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Name: Dina C. Dalde Instructor: Mr.

German Besorio

Course/Year/Section: BSA 1B Subject: Purposive Communication

A. Before-Reading Questions:

1. From your experience as a student who listens to teachers in classroom, what is the
difference between a good public speaker and a bad public speaker?

As a student, it is important that lectures are properly communicated by the teachers. A

good public speaker are speakers that present values that reflect good moral ethics. Knows the
principles of ethical public speaking, such as trustworthiness, integrity in the subject matter,
respect for others, dignity in conduct, and truthfulness in the message. They also talk in a
concise and clear manner. A bad public speaker is the total opposite of a good speaker. They
are unethical speakers that are biased and mislead the audience intentionally. They distort the
facts to suit their aim. Also the way they deliver their speech is not desirable.

2. Who among the many public figures do you consider to be a good public speaker? Why do
you think so? What do you think this person effective?

Among many public figures, Priyanka Chopra is the one of the people that I would
consider a good public speaker. She is an Indian actress, singer, film producer, philanthropist,
and the winner of the Miss World 2000 pageant. She uses her platform to inspire and promote
awareness to everyone. She delivers all of her speeches confidently and eloquently. I aspire to
be like her.

3. What are the worst trait of a public speaker? How do they affect their audience?

 Writing a speech Without a Thought of the Audience in Mind

 Delivering a Speech that is not Inspiring
 Deliver a Speech without Connecting with the Audience
 Poor and Erratic Pauses during a Speech
 Exhibition of distracting mannerisms during speech delivery
 Having too much information, facts, and charts, in a single speech
 Improper time management during a speech
 Lack of Proper Preparation
 Lack of a powerful opening to a speech
 No Clear outline for a speech

Having those traits may bore and make the audience lose their trust and interest in the
speaker and what he/she was talking about. The audience may also misunderstand their
purpose and take everything the wrong way.
B. After-Reading Questions:

1. Why is public speaking a performance?

Storytelling and humor help, and you must know how to use them. Public speaking is not only a
form of performance art; it also requires writing skills. Public speaking is a process wherein
communicating or passing information is involved. It is considered a performance because the audience
is present here.

2. Is a good public speaker born, not made? Or it is a mixture of both? Explain your answer.

A good public speaker is made. I don’t think genetics has something to do with whether a public
speaker is good or bad. This is like nurture and nature. To be a public speaker, you must exert effort and
practice to be one. A person cannot be a good public speaker just because either his/her parent was a
good public speaker. Or just because a child’s mother wants her child to be a good speaker doesn’t
mean he’ll turn out to be one when he’s born.

3. As an audience member, what affects you the most when it comes to the effectivity of a speech?
What qualities of the speaker give the greatest impression to you?

What bothers me most is when the speaker’s voice. Unless you don’t have a powerful voice, you
won’t catch my attention. I have a very short attention span and I get bored easily so a voice that can
make me listen to would make me stay and remember you.

4. Do you want to be a good public speaker? Why or why not?

Yes, as a person with stage fright and low self-confidence, I wanted to be a good public speaker
so bad. I always wanted people to hear my voice and actually listen. I also wanted to leave a good
impression to everyone.

5. What public speaking practices do you think should be practiced more in your school or in your
class? Why?

Public speaking practices should not be done by the teacher giving each student an assignment
such as “prepare a ten-minute speech on planning for future careers”. That is too heavy as a subject,
requires too much preparation time, requires too much memory, and would defeat the purpose of
developing calm and confidence in the young student. It would pressure the student and also the
objective should be simply for purpose of saying something for one to three minutes and not to come up
with particularly scholarly or wise answers. As the practice progresses, it will be observed the students
become confident, and have no problem jabbering for three minutes.

6. Why is it important to match one’s appearance to one’s audience?

Public speakers must stand out but still fits in. You came to inspire and talk not to steal the show
like an action star. I don’t think the audience at a formal party would take a speaker wearing a unicorn

7. When are visual aids effective when people give speeches and reports?

The audience should not be trying to read and listen at the same time - use visual aids to
highlight your points. One message per visual aid, for example, on a slide there should only be one key
point. Use visual aids in moderation - they are additions meant to emphasize and support main points.

8. When are visual aids not effective when people give speeches and reports?

If your visual aids do not properly match your speech or if they are used in an ineffective
manner, this could be a detriment to your speech. Anything that distracts an audience from your
message will result in your inability to deliver your message. Also, inconsistency in color scheme or
theme. Small or complicated font or overwhelming text or graphics. And too many transitions and
9. What is your speaking style? Can you think of any famous person who has the same speaking style?

I’m an assertive communicator, I prefer to involve clear, honest statements about your beliefs,
needs, and emotions. I usually express my thoughts in a calm tone although I speak what comes into my
mind. I use fewer hand gestures unless I’m very excited, frustrated, or mad, and I wouldn’t raise my
tone, pitch, and voice. I think I have the same speaking style as Jungkook.

10. Do you think you can still further improve your speaking style? How?

Yes, If I could only think more than twice before I speak instead of being too blunt then I think I
would be a better speaker.

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