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Pat Toomey

Member of the Washington State Senate



DELEGATE: Hillary Cabrera Lopez

PROBLEM (antecedents)

The Biden administration still responds to the phenomenon of immigration waves according to
traditional thinking, which is neither incapable nor able to substantially solve the Central
American immigration problem.

The United States has always claimed to solve the problem of immigration from Central
American countries at the source, but so far no concrete action has been taken.


International emigration, particularly that of a labor nature, in addition to increasing massively,

has become a key piece of the new world gear, on the one hand, it is undeniable that with cheap
labor, migrants contribute in multiple ways to the economic progress of destination countries;
however, they are exploited as workers, and their human, social and political rights are denied at
the same time that they are held responsible for many of the ills that afflict the receiving society.
The increase in unemployment, the saturation of public services and the alleged relationship
between undocumented immigration and crime, are some of the elements that, from the point of
view of the Northern countries, have raised the alarm about immigration. In this way, the image
of the dangerous foreigner is constructed, an operation that blames the victims of the current
economic model, erasing all traces of the responsibilities of the North in contemporary
migrations. In the process of globalization of the economy, it is intended to ignore that the
growing international migration from countries of the South to those of the North has been
promoted by forces originating in the expansion of capital itself, which needs cheap labor to be
used in advanced economies. Some critics of immigration argue that their presence can distort
their identity. The original population of national identity. This means that indigenous peoples
oppose immigration because they fear losing the sense of belonging to their country represented
by its traditions, culture, unique language and politics.


has revived the discussion on immigration reform with a bill called "Dignity" that seeks to
prevent the deportation of millions of undocumented immigrants, grant them work permits and,
eventually, offer them a path to citizenship

The project consists of three main principles: stop illegal immigration, provide a dignified
solution for immigrants living in the United States, and strengthen both the workforce and the
economy of this country.

The plan contemplates granting undocumented immigrants who have lived in the United States
for five years a permit to live and work legally, as long as they meet the following requirements:
pass a criminal background check, pay back income taxes and other based on new salaries.

In addition, those who benefit from this program must pay the federal government one thousand
dollars a year for a decade for having entered the country illegally.

This money would be used to establish an American Workers Fund that would pay for job
training for citizens of this country.

border security

Participants in this program would also have to purchase health insurance and would not be
eligible for subsidies from the federal government. In addition, they would be required to pay an
additional 2% income tax to pay for hiring more Border Patrol agents and for more technology
and physical barriers at the border.

This means, stressed, that "undocumented labor is the one that is going to pay for border

If the project were approved, eligible participants would be able to leave the United States to
visit their home countries and return without problem. However, they would not be United States
citizens, only legal residents.

After ten years of participating in the "Dignity" program, participants would have the option of
continuing in the United States as legal residents under a renewable visa or entering a program
called "Redemption." It contemplates offering a path to citizenship to those who pay $2,500
every 20 months to the American Workers Fund and take English and civics classes for five
after this period, participants would be in line to become citizens, but would be at the end of the

Cuando la migración es muy significativa, la pérdida de población puede mermar el

potencial productivo de las comunidades de origen, ya que su salida, tem- poral o
definitiva, genera escasez de fuerza de trabajo en ciertos sectores o industrias específicas y,
por ende, tiende a desincentivar el crecimiento económico

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