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Black Power Mixtape

1. Why did the FBI view Kweli's attention to Carmichael's Black Power Ideology a threat in

the 21st century?

Talib Kweli is an American entrepreneur, rapper and activist. The FBI agents questioned

him for listening to Stokely Carmichael's speech which was more than forty years old and was

about the oppression of black Americans. It posed a threat in the 21st century because as an artist,

Kweli is influential and can use his music to bring back history by inciting people to follow

Carmichael's ideologies.

2. Why do you think the American education system exclusively focuses on Dr King's

integrationist and his civil disobedience campaigns?

I think the system focuses on Martin Luther King Jr's civil disobedience and

integrationist stance because that was his main focus. He was active in fighting for equal

rights for equal treatment of the black community and led the civil rights movement, and his

style of protest was non-violent.

3. How does Eryka Badu's song function to suppress the ability of children to think

critically about racism and inequality in American society?

According to Eryka, they had to learn those songs to create a positive attitude towards the

government. They could not question the government and had to be grateful for all they had,

although it was at the expense of many people in the United States and all over the world.
Surname 2

The songs create a conscious environment to children by grounding a racial frame leading to

an equitable future while stating the current issues they faced.

4.  What is the crucial difference between being anti-American and being anti-racist? 

Him being anti-American means opposing the harsh or unfair treatment imposed on

Americans by the government policies. In the interview, he seemed to be okay with the

measures the government took against the black community. On the other hand, being anti-

racist is working actively to oppose all the multi-dimensional aspects of racism.

5. How has the spotlight on structural racism in America changed your view of the


According to the documentary, the government opposed what the black movements fought

for by arresting and assassinating the leaders. All they wanted was freedom, prosperity and

opportunities. The black community could not access quality housing, healthcare, jobs,

education or equal criminal justice. The government should have listened and acted by

treating all Americans equally, regardless of race or ethnicity.

6. What makes this combination of the historical past and the present reality so effective‌‌‍e?

Combining history and the present is useful because it is easy to benchmark any possible

changes that might have occurred in between. Historical aspects showcase how racism was

dealt with in the 1960s and 1970s and what has changed or embraced in the 21st century.
Surname 3

Works Cited

Blacker the Berry. "The Black Power Mixtape." 7 Jan. 2019, YouTube,

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