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Where I live

Description Natural resources

I live in a large I also find
community, several species
surrounded by a lot of of animals,
nature, but urbanized. such as
Characteristic coyotes,
It is a flat area but armadillo,
nearby there are hills,
lazy monkey,
the temperature is hot
turtles, frogs,
in the day, and cold
a variety of
at night, it is a more
birds, among
humid area, because I
others, as well
am a few meters from
the caimito river and
as near several
surrounded by many fruit trees
Living near the such as
river also makes grapefruit,
the temperature nance, cashew,
much colder at mango,
night. among others.
Human characteristics Land use
The use of the
An area with humble, simple, land is not
quiet, middle-class people. different from
that of
areas, the soil is
not used for
agriculture, if
The houses are
Living place crops are grown
block, one-story
it is for own use
concrete, they
but not
are large since
the land is wide, There is the
most of them Industry cement industry,
live a complete if it is a more
family where commercial area
each child has than an
been able to industrial one, in
build her house other parts of the
on the same country there are
land. many more
industries than in
my area.

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