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In some games, there is some conversation,

but here the game is the conversation—
between the GM and the players. This
is punctuated by dice rolls to inject
uncertainty and surprising turns. No one is
in charge of the story. The story emerges
from the unpredictable collision of many
fictional elements. You play to find out
what the story will be. AFTER THE RUN
When you play, you’ll make several key Record the nuyen (below) and any rep you earned.
judgment calls. Everyone contributes, but Each is worth one extra downtime activity when you
either the players or the GM gets final say
get some time to spend that.
for each:
At the end of the session, mark karma, for
◆◆Which actions are reasonable as a solution triggers hit, plus any extra for desperate actions
to a problem? Can this person be influenced?
or unspent fever. When you play again, you'll
Must we get out the tools and engineer the
transfer your character and earnings to the full FANTASY-CYBERPUNK
maglock open, or could it also be interfaced
through hacking programs to open it more playbook sheet, and start tracking shared things ROLE PLAYING GAME
discreetly? The players have the final say. like your crew's heat on a separate sheet.

◆◆How how effective (and how dangerous)

is this approach? What consequences are
nuyen karma
inflicted to manifest the dangers at hand?
Does this situation call for a dice roll, and
which one? The GM has final say. ¥
Roll your action rating in d6s. A single 4 ¥
or 5 is partial success. A single 6 is a "clean"
success. Multiple 6s is a critical.

6: You do it.
or 4/5: You do it, but...
Consequences: Reduced Effect (minor),
to 1-3: You failed, and...
Complication (varies), Harm (varies),
Lost Opportunity (severe)
critical: You do it &
+ then some!

You have 8 edge. Slide a paper clip along
The game takes place on the island chain Alias:

the scale to the right to indicate your edge.
of Jamaica, in the capital city of Kingston. Background circle one, and talk about it. Push yourself: Spend 2 edge for +1d / +1 effect.
This future Earth is a combination of real
world myth & legend, alternate history, corporate—law—military Flashback: Tell us about how you
prepared for this! If it's unlikely or
and predicted future: underground—other complicated, it costs 1 or even 2 edge.
◆◆It’s near-futuristic in its development. Actions slash up to 7 times; each worth +1d6. Fever: When you roll a desperate action,
Imagine a world like ours during the next
you gain your fever point. Spend your fever
era of human advancement. Quantum. for +1d on an action or resistance roll. 4
◆◆It’sdystopian: the world is over- □ engineer □ fight □ command Resistance (optional): A roll determines
populated, controlled by powerful □ interface □ finesse □ consort how many edge you lose to reduce (or 3
corporations, and ravaged by inequality □ stalk □ prowl □ influence ignore) the consequence. The GM will
of wealth and opportunity. tell you which attribute to roll. You lose
◆◆It’s connected: by ubiquitous access to a
□ survey □ wreck □ study edge equal to 6 - your highest roll. On a 2
No more than 2 slashes (2d) per action rating to start. Critical, you regain 1 edge instead.
worldwide information network known as
cyberspace, but it’s still divided by a wide Items on hand you have access to a comm,
disparity in social and economic class. a pistol & ammo (something a respectable
You can mark armor (if you have some
◆◆The city is also a fantasy. The end of the cyberpunk citizen might carry), plus armor
protection on) by slashing an available
Mayan calendar roused the great dragons & other items and implants as sensible for a
character of your type. Describe in play, and armor box: □ +heavy armor: □
from their ancient sleep, caused ghosts
to linger in the material world, and lifted write down what else you use:
the Fog of Mortal Disbelief. The world is TEAMWORK
struggling to deal with this resurgence of
Assist: Grant ally +1d6 on their action roll.
supernatural power to normal people— Costs 1 edge. Involves you in consequences.
and Kingston is struggling to deal with its
Lead a Group Action: Roll to take the same
closeness to the mythical city of Aztlan.
action together, or roll to Command others
to action; highest single result counts for
THE SITUATION everyone—but you lose 1 edge for each
Your contact Punkbunny has arranged a job player whose result is a 1-3.
for you somewhere between the Cayman If you suffer harm, write it below: Protect: Step in to suffer the consequence
Islands (the halfway point to Aztlan) and instead of someone else (resistance is
 (-effect) _________________|__________________ allowed, as usual).
Kingston, but there is a militarized lockdown
in effect. There's one or two stacks of nuyen  (-1d6) _________________|__________________ Set up: Roll an action to indirectly affect
in it for each of you. What do you do?  (need help) __________________________________ an obstacle. Those who follow through get
 (you died) ____________________________________ improved position or +1 effect level.

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