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In celebration of National Heroes Day in the Philippines, answer the following questions:

1. What is National Heroes Day?

National Heroes of Philippines Day is celebrated on August 28. The Filipino
people commemorate this day to honor and remember all the revolutionaries who
helped lay the groundwork for the country's freedom. It is a day to remember the
bravery of all Filipino heroes who fought for the country's freedom, especially those who
have since gone into obscurity.
2. What was the Cry of Pugad Lawin?
Bonifacio and his associates were plotting a nationwide revolt. This resulted in
the 'Cry of Pugad Lawin,' in which revolutionaries participated in a mass tearing of
cedulas (community tax certificates), signifying their fight against Spain. Originally, the
phrase cry refers to the first clash between the Katipuneros and the Civil Guards
(Guardia Civil).
3. How is Heroes Day celebrated?
Prior to the Covid-19 epidemic, National Heroes Day was one of the regular
holidays in the Philippines, and it is traditionally celebrated by parades and the laying of
wreaths and flowers to honor Filipino heroes who died in the service of the Philippine
4. My Hero: Who is your personal hero? It could be one of the 12 national heroes, or
someone totally different!
For me, my very own personal hero was my parents. They are the people that I
look up to. They are the main reason why I strive to be successful. I admire both my
mother and father that worked so extremely hard their whole lives to make sure that I
would grow up feeling loved and comfortable. We may not be that close as they are
always busy working for our family but I feel their care and love for me always. They put
me above anything else and I strive to give back their love and support. I may not be
able to offer the whole world but I promise them things that they deserve.

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