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This was probably the first non-individual and non-mundane use of astrology.

The first use of

astrology with ceremonial magic goes back approximately 2,500 to 3,000 years to ancient Persia. But
this use of astrology was also widely used in renaissance-era Europe. Here are some important things
to remember with these applications, if one wants to try them out: (1) the symbols drawn in this
packet are meant to be drawn on parchment with ink and a quill, or carved onto metals (and thus
creating a metal amulet for one to wear). These symbols pertain to the Behenian Seal of the
star or the image (that I present) pertaining to the non-Behenian star (based on my research of the
star in this presentation). Another consideration for drawing or carving are the defined images
pertaining to the star, which I include in magical-influences of descriptions of the stars. (2) The choice
of metal for use with such amulet carving should reflect the constellation, zodiac sign, or planet /
luminary that rules the zodiac sign (of where the star is located at the present time (for real time use
per magic) or based on the position at the time of one's birth (for the purpose of enhancing magical
properties associated with the star in one's lifetime). The metals considered for the purpose of
carving the star symbols onto include: gold for Sun / Leo; silver for Moon / Cancer; copper for Venus
/ Taurus / Libra; steel for Mars / Aries; tin for both Jupiter and Neptune (and also for the signs of
Sagittarius and Pisces); lead for Saturn / Capricorn; and iron for Pluto / Scorpio (and sorry, but
uranium rules Uranus / Aquarius and quicksilver rules Mercury / Gemini / Virgo. Both of these metals
are hazardous to the skin, and thus are not considered for purposes of making an amulet) (3) Colors
worn by the bearer (who wears the amulet) is also an important consideration. Colors for
consideration relevant to the star and it's amulet are: gold or orange for the Sun / Leo; silver or gray
for the Moon / Cancer; navy blue for Mercury / Gemini / Virgo; light or grassy green for Venus /
Taurus / Libra; cardinal red for Mars / Aries; purple for Jupiter / Sagittarius; black for Saturn /
Capricorn; sky blue for Uranus / Aquarius; dark green for Neptune / Pisces; and maroon for Pluto /
Scorpio. (4) Finally, do not ingest any of the stones or herbs named in this presentation pertaining to
the star of magical reference. Ingestion of stones will give you very bad abdomen pain for days (until
defecation of the stone, or a trip to the E.R. to get the stone out), and many of these herbs named in
this presentation are poisonous (AND MANY, AS I FOUND OUT, ARE ILLEGAL). These stones and herbs
are meant to be carried or worn by the individual, and not ingested. (5) Use a two degree orb of
these stars relative to horoscope points for individual or mundane horoscope purposes of
determining Conjunction interpretations, as well as actual live or current use of such stars for magical
purposes. Now onto the magic....please note that the astrological positions of these stars presented
in this presentation are the current positions as of August 2019, according to my computer.....
Above is from page 233 from the latest edition of Vivian Robson's book "The Fixed Stars &
Constellations in Astrology." These are classic medieval era seals used for creating amulets or
parchments via the individual who wishes to use the magical energy of the star pertaining to the seal
on the amulet or parchment (and usually in a ceremonial magic setting). But the use of magic with
the stars is not necessarily limited to these specific seals from Robson. There are images of non-
Behenian stars that one can utilize relative to the properties of such stars; the Behenian Star seals
above are thus not the only seals that one can consider or use to harness the potential magic of non-
Behenian fixed stars in the sky.
Above are the Four Royal Stars of Persia, probably the first stars used in a magical ceremony setting.
This "cross" of stars was originally used to represent the world points (i.e. 0 degrees Cancer (for
Regulus), 0 degrees Capricorn (for Fomalhaut), 0 degrees Aries (for Antares), and 0 degrees Libra (for
Aldebaran)). Stars move about 0.8 minutes per year (and there are 60 minutes in one degree), so it
takes about 75 years for a star to move 1 degree (per counter-clockwise manner around the zodiac).
If you want to calculate when the Four Royal Stars of Persia were first used, be my guest... you have
2500 - 3000 years to play with to figure that out....Regulus competes with the star of Sirius for being
the most used star in Fixed Star Magic applications, and is considered to be the most fortunate star in
the sky. Finally, note that Fomalhaut is a non-Behenian Star; the drawn symbol is Ptolemy's written
description of the star. I have seen amulets for Fomalhaut with a fish having it's mouth faced left and
downward, and with the mouth of the fish opened. This may be a good consideration for a "seal" of
Fomalhaut, as opposed to Ptolemy's written description that I provided.

These four stars above form a cross and are all placed in fixed signs of the zodiac. These stars appear
to play a key role in social advancement, along with protection from bad energy of others in a social
setting. Algol is especially to be considered regarding protection from evil forces, since Algol is
considered to be the most evil star in the sky. But take note: if you have Algol strong on your
chart, you are not "doomed." Edgar Cayce was born with this star almost directly overhead (and
Conjunct Pluto), and Cayce was one of the most profound psychics of all time. I am currently working
on an astrology theory whereby if one is born with a very unfortunate star on their horoscope (and in
a prominent or strong position), it may invite strong psychic or channeling ability because the person
inheriting such a very unfortunate star (in a prominent or strong position on their horoscope) may
force an inheritance of energies that enhance that person's psychic and/or channeling abilities
to "become alive." This "psychic / channeling ability being turned on" may be done as a result of this
presence of a very unfortunate star (i.e. Algol) for the purpose of protecting that person from the
horrific influences of this very unfortunate star (or other very unfortunate stars, such as Scheat). Also
note that despite its' negative definitions, Algol may be a useful star for social presentations of some
kind. Finally, note that Toliman and Alphard feature my own drawn descriptions for these stars; one
is welcome to try their own drawing (for amulet or parchment) if they desire. Because Alphard is in
the sign of Leo, gold may be the proper metal for choice, along with the colors of gold or orange.

These four stars presented above are usually strong in the horoscopes of politicians. Notice that the
first three stars described above (Alphecca, Sirius, and Achenar) form a water triangle (or a Grand
Water Trine), and the Capricorn-placed Vega star bisects this triangle with it's Opposition to Sirius.
Sirius is the brightest star in the sky, and next to Regulus is probably the most over-used star for
ceremonial magic purposes (and yes, Sirius was possibly selected for timing the release of the
Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776; the Sirius position at that time was 10 degrees Cancer
59 minutes while the Sun position was 12 degrees Cancer 45 minutes (and both are within the
prescribed 2 degree orb)). Finally, note that Achenar is a non-Behenian star that seems to
represent "moving water" according to my research. Hence, I picked silver for the metal (instead of
Pisces-ruling tin) because silver is very strongly connected with water. One is welcome to try either
metal, as well as select whatever drawing desired for amulet or parchment purposes. Dark green
may be the color of choice for color-purposes since this star is in the sign of Pisces, and not Cancer.

I call the four stars above "The Four Faces of Venus" because they are strongly reflective of
astrological properties of the planet Venus. The Pleiades cluster is the only star(s) not in the sign of
Libra (which is a ruling sign for Venus) in the above description. But this star cluster has a lot to do
with Venus since Pleiades may indicate relationship issues or separation from others for the purpose
of something very important (or a profession that requires separation from others, or nobody being
allowed to get close to you relationship-wise. This may be why this star is strong in horoscopes of
gurus and military personnel).

The four stars above pertain to military applications and intense competitive strategy; many
successful military people, politicians, and business leaders have these stars strong on their charts or
in Conjunction with important planets / luminaries. For magical use, Betelgeuse is a non-Behenian
star that may be second or third to Behenian Stars Sirius and Regulus as far as magical use goes.
Betelgeuse is usually strongly placed (or forming important Conjunctions) on horoscopes of people
involved in intense competition or power struggles with others, be it violent or non-violent (or both).
Note that ancient symbols for Betelgeuse are "The Right Shoulder of Orion" and "The Coming of The
Branch" (which is "the branch" held by the right hand of Orion. Hence, the description may define
that something is about to get clubbed with a branch held by Orion)). "The Head of a Dragon" was
the prominent symbol defining Betelgeuse (according to research); this may help explain why a lot of
medieval armor worn by knights and similar medieval warriors tended to be reptile-like in
appearance. The big problem with Betelgeuse (and the magical use of any star for the purpose of
violence or wrath) is that negative energies harnessed via the use of star magic may
attract "demons" that are used in such violence or wrath (and these "demons" may not want to go
back to where they came from; they may instead decide to stick around with the person who used
them in an effort to get that person to stoop to their level). And it is at this point (described very well
by occultist Aleister Crowley) that your guardian angel will abandon you and let
these "demons" destroy you and destroy everything that makes you respectable in this reality,
regardless of how much you have acquired in wealth along the way of such negative activity.

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