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Appendix A

Current and Obsolete Designations of

Vitamins (Bolded) and Other Vitamin-Like

Name Explanation
aneurin infrequently used synonym for thiamin
A-N factor obsolete term for the “anti-neuritic factor” (thiamin)
bios factors obsolete terms for yeast growth factors now known to include biotin
citrovorum factor infrequently used term for a naturally occurring form of folic acid (N5-formyl-5,6,7,8-
tetrahydropteroylmonoglutamic acid) which is required for the growth of Leuconostoc citrovorum
extrinsic factor obsolete term for the anti-anemic activity in liver, now called vitamin B12
factor U obsolete term for chick anti-anemic factor now known as a form of folate
factor R obsolete term for chick anti-anemic factor now known as a form of folate
factor X obsolete term used at various times to designate the rat fertility factor now called vitamin E and the rat growth
factor now called vitamin B12
filtrate factor obsolete term for the anti-black tongue disease activity, now known to be niacin, that could be isolated
from the “B2 complex” by filtration through fuller's earth; also used to describe the chick anti-dermatitis factor,
now known to be pantothenic acid, isolated from acid solutions of the “B2 complex” by filtration through
fuller's earth
flavin term originally used to describe the water-soluble fluorescent rat growth factors isolated from yeast and animal
tissues; now, a general term for isoalloxazine derivatives including riboflavin and its active forms, FMN and FAD
hepatoflavin obsolete term for the water-soluble rat growth factor, now known to be riboflavin, isolated from liver
intrinsic factor accepted designation for the vitamin B12-binding protein produced by gastric parietal cells and necessary for the
enteric absorption of the cobalamins
lactoflavin obsolete term for the water-soluble rat growth factor, now known to be riboflavin, isolated from whey
LLD factor obsolete term for the activity in liver that promoted the growth of Lactobacillus lactis Dorner, now known
to be vitamin B12
norit eluate obsolete term for Lactobacillus casei growth-promotant, factor now known as folic acid, that could be isolated
from liver and yeasts by adsorption on Norit
ovoflavin obsolete term for the water-soluble rat growth factor, now known to be riboflavin, isolated from egg white
P-P factor obsolete term for the thermostable “pellagra-preventive” component, now known as niacin, of the “water-
soluble B” activity of yeast

510 Appendix A

Name Explanation
rhizopterin obsolete synonym for the “SLR factor,” i.e., a factor from Rhizobius sp. fermentation that stimulated the growth
of Streptococcus lactis R. (now called S. fecalis), which is now known to be a folate activity
SLR factor obsolete term for the Streptococcus lactis R. (now called S. faecalis) growth promotant later called “rhizopterin”
and now known to be a folic acid activity
streptogenin a peptide present in liver and in enzymatic hydrolysates of casein and other proteins which promotes growth of
mice and certain micro-organisms (hemolytic streptococci and lactobacilli); not considered a vitamin
vitamin A accepted designation of retinoids that prevent xerophthalmia and nyctalopia, and are essential for epithelial
vitamin B original anti-beriberi factor; now known to be a mixture of factors and designated as the vitamin B complex
vitamin B complex term introduced when it became clear that “water-soluble B” contained more than one biologically active
substance (such preparations were subsequently found to be mixtures of thiamin, niacin, riboflavin,
pyridoxine, and pantothenic acid); the term has contemporary lay use as a non-specific name for all of the
B-designated vitamins
vitamin B1 synonym for thiamin
vitamin B2 synonym for riboflavin
vitamin B2 complex obsolete term for the thermostable “second nutritional factor” in yeast, which was found to be a mixture of
niacin, riboflavin, pyridoxine, and pantothenic acid
vitamin B3 infrequently used synonym for pantothenic acid; was also used for nicotinic acid
vitamin B4 unconfirmed activity preventing muscular weakness in rats and chicks; believed to be a mixture of arginine,
glycine, riboflavin, and pyridoxine
vitamin B5 unconfirmed growth promotant for pigeons; probably niacin
vitamin B6 synonym for pyridoxine
vitamin B7 unconfirmed digestive promoter for pigeons; may be a mixture; also “vitamin I”
vitamin B8 adenylic acid; no longer classified as a vitamin
vitamin B9 unused designation
vitamin B10 growth promotant for chicks; likely a mixture of folic acid and vitamin B12
vitamin B11 apparently the same as “vitamin B10”
vitamin B12 accepted designation of the cobalamins (cyano- and aquo-cobalamins) that prevent pernicious anemia and
promote growth in animals
vitamin B12a synonym for aquacobalamin
vitamin B12b synonym for hydroxocobalamin
vitamin B12c synonym for nitritocobalamin
vitamin B13 synonym for orotic acid, an intermediate of pyrimidine metabolism; not considered a vitamin
vitamin B14 unconfirmed
vitamin B15 synonym for “pangamic acid;” no proven biological value
vitamin B17 synonym for laetrile, a cyanogenic glycoside with unsubstantiated claims of anticarcinogenic activity; not
considered a vitamin
vitamin Bc obsolete term for pteroylglutamic acid
vitamin Bp activity preventing perosis in chicks; replaceable by choline and Mn
vitamin Bt activity promoting insect growth; identified as carnitine
vitamin Bx activity associated with pantothenic acid and p-aminobenzoic acid
vitamin C accepted designation of the anti-scorbutic factor, ascorbic acid
Appendix A 511

Name Explanation
vitamin C2 unconfirmed anti-pneumonia activity; also called “vitamin J”
vitamin D accepted designation of the anti-rachitic factor (the calciferols)
vitamin D2 accepted designation for ergocalciferol (a vitamin D-active substance derived from plant sterols)
vitamin D3 accepted designation for cholecalciferol (a vitamin D-active substance derived from animal sterols)
vitamin E accepted designation for tocopherols active in preventing myopathies and certain types of infertility in animals
vitamin F obsolete term for essential fatty acids; also an abandoned term for thiamin activity
vitamin G obsolete term for riboflavin activity; also an abandoned term for the “pellagra-preventive factor” (niacin)
vitamin H obsolete term for biotin activity
vitamin I mixture also formerly called “vitamin B7”
vitamin J postulated anti-pneumonia factor also formerly called “vitamin C2”
vitamin K accepted designation for activity preventing hypoprothrombinemic hemorrhage shared by related
vitamin K1 accepted designation for phylloquinones (vitamin K-active substances produced by plants)
vitamin K2 accepted designation for prenylmenaquinones (vitamin K-active substances synthesized by microorganisms and
produced from other vitamers K by animals)
vitamin K3 accepted designation for menadione (synthetic vitamin K-active substance not found in nature)
vitamin L1 unconfirmed liver filtrate activity, probably related to anthranilic acid, proposed as necessary for lactation
vitamin L2 unconfirmed yeast filtrate activity, probably related to adenosine, proposed as necessary for lactation
vitamin M obsolete term for anti-anemic factor in yeast now known to be pteroylglutamic acid
vitamin N obsolete term for a mixture proposed to inhibit cancer
vitamin O unused designation
vitamin P activity reducing capillary fragility related to citrin, which is no longer classified as a vitamin
vitamin Q unused designation (the letter was used to designate coenzyme Q)
vitamin R obsolete term for folic acid; from Norris' chick anti-anemic “factor R”
vitamin S chick growth activity related to the peptide “streptogenin;” the term was also applied to a bacterial growth
activity probably related to biotin
vitamin T unconfirmed group of activities isolated from termites, yeasts or molds and reported to improve protein
utilization in rats
vitamin U unconfirmed activity from cabbage proposed to cure ulcers and promote bacterial growth; may have
folic acid activity
vitamin V tissue-derived activity promoting bacterial growth; probably related to NAD
Wills’ factor obsolete term for the anti-anemic factor in yeast now known to be a form of folate
zoopherin obsolete term for a rat growth factor now known as vitamin B12

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