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The Beginnings of World War I Explained: Episode 1

1. True or false. WWI was more destructive than any war had ever been.

2. Did the first World War spark the Russian revolution?

3. Where did it all begin?

4. What three great empires were fighting for power and influence?

5. Who was “the enemy to the north”?

6. How many different nationalities did Austria-Hungary contain?

7. Why did Serbia want the break up of Austria-Hungary?

8. What was The Black Hand?

9. Who was the heir to the Austrian-Hungarian throne?

10. What did Franz Ferdinand want to avoid in the Balkans?

11. What were Princip and his fellow Black Hand members provided incase of
12. Archduke Franz Ferdinand’s death became a cause for what?

13. Austria-Hungary had the support of which country?

14. Who was Germany’s supreme commander-in-chief?

15. Who began partial mobilization on the 28th of July 1914?

16. Austria-Hungary declared war on who on July 28, 1914?

17. The advancement of Russia meant what for Germany?

18. Who declared war on who on August 1st?

19. True or false. Britain was eager and ready to join in on The Great War.

20. What was Britain’s greatest strength?

21. How many civilians were killed/disappeared in Serbia during the first months
of the war?

22. True or false. The war on the western front began in the trenches.

23. How many Parisians fled the city?

24. What was something almost completely new to most soldiers?

25. Did Germany have the resources for a long and successful war?

26. Why did the Germans round up a bunch of teenage boys and girls?

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