Make schoolwork relevant to
dealing with novel situations so they student’s basic human needs.
are easily handled in the future; the
ability to think in novel ways. David Kolb’s Learning Styles

Componential intelligence--the ability Learning Styles – are tools utilized by

to process information learners to cope and adjust to the
effectively.Includes metacognitive, learning environment
executive, performance, and
Four learning styles
activities since learners enjoy working
Learning Styles Educational in groups.
4. Accommodators – rely on concrete
1. Convergers– rely on abstract experience and active experimentation
conceptualizing and experimenting
- risk – taking, action oriented,
- they like to find specific, concrete adoptable in new situations.
answers and move quickly to solution
Ex. marketing, business, sales
- unemotional, since they prefer to Teacher should provide learning tasks
deal with things rather than with that call for hands-on approach.
Types of Learners
Ex. physical sciences and engineering
Teacher should provide learning tasks Types of Learners/Perceptual Channel
that have specific answers like Educational Implications/Learning
numbers and figures/units. Preferences

2. Assimilators – rely most on abstract 1. Auditory learners – prefer to learn

conceptualizing and reflective by listening/auditory perceptual
observation channel. Lecturing is the teaching
approach that works best for them.
- interested in theoretical concerns
than in applications. Songs/poems are useful and effective
learning tools.
Ex. research and planning Teacher
should provide learning tasks that call 2. Visual learners – prefer print
for integration of materials/situational materials/visual perceptual channel
activities Reading/responding to visual cues,
such as the chalkboard or
3. Divergers – rely on concrete transparencies
experience and active participation
Textbooks and pictures are useful and
- generate ideas and enjoy working effective learning tools.
with people.
3. Tactile learners – like to manipulate
Ex. counseling and consulting objects/tactile perceptual channel
Teacher should provide group Hands-on or laboratory methods of
learning are most appropriate for Extrinsic Motivation
– When students work hard to win
Tracing diagrams or using texture their parents’ favour, gain teachers’
examples. praise or earn high grades; their
reasons for work and study lie
4. Kinesthetic or whole body learners primarily outside themselves.
– like to learn through experiential
activities/kinesthetic perceptual - Is fuelled by the anticipation and
channel. Simulations, exploratory expectation of some kind of payoff
activities and problem-solving from an external source
approach of teaching.
Intrinsic Motivation
Pacing or dancing while learning new
material. – when students study because they
enjoy the subject and desire to learn
Part II it, irrespective of the praise won or
grades earned; the reasons for
MOTIVATION learning reside primarily inside
What is meant by Motivation?
- Fuelled by one’s own goal or
An internal state or condition ambitions
(sometimes described as a need,
desire or want) that serves to activate Principles of Motivation
or energize behavior and give it
direction. The environment can be used to focus
the student’s attention on what needs
Although motivation cannot be seen to be learned.
directly, it can be inferred from
behavior we ordinarily refer to as Incentives motivate learning
ability. Ability refers to what a person
wants to do. Internal motivation is longer lasting
and more self – directive than is
In order to do this effectively, it is external motivation, which must be
necessary to understand that repeatedly reinforced by praise or
motivation comes in two forms. concrete rewards.

Two Kinds of Motivation:

Learning is most effective when an one has the power to produce that
individual is ready to learn, that is effect.
when one want to know something.
Self – efficacy relates to a person’s
Motivation is enhanced by the way in perception of his/her ability to reach a
which the instructional material is goal while, self – esteem relates to a
organized. person’s sense of self – worth.

Theories of Motivation 3. Self – Determination (E. Deci)

1. Drive Theory (Clark Hull) Self – determination – comes from the

sense of autonomy that a person has
• Drive is a condition of arousal on when it comes to things that he does
tension that motivates behavior and the choices he makes.

• Drives most typically have been 4. Theory of Achievement Motivation

considered to involve (Atkinson)

physiological survival needs; hunger, Motivation to perform is affected by

thirst, sleep, pain, sex. two variables

• A drive results from the activation Expectancy – people must believe

of a need than they can accomplish a task, that
is, they should have expectancy about
• Need – a physiological deficiency what they want to achieve.
that creates condition of
Value – they should place an
disequilibrium in the body importance or value in what they are
2.Self – Efficacy (Albert Bandura)
5. Attribution Theory (B. Weiner)
Self – efficacy – it is the belief that
one has capabilities to execute the People’s various explanations for
courses of actions required to manage successes and failures – their beliefs
prospective situations. Unlike about what causes attributions.
efficacy, which is the power to
produce an effect (in essence Dimensions underlying people’s
competence) self – efficacy is the attribution. People can explain events
belief (whether or not accurate) that in many different ways. For example,
a tennis player may attribute his/her
wins and successes in matches to - Measuring learning outcomes
things like – luck, health, effort, provides information on what
mood, strengths and weaknesses of particular knowledge (cognitive); skill
his/her opponents, climate, his/her or behavior (psychomotor and
fans etc. affective). Students have gained after
instruction is completed.
LEARNERS B. Importance

Challenge them - offer student’s • Communicate expectations to

opportunities to undertake real learners
challenges. Encourage them to take
intellectual risks. • Review curriculum and content

Build on strengths first - Opportunity • Design appropriate assessment

to use their talents to achieve success.
• Evaluate the effectiveness of
Offer choices - offering choices learning
develop ownership. When child
makes decisions he/she is more likely C. Three learning domains (KSA)
to accept ownership and control of the
results. C.1. Cognitive Learning Domain

Provide a secure environment which – development of knowledge and

permits children to fail without intellectual skills
penalty. Learning how to deal with
failure is critical for developing - mental skills (knowledge)
motivation and successful learning.
Basic Concepts: Cognitive Learning
OUTCOMES 1.Fact – something that is true,
something that actually exists
A. Definitions
2. Concept – basically the main idea
- Learning outcomes specify what a
learner is expected to know, 3. Generalization –the formation of a
understand or to be able to do as a general notion by putting together
result of a learning process. general concepts

4. Thinking – rational; reasoning

Types of Thinking
-cognition– way of thinking;
1 Problem Solving – process involved perceiving; knowing
in the solution of a problem.
Refers to the idea of “knowing about
2. Critical Thinking knowing”, involves the study of how
we think about our own thinking in
a. Careful and deliberate order to develop strategies for
determination of whether to accept, learning.
reject, suspend judgement on a claim
Is the capacity to monitor and regulate
b. Reasonable reflective thinking that one’s own thinking or mental
is focused in deciding whether to capacity.
believe or do
From of thinking in which an
c. Comprises the mental processes, individual develops an awareness of
strategies and representations people his characteristics, attitudes, beliefs,
use to solve problems, make and actions.
decisions, and learn new concepts
Principles in Achieving Cognitive
3. Creative Thinking Learning and Their Classroom
Involves the ability to produce new
forms in an art or mechanics or to Content: Teach tacit heuristic
solve problems by novel methods knowledge as well as textbook
Creativity consist in coming up with a
new and relevant ideas Situated Learning: Teach knowledge
and skills that reflect the way the
Creativity has two kinds knowledge will be useful in real life.

a. Cognitive – involved in problem Modeling and Explaining: Show how

solving a process unfolds and tell reasons why
it happens that way.
b. Aesthetic – relating to artistic
creation Coaching and Feedback: Pay
personalized attention to performance,
4. Metacognition coupled with appropriate hints, helps,
and encouraging feedback.
-meta– after; beyond; higher
Articulation and Reflection: make Principles in Achieving the
students think about and give reasons Development of Attitudes and Values
for their actions/own performance. and Their Classroom Implications

Exploration: Encourage students to Every interaction with children

try out different strategies and observe provides an opportunity to teach
their effects. values.

Sequence: Proceed in an order from Children learn about our values

simple to complex, with increasingly through daily interaction with us.
Children learn through our example
C.2. Affective Learning Domain
Children learn values through the way
(Krathwol) we do things as a family.

- deals with attitudes, motivation, Children learn values and beliefs

willingness to participate through their exposure to the larger
- valuing what is being learned
Children learn values through our
- incorporating the values of a explanations of the world.
discipline as a way of life
C.3 Psychomotor Learning Domain
- growth in feeling or emotional areas
(attitude) (Anita J. Harrow)

Basic Concepts: Affective Learning Includes physical movement that

involves coordination of the mind and
Beliefs – an accepting of something body
or someone as true or reliable without
asking for proof. Manual of physical skills

Attitudes – a particular feeling or way Basic Concepts: Psychomotor

of thinking about something. Learning

Values – important and enduring Capacity – the facility or power to

beliefs or ideals shared by the produce, perform or deploy.
members of a culture about what is
good or desirable and what is not.
Ability – competence in an activity or
occupation because of ones’ skill, Facilitating Learning
training, or other qualification.
1. Which theory operates in
Skill – learned capacity to carry out “stimulus-response principle, which
predetermined results often with the means all behaviors are caused by
minimum outlay of time, energy, or external stimuli?
A. Contextual theory C. Cognitive
LEARNING AND THEIR B. Behaviorist theory D.
CLASSROOM IMPLICATIONS Constructivist theory

1. The psychomotor domain is best 2. Ms. Erika in her Biology class

assessed in a face to face situation. accompanies her discussion with
interesting visual aids. She strongly
2. It focuses on performing sequences believes that students learn better
of motor activities to a specified level when lessons are presented with
of motor operations for a child of images, real or imagined aside from
given age. mere lecture method or verbal
representations. Which learning
3. Learning materials and activities theory she upholds to?
should involve the appropriate level
of motor capabilities. 3. Which of the following learning
theories in Thorndike states that an
4. Use teaching methods that actively organism learns by doing and forgets
involve students and present by not doing, in other words, it refers
challenges. to the law of use and law of disuse?

5. Psychomotor learning is facilitated A. Law of Effect C. Law of Readiness

by providing activities or situations
that engage learners to perform. B. Law of Set and Attitude D. Law of
Acknowledgement goes to various
authors 4. Why should learning be aided by
formulating and asking questions? So
/mlba that

A. the teacher will not always do the 7. Which of the theories of learning
talking but the students will be given presents or states that learning skills
a chance to do the same thing. are hierarchically arranged?

B. students will develop their self- A. Theory of Instruction C.

confidence Cumulative Learning B. Meaningful
Learning D. Social Cognitive
C. the teacher will know who among Learning
the students can communicate very
well 8. Which of the following best
describes what meaningful learning
D. students will have a grade in is?
A. When what is to be learned is new
5. A child is ready to learn if he / she and easy for the students
B. Materials presented are difficult
A. interest C. improvement in and challenging to the students
C. When the materials to be learned is
B. sustained interest D. all of the related to what students already know
D. Students find the lessons easy and
6. Which of the following principles relevant to what was assigned to them
of learning applies to considering
student’s age and in presenting certain 9. Ms. Jones, after learning the
content and cognitive process? statements made by her colleague
about their newly appointed principal,
A. Principle of readiness she is carefully deliberating of
whether to accept, reject or suspend
B. Principle of learning by doing judgement in such claim. What type f
thinking Ms. Jones has?
C. Principle of presenting challenging
tasks A. Creative thinking C. Reflective
D. Principle of learning aided by
formulating and asking questions B. Critical thinking D. Logical
10. When the nature of situation has C. Being inconsistent in enforcing
significant effect on the process of policies regarding cheating
learning, this statement is supported
by what theory? D. Preparing the students for tests,
projects and assignments so they can
A. Situated Learning do reasonably well.

B. Individual Differences in Learning 13. When Kaka was in Grade I, every

time she goes home with a perfect
C. Learning Modalities score in a test, her parents give her
extra allowance. Every time she does
D. Learning Styles something wrong, she is reprimanded.
Now that she is in Grade II, she tries
11. Which is an application of her best to get perfect scores in the
cognitive approach to motivation? tests because of the reward and avoids
doing something wrong because of
A. Begin lessons with challenging the punishment. What does the
questions and conflicting events situation illustrate?

B. Create a supportive classroom A. Cognitive learning C. Operant

climate for students conditioning

C. Provide clear and prompt feedback B. Associative learning D. Classical

on assignments conditioning

D. Explain the reasons for studying 14. Andrei is a transferee and feels
the topic uneasy with his new school. His
teacher is very accommodating, warm
12. Most students will cheat if the and caring. Alvin felt comfortable
pressure to perform well is great and with the teacher’s display of genuine
the chances of being caught are slim. warmth. The teacher is consistent in
How can teachers prevent cheating? his manner and Alvin began to
associate school with the teacher’s
A. Giving difficult and tricky warmth. Which theory is being
questions illustrated?

B. Putting students in high-pressure A. Meaningful learning C. Operant

situations conditioning
B. Classical conditioning D. A. Provide challenging activities
Observational learning which he / she can excel

15. Alma and Anna,who are Grade II B. Recognize his talents by asking
pupils, observed their teacher after him to help students in the work in
taking her lunch. They see her brush class.
her teeth, comb her hair, put powder
on her face, after one week, it was C. Identify the immediate causes of
observed that the two girls did the difficulties that cause his being an
same thing, brush their teeth, comb underachiever.
their hair and put powder on their
faces. Which of the following applies D. Allow him to work with the slow
in this situation? learner group of students to cope with
the academic needs of the lesson.
A. Children learn by doing C.
Children learn by observing 18. Perci, a Grade VI pupil is actively
involved various co-curricular
B. Children learn by repeating D. activities. His attention was called
Children like to behave like adults regarding his poor performance in the
academic subjects. If you were the
16. Jewel found a wrist watch in the teacher, what would you tell him?
library. She gave it to the librarian.
The librarian was very appreciative A. Request for special project.
with her deed. What would Jewel do
when she finds anything? B. Prioritize his concerns with focus
on academics
A. Always returns the things she
finds. C. Terminate all his co-curricular
activities and stay home for good D.
B. Not return the things she finds. Ask for excuse letters to attend other
C. Gives the things she finds to
others. 19. The teacher conferred with the
parents of Madeleine regarding her
D. Keeps the things she finds. academic performance in the school.
This move of the teacher is
17. How would you help a student commended because
who is intelligent but he is
underachieving in class? A. There is an open communication
between the teacher and the parents
C. Shout at your class and stop them
B. There is no more time to improve
the grade of Madeleine D. Encourage the whole class that he
is also a learner and he should be
C. The principal asked for the parents accepted
of Madeleine
22. John has been absent for his
D. The teacher does not want to pass Makabayan class for six consecutive
Madeleine days. What is the best thing to do
when he reports back to school?
20. How can you help your student
who seems to be timid and withdrawn A. Ask an excuse letter approved by
because of his physical defect or his adviser
B. Send him to the principal
A. Provide him a wheelchair so that
he can join the group C. Valuing the advantages of
reporting to school regularly
B. Advise his parents to give him a
companion always. D. Give him many tasks to do for
C. Let him go to the doctor for some
advice 23. Schools and teachers should work
to support the primary relationship of
D. Treat him like other students and the child and create an environment
let him join friendly and accepting that welcomes family relationship.
classmates What could be the best activities that
would demonstrate strong relationship
21. One of your students just came and close collaboration between home
from the province and he seems to and school?
have a speech defect. How will you
assist him when the whole class A. Giving of report card and outing
laughs at him the moment he is called
to recite? B. Parent-conferencing and ticket
A. Explain to your class his speech
disorder C. Home visitation and parent-
B. Laugh also with them
D. Telephone brigade and interview
A. maturation and development
24. The change of behaviour as a
result of some form of experience is B. knowledge and understanding
known as
C. habits and attitudes
A. Maturation C. Conditioning
D. abilities and skills
B. Learning D. Development
28. In classical conditioning, which
25. Ruth was crying and was sent by are paired together in order to elicit
the teacher to the guidance center. She the desired response?
told the counselor that her money was
lost and she suspected her friend took A. CS and NS
it. What should be done first?
B. UCS and CS
A. Scold the classmate of Ruth
C. UCS and NS
B. Suspend the friend of Ruth for one
day D. UCR and NS

C. Confer with Ruth and her friend to 29. Two hyperactive pupils, Rose Ann
discuss the problems objectively and Ronna are seated next to each
other. Every time Rose Ann pays
D. Call for the parents of Ruth attention and completes her tasks,
Teacher Bert praises her. In this
26. Which of the following changes is condition, the teacher notes that
an instance of learning? Ronna’sbehavior has also improved
even without specific reinforcement
A. growing heavier from her. What is demonstrated by
B. learning to walk
A. observational learning
C. feeling drowsy after taking drug
B. social learning
D. associating red light with stop
C. vicarious learning
27. All are outcomes of learning,
EXCEPT one. Which is the D. self-regulated learning
30. In observation and imitation D. 2-1-4-3
learning, what should be the learner’s
response when the teacher initially 33. Which is essential in meaningful
models the behavior? reception learning?

A. reproduce and match A. concepts are presented to learner

and received by them.
B. imitate and practice
B. concepts are discovered by them.
C. shows satisfaction
C. concepts are related to one another.
D. pay attention
D. concepts are solicited from the
31. What is the correct sequence of learners.
information processing?
34. Which of the following
A. Sensory register-STM-LTM instructional events support learning
at retrieval phase?
B. STM-sensory register- LTM
A. gaining attention
C. Sensory register- LTM-STM
B. informing learners of the
D. LTM-sensory register-STM objectives

32. Arrange the ff. types of learning C. recalling prior knowledge

according to the cumulative learning
theory. D. presenting the stimulus materials

1) problem solving learning 3) rule 35. With what prototypes would you
learning start your lesson on concept of liquid?

2) discrimination learning 4) concept A. shampoo and honey

B. water or juice
A. 2-1-3-4
C. cake butter and cement mixture
B. 2-4-3-1
D. any exemplar will do
C. 2-3-4-1
36. Marko was praised for writing
legibly and continues to do so. Which 39. In developing the concept of
principle of behavioral learning is transparency, the teacher can prevent
observed? overgeneralization by including
A. Premack
A. plywood among the examples
B. Primary reinforcement
B. clear plastic among the examples
C. Contingency
C. glass among the examples
D. Consequence
D. clear cellophane among the
37. A child is able to read the word examples
“chair” after pairing it with a picture
of chair. In classical conditioning, 40. Ms. Mandela asked her pupils to
which makes this possible? use the Atlas in correcting their
answers to the quiz on capital cities of
A. positive association the world. Which teaching principle is
exemplified by such teacher’s action?
B. neutral stimulus
A. organize material into appropriate
C. unconditioned stimulus learning units

D. act of reading B. encourage for independent

38. To remember the six digits
8,4,3,9,4,5, the Math teacher puts C. provide for correct responding on
them together in two’s 84, 39, 45 or, the first time
in threes, 843, 945. This control
process of retaining information is D. arrange for appropriate practice
referred to as _____________.
41. After giving a story problem to
A. Rehearsing your Math class, the first task you will
ask your pupils is to understand
B. Interfering _______________.

C. Remembering A. the whole problem and elements

D. chunking B. the meaning of each sentence

movements. What principle is applied
C. what is asked by the teacher?

D. the symbols used in the problem A. present only tasks that students can
perform successfully
42. When assessing students work for
creativity, what will be your first B. provide opportunities for students
concern? to test their learning effort

A. the notion of newness C. model effective learning and study

B. quality of production
D. provide sufficient support
C. the aesthetic elements (scaffolding)

D. the degree of intellectual contents 45. Giving Maria a piece of candy

every time she answers a question
43. Mrs. Aggarao, the Home correctly is an example of provide
Economics teacher, constantly gives exemplary models
verbal guidance to her pupils while
practicing a sewing skill. What is the A. secondary reinforcement
value of giving verbal guidance in
improving pupils learning behavior? B. primary reinforcement

A. it promotes the growth of interest C. partial reinforcement

in the new learning tasks
D. none of these
B. it serves as informational feedback
46. Ms. Caira has observed that
C. t facilitates perfection of skills several of her pupils do not work on
their homework. Which of the
D. it directs pupils’ attention to more following would best help her?
adequate and better techniques
A. vary levels of reward for those
44. Ms. Edz, a PE teacher begins a who have completed their homework
complicated dance step by simple
swaying of arms B. hold rewards until everyone in her
class completes his/her homework
and body in slow motion guiding her
students through the intended
C. Maintain the same level of rewards activities. What principle is best
for all pupils who have completed observed in the situation?
their homework
A. Children need game to relax and
D. Use more rewards initially with the enjoy.
pupils who submitted complete
homework for the first time B. Teaches need to relax while the
children are at play.
47. Motivation should precede certain
types of learning. How is this applied C. Games provide a wide range of
in the classroom? social and cognitive experiences

A. follow the interest of the students D. Games as a formulized expression

in assigning tasks of play are natural.

B. concepts should be taught from 50. The principle of individual

simple to complex differences requires teachers to
C. consider age level of students in
teaching certain concepts A. Give greater attention to gifted
D. give the same task to all students in
a particular grade level B. Provide for a variety of learning
48. Why should teachers provide
positive feedback and realistic praise? C. Prepare modules for slow learners
in class
A. to motivate the students to study
D. Treat all learners alike while in the
B. so the students will know what to classroom
51. Which practice negates teacher’s
C. to be liked and loved by the role as facilitator of learning?
A. Teacher does more talk so learners
D. so the students will praise him/her talk less.

49. Kindergarten and elementary B. Teacher does less talk for learners
grade pupils are often engaged in to talk more.
various games as their learning
C. Teacher makes use of interactive
teaching strategies B. The teacher models good listening
D. Teacher caters to multiple
intelligences in the classroom. C. The group leader allows quiet
members to remain quiet
52. Which statement does not refer to
cognitive theories? D. Repeat directions over and over
until everyone listens
A. Believe in non-observable
behaviour 55. Cognitive psychologists regard
learner as one who comes into the
B. Prefer to concentrate on analyzing classroom _____
cognitive process
A. Knowing nothing
C. Study of the structures and
components of information processing B. Full of experiences

D. Conclusions are based on C. Uninterested to learn

observation of external manifestations
of learning D. Ignorant of schooling

53. It refers to the acquisition of fine 56. Abel has had difficulty getting the
and gross motor skills in conjunction right solution to a problem in Algebra.
with muscular developments as they Suddenly he “saw” how to solve the
relate to the mental processes. problem. Which of the following
explains this situation?
A. Cognitive learning
A. Revelation
B. Affective learning
B. Insight
C. Psychomotor learning
C. Memory gap
D. Social learning
D. Interference
54. Which one will most likely
increase student participation? 57. A person who has painful
experiences at the dentist’s clinic may
A. Feeling or emotions are not become fearful at the mere sight of
permitted in the discussion
the dentist’s clinic building. Which
theory explains this? D. Teachers must presume that
learners know everything
A. Operant conditioning
60. The use of drills in the classroom
B. Attribution theory is rooted on Thorndike’s law of

C. Values and expectancy theory A. Effect

D. Classical conditioning B. Readiness

58. Vygotsky claimed that social C. Premack

interaction is important for learning.
What does this imply? D. Exercise

A. Children learn from adults and 61. Daniel Goleman’s theory on

other children Emotional Intelligence highlights the
role of emotion in the success or
B. Children are independent problem happiness of an individual. In which
solvers situation can the teacher best cultivate
empathy in case students are fighting
C. Since they are not capable of in the classroom?
instruction, children in the crib have
no learning yet A. Make them realize how fighting
negatively affects themselves and
D. Children learn well by passive others
presentation of information
B. Reprimand the students so that
59. Which principle is observed by others will not follow the
Ausubel’s schema theory misbehaviour

A. There is no need to provide C. Establish roles and responsibilities

background information to avoid arguments among them

B. Children can be taught on how to D. Tell the students to stop fighting so

study that there will be peace in the
C. Learners have stock knowledge of
things based on background 62. William Glassers Control Theory
information and experience states that behaviour is inspired by
what satisfies a person’s want at any
given time. What then must a teacher D. More motivational devices are
do to motivate students? needed for intrinsically-motivated
A. Make teaching-learning
complicated 65. Hannah excels in classifying
different types of leaves and rocks.
B. Avoid giving assignments She loves to collect specimens and
catalogues them. Her strength is
C. Make schoolwork relevant to
student’s needs A. Intrapersonal intelligence

D. Organize a curriculum in a spiral B. Existential intelligence

C. Spatial intelligence
63. What does Robert Gagne’s
hierarchy theory propose for effective D. Naturalistic intelligence
Ren Rosadia ▶ LET Review (PRC-
A. Reward good behaviour Board Exam Reviewer for Teachers)
1. According to Erikson, identity and
B. Sequence instruction role confusion occurs during
A. Elementary Years
C. Be concerned with the socio- ●B. High school years
emotional climate in the classroom 2. According to Jerome Bruner,
learning is a simultaneous process of
D. Teach beginning with the concrete acquisition, transformation
64. Which statement on motivation is ●A. Evaluation
backed up by research? B. Question
3. Who among the following
A. Incentives for learning are more developed the Social Learning
important for high-achieving students Theory?
●A. Bandura
B. Activities that enhance success and B. Kohlberg
reduce failure increase motivation 4. When a teacher present a morally
ambiguous situation to his students
C. Incentives are important only for and ask them what to do, the teacher’s
average students when content is technique is based on the theory of?
difficult ●A. Kohlberg
B. Piaget 11. A child was punished for cheating
5. According to Maslow, the highest in an exam. For sure the child wont
of the need in the Hierarchy of Needs cheat again in short span of time, but
theory is this does not guarantee that the child
A. Psychological need won’t cheat ever again Based on
●B. Self actualization Thorndike’s theory on punishment
6. Based on Freud’s theory, which and learning, this shows that
operates when a person is in the ______________.
height of anger? A. Punishment strengthens a response
A. Ego ●B. Punishment weakens a response
●B. Id 12. Laughing at a two-year-old child
7. Operant conditioning can be who uttered a bad word is not a
applied to classroom by proper thing to do because in this
●A. Using reinforcement stage of the child’s, the child
B. Using manipulative devices is_______________.
8. “Women should not study since A. Considering the views of others
they will be marrying soon”. If a ●B. Distinguishing right from wrong
father tells his daughter this, can we 13. According to Sigmund Freud, the
consider his premise morally right? main proponent of Psychoanalytic
A. Depends on the family social status Theory, the superego is mainly
●B. No, there is gender equality in concerned with
education ●A. The idea of right and wrong
9. In Piaget’s concrete operational B. The development of healthy
stage, teacher Maritel should psyche
provide_______________. 14. Modeling is a teaching rooted
A. Activities of hypothesis on______________________
formulation learning theory.
●B. Learning activities that involve ●A. Bandura
problems of classification and order B. Skinner
10. A student is finding it hard to 15. Teacher Marissa would like to
read. When the guidance counselor employ Operant Conditioning on her
traced the child’s history, the students to increase the probabilities
counselor was able to find out that the of greater participation during
student came from a dysfunctional discussion. It is highly possible that
family, aside from that, the child was teacher Marissa will
abused and neglected. What could A. Put more emphasis on sharing and
have caused the student’s reading consistently guide them to new ideas
disability? ●B. Give a star token to those who
●A. Emotional Factors will participate
B. Poor teaching
16. One of the traits of many students 22. The Father of modern psychology
is putting more emphasis on “porma” ● A. Sigmund Freud
over substance. This is likely to be B. Aristotle
shown when 23. He is postulated that man psyche
A. A written report was submitted by is composed of animus and the anima
a student with shabby cover but A. Karen Horney
comprehensive content ●B. Carl Jung
●B. A written report was submitted 24. He pioneered in NON-Directive
by a student using “perfumed” Counseling?
stationary but poor content ●A. Carl Rogers
17. Providing variety of learning B. Erik Erikson
activities to students is a characteristic 25. This educator proposed 3 modes
of a teacher who understand the of representation,enactive, iconic and
principle of symbolic
●A. Facilitating learning with A. Bandura
emphasis on individual differences ●B. Bruner
B. Allowing the student to be exposed 26. This premier behaviorist once
to various teaching techniques said: Give me a dozen healthy infants,
18. The best example of Operant well-formed and my own specified
Conditioning among the following is world to bring them up in and I’ll
●A. Using reinforcement guarantee to take any one of random
B. Using manipulative devices and train him to become any type of
19. A child receives a STAR STAMP specialist I might select – doctor,
after correctly completing his task. lawyer, artist, merchant-chief and, yes
The child always tries to complete all even beggar-man and chief, regardless
tasks correctly for him to have a of his talents, penchants, tendencies,
stamp once again. What is being abilities, vacations, and race of his
shown in the situation? ancestors”
●A. Operant Conditioning A. Bandura
B. Classical conditioning ●B. Watson
20. A child submitted a poor written 27. His best contribution to the world
report but packaged with brightly of education is the 3 laws (law of
colored paper cover. This effect, law or readiness and law of
showcases__________________. exercise)
A. Art over academics ●A. Thorndike
● B. “porma” over substance B. Pavlov
21. He is considered as the first 28. The teachers’ widely accepted
special education student. view of giving rewards to students is
●A. Victor of Aveyron the legacy of
B. Tarzan of the Jungle A. Dewey
●B. Skinner 37. Kindergarten movement is the
29. He believes that learning is based legacy of this man who is considered
on Adhesive principle the father of kindergarten
A. Dewey C. Kounin A. Pestalozzi
B. Bruner ●D. Koffka ●B. Froebel
30. One of main proponent of Gestalt 38. He once said: “education is not a
and who believes that the whole is preparation for life…it is life”
more than the sum of all its parts A. Montessori
●A. Wertheimer ●B. Dewey
B. Thorndike 39. He proposed that every child is
31. “the child learns from what he born with a unique potential, his
sees in the environment” is the main individuality, but that potential
thesis of this famous educational remained unfulfilled until it was
psychologist analyzed and transformed by
● A. Bandura education
B. Locke ●C. Herbart
32. According to this theorist, our B. Kohler
behavior at a particular time is a 40. He pioneered in coming up with a
product of the interaction of two list of development task as individuals
factors, internal and external forces pass through the developmental stages
●A. Lewin ●A. Havigburst
B. Wertheimer B. Hurlock
33. According to this developmental 41. This educator is famous for
psychologist, children’s thinking applying classical education to
skills move from simplicity to impoverished children of Chicago
complexity Illinois.
●A. Piaget ●A. Collins
B. Thorndike B. Montessori
34. The inventor of the first usable 42. This educator opposes the
intelligence test traditional notion that students are
A. Freud empty vessels. He call this traditional
●B. Binet technique as banking system
35. This particular theorist believes ●A. Freire
that the mind is blank at birth B.Locke
●A. Locke 43. He pioneered in the study of
B. Skinner language acquisition of children
36. He is generally considered as the ●A. Rousseau
father of modern education B. Freire
A. Collin
●B. Comenius
44. He introduced the notion of zone
of proximal development and
●A. Vygotsky
B. Tyler
45. This condition is also known as
trisomy 21
●B. Down Syndrome
B. Patau Syndrome
46. This condition is characterized by
poor spelling and pervasive difficulty
in reading
A. Mental retardation
●D. dyslexia
47. Certain injury to the language area
of the brain can cause the total loss of
the ability to produce and/ or
understand language, this condition is
known as
A. Mutism
●B. Aphasia
48. ___________is a disorder of
neural development characterized by
impaired social interaction and
communication and by restricted and
repetitive behavior.
A. Mental retardation
●B. Autism
49. __________ refers to quantitative
changes in an individual as he
progresses in chronological age.
A. Development
●B. Growth
50. __________ refers to progressive
series of changes of an orderly
coherent type leading to the
individual’s maturation.
●A. Development
B. Growth

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