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What is Forensics?

Is the application of scientific methods and techniques to the investigation of crime. (Oxford Dictionary)

Digital Forensics:

Digital forensics is the process of uncovering and interpreting electronic data. The goal of the process is
to preserve any evidence in its most original form while performing a structured investigation by
collecting, identifying, and validating the digital information to reconstruct past events.

The context is most often for the usage of data in a court of law, though digital forensics can be used in
other instances. (

What is AI:

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the ability of a computer or a robot controlled by a computer to do tasks that
are usually done by humans because they require human intelligence and discernment.



The construction of computer programs that engage in tasks that are currently more satisfactorily
performed by human beings because they require high-level mental processes such as: perceptual
learning, memory organization and critical reasoning. (Marvin Minsky, Carnegie-Mellon University)

There are two main types of Artificial Intelligence system based on its ability to replicate the human
brain or logical reasoning. (source:

Type 1: Based on Functionality

- Reactive machines
- Limited memory machines
- Theory of the mind

- Self-aware AI
This type of the AI functionality stage will be the pick of AI Science as at this stage, the AI system
can understand and evoke human motions and have motions of their own. This kind of AI
systems are mostly seen in Science fiction movies.

Type 2: Based on Capabilities

- Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI)

Most of the AI systems or applications which is around us falls under this category as they can
only perform narrowly defined job or task just like humans, that is, it will not be able to perform
any task which was not part of the programming before-hand.

- Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)

The Artificial General Intelligence is able to train, learn, understand and perform functions
compare to that of a normal human being. The concept is to have it be Agile as it will be able to
perform multi-functional capabilities as it functionality will allow it to improvise on
unprecedented scenarios.

- Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI)

The ASI is looking forward to be the most powerful AI system, since it purpose driven is to
perform task more efficient and better than the human being. With its superior data processing,
memory, and decision making ability more inherent after it is in place compare to human
processing ability.
AI Background:

There has been several idea of having inanimate objects coming to life as intelligent beings, has been
propounded many years ago which includes myth about robots by the ancient Greeks and having both
Chinese and Egyptians building automatons.

The term AI was first coined at a conference at Dartmouth college, in Hanover, New Hampshire in 1956
after several classical philosophers’ attempted to describe human thinking as a symbolic system by
mimicking basic human reasoning after many years.

The rise in this discipline emerged due to, Access to massive volumes of data, thus, using logical
algorithms for image classification and cat recognition. Also due to discovery of computer graphics card
processors to accelerate the calculations of learning algorithms.

The rapid growth in quick analysis of issues and identifying ways to enrich satisfactory result without
tempering with data integrity has made it possible to have this tool, AI System into fields like Civil
security, transportation, public security, self-driving cars, intelligent robots and telecommunications

IBM’s Artificial intelligence supercomputer that was invented by Thomas J. Watson with deep QA
software as an answering machine was built with sophisticated analytical software for optimal
performance. It was used to compete in a TV quiz shows against two biggest all-time champions and
emerged as winner.

Why AI in Forensics

The main or major essence of forensics is to provide a proof of breached or criminal activity without
tempering with the original data or evidence. Since AI is built together with machine learning algorithm
that is to have accurate predictions of outcomes without necessarily being programmed.

- Identify root causes of a crime quickly and efficiently.

- Keeps data originality, as much as it transcends from different level of investigation without
distorting the source data.
- Time saving; reduces time allocation to investigate into a crime due it capability to process and
mimic issues in real time compare to human intelligence alone.
- Cost saving, time spent on an investigation translate into Cost as well since non-AI system will
required physically visitation or onsite visit for other analysis which might include travelling as
well which might not yield any result.
- Quick identity of suspects to a crime since it enable investigators to quickly look through
criminal records and identify potential suspects.
- Predict crime occurrences, through commonalities in communication, location as well as time
where tendency of next crime or incident occur through observation of commonalities.
- Data Image representation; the use of AI assist in represent findings in imagery forms by
identifying elements in photos and videos during investigation.

There some limitation that comes with the usage of Artificial Intelligence in forensics;

- Expensive to use, the acquisition of a high level programs including processors for high volume
of data and the machinery to use makes it expense to continue using such technology.
- Findings scalability; the volume of data in digital forensics is on the rise which at times the
material to investigate very complex making it difficult for investigators to comprehend with.
- AI Knowledge Limitation, as much as these are algorithm programmed to be able to mimic
occurrences of events, will still require both human reasoning on data proving and personnel
has to be constantly be trained on how to use some of the sophiscated systems.
- Changes in Knowledge Representation; since the data investigation has to be consistent at each
stage, once there is a vital information missing, it can lead to wrong results and
misrepresentation of the outcome by investigators.

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