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When choosing an army you can spend your points on three categories of troops: Characters, Squads
and Support. You are permitted to spend only a proportion of your total points on each of these categories.
For example, you may spend up to a maximum of 50% of your points on Support. These limitations are
designed to ensure armies are reasonably balanced and don’t consist entirely of character models,
Dreadnoughts or tanks. The proportion of points that can be spent on each category is summarized
immediately before the army list under the heading ‘Army Selection’.

You are free to spend up to 50% of your army’s points total on characters. Your army must include
at least one character, the army commander, as explained below.

The points value of characters includes the value of the character’s Wargear and Wargear Cards.
The points values of Wargear is included in the relevant entry for each unit. The points value of Wargear
Cards is indicated on the cards themselves. The maximum number of Wargear Cards a character can have is
indicated in its army list entry. In some cases these may vary from the standard number permitted in
Warhammer 40,000. This is to take into account unusual individuals with access to more esoteric equipment.

ARMY COMMANDER: As noted above, your army must be led by an army commander. The commander
is determined by what characters you include in your army in a strict hierarchy. Highest priority goes to the
C’tan. Second would be the Necron Lords/ Destroyer Lords, then Immortal Guardians, and finally an
Immortal Champion.

At least 25% of your army’s points must be spent on squads.

You can spend up to 50% of the army’s points on support. In many cases the items you may take are
restricted by the presence of certain models in the army. These restrictions are explained in the relevant

A Necron army may not include any allies.

The codex army lists describe the troops, characters and support items that the army may contain.
In most cases there is no upper limit to the number of squads or characters, other than the points available.
However, certain types of character, squad, and support items are limited in number or their availability is
governed in some other way. Restrictions of this kind are indicated in the lists.

Your army may include these characters if you wish, either as additional character models, or, in
some cases, as the army commander in place of a regular commander. Their points cost is indicated in the
points paid for your characters. Special characters will be included in a separate book called the Book of


The army list entries for characters and squads often indicate that models may be equipped with
more weapons or ‘Wargear’ at extra cost. This cost is indicated in the entry for each troop within the list.

THE WARGEAR CARDS: Character models are allowed to carry special items of equipment in the form of
Wargear Cards. The number of Wargear Cards a character is allowed to carry is indicated in the entry for
that character. The points value of Wargear Cards is included on the cards themselves.

Note that the rarity of Wargear Cards of a particular type is deliberately intended to restrict the
number of such items available in an army. Any such restrictions are noted in the Wargear Cards section at
the bottom of the codex.

CHARACTERS Up to 50% may be spent on the characters section of the army list.

SQUADS At least 25% must be chosen from the squads section of the army list.

SUPPORT Up to 50% may be chosen from the support section of the army list.


0-1 THE NIGHTBRINGER………………………………..300 POINTS

The Nightbringer may only be used in battles of 2000 points or more.

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Nightbringer 6 9 4 8 8 7 10 5 10

WEAPONS: The Nightbringer carries a scythe, but this is purely for show and does not affect his profile
in combat.

ARMOUR: 4+ unmodified.


SPECIAL: All the special rules of the C’tan apply.

Lightning arc. In the shooting phase the Nightbringer can project an energy blast with the
following profile.

Range To Hit Save Armor

Short Long Short Long Strength Damage Modifier Penetration
0-6 6-12 - - 9 D6 -6 2D6+9

Gaze of death. Once per close combat phase, the Nightbringer may target one enemy in base
contact. The model must pass a leadership test on 3D6 or be killed as the C’tan drains his
life essence. (Only works on living models.) Troops that are immune to psychology are also

0-1 THE DECEIVER………………………………………..310 POINTS

The Deceiver may only be used in battles of 2000 points or more.

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Deceiver 6 7 4 7 6 5 6 4 10

WEAPONS: The Deceiver does not carry weapons, but may fight normally in close combat.

ARMOUR: 4+ unmodified save.


SPECIAL: All the special rules for C’tan apply.

The Deceiver has a Strategy Rating of 5.

Grand illusion. A Necron army led by the Deceiver may adjust its deployment after the
enemy army has deployed but before its first move. The option is exercised after all
infiltration and before the roll to see who gets the first turn. The Necron player nominates a
unit and rolls a D6. On a 1-3 the unit may be redeployed subject to the normal deployment
rules. On a 4-6 the unit nominated may be redeployed and a further unit can then be
nominated and rolled for. This process could result in the entire army being redeployed. No
unit may be chosen more than once.

Deceive. In the shooting phase, the deceiver can visit an enemy unit with visions of its own
destruction. The power has a range of 24”, requires line of sight and cannot be used on a
unit in close combat. The unit must take an immediate break test. This test is taken
regardless if the squad has already taken a test this turn.

Dreadful visage. If the Deceiver is not engaged in close combat, he may choose one enemy
unit at the start of either player’s turn. Until the end of that turn the squad treats all
enemies as causing Terror.

Misdirect. If engaged in close combat, during his own movement phase the Deceiver may
simply ‘walk out’ of combat with no chance of retaliation by the enemy. The deceiver leaves
an illusion in its wake to frustrate its enemies. The Deceiver may only take a normal move
and may not run or make a new charge using the Misdirect ability.

NECRON LORD…………………………………………….110 POINTS

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Necron Lord 4 6 6 5 6 3 5 3 10

WEAPONS: Staff of Light.

ARMOUR: 2+ on a D6.

WARGEAR: The Necron Lord may have up to 3 Wargear Cards.

The Necron Lord may upgrade his Staff of light to a Warscythe with a built in Staff of Light
for +10 points.

SPECIAL: All the normal Necron rules apply.

Unlike other Necrons, a Necron Lord does not have to be within 2” of other Necrons to be
able to shoot.
DESTROYER LORD……………………………………….155 POINTS
Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Necron Lord 4 6 6 5 6 3 5 3 10

CREW: One Necron Lord.

WEAPONS: Staff of Light.

ARMOUR: The Lord has a 2+ on a D6.

WARGEAR: The Destroyer Lord may have up to 3 Wargear Cards.

The Destroyer Lord may choose Vehicle Wargear Cards. Any Vehicle Wargear chosen do
not affect his normal allotment of 3 Wargear Cards.

The Destroyer Lord may upgrade his Staff of light to a Warscythe with a built in Staff of
Light for +10 points.

SPECIAL: A Destroyer Lord may join squadrons of Destroyers.

All the normal Necron rules apply to the Lord. If the Destroyer is destroyed, the Necron
Lord pilot may repair itself in the normal fashion. If successful, the rider emerges from the
wreckage as a Necron Lord with all of his wargear.

Unlike other Necrons, a Destroyer Lord does not have to be within 2” of other Necrons to be
able to shoot.

RAM VALUE: Strength 5, D4 Damage, -5 Save.

Slow Speed: 8”
Combat Speed: 20”
Fast Speed: 30”
Type: Skimmer

D6 Location Front Side/Rear
1-2 Necron Lord See below
3-6 Destroyer 12 12

D6 Destroyer Damage Table

1-2 The motive power is damaged – The Destroyer can only travel up to slow speed from now on.
3 The controls are damaged making The Destroyer difficult to control. Roll a D6 at the start of each of
the Destroyer’s movement phases. On a roll of 4+ the driver is able to control the Destroyer and it
moves normally. On a roll of 1-3 the Destroyer moves out of control for that turn.
4 The Destroyer moves out of control and crashes to the ground, where it is destroyed. Anything
under the Destroyer when it lands takes D3 Strength 6 hits with a –2 saving throw modifier.
5 The Destroyer plummets straight to the ground and is destroyed. Anything under the Destroyer
when it lands takes D3 Strength 6 hits with a –2 saving throw modifier.
6 The Destroyer moves out of control and then explodes spectacularly. When the wreck hits the
ground its ammunition explodes, causing D6 Strength 6 hits with a –4 saving throw modifier on any
models underneath it.

Crew Damage Table

Roll to see if the Necron Lord is killed using the normal shooting rules. If the Necron Lord is killed then the
Destroyer will move out of control for the remainder of the game or until it hits terrain it cannot cross, is
destroyed, collides with another vehicle or building, or until it leaves the table, or until the Necron Lord
makes a successful “We’ll be back” roll, in which case he regains control of his vehicle.


Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Guardian 4 5 5 5 6 2 4 2 10

WEAPONS: Gauss blaster

ARMOUR: 2+ on a D6.

WARGEAR: The Immortal Guardian may have up to 2 Wargear Cards.

The Immortal Guardian may carry a Warscythe with a built in Gauss Blaster for +10 points
or a Warscythe with a built in Staff of Light for +20 points.

SPECIAL: All the normal Necron rules apply.

Unlike other Necrons, an Immortal Guardian does not have to be within 2” of other Necrons
to be able to shoot.


Any Immortal or Necron Warrior squad may be lead by a single Immortal Champion.

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Champion 4 5 5 5 6 1 4 1 10

WEAPONS: Gauss blaster

ARMOUR: 2+ on a D6.

WARGEAR: The Immortal Champion may have up to 1 Wargear Card.

The Immortal Champion may carry a Warscythe with a built in Gauss Blaster for +10
points or a Warscythe with a built in Staff of Light for +20 points.

SPECIAL: All the normal Necron rules apply.

Unlike other Necrons, an Immortal Champion does not have to be within 2” of other
Necrons to be able to shoot.


0-1 PARIAHS…………………………………53 POINTS PER MODEL

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Pariah 4 4 4 5 5 1 3 2 10

SQUAD: The squad consists of 3-10 Pariahs.

WEAPONS: Warscythe with built in Gauss Blaster

ARMOUR: 2+ on a D6.


SPECIAL: Pariahs are Unbreakable.

Soulless. Any enemy unit that has a model within 8” of a Pariah has a –2 penalty to their
Leadership characteristic.

Psychic abomination: Pariahs cause Terror in all psykers.


Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Immortal 4 4 4 5 6 1 3 1 10

SQUAD: The squad consists of between 5-10 Immortals.

WEAPONS: Gauss Blaster

ARMOUR: 2+ on a D6.


SPECIAL: All the normal Necron rules apply.


Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Flayed One 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 2 10

SQUAD: The squad consists of between 3-10 Flayed Ones.


ARMOUR: 3+ on a D6.


SPECIAL: All the normal rules for Necrons apply, with the exception of the ponderous rule. Flayed
Ones are made for fast attack, and so may make run moves.

Infiltration. Flayed Ones may infiltrate.

Flayed Ones cause Fear.


Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Necron Warrior 4 4 4 4 5 1 2 1 10

SQUAD: The squad consists of between 5-10 Necron Warriors.

WEAPONS: Gauss Flayer

ARMOUR: 2+ on a D6.

SPECIAL: All the normal Necron rules apply.


Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Wraith 6 6 4 6 5 2 6 3 10

SQUAD: The squad consists of between 1-3 Wraiths.

WEAPONS: Claws and barbed tail.

ARMOUR: 2+ on a D6. Also comes equipped with a Phase Field Generator (see Wargear section for


SPECIAL: All the normal Necron rules apply except the ponderous rule. Wraiths are built for speed
and so may make run moves.

Wraith. Wraiths may move intangibly through terrain. They ignore all terrain penalties
but may not end their move ‘inside’ objects to avoid being shot at. Nor can they move
through enemy models or vehicles.

Phase field generator. 4+ unmodified save. The field gives the model +1 wound, which
represents the phase field. The field will only work until its first failed roll each turn. Once
the field has failed, any further hits are resolved against the Wraith’s armor. If the model
has not been destroyed by the end of each players turn, then the field has had enough time to
recharge and once again takes effect. When the field fails the first saving throw, no
additional rolls are made except armor saves which are taken as normal. Obviously this
means that weapons that cause multiple wounds have no effect, so you have to cause 2
separate wounding hits in a single turn to kill a Wraith.

May not be joined by characters unless they have a Wraith Body.


You may include up to 2 Scarabs per Necron Warrior squad in your force. Necron Scarabs do not form
squads and operate independently on the battlefield.

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Scarab 8/16 3 0 3 6 1 3 1 10




SPECIAL: All the normal Necron rules apply.

Small target. Enemy troops do not have to shoot at Scarabs even if they are the closest

Movement. Scarabs may use their ground movement of 8”, (they may not double their
movement for a run or charge move) or they can fly up to 16”. Flying scarabs can move
over intervening obstacles without penalty, but are assumed to land once their 16” move is
completed. Scarabs may not use their Flying movement through woods, jungle or similar
terrain, but may fly over it if desired. Scarabs cannot use both their flying movement and
ground movement in the same turn.

Metal destroyers: If a Scarab charges a vehicle, or indeed any model or structure that has
an armor rating, it may attempt to attach itself before violently exploding. The charge is
carried out following the normal rules and must follow the most direct route possible. As
long as the Scarab survives to make it into contact (i.e. is not killed by a Ram hit), it
automatically attaches itself to a location of the Necron player’s choosing and explodes using
the same armor penetration value as a Melta Bomb (2D6+D20+8). If a Scarab attempts to
attach itself to a vehicle with a Weapon Skill such as a dreadnought or a vehicle with
exposed crew it will first fight the Scarab during the close combat phase. If the Scarab wins
the combat round then instead of inflicting hits, it has attached itself to a location of the
Necron player’s choice and explodes as described above. The Scarab counts as having
charged when attempting to attach itself to vehicles. If several Scarabs fasten themselves to
a vehicle, each may detonate separately. Exploding Scarabs are removed from the game as
casualties and do not benefit from the “we’ll be back!” rules.


Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Necron Warrior 4 4 4 4 5 1 2 1 10

SQUADRON: Squadron consists of 3-5 Necron Warriors piloting Destroyers.

CREW: One Necron Warrior.

WEAPONS: Gauss Cannon with a 90-degree fire arc to the front.

ARMOUR: The Necron Warrior has a 2+ on a D6.

WARGEAR: One Destroyer in each squadron may exchange its Gauss Cannon for a Heavy Gauss
Cannon for +30 points.

SPECIAL: All the normal Necron rules apply to the crew. If the Destroyer is destroyed, the Necron
Warrior pilot may repair itself in the normal fashion. If successful, the rider emerges from
the wreckage as a Necron Warrior armed with a Gauss Flayer.

Necron Destroyers may shoot as long as there is another Necron within 6”. This allows them
to use normal vehicle squadron coherency distance of 6” as described in the rulebook.

May not be joined by characters unless they have a Destroyer Body.

RAM VALUE: Strength 5, D4 Damage, -5 Save.

Slow Speed: 8”
Combat Speed: 20”
Fast Speed: 30”
Type: Skimmer

D6 Location Front Side/Rear
1-2 Necron Warrior See below
3-6 Destroyer 12 12

D6 Destroyer Damage Table

1 The Gauss Cannon is destroyed and may no longer be used.
2 The motive power is damaged – The Necron Destroyer can only travel up to slow speed from now on.
3 The controls are damaged making The Necron Destroyer difficult to control. Roll a D6 at the start of
each of the Destroyer’s movement phases. On a roll of 4+ the driver is able to control the Destroyer
and it moves normally. On a roll of 1-3 the Destroyer moves out of control for that turn.
4 The Destroyer moves out of control and crashes to the ground, where it is destroyed. Anything
under the Destroyer when it lands takes D3 Strength 6 hits with a –2 saving throw modifier.
5 The Destroyer plummets straight to the ground and is destroyed. Anything under the Destroyer
when it lands takes D3 Strength 6 hits with a –2 saving throw modifier.
6 The Destroyer moves out of control and then explodes spectacularly. When the wreck hits the
ground its ammunition explodes, causing D6 Strength 6 hits with a –4 saving throw modifier on any
models underneath it.

Crew Damage Table

Roll to see if the Necron is killed using the normal shooting rules. If the Necron is killed then the
Destroyer will move out of control for the remainder of the game or until it hits terrain it cannot
cross, is destroyed, collides with another vehicle or building, or until it leaves the table, or until the
Necron makes a successful “We’ll be back” roll, in which case he regains control of his vehicle.

TOMB SPYDER.……………………………………………125 POINTS

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Tomb Spyder 8 2 2 6 6 2 2 3 10


ARMOUR: 2+ on a D6.

WARGEAR: One claw may be replaced with a Particle Projector, which is equivalent to a Staff of Light.
This will reduce the Tomb Spyder’s attack profile by one.

SPECIAL: Hover. A Tomb Spyder moves by means of gravitic propulsion but far more ponderously
than a standard skimmer. They move 8” in the normal manner of foot troops but may
ignore penalties for terrain, and may not double movement while charging, and may not
run. They may be engaged in hand-to-hand combat as other models on foot as they hover
low to the ground.

Tomb Spyders are Unbreakable.

Artificer. Each Necron turn, a Tomb Spyder that is not engaged in close combat can expend
energy to create Scarabs. The Scarab is placed in contact with the Spyder at the start of the
close combat phase. Roll a D6 for each Scarab produced, on a roll of 1; the Tomb Spyder
takes a wound with no saving throw allowed as it is drained by the energy expenditure.
Each Scarab produced will form a unit with the Tomb Spyder that created it and must
remain within the normal 2” coherency. Note that this is an exception to the normal
coherency rules for Scarabs. A maximum of one Scarab per wound remaining may be
created each turn.

Repair. A Necron attempting a “we’ll be back!” Roll within 6” of a Tomb Spyder gains a +1
to the dice roll.

MONOLITH………………………………………………………450 POINTS
WEAPONS: Gauss Flux Arc Projectors and Power Matrix. Described just below;


The Flux Arc Projectors will inflict D6+1 hits on every enemy unit within 12” of the
Monolith during the Necron shooting phase. These hits are automatic and do not require a
roll to hit, only to wound.
5 1 -2 D6+5 metal flayer

The Monolith may use its matrix in one of the following ways each Necron turn:
1. In the Shooting phase it may discharge the matrix’s energy as a Heavy Gauss Cannon,
using a Ballistic Skill of 5.
2. In the Movement phase it may use its portal to allow entire Necron units (specifically
Warriors, Immortals, Destroyers, Heavy Destroyers or Wraiths) and any Necron
character that has joined such a unit to phase out (even if in close combat) and re-enter
play by emerging from the Monolith portal as if they were disembarking from an access
point on a stationary transport vehicle (even if the Monolith moved). A unit may do this
as long as they are at least partially within 18” of the Monolith. A Monolith that has its
portal more than 2” above a solid surface for Necron troops to stand on may not phase
in troops.
SPECIAL: Monoliths are held in reserve are not deployed at the start of the battle, but will become
available in later turns of the game. Roll for each Monolith separately at the start of the
Necron player’s turn before charges are declared. Note that you do not have to roll, you
may intentionally wait… But why!?
Turn 1 2 3 4 5+
Arrives on… 5+ 4+ 3+ 2+ automatic
When the Monolith becomes available, it may deploy anywhere on the table. To deploy a
Monolith, choose a point anywhere on the table and place a marker there. Roll a Scatter
dice. On a ‘hit’ the marker is on target, on an arrow the marker is off target – move it 2D8”
in the direction shown. Once the final position of the marker has been established, place the
Monolith on top of it, facing in any direction. If the marker misses the table, move it the
minimum necessary distance to remain on the tabletop, then deploy the Monolith as normal.
In the case of landing on enemy troops, the enemies will simply move to the nearest edge and
1” away from the Monolith. (This has all been done to simplify the rules and circumvent
cheesy tactics!) A Monolith may not move any further on the turn it arrives.

The Monolith causes Terror.

The Monolith counts as a large target.

The Monolith moves as a skimmer, but will not move out of control under ANY

A Monolith may not make ram attacks, but does include a Ram Value in case enemy vehicles
ram it.

A Monolith may be attacked in hand-to-hand combat. The only location that may be
attacked by most infantry, unless they are extremely large and can reach is the Hull.

RAM VALUE: Strength 10, D12 Damage, -7 Save.

MOVEMENT: The Monolith may move at a speed of 10” per turn. Monoliths may rotate as they move, but
do not need to in order to change direction. A Monolith is able to move over buildings and
other obstacles and will lift itself to a height of 1” above whatever is underneath it with the
exception of other models.

Armor (note that the monolith does not have Side/Rear armor, it is always considered to be hit from
the front.)
D8 Location Front
1 Portal No effect, the shot is wasted.
2-5 Hull 24
6-7 Power Matrix 22
8 Gauss Weapons 19

D6 Hull Damage Table

1 The thick armor plates of the Monolith hold, but the force of the blow slows it down. The Monolith
may only move up to 4” in its next turn.
2 The Monolith’s anti gravity propulsion motors are badly damaged. The Monolith may no longer
move and settles to the ground, immobile for the rest of the game.
3 The Monolith’s portal access point is destroyed and may no longer be used to phase in Necrons.
4-6 The Monolith explodes. The Monolith is destroyed and any models within 3” suffer D6 Strength 10
hits with a –3 saving throw modifier.

D6 Power Matrix Damage Table

1 The Power Matrix suffers damage and its ability to phase in Necrons is reduced by 6”.
2-3 The Power Matrix is temporarily disrupted and may only be used to fire or phase in Necrons if you
first roll a 4+ on a D6.
4-5 The Monolith’s Power Matrix bursts into otherworldly flames and the machine is immobilized. Roll
a D6 at the beginning of each player’s turn: the machine explodes on a roll of 1 or 2. Any models
within D6” suffer D6 Strength 10 hits with a –3 saving throw modifier.
6 The Power Matrix explodes destroying the Monolith. Any models within D6” of the Monolith suffer
D6 Strength 9 hits with a –6 saving throw modifier.
D6 Gauss Weapons Damage Table
1-3 One Gauss Projector is destroyed. Reduce the hits inflicted on enemy units by –1 for each destroyed
Gauss weapon.
4-5 The Gauss Projectors’ power flow is disrupted the next time they are fired. Enemy units will only
suffer D4 hits instead of the normal D6. After the next time they fire they return to normal.
6 One Gauss Projector is destroyed as above, but the explosion causes a flashback to the Hull causing a
secondary explosion there. Roll a D3 on the Hull Damage Table to find out what effect this
secondary explosion has.


If a Necron takes its last wound then it falls to the ground as destroyed. Do not remove the model,
but lay it down instead. The Necron takes no part in the game whilst on the ground and cannot be harmed-
its body is just another piece of wreckage littering the battlefield. At the start of the next Necron player turn
roll a D6.
On a score of 4-6 the Necron is repaired and stands up with 1 Wound remaining. It can immediately
move and fight as normal. Note that it may not be able to shoot if it is isolated as described below.
On a score of 1-3 the Necron is beyond repair and it fades away and vanishes. Remove the model

Necron units must normally stick together in units with each model divided by no more than 2” in
the same way as other races. However, Necrons can and do become separated during the battle as they are
knocked down and repaired, etc. Necrons that recover must endeavor to join up with a Necron unit of the
same type or with another individual model of the same kind. If a Necron is on its own, with no other
Necrons within 2”, it cannot shoot, although in other respects fights as normal.

Necron units are implacable foes that march upon the enemy slowly and with great determination.
Lightning raids are conducted through means of teleportation and other arcane Wargear, not through the
tactical skill of individuals.

Necrons cannot move at a run unless they are within 8” of a Necron Lord or Destroyer Lord, or if an
Immortal Guardian or Immortal Champion has joined the squad. But they may charge as normal (I.e.
double movement).

Necrons don’t take Leadership tests – They are considered Unbreakable. A Leadership value of 10
has been allotted as a comparison’s sake.

Although leadership is unimportant to Necrons, if the entire force is reduced to 25% or less of its
original number at the start of any Necron turn then the whole army will mysteriously fade and vanish in the
same way as Necron casualties. Necrons which have fallen down but not yet removed cannot be counted as
part of the remaining force, so a Necron army can be defeated if enough models are knocked down even if
they are not permanently destroyed.

Remember that you only count models with the Necrons special rules. So C’tan, Pariahs, Monoliths
and Tomb Spyders do not contribute to the total number of Necrons in the army or to the current number of
casualties. However, when the phase out occurs, the whole Necron army, including models without the
Necron special rules phase out.

Phase out is calculated at the beginning of the Necron turn after all “We’ll be back” rolls are made.

Enemies may choose to fire at Necrons as per the normal choosing a target rules with the following
exception. Certain types of Necron units fall into size categories, and within these categories you must choose
the closest. So for example a squad might have a choice between shooting at the closest small, man-sized,
large or monolithic sized target.
Small: Scarabs
Man-sized: Necron Lord, Immortal Guardian, Immortal Champion, Pariahs, Immortals,
Flayed Ones, Necron Warriors.
Large: Nightbringer, Deceiver, Destroyer Lord, Destroyers, Wraiths, Tomb Spyders, or
character with the Wraith Body wargear card.
Monolithic: Monolith.

The Necrons have no psykers in the army. They may however use the Warp cards as normal to
nullify enemy psychic powers, and will always do so on an unmodified 4+ to represent their anti –psychic


The C’tan have many special abilities in common. These are described below and apply to both the
Deceiver and the Nightbringer.

The Nightbringer and the Deceiver may never be fielded in the same army.


The C’tan are able to warp reality around them to varying degrees. They can walk on air, pass
through solid objects and generally show off. C’tan ignore penalties for moving through terrain, and will
tend to float above impassable terrain. The C’tan cannot however claim to be ‘inside’ objects to avoid being
shot at.

In their natural state the C’tan are immense energy beings. When they walk among mortals
however, they are clad in a Necrodermis, which binds their essence. A C’tan has an unmodified save of 4+ in
much the same way as a daemon’s aura. Therefore the C’tan will not be able to use the Necrodermis save
against psychic powers, Force Weapons or any attack that uses warp energy. If a C’tan loses all of its
wounds, the Necrodermis is breached and the essence of the C’tan is released. This inflicts a Strength 6 hit on
every model within 6”.

Anything that inflicts instant death on the C’tan will instead do only one wound.

A C’tan’s close combat attacks drain the life energy from its opponents. Any living model killed in
hand-to-hand combat by a C’tan will not regenerate, or in any way be able to recover. Its soul is now forever
part of the C’tan. (This applies to daemons as well.)

C’tan are Unbreakable

The C’tan are powerful and ancient gods whose manifestation in the material world is extremely
disconcerting to even the strongest of heart.

The C’tan cause Terror.


C’tan may not join units, and in all respects act as an independent character.

The gauss weapons of the Necrons make little distinction between flesh and solid material such as
metal. If it strikes a tank it tends to strip away a small section, and the amount of damage caused depends on
where the weapon hits. To represent this, the weapons have a special armor penetration rule. If any of the
D6’s turn up as a 6 for armor penetration then add a further D6 to the penetration score. This could result in
several extra dice being rolled for penetration.


Necron Warriors carry a weapon unlike any other. No examples of the device have ever been
recovered by the Imperium – its function remains entirely speculative. It appears to work on the gauss-
teleporter principle – the same basis that powers the Imperium’s crude teleporters. The name ‘flayer’ is
descriptive of the effect the weapon has when striking a target. The target is stripped away layer by layer
until it vanishes altogether.

Range To Hit Save Armor

Short Long Short Long Strength Damage Modifier Penetration Special
0-6 6-24 +1 - 4 1 -2 D6+4 Metal Flayer


The Gauss Blaster combines the power of the Gauss Flayer with a higher rate of fire.

The Gauss Blaster ignores all Jam results when rolling the sustained fire dice.

Range To Hit Save Armor

Short Long Short Long Strength Damage Modifier Penetration Special
0-8 8-16 +1 - 4 1 -2 D6+4 1 Sustained
Fire Dice,
Metal Flayer


Necron Destroyers carry a weapon that the Imperial adepts have named the Gauss Cannon. Its
effect appears to be the same as the smaller Gauss Flayers, and it is assumed to utilize the same technology.

Range To Hit Save Armor

Short Long Short Long Strength Damage Modifier Penetration Special
0-12 12-36 +1 - 6 D6 -3 2D6+6 Metal Flayer


The Heavy Gauss Cannon is carried by the Necron Destroyers and utilizes the same technology
although with a more dispersed beam and far more energy to create an area of effect.

Range To Hit Save Armor

Short Long Short Long Strength Damage Modifier Penetration Special
0-20 20-40 +1 - 9 2D6 -6 3D6+9 1 ½”
Metal Flayer

This mysterious device of arcane technology serves as both a symbol of rank and a potent weapon for
Necron Lords and in more rare cases, Immortal Champions. It can be employed at a distance or in close
combat. At close quarters it causes such a chill to form about it that flesh freezes and cracks and armor
snaps and falls to the ground.

With shooting or in close combat the Staff of Light uses the same profile given below.

Range To Hit Save Armor

Short Long Short Long Strength Damage Modifier Penetration Special
0-6 6-12 +1 - 5 D3 -2 D6+D3+5 See above,

WARSCYTHE Hand-to-hand weapon

Warscythes are made from the same living metal as the hulls of Necron ships and the C’tan’s
Necrodermis. These blades slip effortlessly through the most powerful armor. A well–directed Warscythe
can cut the barrel from a Leman Russ or carve a hole in the wall of a bunker.

A Warscythe comes with either a built in Gauss Blaster or a built in Staff of Light (see above for
rules) and so may still fire in the shooting phase. In close combat the Warscythe may be used with the
following profile.

Save Armor
Range Strength Damage Modifier Penetration Special
Close Combat As User +1 D3 No armor save Automatic Close Combat.
Parry. Uses 2
Hands. See


WARGEAR CARD LIMITATIONS: Certain Wargear cards may not be interchanged during the course of
an ongoing campaign. These will be marked with a *. Note that after an item’s price it may say rare. You
may only include one of each rare item in an army.


The Necrons are masters of space and time. The Chronometron allows the Necrons to act out of
phase with the time flow, advancing normally while their enemies move in slow motion.

A model with a Chronometron and any unit he has joined may take one of the following actions.
Make a run move and still fire in the shooting phase, or make a charge at triple normal movement.

One use only.


Bolts of energy arc from the Necron Lord to nearby Necrons, energizing and charging their

Powerful arcs of energy ling the model and any unit he has joined. For each wound suffered by the
Necron in hand to hand combat, a single Strength 4 hit will be struck back at the enemy as they are burned
and shocked. The return blows will hit the enemy that struck the model automatically. Make all rolls to
wound and save accordingly after each hand to hand is fought between models. Note that this may result in
both combatants being killed.


The enemies worst fears are summoned from the depths of nightmare and thrust into the minds of all
those near the Necron Lord. Palpable waves of terror radiate from the metal – skinned monster, and all who
look upon it will find their courage tested to the very limit.

The Nightmare Shroud may be activated in the shooting phase instead of firing a weapon. Every
enemy unit with a model within 12” of the model must take an immediate break test. This test is in addition
to any other tests the unit may be required to take during the turn, and so may result in a squad taking two
tests in one turn.


The very fabric of the Necron Lord seems hazy and indistinct, as though he were not completely
corporeal. Shots and blows pass through his mechanical body and even the most powerful weapons cannot
harm him.

A model with a Phase Shifter gains a 4+ unmodified saving throw.


This inconspicuous charm is a powerful self – repair device, filled with tiny, spider – like creatures
that swarm all over a wounded Necron Lord, knitting his body back together so that he may continue to fight.

When a Necron Lord is reduced to 0 wounds and attempts his ‘we’ll be back” roll, use the following
chart instead. The Phylactery’s roll is not modified by Tomb Spyders, Resurrection Orb, etc.

1-2 remove the lord as a casualty

3 remains down. Roll again at the start of the next Necron turn.
4 stands up with one wound remaining.
5 stands up with two wounds remaining.
6 stands up with all three wounds.


The Necron releases an incredibly powerful flash of light from his weapon, blinding his enemies and
illuminating the battlefield.

The Solar Pulse is used at the beginning of the Necron player’s turn after all “we’ll be back” rolls are
made. During the Necron turn and in the enemies’ following turn, anything wishing to fire at the model or
the unit he is with must first roll a 4+. If a unit cannot shoot at the model as a result of failing the roll they
may redirect their fire at another viable target.
One use only.


With a gesture from the Necron Lord the scattered remains of destroyed warriors crawl together
before standing ready to do battle once more.

The Necron Lord is able to augment the self-repair systems of Necrons within 6” of him, (including
the lord himself) all Necrons attempting a “we’ll be back!” Roll at the start of the turn may re-roll the result.
The result of the second roll must be taken.


The Necron can summon a veil of darkness, which twists about him like a ghostly cloak. When the
darkness ebbs, the model and those nearby will have disappeared, only to reappear mysteriously some
distance away.

A model may use the Veil of Darkness at the start of the movement phase instead of moving
normally. The model and any unit he has joined are removed from the tabletop and both are then
immediately placed anywhere on the tabletop, but not within 2” of the enemy. The veil may be used even if
the character carrying it or any models in his squad were engaged in hand-to-hand combat at the start of the
turn without incurring any penalties (The enemy models are left behind). Models teleported by the Veil of
Darkness count as having moved (but not ran) for the purposes of shooting that turn.
One use only.


The Necron and all models nearby are protected by a zone of negative energy that disrupts the use of
psychic powers.

Any psychic power cast within 6” of the model is nullified on a 4+. This includes a power’s effects as
long as they extend to within 6” of the model with the Warp Null Zone.


Surrounding the Necron is an area that in some way lessens the momentum of incoming projectiles,
and distorts heat and light energy as well.

Any enemies firing into or through the area within 3” of the model with an Inertial Dampener suffer
a –1 to hit penalty. If more than one Inertial Dampener is used, they are not cumulative, so only a –1 to hit is
ever used.


The body of the Necron is able to become insubstantial in order to pass through solid objects.

The model is able to ignore terrain and pass intangibly through it. The model may not end his move
‘inside’ of objects to avoid being shot at. In addition, the model is allowed to join squads of Wraiths. When
shooting at a Wraith squad that the character had joined the model is treated as being the same size category
for the purposes of choosing a target. A Destroyer Lord is not allowed to take a Wraith Body.


The Necron has been constructed with a dazzling array of sensors and detection devices.

The Sensorium incorporates a Scanner, and also gives the model a +1 to hit with any ranged


The phase sword can phase in and out of real – space by molecular realignment, so it is capable of
bypassing armor and protective fields.

A model wounded by a C’tan phase sword does not receive armor saves, even for energy fields. No
saving throws are allowed except for a dodge or Displacer Field. Strength is as user, damage 1, no save,
armor penetration is 2D6+5. May be used to parry.

Save Armor
Range Strength Damage Modifier Penetration Special
Close Combat As User 1 No saves 2D6+5 Parry. See
allowed above.


A model wearing an Aegis Suit gains a saving throw of 4+ against any enemy psychic power used
against it. Unlike normal, note that this saving throw does not require wounds to be caused!!! The save is
taken even to “save” against powers’ effects. If you make the 4+ save, the model will be unaffected in any
way by that power.

Also note that some remain in play powers may still affect the model in subsequent turns even if it
has no effect the first time around. A vortex template that happens to move around is still a vortex after all…
no avoiding that.


One use only, discard after use

Armor Piercing Ammo is either a projectile with hardened tips or a super charged power pack in the
case of energy weapons. When you fire a shot using Armor Piercing Ammo the weapons’ save modifier is
increased to –6 for that one shot only. Against vehicles the weapon’s armor penetration is increased by an
amount that varies according to the Strength of the weapon as shown in the table below. The decision to use
Armor Piercing Ammo must be made before the dice is rolled to hit.

WEAPON’S STRENGTH 1-3 4-5 6-7 8-10

Bonus penetration dice +D3 +D6 +D12 +D20


All shots fired at a stationary model wearing Cameleoline suffer a –1 to hit modifier in addition to
the normal to hit modifiers for cover etc. If the model hides, troops that move into position to see the hiding
model, or move within Initiative distance in inches, will only detect him rather than spotting him (so the
enemy may only shoot at him with template weapons).


Digital lasers are concealed weapons fitted into finger rings or the knuckles of a glove. Digital lasers
do not prevent a model using other weapons. They are automatically fired at the start of any hand-to-hand
combat phase against opponents in base-to-base contact, before any attack dice are rolled and regardless of
whose turn it is. The shots are worked out in exactly the same way as normal, the wearer blasting away at
point blank range as his attackers close. The Digital lasers get 3 shots that hit automatically, which may be
divided amongst multiple opponents if desired. Once close combat has started the Digital lasers have no
effect, and the model doesn’t gain any extra attack dice for having them.

Save Armor
Range Strength Damage Modifier Penetration Special
Close Combat 3 1 -1 D6+3 See above.


A Disruptor takes many forms; often it is an armored gauntlet or a deceptive looking maul. In any
case it is a fearsome weapon capable of rendering fields inoperative in close quarters.
Fields or shields of any kind, psychic or otherwise will not work against this weapon. A model
wielding a Disruptor may not use a field or shield as the Disruptor renders it inoperable.

Save Armor
Range Strength Damage Modifier Penetration Special
Close Combat 5 1 -2 2D6+5 See above.


Enhanced power cells are attached to energy-based weaponry, enabling them to recharge and fire at
a much faster rate than normal.

Enhanced power cells are bought for a specific weapon (that the character must already be carrying)
and may not be exchanged during the course of the game. Energy weapons with Enhanced power cells gain 1
sustained fire dice. Weapons that already use a sustained fire dice may re-roll the dice in case of a jam. May
not be used with weapons that fire a solid projectile.


Non-psykers only.

Any psychic power whose target lies within 3” of the wearer is nullified on a D6 roll of 5+.


A Scanner can detect living matter and energy of any kind. Readings will indicate concentrations of
tissue and energy such as groups of creatures or vehicles.
A model equipped with a Scanner can use it at any point in the game without penalty. The following
rules apply.
1. Automatically detects hidden troops within 24”. The detected model may still not be fired
on directly but weapons with a blast marker may be fired at the detected model in hopes
of catching it in the blast.
2. The model will generally be aware of the presence of all models within 24”; they will
appear as indistinct ‘blips’ on his readout. This is especially useful if approaching a
building containing enemy troops. Such troops cannot be fired on directly but the
knowledge of their presence may prompt the player to direct fire at the building or move
in a certain direction.
3. The model will be aware of the radiation strength of any active rad grenade within 24”.
The player may turn over any rad counters within this range and look at them.
4. The Scanner will function through ordinary smoke but will be blocked by blind grenades.
To find the blocked area, simply draw a line extending from the Scanner to the edges of
the blind template and beyond it. Anything within the center of the two lines is a ‘dead’
area to the Scanner.


When this model enters the area of effect of a Scanner or anything with a similar technological effect,
including psychic powers, place the 3” blast marker over the model. Any model that lies entirely within the
blast marker remains hidden. This may allow troops with the Infiltration ability to set up within Scanner
range (which is not normally possible).


Targeters are devices that combine various optical and electronic sights.
A model using a weapon with a Targeter gains a +1 modifier on its rolls to hit with that weapon.
Targeters are always fitted to specific weapons, so a character armed with a plasma gun with a Targeter and
a bolt pistol would get a +1 to hit when he was shooting the plasma gun but not with the bolt pistol. Targeters
may not be interchanged between weapons during a battle.

In some rare instances a Targeter will be incorporated into a suit of armor (notably Terminators,
Ork Mega Armor or Tau Battlesuits) giving you the +1 to hit with all ranged weaponry carried by the model.
If this is the case it will be stated in the rules for that model or for that armor.


The Teleport jammer has a 36” radius of effect. If anything attempts to teleport into this area the
player with the Teleport jammer can force the teleporting troops to roll for scatter a second time after they
have rolled scatter from their original target point. In addition, the teleporting troops will be destroyed if
they roll a double 1 or a double 2 on the distance dice for either scatter roll. The Teleport jammer does not
affect psykers using their powers to teleport. Warp spiders must roll 2 dice when making their warp test, and
apply both of the results.


A model equipped with Warp jump may teleport to any point on the battlefield during its movement
phase instead of moving normally. Roll a scatter dice to see if the model teleports on target. A ‘hit’ means it
is on target, an arrow means it scatters 2D10 in the direction indicated. However, if a double 1 is rolled for
deviation the model is lost in the warp, never to be seen again. The model may shoot and fight in hand-to-
hand combat on the turn it teleports but does not count as charging if it teleports directly in to hand-to-hand



One use only, discard after use

Haywire or scrambler grenades emit a powerful burst of electromagnetic interference which

scrambles delicate circuits and overloads instrumentation.

Haywire grenades only affects vehicles, Dreadnoughts, robots, Wraithguard, Tau Battlesuits, Squats
in Exo-armor and Terminators. Its burst covers a 1 ½” radius. Roll to hit and scatter as for a normal
grenade. Vehicles etc. hit by a Haywire grenade are penetrated automatically. Roll to hit locations covered
by the template as normal and then roll on the appropriate damage table. However, the pulse is unlikely to
destroy a vehicle, Battlesuit, Dreadnought, etc. So deduct –1 from the damage roll, treating a total of 0 as no
effect. Vehicle crewmen, Exo-armor Squats or Terminators hit by a Haywire grenade suffer a Strength 3 hit
causing 1 wound with no armor save possible.

Strength Damage Save Modifier Area

3 1 No armor save 1 ½” radius


One use only, discard after use

This Implosion grenade creates a miniature black hole effect that pulls in all nearby matter. A
model’s own mass only makes it more likely to be torn apart by the primal forces at work against it, causing
matter to break down.
The Strength of an Implosion grenade hit is equal to the target’s Toughness characteristic so will
always wound on a 4+. Saving throws are also equal to the Toughness of the target as a negative number. I.e.
a Toughness 5 model would take a Strength 5 hit with a -5 saving throw modifier.

Against vehicles or similar armored targets, they take a hit on that location as if they had rammed

Strength Damage Save Modifier Area

Equal to Target’s D8 Negative equal to 1 ½” radius
Toughness target’s Toughness


One use only, discard after use

Designed for shock tactics these incendiary grenades are difficult to produce and used cautiously as
the contents are highly volatile.

Inferno Grenades may set models on fire as described in the rules for Flamers.

Strength Damage Save Modifier Area

5 1 -3 2” radius


Rad grenades unleash a deadly dose of radiation.

Determine where the grenade hits as normal and secretly roll a D3 to determine the range of the
radiation effect between a 1” and 3” radius. Place a rad counter with the appropriate radius face down at
that spot. The player who threw the grenade can secretly examine the counter to find out what the radius is.
If any target is within the distance shown on the marker it is automatically hit by the radiation. The counter
remains in place for the rest of the game. Any models that move within the radiation effect distance are
automatically hit immediately, and will be hit at the start of each player’s turn if they remain there. The
Strength of the radiation is worked out with a random value each turn.

Radiation can be detected by means of a Scanner. Otherwise only the player who threw the grenade
is allowed to look at the counter, the other side must try and remember what the range is.

Strength Damage Save Modifier Radiation Effect Area

D6+D4 1 -3 1-3” radius secretly


One use only, discard after use

The Vortex grenade tears a rift in the fabric of real space like a miniature black hole, sucking all into
it and destroying it.

The Vortex grenade is thrown like an ordinary grenade and uses the 1 ½” template. Anything
covered by the template is automatically destroyed, and anything touched by it is destroyed unless it rolls 4+
on a D6. This included vehicles, terrain etc. No armor or field save is possible at all (except for a Displacer
Field). The vortex blocks line of sight you cannot shoot or use psychic powers through it.

Vehicles completely covered are destroyed as well. If a vehicle is only partially covered by a vortex
each location covered is hit on a D6 roll of 4+. The vehicle’s armor is penetrated automatically. Roll for
damage on the appropriate table and add +1 to the dice roll for the effect.
At the beginning of each subsequent players turn roll a D6 and consult the chart below.
1-2 the vortex disappears
3-4 the vortex remains in play
5-6 The vortex moves D6” in a random direction.

Strength Damage Save Modifier Area

None See above. None 1 ½” radius



A Conversion field converts energy from shooting and close combat hits into light, causing a blinding
flash. A Conversion field gives its wearer an unmodified saving throw of 4+ on a D6. A successful save
causes a blinding flash of light that illuminates an area with a radius equal to the Strength of the attack in
inches. Any models in this area without eye protection (auto senses), will be blinded on a roll of 4+ until the
beginning of their next turn. Models that are blind cannot move or shoot and fight in close combat with a
Weapon Skill of 1.


A Displacer field is in fact a miniature warp-drive mechanism with a proximity detector, which
activates the warp-drive when it picks up incoming shots, psychic attacks or close combat blows.

The Displacer field is very reliable, activating on a roll of 3+ on a D6 whenever the wearer is hit. The
field instantly shifts the wearer D6” in a random direction determined by the scatter dice. This will cause
attacks that hit the character to miss unless the attack uses a template of blast marker and the field fails to
get him out of the area of effect. A Displacer field will work against a Vortex grenade. A safety mechanism
prevents the model from transporting into a solid object such as a wall, vehicle or another model so if this
happens re-roll the displacement. If in hand-to-hand combat, you displace at the end of the combat phase
after all saves have been made and all combats have been fought.


A Power field is an invisible bubble of pure energy created by a large, cumbersome generator. A
personal Power field gives excellent protection against shooting damage, but is vulnerable in close combat.

A Power field gives you an unmodified saving throw of 2+ against shooting damage. However, in
hand-to-hand combat the Power field offers no protection as an opponent can easily get inside the Power field
bubble and strike the wearer. In addition, a model carrying a Power field suffers the –1 penalty for being
encumbered in hand-to-hand combat.


A Refractor field is an energy bubble projected by a small generator no larger than a pistol holder.
It operates by dispersing the energy of incoming shots and close combat attacks over the total area of the

An unfortunate side effect of the Refractor field is that it makes it impossible for the wearer to hide.
The Refractor field gives its wearer an extra saving throw of 5+ on a D6. This save is taken before a save for
armor and is not subject to saving throw modifiers.


A vehicle with Ablative armor ignores the first hit that successfully penetrates the vehicle’s armor.
Further hits will count as normal. Hits from weapons that ignore armor penetration values also ignore
Ablative armor. Note that exposed crewmen are not protected by Ablative armor.


Any shots from Multi-meltas, Meltaguns, or Melta-bombs that hit the vehicle must halve the result
(rounding up), rolled for armor penetration.


Any vehicles except those with exposed crew may take this card. By running a live electric current
through the hull, this vehicle has a simple defense against hand-to-hand attacks. Any model which attacks
the vehicle in hand to hand must first see if their armor protects them from the shock by making a basic
armor saving throw. (Field saves have no effect against an electro-hull). If the model fails, then he will be
thrown back 1” and may not attack this turn. If the model successfully makes its basic saving throw then it
may attack the vehicle as normal.


A Null-Shield protects against psychic attacks, and works by projecting a field of negative psychic
energy that repels psychic power on contact. Every time a psychic power is used on a vehicle with a Null-
Shield roll the scatter dice first – on a roll of a ‘hit’ the psychic power penetrates the shield and works
normally. If an arrow is rolled the psychic power is deflected 2D6” away in the direction indicated, passing
over terrain and obstacles but affecting the first model (other than the vehicle) in its path. If the Null-Shield
is within an area of effect marker caused by a psychic power it will nullify the power on a D6 roll of 4+.


A Searchlight is useful for spotting hidden troops. When you use the searchlight place a 2” blast
marker anywhere within line of sight of the vehicle. Any hidden enemy models completely or partially
covered by the marker are ‘spotted’ if they are in or behind soft cover (woods, bushes, etc.). Models hidden
in or behind hard cover (walls or rocks for example) are ‘detected’ instead.


This card may only be taken for vehicles (including bikes or skimmers) but not for Dreadnoughts or other
walkers. The vehicle’s engine has been lovingly serviced and tinkered with by the driver. The supercharger
can be used in the movement phase to increase the vehicle’s speeds as shown below. Roll the dice for extra
movement each time the supercharged engine is used. The extra movement rolled doesn’t have to be used
unless you roll the maximum (6 and 12 respectively) in which case the additional movement must be used up.


No change +D6 +2D6

The vortex detonator projects a field over a large area which can detect the tiny warp drives within
vortex grenades and cause them to detonate prematurely. If any model within 12” of the vehicle attempts to
use a vortex grenade they will be detected by the vortex detonator, and the grenade will explode
automatically in the model’s hand. Place the blast marker over the model as if it had hit itself with the vortex

The Necrontyr are an ancient and long-extinct race of humanoids. The planet they originated on was barren
and radiation-blasted, making it incredibly hostile to life. It was so hostile that plasma storms and atomic
winds constantly scoured its surface. Life on the planet was harsh; lives were short and uncertain. Their
bodies were ridden with radiation sickness and they lived a morbid life, constantly fearful of their coming

The Necrontyr attempted to master science, unlike the Old Ones who used psychic power and links to the
Immaterium to advance themselves. They learnt after thousands of years that they could not control their
destiny with science. Their bodies could not be changed to survive on the planet and not suffer from the
radiation sickness and perpetual fear of death. Their cities were built in anticipation of their demise, and
simply became vast tomb complexes with a few homes for the living, in a temporary form.

Eventually they developed sufficient technology to move out to other planets. They did not have the abilities
of the Old Ones to move between the stars in seconds, and had to use slow moving stasis crypts and slow
burning torch ships to gradually grope out to other stars. They clad their ships in their living metal to
withstand the rigors of space flight. After much time, they met the Old Ones. This meeting of a short-lived,
dour race to a race of hopeful and nigh-immortal people set a fire of rage burning in the hearts of the
Necrontyr. From this moment on, they turned their entire lives to destroying the Old Ones in spite of their
superior lifestyles.

When war was declared, the Necrontyr realized they would never be able to win. They were constantly
outmaneuvered by the Old Ones mastery of the webways. Eventually they were pushed back to merely an
annoyance in the outer regions among the halo stars. The fury of the Necrontyr was cooled after many
thousands of years of imprisonment, and their disgust of the Old Ones turned into an utter hatred of all life.

Due to their sun being what has haunted them for so long, the Necrontyr have studied the suns in an attempt
to understand more of how they worked and to try to find something they could unleash on the Old Ones.
Eventually, they found something so ancient as to predate even the Old Ones. This sentience fed on the stars
they orbited but had little conception of the universe around them other than satiating their need for energy.
This was the weapon they needed to fight the Old Ones, and win. Their etheric form made them invincible to
conventional weapons. They were named C’tan, or Star Gods.

How the Necrontyr managed to communicate with these beings is unknown, but the Necrontyr knew these
beings could not understand the material universe without a physical, material body. So they made bodies for
these creatures out of their living metal, allowing these bodies to expand and change at the will of being.
Supposedly, 'translucent streams of force' were seen as the first being moved across the incorporeal starlight
bridge into the bodies forged for them.

The first being to come across the starlight bridge was the Nightbringer. As the creature became more
manifest and intelligent, the Necrontyr fell in awe of their discovery. Shortly after this, the C'tan were
worshiped as gods simply because of their supreme powers. The C'tan turned the Necrontyr into slaves and
enjoyed ruling over them with cruelty and distrust.

Soon the Necrontyr were ready to begin the battle anew with the Old Ones. The C'tan then made a
proposition to the Necrontyr, one they could not refuse. They offered immortality stability for the race. Their
cursed flesh would be discarded in favor of bodies like their gods, made of living metal. Their bodies would be
consumed and their minds transferred into the new metal bodies with which they could continue the war with
the Old Ones. Whether the Necrontyr knew what the consequences of this were is unknown, but their entire
race was purged, transferred into the metal bodies. Their minds were dulled and they were drawn into
eternal servitude. Only a few of the Necrontyr retained any form of independent thought, but it was much
reduced. The Necrontyr were no more, and the Necrons were born.

The Necrons are a mysterious race of skeletal warriors that have lain dormant in their stasis-tombs for
millions of years. They are ancient beyond reckoning, pre-dating even the Eldar. At long last however, they
are beginning to awaken, for the galaxy is ripe for the greatest harvest since the demise of the Old Ones.

The Necrons' story is one of ancient betrayal. Aeons ago, the Necrontyr race clung to their short lives in fear
of oblivion at the hands of their massive and ravaging star. They pushed the limits of science in an effort to
lengthen their lives, but to no avail. In desperation, the looked to their science and discovered ethereal beings,
feeding on the energies of whole stars. They named these beings the star gods, or C’tan. They offered the
Necrontyr people immortality but only at a terrible price. We will never know if the Necrontyr knew this
price, but their race was completely purged and transferred into new metal bodies.

The C'tan are enormous energy beings who were given physical embodiments by the Necrontyr. They
encased the C'tan inside vast lumps of their living metal, the same material they used in their space faring
ships. The metal mutated into the shape desired by the personality of the being inside. The Night Bringer was
forged into a dark figure with a large cloak, adding to the fear it already inspires, and the Deceiver is formed
into a wily shape. Originally there were a large number of C'tan, but due to the machinations of the Deceiver,
this number reduced to four, The Night Bringer, The Deceiver, The Void Dragon and The Outsider.

The Necrontyr accepted the C'tan's offer and their life essence was encased in living metal bodies. What they
did not know was that the process dulled their minds and senses until they became slaves of the C'tan. The
C'tan needed warrior-slaves to harvest the lifeforms of the galaxy so the star gods could feast on souls, and
their new Necrons served this purpose very well.

The Necrons burst into the Old Ones strongest fortresses and destroyed their magics and technology. The Old
Ones were forced to seed planets with life to help fight the C'tan, including the Eldar and Orks. These races
had the ability to use the warp to defend themselves. Gradually, the Old Ones were forced back behind the
relentless push of the C'tan and billions of souls were harvested for the Star Gods. The C'tan had been
working on a plan to cripple the Old Ones, and eventually it came to fruition. They burst into and destroyed
the webways discovered by the Old Ones. Without these portals, the Old Ones were practically crippled,
being unable to move troops throughout the galaxy. With the new races using so much warp power for the
purposes of killing, the benign creatures in the warp mutated into the evil creatures they are today. Then the
Enslavers came, and forced the Necrons back with their psychic powers. The 4 remaining C'tan went into
stasis to avoid the Enslavers and allow the galaxy to repopulate without the psychic swarm, so they could
emerge and re-conquer their empire.


The Enslavers, also known as Psyrens, Krell, dominators or puppeteers in different parts of the galaxy, are a
race of other-dimensional psychic alien jellyfish from the Immaterium. Enslavers will mind control any
unprotected psychic being that they can in order to turn them into living warp portals that more Enslavers
can enter the material universe through. This control appears to be psionic in nature. The Enslaver Plague
forced the C’Tan Star Gods to withdraw into hibernation, as the Enslavers were killing off all the sentient life
that the Star Gods needed for sustenance. It also lead to the downfall of the Old Ones, as the Enslavers
infested their last strongholds and destroyed their guardians.

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