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Inductosyn accuracy +/- 0.

5 arcsec
Resolver accuracy +/- 3 arcmin
Angle =
specify error budgit for angle digitization board with +/- 10 V in to digital position.
inductosyn is a 720 pole (360 speed) variety this gives the resolution of 0.25 arc sec
the resolver is a 2 pole (one speed) variety

Desired resolution 0.1 arc sec, dividing the error between the the Mount Amp, and the digitising
board, each get 0.05 arc sec.,

the previous A/D's were 16 bit, and were desired to be 18 bit.

360  deg  1.296  10 arcsec 0.5 arcsec 7
 3.858  10
360  deg

4 0.05 deg 4
1 4 0.5 arcsec  1.389  10 deg 3.0 arcmin  0.05 deg  1.389  10
 1.221  10 360  deg

720  pole 4
 0.25 arcsec  1.389  10 pole
360  deg

0.05 arcsec  1.389  10

deg 
tan 1.389  10

 deg  2.424  10

20 V
 0.161 V

0.05 arcsec 360  deg 

0.161V tan 5  10

 deg  1.405  10

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