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Subject: Information Technologies

Student´s Name: Paula Activity: Challenge 3

Carolina Santana Gutiérrez
Profesor´s Name: Saul Torres Date: February 22nd , 2023
References Bibliography
(APA Word format only) computers/

HISTORICAL REVOLUTION OF THE COMPUTER SCIENCE ............................................................. 2
Introduction.................................................................................................................................. 2
Theorical Information....................................................................................................................... 3
Conclusion .................................................................................................................................... 4
The PC is any number of devices that can be instructed to automatically do calculations and
smart jobs. The pcs function enables the pc to work on the general series of operations that can
be treated as if they do a wide range of tasks.

This PC is widely used in the up-to-date society for system control of different industrial and
consumer devices. Which can be associated with various sets such as ovens, controllers, and cell
phones. Since ancient times, the first tools made by humans are also applied to calculate things.
In the early days of the Industrial Revolution, many machines were built for accounting
purposes, such as the loom guide.

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the English author Richard Braithwaite first used the
concept of "computer" in a book entitled "Brave Quest" in 1613: "I am fascinated to read The
Most Real PC of The Times, which shortened your day to a short paragraph.” The concept "use"
is related to the individual who makes calculations or calculations. Until the middle of the 20th
century, the term "PC" still did not change any sense than before. Later, from the end of the
19th century, "PC" becomes a different understanding as "a calculating machine". (Dictionary,

After this, the PC began to bring to the population an image as "computing". The use of this
term to refer to "computer" began in 1897. By then, however, computers had been improving
for 50 years and would prove to be unstoppable. While their invasion of the home might not
have been as obvious yet, the importance for industry, administration and entertainment
was undeniable. Yet, military history was at the roots of this silent revolution, as major
breakthroughs in scientific research opened up the door to a whole new realm of
technological innovation.

In the updated age, PCs are a substantial section of our daily reality. This means that computers
remain present in almost all fields, which makes our own daily tasks simpler and faster. At
present, the pcs have the possibility to see in banks, stores, schools, hospitals, trains and several
other places, integrated into our home. Because they are such an important section of our own
lives. The concept 'PC' was first introduced in 1640 and was called 'he who calculates'. It
originated from the Latin word 'computare', which meant 'to calculate'. In 1897, it was known as
the 'calculating machine'. Later, in 1945, the concept "PC" was introduced as "programmable
digital electronic PC", which is now called "PC".
Theorical Information
Ancient computers utilized vacuum tubes as circuitry and magnetic drums for recollection. As a
result they were huge, actually taking up entire rooms and costing resources to run. These were
ineffective materials which produce a huge amount of heat, sucked enormous electricity and
subsequently engendered an abundance of heat which caused perpetual breakdowns.

Then, supersession of vacuum tubes by transistors, visualized the onset of the second
generation of computing. Although first invented in 1947, transistors weren’t used considerably
in computers until the cessation of the 1950s.

They were a huge development over the vacuum tube, despite the fact still subjecting
computers to destroying different levels of heat. By this phase, transistors were now being
miniaturised and put on silicon chips. This led to a huge improvement in speed and effectiveness
of these machines.

These were the first computers where users interacted utilizing keyboards and monitors which
interfaced with an operating system, a consequential leap up from the punch cards and
printouts. This facilitated these machines to run various applications at once utilizing a central
program which functioned to monitor memory.

From 1972 to 2010, The chip-maker accomplished the Intel 4004 chip in 1971, which located all
components of computer such as CPU, recollection, input/output controls onto a single chip.
What overcrowded a room in the 1940s now gets fit in the palm of the hand.The Intel chip
contained thousands of unified circuits.

The year 1981 saw the first ever computer (IBM) categorically designed for home use and 1984
saw the Macintosh introduced by Apple. Microprocessors even transformed beyond the realm
of computers and into an incrementing number of everyday products. Talking about the 5th
generation the computer devices with artificial potentiality are still in development, but some of
these technologies are commencing to emerge and be used such as voice recognition.

AI is an authenticity, made possible by adopting parallel processing and superconductors.

Inclining to the future, computers will be thoroughly revolutionized again by quantum
computation, molecular and nano technology. The essence of fifth generation will be utilizing
these technologies to ultimately engender machines which can proceed and acknowledge
natural language, and have efficiency to determine and organise themselves.
Nowadays we can do a lot of things with computers, like: use a computer to type documents,
send email, play games, and browse the Web. You can also use it to edit or create spreadsheets,
presentations, and even videos.

Today computers are in virtually everything we touch, all day long. We still have an image of
computers as being rectangular objects either on a desk, or these days in our pockets; but
computers are in our cars, they’re in our thermostats, they’re in our refrigerators.

In fact, increasingly computers are no longer objects at all, but they suffuse fabric and virtually
every other material. Because of that, we really do need to care about what the future of
computing holds because it is going to impact our lives all day long.

We can also perform multitasking and multiprocessing capabilities of data. It is very easy to
access and use data for business application. We can store documents secretly on computer
system. It gives error free result so that we can use it for research, engineering work and other

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