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Based on needs discussed by the SP/Organic SOP Alignment group, the following template for Irrelevant SOP
guideline is proposed. This SOP is in addition to the current ESCI guideline, while there is no judgement change in
ESC (Exact, Substitute, Complement), but below guideline to be followed additionally before annotating as

1.Guideline description — an attribute such as “size” or “brand” that affects relevance if not exactly matched,
requiring a guideline. Potentially, we may also write guidelines for issues other than attributes such as query-

2.Conceptual criteria — description of a high-level rule describing what differentiates Irrelevant from Substitute or

3.Examples (with discussion) — a set of examples to show how to apply the rules in difficult cases and how to
apply the conceptual criteria to cases not covered by objective rules. Discussion of each case is intended to define
principles and advice so that judges can operate with guided subjectivity rather than ad hoc and idiosyncratic

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Table of Contents
Case 1 Age and Size1
Case 2-Purpose 2
Case 3- Electronics3
Case 4- Brand Affinity4
Case 5- Books5
Case 6- Complementary Product6
Case 7- Theme and Occasion7
Case 8- Vague and Ambiguous Queries8
Case 9- Genre9
Case 10- Product Not Sold on Amazon10

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-Case 1- Age and size (Same guideline as ESCI – No change)

Guideline Description: Age and size: Size (+1/-1) & age (+1/-1) up and down for Fashion and home furnishing will be
considered as substitute. More than or less than (+1/-1) age and size difference will be considered as Irrelevant.
Conceptual criteria: Based on brands there are size differences between size levels/ age. From a customer’s perspective,
due to brand differences, there can be size label fluctuations which can be mitigated by incorporating leniency in the SP
& A9 guidelines. Therefore, one year up and down and one size up and down will be universally labeled as substitute.
Any other gap in size will be considered as Irrelevant.

Case Rule -Size

● Fashion -+1/-1 up and down to be considered for Clothing/ fashion. This is particularly applicable for the
categories below.
● Clothing & Accessories- Based on brands there are size differences (e.g. difference in brand Zara compared to
Uniqlo). From a customer’s perspective, due to brand differences, there can be size label fluctuations which can
be mitigated by incorporating leniency of +/-1 size & age. Therefore, one size up and down will be universally
labeled as substitute. Any other gap in size will be considered as Irrelevant.

It is also important to check the non- negotiable attributes.

1.1 Examples

E.g.- Red Nike shoe size 12 (UK) - size 12 (UK) is the non-negotiable attribute. Therefore, +1/-1 size up and down (size
11/13) can be considered as substitute. Any other size will be considered as Irrelevant.

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Case Rule -Furnishing/ Softline- -+1/-1 up and down to be considered as Substitute. This is particularly applicable for the
categories like Table Cloth/Cushion/ Pillow/ Blanket/Towels/ Carpet.

1.Query: Table Cloth


Explanation: Judgement will be exact as the query is table cloth with no dimension/ measurement requested and
offered product is a table cloth. If asked for particular dimension/measurement, then apply+1/-1 rule and mark it

2. Query: Pillow

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Explanation: Judgement will be exact as the query is pillow with no dimension/ measurement requested and offered
product is a pillow. If asked for particular dimension/measurement, then apply+1/-1 rule and mark it accordingly.

3.Query: Cushion

Explanation: Judgement will be exact as the query is cushion with no dimension/ measurement requested and offered
product is a pillow/cushion. If asked for particular dimension/measurement, then apply+1/-1 rule and mark it

4.Query: Carpet

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Explanation: Judgement will be exact as the query is Carpet with no dimension/ measurement requested and offered
product is a Carpet. If asked for particular dimension/measurement, then apply+1/-1 rule and mark it accordingly.

5.Query: Towel

Explanation: Judgement will be exact as the query is Towel with no dimension/ measurement requested and offered
product is a towel. If asked for particular dimension/measurement, then apply+1/-1 rule and mark it accordingly.

Exception – Do not apply +1/-1 rule for: Cushion cover / Pillows Cover/ Fitted sheets/ Duvet cover/ Bed sheet/mattress/
Curtain. -+1/-1 up and down will not fit into the insert/mattress and therefore exact sizes would be required and this
rule will not be applicable. In these cases, the annotator needs to go to the detail page to check if the widget has the
exact size, if yes, the query can be marked as exact as the size here is a non-negotiable attribute. If the size is different or
not mentioned, then it is will Irrelevant.

6.Query: 16*16 cushion

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Explanation:- If the query is for 16X16 inches and the detailed page has that particular size like the example above- it
will be labeled as Exact. However, if the query is for 24X24 inches, then this ASIN will be Irrelevant.

7.Query: Queen size duvet cover


Explanation: If the query is for Oversized king size duvet cover and the detailed page has that particular size like the
example above- it will be labeled as Exact. However, if the query is for queen size duvet cover, then this ASIN will be

7.Query: King size mattress


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Explanation: If the query is for full size mattress and the detailed page has that particular size like the example above- it
will be labeled as Exact. However, if the query is for king size mattress, then this ASIN will be Irrelevant.

8. Query: 100" x 96" door curtain


Explanation: If the query is for door curtain of a particular size (e.g. 100" x 96"| 1 Panel) and the detailed page has that
particular size like the example above- it will be labeled as Exact as the size is the non-negotiable factor, any other size
will be Irrelevant. However, if the query is of just a door curtain, any size would be exact.

9.Query: fitted table cloth 6 feet


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Explanation: Fitted Table Cloth- E.g.- If the query is for a fitted table cloth (e.g. 6 feet) and the detailed page has that
particular size like the example above- it will be labeled as Exact as the size is the non-negotiable factor. Any other size
would be irrelevant.

Age- +1/-1 years up and down for kids/ toddler/teenager clothing and accessories and +1/-1 size for infant clothing
and accessories to be considered as Substitute.

10.Query: Clothes for babies


Explanation: If the search query is for a 3-6 months baby clothes, depending on the size of the baby even 0-3 months/ 6-
9 months baby clothes can fit. Hence, can be considered as Substitute.

11.Query: Shoes
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If the search query is for a 12-18 months baby shoes, depending on the size of the baby even 6-12 months/ 18-24
months baby shoes can fit. Hence, can be considered as Substitute.

If the query contains the weight & height of the baby the annotator should investigate to check the actual size required
by the baby and apply the +1/-1 rule. (Refer to Amazon PDP size/age chart if available, otherwise Google search)

Case 2-Purpose (new guideline)

Guideline Description: From a customer’s perspective anything that meets the purpose should be considered as

If the Query key-word is unavailable in the detailed page, annotators need to go down the ladder to check the presence
of the key-word. Even if the key-word is not present and the product can work as a substitute of the queried product,
ASIN (can suffice for the purpose that the customer is looking at) to be considered as substitute.

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Conceptual criteria: From a customer’s perspective anything that meets the purpose should be considered as
substitute. Understanding the customer’s purpose or intent from a query is imperative and basis of the query the
annotator needs to research to understand if the ASIN can serve the customer’s purpose/need. Product type can be
different provided the utility is the same. The non-negotiable factor to label such ASINs would be the utility/purpose of
the ASIN compared to the query. Sometimes customers are not aware of the alternatives available, different product
types used for the same purpose can educate customers of new/different kinds of alternative and intrigue desire to buy.

This would encourage the process of investigation/research amongst annotators in order to understand/research the
product well, not just the product type but also the purpose. The customer may not be completely satisfied due to the
missing key-word, the missing key-word can also exist in the customer reviews which today is not investigated by the
annotators. The search for the main attribute in the query should be completely investigated before labeling.

E.g.: Query : Dog Perfume and ASIN below serve the same purpose. Therefore, considering as substitute.


2.1 Examples:

Positive Example:

1..Query : Humidifier for plant


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Explanation: The search query is for Humidifier for plant. ASIN is a humidifier which mentioned for plant in the title,
hence it should be marked as Exact. Incase the offered product doesn’t specify for plants, then check description ladder
and customer reviews.

2.Query: tablet for migraine


Explanation: The search query is medication for migraine and ASIN is a migraine head wrap which can relieve the
headache. Since the purpose is same this can be considered as Substitute.

3. Query : treadmill

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Explanation: Search query is for treadmill, which is used for fitness and ASIN is elliptical machine which is also a fitness
product. Hence substitute. Any cardio machine will be substitute and weights will be considered Irrelevant as it is
strength/ muscle building equipment.

4.Query: Coffee grinder


Explanation: Search query is for a coffee grinder and ASIN is a multipurpose crusher which can also be used for crushing
coffee. Since the crusher cannot grind to the extent of a grinder, it will be marked as substitute. If offered product was a
grinder (ASIN- ), then it is Exact.

Negative Example:

5.Query : TV

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Explanation: Search query is for TV, but the ASIN is of a Monitor. So, a monitor can be used as a tv but TV as additional
functionalities which is not available in a monitor. Hence should be marked as Irrelevant.

6.Query : Fan for House


Explanation: Search query is a fan for house, but the ASIN is a fan for iPhone. The Fan in the ASIN won’t suffice the
function of cooling the house. Hence it should be marked as Irrelevant.

7. Query : Halloween wreath


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Explanation: The search query is for wreaths. ASIN is a wreath but no mention of Halloween on the detail page,
considering the product is neutral that can be used, hence it should be marked as substitute. If offered product is listed
as any other theme/Occasion, it would be Irrelevant. (eg: )

8.Query: Big Plant


Exception: If the query has adjectives like “cute”, “large”, “small” etc. and the keyword is not there in ASIN detail page
then it depends on the discretion of the judges. Example 1: if the query is for a big artificial plant and the ASIN shows a
3-inch plant it would be considered as “Substitute”. However, for a big plant if the ASIN shows 10 feet long plant,
judgement would be “Exact”.

9.Query: Winter jacket


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Explanation: The search query is for Winter Jacket. ASIN is a jacket where keyword winter is not mentioned in detail
page or reviews, hence it should be marked as “Substitute” as rain jacket can also be used as windcheater. However, if
query is a summer jacket and ASIN given is a Winter jacket it should be marked as “Irrelevant” as purpose of the query is
not met.

Case 3-Electronics (new guideline)

Guideline Description: Electronics that meets the purpose should be considered as substitute. This Guideline is
extension of the previous guideline of purpose as understanding the customer perspective is subjective.
Conceptual criteria: From a customer perspective electronics that meets the purpose should be considered as substitute
as it would provide more alternatives to customers. This Guideline is extension of the previous guideline of purpose as
understanding the customer perspective is subjective.

The reason why electronics is specially mentioned is because there are more than 20 subcategories of electronics,
computer and smart home that are grouped as Electronics. Also, associated compatibility attributes are unique to this
category e.g.- like current, voltage, storage, memory etc. needs to be checked before labeling.

3.1 Example:
Query: Apple iPhone unlocked 64GB black
The above query has 4 attributes – Black: Color, Apple: Brand, Mobile phone: PT, 64GB: Memory.
Exact: If the ASIN’s attributes match all the four above, it is an Exact match.
Substitute- If the purpose matches, Samsung phone instead of Apple iPhone, it would still be considered as Substitute. In
this case it is important to check the placement of the ASIN search page.
Irrelevant- Samsung charger, Samsung case will be Irrelevant.
Complement- iPhone charger, iPhone case, head phone, etc.

1. Query - 110 to 220 coil square d transformer


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Explanation: The given ASIN is not Square D transformer, but it is still a transformer. Hence Substitute.

2.Query- Best monopod for d500 with zoom lens


Explanation: The query is for monopod for D500 with zoom lens and the offered product just supports monopod/
tripod. Hence Substitute.

Case 4 - Brand Affinity (new guideline)

Guideline Description: Two different lead products from the same brand can be marked as Complement, if they fall under
same product category. Brand affinity is to be considered in irrelevant cases, where query and shown product are not
exact match or cannot substitute each other or are not used together products. But we would still consider shown product
as Complementary as both products are from same brand and fall under same category. Here we consider query and
shown product as complementary not because both are used together products, but considering the possibility that

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customer who likes a product from a particular brand might have a curiosity/interest to buy a different product of the
same brand, which fall under the same product category. Thus, when it comes to brand affinity, we are defying the purpose
of products, but the product category will act as a proxy for purpose and will be a guard rail to check the products are not
too far off.

Conceptual criteria: Brand affinity is a personal or emotional connection forged between customer and a brand. From a
customer’s perspective, they might be interested in seeing similar category product offerings from same brand.
Therefore, considering this emotional connection between customer and brand and labelling as Complement to the
customer query.


● Brand affinity is not considered for medical and supplements products as the same brand can manufacture
medicine for different diseases as well. For such medical products, purchase decision of customer would be
strictly based on disease.
● Different gender/age group.
● Incompatibility of products.
● Products for different pets.
● Products related to different religion.
● Products for different sports.
● When shown product is an accessory for another lead product.

4.1 Example:

1.Query is ‘Dove shampoo’


Explanation: Shown product is a Dove deodorant stick. Both products are for personal care but have different uses.
Customer who have a brand affinity towards Dove brand might be interested to try a different product offering from
same brand and may find this useful. Therefore, labelling as Complement.

2.Query:‘Michael Kors phone case


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Explanation: ‘Michael Kors phone case’ and shown product is Michael Kors cross body bag. Here both products belong
to different product categories (Electronics vs Fashion). Therefore, we are not considering brand affinity in this scenario
as it is too wide to consider relevant and labelling as irrelevant.

3.Query :‘Benadryl fever tablets’


Explanation: ‘Benadryl fever tablets’ and shown is Anti-itch gel from Benadryl. Here both are from same brand and
product category (medicine) but labelling as irrelevant since customers would be buying medicines based on
illness/purpose of medicine, not brand

4.Query : ‘Otterbox cable for Samsung S21’


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Explanation: Query is ‘Otterbox cable for Samsung S21’ and shown is Otterbox branded cover accessory for iPhone.
Here both products belong to same category and are from same brand. But products are incompatible with each other
and accessory to accessory concept overrule brand affinity. Hence labelling as irrelevant

5.Query :‘Nike shoes for men’


Explanation: Query is ‘Nike shoes for men’ and shown is Nike branded shoes for women. Even though both are same
product from same brand, Gender/Age difference concept overrules brand affinity and becomes irrelevant to customer.

6.Query : NaturVet for cats’

ASIN Link -

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Explanation: NaturVet for cats’ and shown is NaturVet branded pet product for Dogs. Even though both are same
branded products, both are for two different types of pet. Hence Brand affinity is not considered here and marked

7.Query: Angelady Buddhist necklace’

ASIN Link -

Explanation: Angelady buddist necklace’ and shown is a Christian necklace from angelady brand. Both query and shown
products are from same brand but are related to two different religions (Christianity vs Buddhism). Considering the
sensitivity of such cases, ignoring brand affinity and marking as irrelevant.

8.Query : Samsung laptop.

ASIN Link -

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Explanation: Query is Samsung laptop and shown is a Samsung branded TV remote, which is to be used with Samsung
TV. Both products are from electronics category and are Samsung branded. But shown ASIN is an accessory for a TV and
the customer would be interested in the shown product only if he/she own the exact same model of Samsung TV which
the remote is compatible with. Thus, shown product is considered as irrelevant to customer

9.Query : Champro cricket jersey.

ASIN Link -

Explanation: Query is Champro cricket jersey and shown product is a football jersey from Champro. Even though
both are sports products from same brand, we would mark it as irrelevant as both products belong to different

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Case 5: Books (new guideline)

Guideline Description: For books related queries, any book related to same topic irrespective of target audience to
marked as Substitute.

Conceptual criteria: The reader (customer) might be interested in other books on the same topic. Therefore, in books
related queries any book related to the same topic irrespective of the target audience would be marked as substitute.
There can be new-released/ books released earlier (that the shopper might not have seen), which might intrigue their
desire to buy other books related to the same topic. This is different from the search relevance’s book SOP which
emphasizes importance to the target audience before marking it as substitute.



1.Query is The Cancer Code.

ASIN link -

Explanation: The search query is a medical book to understand medical conditions during cancer, treatment etc. The
search result however is a guide to cancer patients on spiritual survival. Hence marked substitute.

2.Query is dieter’s gourmet cookbook.

ASIN link -

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Explanation: Query is dieter’s gourmet cookbook and offer product is Korean Vegan cookbook. Irrespective of target
audience, it is still considered as cookbook and hence marking Substitute.

3.Query is “Cookbook”

ASIN link -

Explanation: Query is just cook book and the ASIN is cook book for fatty liver, it is considered as Exact. But if the query is
“Cook book for thyroid” and the result is “Cook book for fatty liver”, then it is Irrelevant.

Case 6: Complement Products

Guideline Description:
Clothing and Accessories- If for a search query the ASIN shows related products to the queried product, related
products to be considered as Complement. Relation can be 1) direct- e.g. Printer & printer ink, stapler and compatible
stapler pins, 2) Indirect – e.g. Dress & Scarf, Table & Chair, washing machine and Compatible Detergent tablets, 3)
Restricted Products- e.g. Search query is for Toys for the kids and the ASIN shows toys for adults to be considered as
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Conceptual criteria for the new guideline- The Conceptual criteria of this rule is if a customer is interested in the main
product he might be also interested in products that can be used along with the main product/instead of the main
product e.g. customer who is interested in a jumpsuit can also be interested to buy a pair of trousers/ shirt. This will
intrigue a desire to buy other available options. The annotator would have to use his person discretion to relate if the
query matches the emotional desire/want of the customer. Also, gender & age should be taken into consideration for
apply this labeling guideline.

6.1 Examples:

Positive examples:

1.Query: Navy blazer for men


Explanation: With the formal blazer the customer can be also interested in compatible pants. Hence should be marked
as Complement.

2.Query: Traditional Saree


Explanation: Query is traditional saree, ASIN given is traditional jewelry which can be worn together therefore can be
considered as Complement.

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3.Query: 13-inch MacBook Air laptop

Explanation: Query is for MacBook Air 13-inch laptop and shown is a protective case compatible with MacBook Air 13-
inch laptops. Thus, query was for a lead product (‘lead product’ definition given in Appendix) and shown is an accessory
which is compatible with the lead product. Therefore, marking as Complement to the search query.

4.Query: Bean bag


Explanation: Query is for bean bag and shown is a bean bag filler. Here, there is no lead product as both products
depend on each other to function. Both products go hand in hand and are used together. Therefore, marking as
Complement to the query.

5.Query: Shampoo (Used together independent products)


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Explanation: Query is for shampoo and shown product is conditioner. Both products are two different independent
products but are always used together. Therefore, marking as Complement as the customer is looking for shampoo
might be interested in buying conditioner as well.

Negative Examples:

6.Query: tie for men


Explanation: Both of them are clothing and for the same gender but usually not worn together. Hence should be marked
as “Irrelevant”.

7.Query: sportswear for women


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Explanation: Both of them are clothing and for the same gender but usually not worn together. Hence should be marked
as “Irrelevant”.

8.Query: Eyeliner

Explanation: Query is for eyeliner and shown product is a lipstick. Both are face makeup products, where one is for eye
makeup and other is for lips. But these two products are not used together products. Therefore, considering as
irrelevant to the search query

9.Query: Apple iPhone 13


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Explanation: Query is for Apple branded iPhone 13 and shown is a micro USB charging cable used to charge certain
models of android phones. Shown product, even though a mobile phone accessory, is not compatible with iPhone 13
model that the customer was searching for. Therefore, considered as irrelevant to the customer search query.

Case 7: Theme/Occasion (new guideline)

Guideline Description: If the search query is related to a particular theme/occasion and the corresponding ASIN shows
up product related to same theme/occasion ASIN is marked as Complement.

Conceptual criteria for the new guideline: From a customer perspective theme/occasion share a common value. The
customer might be interested in other products belonging to the same theme/occasion. Different ranges of products
under the same theme/occasion can educate shoppers on new/ not-known products available which would in turn
intrigue desire to buy different products belonging to the same theme/occasion. Theme/occasion can also refer to
festivals/parties. Example: wedding, birthday, anniversary, Christmas, Halloween, Diwali, Onam etc. Theme is an idea or
point that is central to a story, which can often be summed in a single word usually related to leisure, venue, topic,
subject, etc.

7.1 Examples:

Positive examples:

1.Query: Unicorn school bag


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Explanation: Both query and shown product are different product types but are same unicorn themed. Customer who
likes unicorns might be interested in seeing different product offerings as well which are same themed. Hence this will
be Complement.

2.Query: Avengers wall sticker


Explanation: Query and shown products are different product types, but are avengers movie themed. A customer
searching specifically for avengers themed wall sticker is considered to be an avenger’s movie fan, and might be
interested in seeing more products which are same movie themed. Hence Complement.

3.Query: Christmas tree


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Explanation: As Christmas is an occasion of celebration, customers searching for Christmas tree might be interested in
buying other products which can be used at the same occasion. Thus, a Christmas mug can be considered Complement.

4.Query: birthday banner


Explanation: Query is ‘Birthday banner and shown is badge for birthday. Here both are of different product type but
shares a common value, hence should be marked as Complement.

5.Query: 4th of July mugs


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Explanation: Query is ‘July 4th mug and the ASIN shown is banner for July 4th . Here both are of different product type
but shares a common value, hence should be marked as Complement.

Negative examples:

6.Query: Thanksgiving flag


Explanation: Query is “Thanksgiving flag” and the ASIN shown is Christmas flag. Here both the product type is matching
but doesn’t share common value or is used for different occasion. Hence should be marked as Irrelevant.

If the offer product was neutral or plain flag that can still be used, then it will be considered as substitute.

7.Query: Easter Decorations


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Explanation: Query is “Easter decorations” and the ASIN shown is decoration for Diwali. Here both the product type is
matching but doesn’t share common value . Hence should be marked as Irrelevant.

8.Query: Easter t-shirt


Explanation: Query and shown product are both t-shirts. But customer was specifically looking for t-shirt to be worn on
Easter occasion and shown t-shirt is worn on 4th of July. Thus, same products for two different occasion will be

9.Query: Birthday gift for dad


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Explanation: Query and shown product are for birthday occasion and are gifts, but customer intent was to gift dad on
his birthday and shown product can only be gifted to mom. Thus, the shown product is irrelevant to the search query as
ultimate purpose of query is not met.

10.Query: Birthday décor for 60 years


Explanation: Both query and shown product are for birthday occasion. But customer searching for the décor was
specifically looking for 60-year themed décor, and shown is a 52-year themed birthday cake topper. Thus, the age
difference here makes the product irrelevant to the search query.

Case 8: Vague and Ambiguous Queries (new guideline)

Guideline Description: If the query has one word with the search category as “APS” (All product Search), and the
corresponding ASIN has 75% + score in the QU portal (console.harmony ), then the ASIN would be marked as Exact, if
75%- 15% it would be considered as Substitute & if lower than 15% it would be marked as Un-judgeable.

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Conceptual criteria for the new guideline- There can be multiple interpretations to single word vague queries especially
in the APS category, therefore the intent of the customer is unclear. Therefore, the QU tool to be used to decipher the
relation between the query and the ASIN.

If QU Portal is not accessible due to restriction, then follow the research methodology of looking for the keyword in the
PDP page/ description ladder/ Customer review. If found/matched then mark it as exact. If not, then mark it as
unjudgeable if you are unable to identify or Irrelevant if the product doesn’t match the purpose of the query.

8.1 Examples:

Positive examples:

1.Query: Waterproof

Console Harmony result for “Waterproof” query:

Explanation: Dry bag will be considered as Un-judgeable as the % in the QU tool shows less than 15%.

Exception: Waterproof and water resistant is not the same, hence should be marked as “Unjudgeable”.

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2.Query: Metal

Explanation: Query is for “Metal” and ASIN shows Iron patio chair, Iron is the synonym for metal therefore the ASIN is
marked as “Exact”.

3.Query: Father

Console Harmony result for “Father”:

Explanation: Console shows Downloadable movie with score of 87% for “Father” query, therefore to be considered as
Exact. Accordingly, for this example any downloadable movie with the keyword Father would be considered as Exact.

Case 9: Genre
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Guideline Description: If the ASIN for a queried product belongs to the same genre, ASIN to be labeled as
“Complement”. This rule categories separately as it encompasses not only books but a style type, category of art, music
literature or movies/shows.

Conceptual criteria for the new guideline: In reviewing books/arts/music/movies/style genre plays the most integral
role. Offering products of same/similar genre will increase the possibility of customers opting for another product in the
same genre. therefore, intriguing a desire to buy new product lines/products.

9.1 Examples:

Positive examples:

1.Query: Jazz music


Explanation: Customer who is interested in Jazz music might also be interested in Jazz dance video, hence marking it as “

2.Query: Horror movie


Explanation: Customer who is interested in horror movies might also be interested in Horror genre books, hence
marking it as “Complement.

Negative examples:

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3.Query: Eminem

Explanation: Customer who is interested in Eminem (genre: Hip hop/rap music) might not be interested in classical
music, hence marking it as “Irrelevant”.

Case 10: Product not sold on Amazon (new guideline)

Guideline Description-: If the query is for products not sold on Amazon like cat, dog, gun and car etc., and the ASIN
shows product related to the same query, which can be used for/buy the product not sold on Amazon to be marked as
Exact. However, merchandise which only depicts items that are not sold (printed posters, pet printed tshirt/mugs,
poster of cars, toy or airsoft gun, Image of gun etc.) would be considered as Irrelevant.

Conceptual criteria for the new guideline: Since the term is broad and not available/sold on Amazon, offering products
related to the same search query would definitely help customers in picking appropriate/relevant products which can be
used by/for by the initial search query.

10.1 Examples:

Positive examples:

1.Query: Cat

Explanation: Query is “Cat” and ASIN shown is a cat food. Query is not sold on amazon, any product related to the query
to be marked as “Exact”.
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2.Query: Gun

Explanation: Query is “Gun” and ASIN shown is a gun safe. Query is not sold on amazon, any product related to the
query to be marked as “Exact”.

Negative examples:

3.Query: Cat

Explanation: Here, search query is cat, and customer intent is unclear whether he is looking for cat pet products or cat
kids toys or cat designed products etc. Shown product is a dog figurine. Since customer is not specifying the product
he/she is looking for and the shown product ASIN doesn’t contain cat word, we are marking irrelevant in such
ambiguous cases.

Incase the category is Toys and asking for Cat toy, then another pet toy can be considered substitute. (same as ESCI

4.Query: Car

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Explanation: If the search query is car, and ASIN shown is a poster of a car. Poster cannot be of any use to the queries
product (car). Hence should be marked as “Irrelevant”. However, if the ASIN shown is “car repair book” then judgement
would be “Exact”.



Lead product and accessories: A product which can fulfill its basic use/purpose by its own, without depending on another
product would be considered as a lead product. An accessory would be anything which can be added to the lead product
in order to enhance its usage (to make it more useful, versatile or attractive). If not used with a lead product, an accessory
would fail to function. For example, pillow vs pillow case. Here pillow is the lead product as it can function with/without
the addition of pillow case. A pillow case is considered as accessory to pillow as it will enhance the usage of pillow, but is
of no use if not used with a pillow.

Examples for lead products, accessories–

● Samsung phone vs Samsung earbuds: Samsung phone is the lead product, as the basic functionality of calling is
achieved without depending on another product. Whereas a headphone depends on a phone (which is the lead
product) for functioning/fulfilling its basic purpose. If not used with a phone, headphone is purposeless. Therefore,
headphone is considered as an accessory for phone.

● Makeup brush vs makeup brush cleaner: A makeup brush can be a lead product as it can be used directly to apply
makeup. But the usefulness of a brush cleaner is dependent on makeup brush. Therefore, we would call it as an
accessory for the makeup brush.

● Curtain vs curtain rod: A curtain would require a curtain rod to hang. So, in this case both products go hand in
hand and are interdependent on each other to function. Therefore, there are no lead product in this case.

● Office desk vs office chair: Here, both desk and chair are two different independent products which can be used
together (complementary products). Therefore, no lead product exists in this scenario.

pg. 40 Amazon Confidential

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